Nasty NRA Taunts Parkland Survivors "‘No One Would Know Your Names’ If Classmates Were Alive"

No, I replied to your comment. Should I add you to the "special kids" list? You know the ones who can't comprehend comments?

I have understood every one of you stupid comments ... And replied to them ... :thup:
Blame me for your ignorance if it makes you feel better.

No, I replied to your comment. Should I add you to the "special kids" list? You know the ones who can't comprehend comments?

I have understood every one of you stupid comments ... And replied to them ... :thup:
Blame me for your ignorance if it makes you feel better.


I think you've proven pretty well you haven't, and seem to have a vivid imagination. :71:
What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives
I didn't take that comment as a taunt. I don't think the kids did, either. They said they'd LOVE to be plain old high school students again, not part of the dark "inner circle" they've joined through no choice of their own.

Some might, but this Hogg kid has waited his whole life for a chance like this.
My guess is his major will be poli-sci. What do you think?
I think you've proven pretty well you haven't, and seem to have a vivid imagination. :71:

What you think is the product of your imagination ... Not mine ... Try again nit-wit ... :thup:


Let's have some fun. Show me where I said AR-15 aren't good at killing people. Then show me where I said we should use bombs to defend our rights against an oppressive government and the military. This should be fun!

Yep they will. What has been used in most of the mass shootings?

Hand guns.

Were you planing to lie otherwise, Comrade?

About 95% of gun homicides are perpetrated with a hand gun. This includes Kliebold, Roof, and a host of other mass shooters.

The AR-15 is a focal point you Communists use to try and deceive the public with.

Yep they will. What has been used in most of the mass shootings?

Hand guns.

Were you planing to lie otherwise, Comrade?

About 95% of gun homicides are perpetrated with a hand gun. This includes Kliebold, Roof, and a host of other mass shooters.

The AR-15 is a focal point you Communists use to try and deceive the public with.

*Cough* *Cough* Bullshit.

Hand guns have been used in the majority of murders across the U.S., HOWEVER I said mass shootings, and you are wrong.
Tell that to the people screeching over gun control. They're the ones getting emotional.

Look ... I agreed with you ... I don't care who screeches what over gun control.

Legislation is long-term ... And the consequences are as well.
Take for instance Lewdog's earlier comments about how they feel civilians having AR-15's wouldn't help defend against an oppressive state.

Why is that ... Because in Lewdog's opinion our rights to defend ourselves from an oppressive government have already been destroyed.
How did that happen ... Through measures just like the ones we are discussing now.

So I suppose if the cops every responded to a shooting where you were you would be just fine with them waiting outside until the shooter ran out of ammo or killed everyone right?

Where do you get that out of what I said? At all?

I've worked in a place where you HAVE to depend on others for your safety... and I've seen people with training, that when shit went down and they froze in fear. I've also seen people that you might not think would get into a bad situation not hesitate at all.

The point is, just because someone is armed and has had training, you have NO FUCKING IDEA what they will do when a REAL situation happens. Assuming they will try to stop a shooter is not logical. Do you have a crystal ball?

Assuming a cop will try to stop a shooter is illogical?

Thank you for that

Yes it is. An armed cop was there, he stood outside. More armed cops showed up, and they stood outside. Explain it.

They were under orders.

Ok then, what good are armed cops during an active shooter situation if they are under orders not to intervene?

Why were they under orders? Because of racist directives from the Obama administration. Some "school to prison pipeline" shit that will harm the futures of violent felons of color should they be arrested.

The blood of these 17 is 100% on the hands of the racist left.

Nicky Cruz had perpetrated 4 felony assaults, but Sheriff Israel REFUSED to arrest him. A single arrest and he would have been barred from buying or owning a gun.

But racism was too important to you Communists to let a little thing like kids lives get in the way.

Besides, dead kids further your agenda of ending civil rights.
Let's have some fun. Show me where I said AR-15 aren't good at killing people. Then show me where I said we should use bombs to defend our rights against an oppressive government and the military. This should be fun!

AR-15's ... I said that with obvious sarcasm ... Because they can be deadly.

You are the one that suggested AR-15's weren't any good against an oppressive government.
I pointed out where they work pretty good.
You mentioned more military were killed by bombs ... Which means you think bombs are better at guarding against an oppressive military.

If you want to argue with yourself ... Keep on arguing ... :thup:

Tell that to the people screeching over gun control. They're the ones getting emotional.

Look ... I agreed with you ... I don't care who screeches what over gun control.

Legislation is long-term ... And the consequences are as well.
Take for instance Lewdog's earlier comments about how they feel civilians having AR-15's wouldn't help defend against an oppressive state.

Why is that ... Because in Lewdog's opinion our rights to defend ourselves from an oppressive government have already been destroyed.
How did that happen ... Through measures just like the ones we are discussing now.


Let's get a few things cleared up on that. So should that mean civilians should be able to own tanks, fighter jets, RPGs, and other military weapons?

Or we bring the military down to our level and limit our government to only owning civilian style weapons?

How would our military defend our country from other countries if we did that?

So what's your answer then?
Let's have some fun. Show me where I said AR-15 aren't good at killing people. Then show me where I said we should use bombs to defend our rights against an oppressive government and the military. This should be fun!

AR-15's ... I said that with obvious sarcasm ... Because they can be deadly.

You are the one that suggested AR-15's weren't any good against an oppressive government.
I pointed out where they work pretty good.
You mentioned more military were killed by bombs ... Which means you think bombs are better at guarding against an oppressive military.

If you want to argue with yourself ... Keep on arguing ... :thup:


If AR-15's are good for stopping a military then why are we winning all the wars using other weapons? For everyone one of our military killed by a person using an AR-15 style weapon overseas, how many of their fighters are being killed by bombs and missiles fired by our air force?

You are seriously lacking skills in logic.
Let's get a few things cleared up on that. So should that mean civilians should be able to own tanks, fighter jets, RPGs, and other military weapons?

Or we bring the military down to our level and limit our government to only owning civilian style weapons?

How would our military defend our country from other countries if we did that?

So what's your answer then?

I am not asking you to do anything ... But to mind your own fucking business and quit pretending we should give up more than we already have ... :thup:
I hope that clears things up for your retarded ass ... If not, I'll figure out another way to tell you.

Let's get a few things cleared up on that. So should that mean civilians should be able to own tanks, fighter jets, RPGs, and other military weapons?

Or we bring the military down to our level and limit our government to only owning civilian style weapons?

How would our military defend our country from other countries if we did that?

So what's your answer then?

I am not asking you to do anything ... But to mind your own fucking business and quit pretending we should give up more than we already have ... :thup:
I hope that clears things up for your retarded ass ... If not, I'll figure out another way to tell you.


So you are saying your first amendment rights override mine? You fucking Marxist idiot! :abgg2q.jpg:
If AR-15's are good for stopping a military then why are we winning all the wars using other weapons? For everyone one of our military killed by a person using an AR-15 style weapon overseas, how many of their fighters are being killed by bombs and missiles fired by our air force?

You are seriously lacking skills in logic.

Look ... If you want to surrender, that's fine ... I wouldn't expect anything else out of you anyways ... :dunno:

If AR-15's are good for stopping a military then why are we winning all the wars using other weapons? For everyone one of our military killed by a person using an AR-15 style weapon overseas, how many of their fighters are being killed by bombs and missiles fired by our air force?

You are seriously lacking skills in logic.

Look ... If you want to surrender, that's fine ... I wouldn't expect anything else out of you anyways ... :dunno:


Why do you keep responding to my posts? You said you didn't want to hear what I have to say anymore. BTW I started this thread, so maybe you should talk your ball and go home.
So you are saying your first amendment rights override mine? You fucking Marxist idiot! :abgg2q.jpg:

Not what I said at all ... You can keep talking nonsense, if it make you feel better ... Make up some more shit ... :dunno:


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