Narcissist Trump to speak every single day during Republican convention

Trump will be entertaining, compared to the other GOPers.... at least the first night.

I'm just wondering if republicans have any kind of policy and agenda goals for his second term? What do the republicans stand for?

Abolishing ACA Healthcare without a viable replacement alternative?

Poisoning more of our rivers?

Dirty more of our air?

Hand over more tax revenues back to corporations?

Continue their Let them Die Policy, with the corona virus and elderly?

Continue to fast track social security and Medicare insolvency?

Open our National Reserves and Parks to Corporations so they alone, can reap the National resources?

Continue to pursue the end of our Republic, replaced with Authoritarian rule?

What are the stances of Republicans? Hopefully, we'll find out over the next few days....maybe?

You forgot that Republicans have horns and tails and wear red capes and crackle an evil laugh while twisting their handlebar mustaches.

Yeah, Republicans want to live in a dirty, poisonous environment. And the authoritarians are your party, sweet heart.

You have no ability to question what the Democrat Party tells you to think at all, do you? They say it, you think it. So pathetic.
Watch how often Trump will have to use the same small group of words over and over. He has a limited vocabulary.
Yeah......his speech needs to have a minimum of word repetition. He can't be repeating words like "THE, THEY, THEM, HE, SHE, IT, THIS, THAT, THERE, WE, I, US, or the word A"

He has to use big words with no repetition even if the meaning of what he's saying changes in the process.

Better yet, he needs to just drool and look around at imaginary butterflies.
Trump will be entertaining, compared to the other GOPers.... at least the first night.

I'm just wondering if republicans have any kind of policy and agenda goals for his second term? What do the republicans stand for?

Abolishing ACA Healthcare without a viable replacement alternative?

Poisoning more of our rivers?

Dirty more of our air?

Hand over more tax revenues back to corporations?

Continue their Let them Die Policy, with the corona virus and elderly?

Continue to fast track social security and Medicare insolvency?

Open our National Reserves and Parks to Corporations so they alone, can reap the National resources?

Continue to pursue the end of our Republic, replaced with Authoritarian rule?

What are the stances of Republicans? Hopefully, we'll find out over the next few days....maybe?

Liberty of course is at the top of the list. That means doing the opposite of what Biden plans to do which is shutdown the country. We will continue funding treatment and advancements towards a vaccine. Trump just pressured the FDA to do an Emergency Use Act (EUA) of convalescent plasma transfusions which will greatly help our emergency and healthcare workers, and furthermore encourage people who recovered from Covid to donate plasma. We simply don't have the months and years to conduct proper testing. We know it's worked with other problems and is relatively safe.

We will continue to lead the world in energy production thus making our energy more than affordable as it's been throughout Trump's first term. Biden on the other hand promises to shutdown all fracking which would set us back in our economic strides because the cost of all fuel would double in price or more.

Trump will keep the tax breaks for our job creators since we need more job creation than ever, and will in the future. Biden promises to increase taxes on our job creators which would retard our goal of returning to financial success.
The Biden Administration!
Why does this matter?
Because America, not since the civil war, has seen allowed to keep the health, both at the same time ... you know!! The THING!!
/——-/ “Because America, not since the civil war, has seen allowed to keep the health, both at the same time ... you know!! The THING!!”
Oh, a Biden quote. LOL
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Trumpoholics don't want to admit Dem's focused on visions of America's future based on policies, programs, teamwork, and goals. Republicans will focus on stroking some immature guy's ego.
You clowns spent 4 days pissing your pants over Trump. Not one policy proposal. Not one mention of the ongoing Dimwinger riots and looting sprees.
One of your biggest shocks will be when you stupid fucks get that those protesting include a shitload of Republicans. A shit load of Republicans that did non like Truimp's storm troopers in Portland.

There are about as many Republicans protesting against the police as there were Democrats at the Tea Party rallies. Why do you suppose police unions all over the country are supporting our President? Because we hate the cops as much as you on the left do?
Watch how often Trump will have to use the same small group of words over and over. He has a limited vocabulary.
It's purposeful, to brainwash his following....

What are you talking about? Your people are still running around on USMB claiming Trump colluded with the Russians, and Kavaneuh is a mad rapist.
They'll have to keep him on a tight leash, if possible. Reading stuff other people wrote.

It's when he speaks for himself that his embarassing ignorance, infantilism and emotional damage surface.
We aren't talking about obama he is retarded without a teleprompter.
Yes, Trump is quite the speaker.
Yes he is, that's why the democrats don't want him on stage.
I do believe that you believe that.
They don't, they were against him having another rally, why? Don't give me the to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Because liberals would love for us to die, that's how y'all roll. It's because you don't want Trump to get his base going and the positive things he wants to accomplish.
"Wants to accomplish" i.e. the things he failed to get done his first term. Like 300 plus days at one of his golf courses? Having even more associates convicted?
Most of those politicians on Capitol Hill at one time or another approved of most of Trump's agendas. Something happened in the transition.
They'll have to keep him on a tight leash, if possible. Reading stuff other people wrote.

It's when he speaks for himself that his embarassing ignorance, infantilism and emotional damage surface.

Agree, and let's not forget lies and efforts to mislead We the People. See:

Now, lets count how many trump supporters use ad hominems, Red Herrings and outright lies to cover up these links.
links ain't facts
you can cut and paste 30 lies in 5 seconds but to find the truth takes a lot of time and research.

The article references Fauci, who said back in January when Trump took action, Fauci said Corona is not as bad as the common cold.

Fauci was wrong, Fauci got people killed, not as dangerous as a cold Fauci said.

Your article references Fauci multiple times. Hence everything in the article is fake news.

Fauci should of been fired after the comments he made in January.
Trumpoholics don't want to admit Dem's focused on visions of America's future based on policies, programs, teamwork, and goals. Republicans will focus on stroking some immature guy's ego.
You clowns spent 4 days pissing your pants over Trump. Not one policy proposal. Not one mention of the ongoing Dimwinger riots and looting sprees.
One of your biggest shocks will be when you stupid fucks get that those protesting include a shitload of Republicans. A shit load of Republicans that did non like Truimp's storm troopers in Portland.
/——-/ Any day now - any day now
Narcissist Trump to speak every single day during Republican convention
You're just butthurt because Trump has the ability to speak coherently, off-the-cuff. Biden needs to be carefully scripted, edited, and contained... and he still reveals his senility in every speech.
/——/ This one quote exemplifies why Biden can’t be trusted to speak off the cuff.
Why does this matter?
Because America, not since the civil war, has seen allowed to keep the health, both at the same time ... you know!! The THING!!
/——-/ “Because America, not since the civil war, has seen allowed to keep the health, both at the same time ... you know!! The THING!!”
Say what ????
Hey!!...are you a drug addict?... C'mon man!!!
/——/ Oh, a Biden quote. I get it. LOL
Candidates always speak the last day only, but the self-obsessed Trump will speak every day, and his relatives will take up much of the remaining time. This is a good thing for Democrats thought, given the fact that Trump. always puts his foot in his mouth when he comments on everything. Expect lies and gaffes galore.
The President will show up on each night of the convention, not on the last night as is traditional. And when he isn't grabbing the limelight, one of his relatives will be on stage or waiting in the wings. That ubiquity will feed his craving for attention and delight his supporters. But hours of Trump TV seem unlikely to win back disillusioned moderate Republicans and independents, and will play directly into Democratic claims that Trump's self-obsession and refusal to listen makes crises worse.
12 speakers, and half are named Trump. Because nobody else wants the gig.
Candidates always speak the last day only, but the self-obsessed Trump will speak every day, and his relatives will take up much of the remaining time. This is a good thing for Democrats thought, given the fact that Trump. always puts his foot in his mouth when he comments on everything. Expect lies and gaffes galore.
The President will show up on each night of the convention, not on the last night as is traditional. And when he isn't grabbing the limelight, one of his relatives will be on stage or waiting in the wings. That ubiquity will feed his craving for attention and delight his supporters. But hours of Trump TV seem unlikely to win back disillusioned moderate Republicans and independents, and will play directly into Democratic claims that Trump's self-obsession and refusal to listen makes crises worse.
12 speakers, and half are named Trump. Because nobody else wants the gig.

Because Donald is the best speaker the Republicans have. You'll not get that through your fog of hate
Because Donald is the best speaker the Republicans have.
That doesn't make sense. His 4 kids and wife are 5 of the 12 speakers. Duh. What a stupid post. Maybe if you weren't so rabid for Dear Leader you might have taken a little time and not have said something so dumb.

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