Never tell me America is racist: An open letter to protesters

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When I was young, in some states blacks and whites were prohibited from using the same water fountains, bathrooms, swimming pools, hotels, restaurants, etc, etc, etc. This was within MY lifetime.

In my lifetime, I learned of our government's efforts to fix their racist past. But you at that time went on ignoring it. Your loss.
1. I disproved the idea of yours that our founding documents condoned racism.
2. I disproved the notion of yours that America is still racist despite all the actions it took to eliminate it.
3. I disproved the notion of yours that I am myself racist in the third and fourth paragraph of the OP.
4. I proved to Mariyam that the our founding documents didn't change, but our interpretation of it did.
You proved no such thing because it's indisputable that the document didn't change (as if I didn't already know this). The question was if the original interpretation was the correct one or the current interpretation is correct.

Then I indicated that I had assumed the founding document(s) that Asclepias was referring to was the U.S. Constitution since it is the law of the land, however you came back with the "all men are created equal" quote from the Declaration of Independence without ever indicating that it was the document that YOU were referring to even though Asclepias never said anything. By the way, if this is the document that you claimed was incorrectly interpreted does that mean you don't believe that all men are created equal?

Do you have an idea how many black people were born and died in the 181 years it took for the United States to pass the Civil Rights Act? How many generations of them lived and died without their equal human and civil rights under a system of legally sanctioned racial discrimination, oppression and apartheid?

Changing the laws was but the first step in the process and for the most part the only thing that did was to put in writing that racism under "this set of circumstances" is actionable (the parties can be sued). It didn't do a hell of a lot to stop it though.

Until there is no measurable racism in the United States, it is and will remain a nation founded upon white supremacist beliefs that has not yet shed it's racism. That is documented fact as of the year 2020.
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Temps first post " But never tell me America is racist. "

Temp after he confused himself:. " Of course, racism still exists in America "

Lol. You can't discern nuance, can you?
I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. Our laws are fair. We do not discourage diversity. You acknowledge that some individuals are racist, though.

The only thing you're forgetting is that every single law, regulation and ideal actually is enacted by individuals. Otherwise, those laws would mean nothing. They have to be put into action by individuals. When those people are racist or even unconsciously believe that blacks are more dangerous, more suspect, than whites, it cannot be fair.

" I think I hear what you're saying--that institutionally and ideologically, America is not racist. "

I disagree even with that statement that Temp lacked the ability to articulate. There is systemic/institutional racism in the US. You cant have racism without the supporting ideology.
Sorry, turd, but I'm not responsible for the racism of a few others.
Youre a nobody. Of course youre only responsible for your racist views.
Since I don't have any, that's not my problem.
Youre white. Why would your racist views be a problem to you?
You claimed my racist views were your problem. Since I don't have any, they aren't your problem or mine.
And for sure, blacks and whites could NOT marry. That was a sin against God.

They can easily get married now. I am against banning interracial marriage.

That sort of overt racism is unacceptable now, and that's a good thing, but if you think that racism magically disappeared the way that Trump hopes that COVID-19 will go away, you're in for disappointment.

It has. The African American in my day an age only has to deal with the remnants of racism, not the actual apparatus you had to endure.

I said over and over in this thread that racism is still a practice in America, but it isn't a predominant practice. It is a fringe practice that will get you excommunicated from society with all due haste and speed. Therefore I contend, America is not racist.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it

Curious, you obviously missed how many people died to end it during the Civil War. A white man abolished it. Abraham Lincoln. A white man signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Lyndon Johnson.

The document didn't change, the interpretation of it did.

America isn't racist.
The fact that a white man (Lincoln) abolished slavery proves nothing. Early in The Civil War, Lincoln said,

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.

For Lincoln, the issue of paramount importance was preserving the Union. It was NOT freeing the slaves.
Hate to break it to you....America is racist. Its even in the original document used to form it

Curious, you obviously missed how many people died to end it during the Civil War. A white man abolished it. Abraham Lincoln. A white man signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Lyndon Johnson.

The document didn't change, the interpretation of it did.

America isn't racist.
The fact that a white man (Lincoln) abolished slavery proves nothing. Early in The Civil War, Lincoln said,

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.

For Lincoln, the issue of paramount importance was preserving the Union. It was NOT freeing the slaves.

Good try.
The fact that its in there at all tells me the government endorsed slavery, therefore America was and still is a racist nation.

Guilt by association.

Your argument is invalid.

You completely ignored the fact that the government reformed itself, it admitted its sins and atoned for them, you seemingly are devoid of forgiveness.
How did our government atone for 181 years of racial hatred? When did it apologize and what specifically has it done to atone for it's sins, because some of the civil rights legislation is still pretty wobbly.
Why should my government "apoligize" for racial hatred when I had nothing to do with it?
Are you your government?
No. Your point? If my government apologized for racism, then it would be doing so in my name. Anyone who supports that can go fuck himself.
And for sure, blacks and whites could NOT marry. That was a sin against God.

They can easily get married now. I am against banning interracial marriage.

That sort of overt racism is unacceptable now, and that's a good thing, but if you think that racism magically disappeared the way that Trump hopes that COVID-19 will go away, you're in for disappointment.

It has. The African American in my day an age only has to deal with the remnants of racism, not the actual apparatus you had to endure.

I said over and over in this thread that racism is still a practice in America, but it isn't a predominant practice. It is a fringe practice that will get you excommunicated from society with all due haste and speed. Therefore I contend, America is not racist.
Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.
Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

Your arrogance and condescension are incredible.

I don't need to be an African American to have pity for the plights you and your ancestors were put through, but I will not have you revising history and telling me to accept it because "I'm black, and I say so." Nor will I have you impugning me for the color of my skin or for the actions of my ancestors.

If I know nothing about being black, you know absolutely nothing about being white.

Be off with that.
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"In a sense, we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice."

-Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial,

August 28, 1963
Lol! 5 years later King was organizing a march for economic justice. Then the white man killed him.
Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

Your arrogance and condescension are incredible.

I don't need to be an African American to have pity for the plights you and your ancestors were put through, but I will not have you revising history and telling me to accept it because "I'm black, and I say so." Nor will I have you impugning me for the color of my skin or for the actions of my ancestors.

If I know nothing about being black, you know absolutely nothing about being white.

Be off with that.
You do have to live the experience to totally understand it. The only one revising history is you.
Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

Your arrogance and condescension are incredible.

I don't need to be an African American to have pity for the plights you and your ancestors were put through, but I will not have you revising history and telling me to accept it because "I'm black, and I say so." Nor will I have you impugning me for the color of my skin or for the actions of my ancestors.

If I know nothing about being black, you know absolutely nothing about being white.

Be off with that.
The only plight he's been through is a course in black studies at his university.
Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

Your arrogance and condescension are incredible.

I don't need to be an African American to have pity for the plights you and your ancestors were put through, but I will not have you revising history and telling me to accept it because "I'm black, and I say so." Nor will I have you impugning me for the color of my skin or for the actions of my ancestors.

If I know nothing about being black, you know absolutely nothing about being white.

Be off with that.
You do have to live the experience to totally understand it. The only one revising history is you.
Left-wing turds like you have been revising history for 150 years
Once again we see the standard white racist tactic of trying to discredit black leaders past or present. If King was alive today, you'd hate him.

Nope. If King were alive today, he would demand you put him back in his coffin. He wouldn't want to be a part of your bowel movement.
You really need to stop talking about king young boy.

We're Coming To Get Our Check

If you bothered to listen to all of his quote, this is what he said:

Our government was giving away millions of acres of land…not only did they give the land they built land grant colleges with GOVERNMENT MONEY to teach them how to farm


they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming


they provided low interest rates in order to mechanize their farms


TODAY these people are receiving millions of dollars not to farm and they are the very people telling the BLACK MAN that he needs to lift himself up by his own boot straps…

this is what we are faced with!

THIS is the reality!

Now when we come to Washington in this campaign we are coming:

TO GET OUR CHECK!” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Was he talking reparations? I sincerely doubt that.

And I will talk about him as much as I want, because it is clear I got his message a lot more clearly than you did.

LOL! You're a fucking idiot. I know what he said boy. Now wtf do you think reparations are?

View attachment 347357

Definition of reparation

1a: a repairing or keeping in repair
breparations plural : REPAIRS
2a: the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b: something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3: the payment of damages : INDEMNIFICATION

Go do some research junior.

View attachment 347360

Oh, so what do you mean by "pay reparations"?

The word "pay" implies something to gain, of monetary or material value.

I know what the word means. I also know what it means in the context you and your fellow activists use it.

But yeah, keep quoting the dictionary to me.

You don't know shit young boy.


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Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

Your arrogance and condescension are incredible.

I don't need to be an African American to have pity for the plights you and your ancestors were put through, but I will not have you revising history and telling me to accept it because "I'm black, and I say so." Nor will I have you impugning me for the color of my skin or for the actions of my ancestors.

If I know nothing about being black, you know absolutely nothing about being white.

Be off with that.
You do have to live the experience to totally understand it. The only one revising history is you.
Left-wing turds like you have been revising history for 150 years
Are you African-American? Because I have to say that the only way you can make your claim credible is if you're black. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

Your arrogance and condescension are incredible.

I don't need to be an African American to have pity for the plights you and your ancestors were put through, but I will not have you revising history and telling me to accept it because "I'm black, and I say so." Nor will I have you impugning me for the color of my skin or for the actions of my ancestors.

If I know nothing about being black, you know absolutely nothing about being white.

Be off with that.
You do have to live the experience to totally understand it. The only one revising history is you.
Left-wing turds like you have been revising history for 150 years
Absolutely correct, douchebag.
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