National Archives Say Biden Is a Liar

The told Crazy Joe they can't cover for him.

As Biden fends off sexual assault charge, National Archives says it has no relevant records

The National Archives said Friday it has no record of any files from a congressional office that might contain evidence of a sexual misconduct complaint against Vice President Joe Biden from 27 years ago, when he was a senator.

“The short answer is no — we don’t have those. Those records are with the Congress,” John Valceanu, director of communications for the archives, told Yahoo News.

The archives later put out a statement saying in its entirety: “Any records of Senate personnel complaints from 1993 would have remained under the control of the Senate. Accordingly inquiries related to these records should be directed to the Senate.”

Yep, it's not looking good for Senile Old Joe.
A lot of wishful thinking by trumpanzees....they are scared.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

He probably doesn't know. Personnel records, and certainly official complaints sent to the Senate wouldn't be kept in Biden's possession. There are central repositories for that sort of stuff.

With all the shit rolling towards Biden you dont think he's taken the time to find out where those records are and if he can keep them hidden?
I mean we all know Biden is a moron be even he's not that stupid.

He has no control over them. Don’t start yet another conspiracy theory.

Like barry had no control of his college records?
I hope you get the mange coyote....
View attachment 331105

Talk about apples and oranges. Do you have a clue how things work?

Probably not given the way you confuse fact and fiction.

Obama (and you, and I, andTrump...) control who has access to their/our academic records. For some seem to feel you have some right to them. Wait...not “them”...just one of “them”.

That is not the case with formal complaints of misconduct. Whether federal or state there are legal procedures and requirements that have to be followed. I can’t think of any incidences where a formal complaint against a boss is stored with that boss or even directly given to the boss. Typicalprocedures are that comp,a it’s go to HR, an IG type office and from there, investigated for merit. The one being complaining Ed about does not receive a copy of that complaint but may receive information about it as well as some sort of action should it be found to have merit. Official records would be kept withHR or similar.

you may wish mange on me, but unfortunately I can’t wish forant further retardation on your part, you have already set the bar far below any sort of intellectual limbo.

Is that why you clowns screamed for Trumps taxes incessantly?
Another faux comparison. Candidates releasing their taxes has become an established norm. Trump broke with it.

College transcripts have never been a norm or expectation.

Any other blanks to shoot?
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

He probably doesn't know. Personnel records, and certainly official complaints sent to the Senate wouldn't be kept in Biden's possession. There are central repositories for that sort of stuff.

With all the shit rolling towards Biden you dont think he's taken the time to find out where those records are and if he can keep them hidden?
I mean we all know Biden is a moron be even he's not that stupid.

He has no control over them. Don’t start yet another conspiracy theory.

Like barry had no control of his college records?
I hope you get the mange coyote....
View attachment 331105

Talk about apples and oranges. Do you have a clue how things work?

Probably not given the way you confuse fact and fiction.

Obama (and you, and I, andTrump...) control who has access to their/our academic records. For some seem to feel you have some right to them. Wait...not “them”...just one of “them”.

That is not the case with formal complaints of misconduct. Whether federal or state there are legal procedures and requirements that have to be followed. I can’t think of any incidences where a formal complaint against a boss is stored with that boss or even directly given to the boss.
Typical procedures are that complaints go to HR or an IG type office and from there, investigated for merit. The one being complainEd about does not receive a copy of that complaint but may receive information about it as well as some sort of action should it be found to have merit. Official records would be kept with HR or similar.

You may wish mange on me, but unfortunately I can’t wish for any further retardation on your part as you have already set the bar far below any sort of intellectual limbo.

Pretty much irrelevant, and I'll tell you why: Even if there was a complaint found, would that change your mind any? Of course not. You're going to stick up for Biden even if a video surfaced.

What happens between two people alone can't be proven. That's just a state of fact. It was the same with Blazy Ford. But that didn't matter to the left. The seriousness of the charge is what you on the left were promoting. You believed her just because it was against Kavanugh. The commies in Congress openly stated she had credibility, and for that alone, she should be believed, and Kavanaugh should be withdrawn from consideration.

So why can't we ask the same thing?
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

He probably doesn't know. Personnel records, and certainly official complaints sent to the Senate wouldn't be kept in Biden's possession. There are central repositories for that sort of stuff.

With all the shit rolling towards Biden you dont think he's taken the time to find out where those records are and if he can keep them hidden?
I mean we all know Biden is a moron be even he's not that stupid.

He has no control over them. Don’t start yet another conspiracy theory.

Like barry had no control of his college records?
I hope you get the mange coyote....
View attachment 331105

Talk about apples and oranges. Do you have a clue how things work?

Probably not given the way you confuse fact and fiction.

Obama (and you, and I, andTrump...) control who has access to their/our academic records. For some seem to feel you have some right to them. Wait...not “them”...just one of “them”.

That is not the case with formal complaints of misconduct. Whether federal or state there are legal procedures and requirements that have to be followed. I can’t think of any incidences where a formal complaint against a boss is stored with that boss or even directly given to the boss.
Typical procedures are that complaints go to HR or an IG type office and from there, investigated for merit. The one being complainEd about does not receive a copy of that complaint but may receive information about it as well as some sort of action should it be found to have merit. Official records would be kept with HR or similar.

You may wish mange on me, but unfortunately I can’t wish for any further retardation on your part as you have already set the bar far below any sort of intellectual limbo.

Pretty much irrelevant, and I'll tell you why: Even if there was a complaint found, would that change your mind any? Of course not. You're going to stick up for Biden even if a video surfaced.

If you mean would it make me vote for Trump? No. I would hold my nose and vote for Biden.

Would it change your mind if there was proof of a sexual assault by Trump? Probably not.

But truth does matter.

What happens between two people alone can't be proven. That's just a state of fact. It was the same with Blazy Ford. But that didn't matter to the left. The seriousness of the charge is what you on the left were promoting. You believed her just because it was against Kavanugh. The commies in Congress openly stated she had credibility, and for that alone, she should be believed, and Kavanaugh should be withdrawn from consideration.

You meep saying this “you” shit. Like it means something. It doesn’t. Because you haven’t a clue as to what I have said regarding Kavanaugh.

So why can't we ask the same thing?
Are you saying that even if no complaints t is found she is still credible?
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

He probably doesn't know. Personnel records, and certainly official complaints sent to the Senate wouldn't be kept in Biden's possession. There are central repositories for that sort of stuff.
He didn’t know? So he lied by pretending he knew.

I would guess he was guessing. People at that level are not the ones who know how offices are run.
bwaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaaa ! oh yeah the scum of the earth baby killing treasonous chicom left are grasping at straws..... he didnt know !
You mentioned “Chicom”, thats Another nickel
you mentioned chicom thats another 1.5 billion !View attachment 330597
How much money does lard donnie own China?
Not sure he "owns" any of China.
If you mean would it make me vote for Trump? No. I would hold my nose and vote for Biden.

Would it change your mind if there was proof of a sexual assault by Trump? Probably not.

But truth does matter.

If there was any evidence that Trump did sexually assault somebody, yes, it would change my mind. But these bimbos come out of the woodwork once somebody makes a claim. We've seen it repeatedly not only in politics, but in entertainment as well.

You meep saying this “you” shit. Like it means something. It doesn’t. Because you haven’t a clue as to what I have said regarding Kavanaugh.

No, I don't remember, but I can search for it if you like. Yes, you. You are part of the left. There is no denying that.
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
If you mean would it make me vote for Trump? No. I would hold my nose and vote for Biden.

Would it change your mind if there was proof of a sexual assault by Trump? Probably not.

But truth does matter.

If there was any evidence that Trump did sexually assault somebody, yes, it would change my mind. But these bimbos come out of the woodwork once somebody makes a claim. We've seen it repeatedly not only in politics, but in entertainment as well.

You meep saying this “you” shit. Like it means something. It doesn’t. Because you haven’t a clue as to what I have said regarding Kavanaugh.

No, I don't remember, but I can search for it if you like. Yes, you. You are part of the left. There is no denying that.

Yes. I am a leftist. Please search for it.

Can I assume since you are a rightest you are ok with sexual assault as long as your candidate denies it?
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

Now, how do we know it is her mother?

Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

Now, how do we know it is her mother?

View attachment 331122
Hey you lunatic, I said nothing about what happened.

I simply pointed out the fact that your claim it wasn't Reade's mom on the call would logically mean there was another staffer Creepy Joe molested.

I have no idea how you are so fucking stupid you can't figure out where you went wrong with your defense of Creepy Joe. :iyfyus.jpg:
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.
I love how trumpanzees can't let go of Hillary Clinton.
She is their bogeyman under the bed.

No, she is an enemy of the United States.
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

Now, how do we know it is her mother?

View attachment 331122
Hey you lunatic, I said nothing about what happened.

I simply pointed out the fact that your claim it wasn't Reade's mom on the call would logically mean there was another staffer Creepy Joe molested.

I have no idea how you are so fucking stupid you can't figure out where you went wrong with your defense of Creepy Joe. :iyfyus.jpg: just denied the phone call said anything about a sexual assault. Your words: “nope”.

Now, let’s move on. How do you know it was her mother?
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

He probably doesn't know. Personnel records, and certainly official complaints sent to the Senate wouldn't be kept in Biden's possession. There are central repositories for that sort of stuff.

With all the shit rolling towards Biden you dont think he's taken the time to find out where those records are and if he can keep them hidden?
I mean we all know Biden is a moron be even he's not that stupid.

He has no control over them. Don’t start yet another conspiracy theory.

Like barry had no control of his college records?
I hope you get the mange coyote....
View attachment 331105

Talk about apples and oranges. Do you have a clue how things work?

Probably not given the way you confuse fact and fiction.

Obama (and you, and I, andTrump...) control who has access to their/our academic records. For some seem to feel you have some right to them. Wait...not “them”...just one of “them”.

That is not the case with formal complaints of misconduct. Whether federal or state there are legal procedures and requirements that have to be followed. I can’t think of any incidences where a formal complaint against a boss is stored with that boss or even directly given to the boss. Typicalprocedures are that comp,a it’s go to HR, an IG type office and from there, investigated for merit. The one being complaining Ed about does not receive a copy of that complaint but may receive information about it as well as some sort of action should it be found to have merit. Official records would be kept withHR or similar.

you may wish mange on me, but unfortunately I can’t wish forant further retardation on your part, you have already set the bar far below any sort of intellectual limbo.

Is that why you clowns screamed for Trumps taxes incessantly?
Another faux comparison. Candidates releasing their taxes has become an established norm. Trump broke with it.

College transcripts have never been a norm or expectation.

Any other blanks to shoot?

The man bitch produced Trumps taxes.
Unfortunately for you it made you look like a dumbass.
Surely you remember that?
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

Now, how do we know it is her mother?

View attachment 331122
Hey you lunatic, I said nothing about what happened.

I simply pointed out the fact that your claim it wasn't Reade's mom on the call would logically mean there was another staffer Creepy Joe molested.

I have no idea how you are so fucking stupid you can't figure out where you went wrong with your defense of Creepy Joe. :iyfyus.jpg: just denied the phone call said anything about a sexual assault. Your words: “nope”.

Now, let’s move on. How do you know it was her mother?

Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt her mother say it was the reason?
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

Now, how do we know it is her mother?

View attachment 331122
Hey you lunatic, I said nothing about what happened.

I simply pointed out the fact that your claim it wasn't Reade's mom on the call would logically mean there was another staffer Creepy Joe molested.

I have no idea how you are so fucking stupid you can't figure out where you went wrong with your defense of Creepy Joe. :iyfyus.jpg: just denied the phone call said anything about a sexual assault. Your words: “nope”.

Now, let’s move on. How do you know it was her mother?

Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt her mother say it was the reason?
Quote please.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

He probably doesn't know. Personnel records, and certainly official complaints sent to the Senate wouldn't be kept in Biden's possession. There are central repositories for that sort of stuff.

With all the shit rolling towards Biden you dont think he's taken the time to find out where those records are and if he can keep them hidden?
I mean we all know Biden is a moron be even he's not that stupid.

He has no control over them. Don’t start yet another conspiracy theory.

Like barry had no control of his college records?
I hope you get the mange coyote....
View attachment 331105

Talk about apples and oranges. Do you have a clue how things work?

Probably not given the way you confuse fact and fiction.

Obama (and you, and I, andTrump...) control who has access to their/our academic records. For some seem to feel you have some right to them. Wait...not “them”...just one of “them”.

That is not the case with formal complaints of misconduct. Whether federal or state there are legal procedures and requirements that have to be followed. I can’t think of any incidences where a formal complaint against a boss is stored with that boss or even directly given to the boss. Typicalprocedures are that comp,a it’s go to HR, an IG type office and from there, investigated for merit. The one being complaining Ed about does not receive a copy of that complaint but may receive information about it as well as some sort of action should it be found to have merit. Official records would be kept withHR or similar.

you may wish mange on me, but unfortunately I can’t wish forant further retardation on your part, you have already set the bar far below any sort of intellectual limbo.

Is that why you clowns screamed for Trumps taxes incessantly?
Another faux comparison. Candidates releasing their taxes has become an established norm. Trump broke with it.

College transcripts have never been a norm or expectation.

Any other blanks to shoot?

The man bitch produced Trumps taxes.
Unfortunately for you it made you look like a dumbass.
Surely you remember that?

You mean the 1995 ones and two pages of 2005?
Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.

I don't believe anyone is saying that the appearance on the Larry King show is proof of anything other than that she had told other people about the incident many years ago. This wasn't something that just came up now like all of the false accusations against Bret Kavanaugh. Funny how you guys want to forget the fact that the hatchet job attempt on Kavanaugh ever existed!

The only thing the Larry King call shows is this.

AN incident occurred. Not THE incident. To some one.

and that Reade and only Reade, claims it is her mother.
So you think Biden molested another staffer as well. You aren't doing a good job of defending your Pedo hero.
Is that what the phone all claimed liar?
Nope. But you are claiming it isn't Reade's mom, so it must be the mom of another staffer. Apparently, logic isn't your strong suit, Dummy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

Now, how do we know it is her mother?

View attachment 331122
Hey you lunatic, I said nothing about what happened.

I simply pointed out the fact that your claim it wasn't Reade's mom on the call would logically mean there was another staffer Creepy Joe molested.

I have no idea how you are so fucking stupid you can't figure out where you went wrong with your defense of Creepy Joe. :iyfyus.jpg: just denied the phone call said anything about a sexual assault. Your words: “nope”.

Now, let’s move on. How do you know it was her mother?
Let's see if I can dumb this down to your moronic level............

You posted this:

Ah. Ok. So you are now admitting the phone call said nothing about a sexual assault.

To which I responded:


So, exactly how does your single digit IQ mind get that I denied the call said anything about sexual assault?

Take a break, get some air. You are embarrassing yourself here............more than you normally do, and that's saying something. :abgg2q.jpg:

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