National Enquirer Publisher Admits To Trump Hush-Money Scheme Hours After Cohen Sentenced

Best of luck. There's a lot to prove there.

People will say many things for a promise of non-prosecution.

If the Southern District of New York did not have documented evidence, recordings, or emails to corroborate the evidence against...probably the orange king... The Enquired would not have gotten off so light. KA ..CHING!

I see you don't grasp the concept of manipulating public opinion.

When the law comes down....public opinion will matter little. Facts will win in the end. Everyone knows trump is lying and is a liar....The Dems will keep him in office and use his criminality to beat the GOP over the head in 2020. Watch....
Connect the dots

Cohen...National Enquirer...Stormy Daniels... Charlie Daniels....Jack Daniels... on the Siberia...Putin!!

I got Stormy Daniels.... Charlie Daniels... Charlie Sheen.... "winning".
Connect the dots

Cohen...National Enquirer...Stormy Daniels... Charlie Daniels....Jack Daniels... on the Siberia...Putin!!

The dominoes are lining up....Mueller is playing 3D Chess. When he shouts check mate....trump will still be busy painting himself orange.
Whose money was it?

Yet another illegal campaign contribution.

But they are not being prosecuted in exchange for their admission.

Oh....they gave them much more than just an admission. They gave them some juicy criminal dirt on trump and his crime syndicate......otherwise a simple admission would have gotten them some jail time.
trump better start dictating his resignation letter. Then Pastoral Pence can pardon him of his federal crimes. Of course then the States will line up to fry his orange ass...

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