Nasty NRA Taunts Parkland Survivors "‘No One Would Know Your Names’ If Classmates Were Alive"

Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke ip everyone's ass.

Um, making it harder for crazy people like Cruz to get guns isn't a solution? Because it sounds like a solution to me.

It actually sounds like the OBVIOUS solution. If his teachers thought he was the most likely to shoot up a school, then you don't let him buy a gun.

Sixteen year olds are not allowed to buy cigarettes or liquor, so none of them smoke or drink. Right? Drugs are illegal, so kids can't get drugs. Right? Handguns are illegal for teenagers, so no gang bangers have handguns. Right? Wake up and smell the coffee.
If you criticize Noir, it's cuz you're a racist.

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if you support him, it's because you're an asshole

Quit talking out of your feathery ass.

Colion Noir to Parkland survivors: If an armed guard had stopped the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, “your classmates would still be alive, and no one would know your names.”

You don't agree with that statement?
No it isn't. We have no idea if the cop on duty had responded he would have been able to stop any murders.

Exactly, and even when other cops showed up, they didn't go in either. 100 people could have been armed with guns, and we still wouldn't have known if any of them would have had the balls to go inside. Just because a person has a gun... or has a gun and has gone through gun training... you have no idea what they will do when the shit hits the fan, until the shit really does hit the fan.
That's true. But also, even if he had gone inside, there is no knowing if he would have been able to find the shooter in time to shoot at him, and if he did, if he would have killed the shooter or been killed himself. It's all speculation. High schools are big. This guy killed 17 people in 6 minutes. The cop outside wouldn't know anything was happening right away or exactly where the shooter was. By the time he found him, how many people would already be dead?

And that's why people want a ban on assault-style weapons. Had the guy had just a knife he might have killed only a few people, if not none at all. Why make it easier for him to do maximum damage? So another guy can feel cool by showing off his gun collection? So some weekend warriors can fantasize with one how he could have been a hero in the military? I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.
No, the problem is, all he had done up to that point was get into some fights. That pretty much describes most 17 year-olds with a Y Chromosome.

Most kids grow out of these problems. This one was able to buy a gun.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Act how?

Gun owners have a protection of Due Process and the NRA only considers you crazy if you are committed
Obviously they need to be mind-readers.

And if the authorities had taken some action against Cruz because he was reported as a threat, such as temporarily restricting him from possessing guns, the reprehensible right would scream bloody murder.

Grow up!
if you support him, it's because you're an asshole

Quit talking out of your feathery ass.

Colion Noir to Parkland survivors: If an armed guard had stopped the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, “your classmates would still be alive, and no one would know your names.”

You don't agree with that statement?
No it isn't. We have no idea if the cop on duty had responded he would have been able to stop any murders.

Exactly, and even when other cops showed up, they didn't go in either. 100 people could have been armed with guns, and we still wouldn't have known if any of them would have had the balls to go inside. Just because a person has a gun... or has a gun and has gone through gun training... you have no idea what they will do when the shit hits the fan, until the shit really does hit the fan.
That's true. But also, even if he had gone inside, there is no knowing if he would have been able to find the shooter in time to shoot at him, and if he did, if he would have killed the shooter or been killed himself. It's all speculation. High schools are big. This guy killed 17 people in 6 minutes. The cop outside wouldn't know anything was happening right away or exactly where the shooter was. By the time he found him, how many people would already be dead?

And that's why people want a ban on assault-style weapons. Had the guy had just a knife he might have killed only a few people, if not none at all. Why make it easier for him to do maximum damage? So another guy can feel cool by showing off his gun collection? So some weekend warriors can fantasize with one how he could have been a hero in the military? I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.

What nonsense! You have no clue as to how many children this nut could have killed with a knife. You need to ask yourself whether you are worried about someone killing kids, or just someone killing a lot of kids.
if you support him, it's because you're an asshole

Quit talking out of your feathery ass.

Colion Noir to Parkland survivors: If an armed guard had stopped the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, “your classmates would still be alive, and no one would know your names.”

You don't agree with that statement?
No it isn't. We have no idea if the cop on duty had responded he would have been able to stop any murders.

Exactly, and even when other cops showed up, they didn't go in either. 100 people could have been armed with guns, and we still wouldn't have known if any of them would have had the balls to go inside. Just because a person has a gun... or has a gun and has gone through gun training... you have no idea what they will do when the shit hits the fan, until the shit really does hit the fan.
That's true. But also, even if he had gone inside, there is no knowing if he would have been able to find the shooter in time to shoot at him, and if he did, if he would have killed the shooter or been killed himself. It's all speculation. High schools are big. This guy killed 17 people in 6 minutes. The cop outside wouldn't know anything was happening right away or exactly where the shooter was. By the time he found him, how many people would already be dead?

And that's why people want a ban on assault-style weapons. Had the guy had just a knife he might have killed only a few people, if not none at all. Why make it easier for him to do maximum damage? So another guy can feel cool by showing off his gun collection? So some weekend warriors can fantasize with one how he could have been a hero in the military? I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.
Exactly. If we don't ban assault style weapons, we have to somehow secure the safety of school kids. The answer is not arming teachers or having a squadron of security people on every campus. We would have to secure the entire school from entry by someone with a gun. In Israel, they have only one unlocked entrance to schools and that is manned by security. I'd say we have to do that, but the way most American schools are built, that's difficult because they are spread out all over the place with many entrances. If we had only one unlocked entrance to each school manned with security, it would also have to have an xray machine like in airports to keep out guns, and all students and staff would have to have an identity badge that was subject to electronic approval.

Those things would help. But why do we have to do that? It's crazy. Besides, if these nuts can't get into a school, they'll just go to MacDonald's or Dairy Queen or the mall or someplace and shoot people there. We need to get these assault style guns off the streets, out of the hands of private citizens.
Quit talking out of your feathery ass.

Colion Noir to Parkland survivors: If an armed guard had stopped the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, “your classmates would still be alive, and no one would know your names.”

You don't agree with that statement?
No it isn't. We have no idea if the cop on duty had responded he would have been able to stop any murders.

Exactly, and even when other cops showed up, they didn't go in either. 100 people could have been armed with guns, and we still wouldn't have known if any of them would have had the balls to go inside. Just because a person has a gun... or has a gun and has gone through gun training... you have no idea what they will do when the shit hits the fan, until the shit really does hit the fan.
That's true. But also, even if he had gone inside, there is no knowing if he would have been able to find the shooter in time to shoot at him, and if he did, if he would have killed the shooter or been killed himself. It's all speculation. High schools are big. This guy killed 17 people in 6 minutes. The cop outside wouldn't know anything was happening right away or exactly where the shooter was. By the time he found him, how many people would already be dead?

And that's why people want a ban on assault-style weapons. Had the guy had just a knife he might have killed only a few people, if not none at all. Why make it easier for him to do maximum damage? So another guy can feel cool by showing off his gun collection? So some weekend warriors can fantasize with one how he could have been a hero in the military? I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.

What nonsense! You have no clue as to how many children this nut could have killed with a knife. You need to ask yourself whether you are worried about someone killing kids, or just someone killing a lot of kids.
I think in America, those kids would have fought off someone with a knife. The gunnuts have been denigrating our kids for a couple of weeks now, but I know them, and they would not stand by and let a knife weilding maniac kill people, they wouldn't all run and hide. They'd tackle him, they'd stop him.
Wow, what in the world has that guy been drinking these days? He makes it sound like those who are still here should be saying "Thank you." to those who are no longer here!

God bless you and those who miss their friends and family always!!!


Did you actually watch the video, or are you just going by the hate sites "interpretation?"

Because I see no mocking and nothing disrespectful about the host.
I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.

AR-15's suck so bad at killing folks you want to ban them ... Got it ... :thup:

I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.

AR-15's suck so bad at killing folks you want to ban them ... Got it ... :thup:


Uh no... you need better reading comprehension. An AR-15 can easily kill lots of civilians, however it isn't going to stop an F-35 shooting missiles, nor a tank, or many other military assault vehicles.
Exactly. If we don't ban assault style weapons, we have to somehow secure the safety of school kids. The answer is not arming teachers or having a squadron of security people on every campus. We would have to secure the entire school from entry by someone with a gun. In Israel, they have only one unlocked entrance to schools and that is manned by security. I'd say we have to do that, but the way most American schools are built, that's difficult because they are spread out all over the place with many entrances. If we had only one unlocked entrance to each school manned with security, it would also have to have an xray machine like in airports to keep out guns, and all students and staff would have to have an identity badge that was subject to electronic approval.

Those things would help. But why do we have to do that? It's crazy. Besides, if these nuts can't get into a school, they'll just go to MacDonald's or Dairy Queen or the mall or someplace and shoot people there. We need to get these assault style guns off the streets, out of the hands of private citizens.

So your answer is END CIVIL RIGHTS, NOW!

Which is the persistent cry of the left, as you seek to see freedom go the way of the dodo.

Here is an idea; end racist programs that refuse to arrest students "of color" when they engage in violent crime.

Nicky Cruz - 4 violent assaults which were reported to the Coward Country Sheriff, who then REFUSED to arrest Cruz or protect the other students, because racism meant more than protecting kids.

Of course HAD Sheriff Israel done his fucking job, Cruz would be a felon and prohibited from buying a gun, 17 less people dead. BUT that doesn't fit the leftist agenda, the democrats NEED school shootings to fuel their war on civil rights.
Uh no... you need better reading comprehension. An AR-15 can easily kill lots of civilians, however it isn't going to stop an F-35 shooting missiles, nor a tank, or many other military assault vehicles.

Tell that to our troops in Afghanistan ... :thup:
They aren't getting killed by massive tanks and F-35's.

What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives
I didn't take that comment as a taunt. I don't think the kids did, either. They said they'd LOVE to be plain old high school students again, not part of the dark "inner circle" they've joined through no choice of their own.
Quit talking out of your feathery ass.

Colion Noir to Parkland survivors: If an armed guard had stopped the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, “your classmates would still be alive, and no one would know your names.”

You don't agree with that statement?
No it isn't. We have no idea if the cop on duty had responded he would have been able to stop any murders.

Exactly, and even when other cops showed up, they didn't go in either. 100 people could have been armed with guns, and we still wouldn't have known if any of them would have had the balls to go inside. Just because a person has a gun... or has a gun and has gone through gun training... you have no idea what they will do when the shit hits the fan, until the shit really does hit the fan.
That's true. But also, even if he had gone inside, there is no knowing if he would have been able to find the shooter in time to shoot at him, and if he did, if he would have killed the shooter or been killed himself. It's all speculation. High schools are big. This guy killed 17 people in 6 minutes. The cop outside wouldn't know anything was happening right away or exactly where the shooter was. By the time he found him, how many people would already be dead?

And that's why people want a ban on assault-style weapons. Had the guy had just a knife he might have killed only a few people, if not none at all. Why make it easier for him to do maximum damage? So another guy can feel cool by showing off his gun collection? So some weekend warriors can fantasize with one how he could have been a hero in the military? I mean fact is, in today's environment an AR-15 isn't going to stop the U.S. military if people had to, if that's the argument some people want to make about them being legal.

What nonsense! You have no clue as to how many children this nut could have killed with a knife. You need to ask yourself whether you are worried about someone killing kids, or just someone killing a lot of kids.
Risk reduction. That's the best you can hope for when humans are involved.

Uh no... you need better reading comprehension. An AR-15 can easily kill lots of civilians, however it isn't going to stop an F-35 shooting missiles, nor a tank, or many other military assault vehicles.

Really Comrade?

Will an AR-15 kill "more easily" than a Glock 17?

Well, the 9mm slug has over 3 times the mass of the .22 cal slug of the AR-15. Let's not even consider a .45 ACP..

But hey, you're not interested in facts, you have civil rights to crush.

I own a lot of guns. By FAR the most deadly is a 3 shot, bolt action .30-06

Nothing even comes close to a rifle that can accurately shoot at 500 yards or more.

This is a type of ignorance that will be sorted out, if you Stalinists ever try to make good on your goals.
Uh no... you need better reading comprehension. An AR-15 can easily kill lots of civilians, however it isn't going to stop an F-35 shooting missiles, nor a tank, or many other military assault vehicles.

Tell that to our troops in Afghanistan ... :thup:
They aren't getting killed by massive tanks and F-35's.


They are also not being killed by guns a lot of the time. It's IEDs.

Uh no... you need better reading comprehension. An AR-15 can easily kill lots of civilians, however it isn't going to stop an F-35 shooting missiles, nor a tank, or many other military assault vehicles.

Really Comrade?

Will an AR-15 kill "more easily" than a Glock 17?

Well, the 9mm slug has over 3 times the mass of the .22 cal slug of the AR-15. Let's not even consider a .45 ACP..

But hey, you're not interested in facts, you have civil rights to crush.

I own a lot of guns. By FAR the most deadly is a 3 shot, bolt action .30-06

Nothing even comes close to a rifle that can accurately shoot at 500 yards or more.

This is a type of ignorance that will be sorted out, if you Stalinists ever try to make good on your goals.

Yep they will. What has been used in most of the mass shootings?
What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives
I didn't take that comment as a taunt. I don't think the kids did, either. They said they'd LOVE to be plain old high school students again, not part of the dark "inner circle" they've joined through no choice of their own.

Some might, but this Hogg kid has waited his whole life for a chance like this.
What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives
I didn't take that comment as a taunt. I don't think the kids did, either. They said they'd LOVE to be plain old high school students again, not part of the dark "inner circle" they've joined through no choice of their own.

Saying they'd rather have their friends alive than be on tv is a common sense answer that refutes his ignorant comment.
They are also not being killed by guns a lot of the time. It's IEDs.

So you are suggesting we should make bombs to guard against an oppressive government ... Got it ... :thup:
I'll get by with the firearms I have access to ... You can make bombs if you want.

They are also not being killed by guns a lot of the time. It's IEDs.

So you are suggesting we should make bombs to guard against an oppressive government ... Got it ... :thup:
I'll get by with the firearms I have access to ... You can make bombs if you want.


No, I replied to your comment. Should I add you to the "special kids" list? You know the ones who can't comprehend comments?

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