My Prediction 2020 democrat Ticket


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Write it down

Mini Mike and Big Mikey

Bloomberg and Michael "Becoming" Michelle Obama.

If it's not, I'll close my bodecea sock account
Those wacky Dems are just doing everything they can to lose again. :21:

Ooops. FOX News just reported that DoomBerg is thinking of Shrillary as a running mate.
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It's kind of weird that you guys really want, almost need Michelle Obama to have a dick.
In a surprising move at the convention, on the second ballot, the Super delegates will select Walter Mondale to run in November.

You heard it here first.
It's kind of weird that you guys really want, almost need Michelle Obama to have a dick.
I never thought she was a man, but even though she is a woman she still has a dick. Here is her dic pic.

It's kind of weird that you guys really want, almost need Michelle Obama to have a dick.

What's weird about lusting after her huge throbbing piece of man meat? Maybe I'm just jealous 'cause it's so much bigger than mine.
Write it down

Mini Mike and Big Mikey

Bloomberg and Michael "Becoming" Michelle Obama.

If it's not, I'll close my bodecea sock account

Not likely Crusader. Only way that happens is if DOOMBERG could win it outright on the 1st ballot.

Doomberg wins in a contested convention?--------------->somebody from the farther Left than he to try and get everyone on board, and it won't be BERNARD, he is to old.

BERNARD wins a contested convention which is not likely without a significant DNC deal?-------------> A moderate gets the nod, probably African American to try and keep them on the plantation. Expect Booker or Harris if a deal is cut, although BERNARD might try to recruit DOOMBERG under the notion BERNARD is old, and that makes DOOMBERG next in line. That also allows DOOMBERG to spend wealth on BERNARD, while BERNARD insists it is not him doing it.

It all depends upon if anyone can win the nod on the 1st ballot, and if not, who is in the lead! You have BERNARD win or in the lead, and 20 to 60% of the Bro's will accept nothing less than a BERNARD nomination. That is why the DNC needs to at the very least, push DOOMBERG or someone else into the lead before the primaries are over!
Write it down

Mini Mike and Big Mikey

Bloomberg and Michael "Becoming" Michelle Obama.

If it's not, I'll close my bodecea sock account

No way. I mean no way you even have a sock account.

No way Bloomberg gets the nomination, not only is he in like 12th place behind Dandruff and Buttwipe, but he's not been on a single democratic debate stage to answer a single question or debate a single topic!

But then, I cannot honestly see ANY of the top 5 candidates ending up being the DNC's best choice new hope for beating Trump!

I think that Impeachment was it. That was their one hope to simply get him off the ticket. They are screwed.

No way Michelle "Hung Lo" Obama runs as VP. Any Obamas or Clintons show up again in these races and I'll know US politics has run out of more good ideas than the 15th spin off of Star Trek, Batman or Raiders of the Lost Ark!
Those wacky Dems are just doing everything they can to lose again. :21:

Ooops. FOX News just reported that DoomBerg is thinking of Shrillary as a running mate.

Hillary couldn't stand and walk four years ago. Wouldn't give interviews, skipped states. Insulted half the country. Wasn't even man enough the night she lost to come out and give her own people a concession speech.

What's Mikey gonna do, push her around now in a wheel chair?

If Mike goes down, she going to run the country?

These two fucking clueless loons from New York?

Is that really your BEST idea, Democrats?

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