New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
Colin norris@Colin norris
Trump was in office for four years. Bidung has been in office since Jan. He still has three years to go. I'd bet he outspends everyone.

He's already well on the way.

Hope was never a good contraception and it won't work here hoping for a return for trump. He needs votes and at this point Biden has the majority.

Trump increased the debt in 4 years more than any president. That's undeniable yet the fool above suggested it was being reduced.
Remember when trump said he would eliminate all debt and budget deficits? I do. He is a liar and you are a fool for believing him.
Trump was in office for four years. Bidung has been in office since Jan. I'd bet he will outspend them all.
Possibly, but it isn't that simple. If you want to assign spending to a President, look at NEW spending under that President.

What Biden needs to do is to raise taxes and hopefully the Fed will raise interest rates as well.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Colin norris
And if you believe Bidung got 80 million votes you are the silly one.

I got that figure from the result the election. It is a fact. It also shows trump was resoundingly beaten.

Now, if you have information that those figures are incorrect, you're the only fool who thinks so. Have you taken your evidence to the authorities? Of course not. Do you have any evidence I am wrong? Same again, no.
Do you have evidence that trump win?
Again, no.
Even a republican funded audit in AZ failed to find voter fraud yet here you are, an electoral guru and intellectual giant call the whole electoral system into disrepute because you voted for trump.
You really don't have many skills about posting facts.

Why am I seeing a pattern of you being a liar yet I'm quoting from the official figures. Kerp going.
Colin norris
Use some common sense. Bidung never campaigned and when he did go out he drew crowds of dozens. He sure didn't go looking for votes. He spent most of the campaign season in his bunker.

No way did that man get 80 million votes.
Colin norris
Use some common sense. Bidung never campaigned and when he did go out he drew crowds of dozens. He sure didn't go looking for votes. He spent most of the campaign season in his bunker.

No way did that man get 80 million votes.

I'll ask again. Where's your evidence? .if you believe trump got what he did, it's absurd to think Biden didn't get his.
It's foolish to think rally numbers are equivalent to how the people feel is stupid. Trump proved that with his defeat.
Biden didn't have to grandstand to get votes. They judged the two and trump lost.
You can believe what you want and it's still wrong. Biden is the president and that proves it.
Go and cry into you MAGA cap.
That's good enough for you politically ignorant lackeys.
Whats not funnny is that you and other Trumptards are still talking about "stole election" even thought there was EXACTLY NOTHING to support those claims after more than half a year later.

Can you get any more pathetic? Have some self-respect, take a loss and move on.
Ghost votes---clearly stolen
Colin norris
Plenty of evidence that no one wanted to look at. How bout those Dominion machines that took Trump votes and gave them to Biden?? Voting machines with algorithms when no voting machine ever had algorithms.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by watchers who were there. Some were Dems. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Lots of iffy shit with the 2020 election. No one wanted to look at any evidence. Called it all lies. Anyone who thinks Bidung got 80 million votes is living in la la land. The man never campaigned and when he did go out he had maybe a dozen people to ask him questions.

You believe as you wish. No way Bidung got 80 million votes. You will ignore any evidence that doesn't jibe with what you believe. Congrats. You voted for an incompetent boob who proves just how incompetent he is every day.
Colin norris
Plenty of evidence that no one wanted to look at.

Well present it. You have nothing.

How bout those Dominion machines that took Trump votes and gave them to Biden??
Rubbish. They were proven to be accurate and again you have no evidence to the contrary. Fox are currently getting sued by dominion for calling them cheats. Not the other way around.

Voting machines with algorithms when no voting machine ever had algorithms.

You're delusional.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by watchers who were there. Some were Dems. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

If those affidavits had any validity they would have been presented. In fact there was no cases that warranted their lies.
Colin norris
Plenty of evidence that no one wanted to look at. How bout those Dominion machines that took Trump votes and gave them to Biden?? Voting machines with algorithms when no voting machine ever had algorithms.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by watchers who were there. Some were Dems. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Lots of iffy shit with the 2020 election. No one wanted to look at any evidence. Called it all lies. Anyone who thinks Bidung got 80 million votes is living in la la land. The man never campaigned and when he did go out he had maybe a dozen people to ask him questions.

You believe as you wish. No way Bidung got 80 million votes. You will ignore any evidence that doesn't jibe with what you believe. Congrats. You voted for an incompetent boob who proves just how incompetent he is every day.

Again you have no evidence if anything.
You're not worth debating if you cannot produce one word of evidence. You're FITH.
Colin norris
No way to present the evidence. Of course YOU believe all those paper ballots were kosher even if they were delivered and counted in the middle of the night with no supervisor around.

Oh and the Dominion machines all worked great.

And now we have an incompetent boob in the WH who has made one mess after another. Congrats.
Colin norris
No way to present the evidence. Of course YOU believe all those paper ballots were kosher even if they were delivered and counted in the middle of the night with no supervisor around.

Oh and the Dominion machines all worked great.

And now we have an incompetent boob in the WH who has made one mess after another. Congrats.

That's right and you have presented nothing to the contrary. Are you really so paranoid with hate you won't allow facts to enter the debate?

Either present the evidence or shut up.
Colin norris
How bout you present the evidence that all 80 million of those votes was a true vote. Bet you can't.

Oh and I don't hate anyone. Hate is a strong emotion and Bidung isn't worthy of it.

You still voted for an incompetent boob and I'm hoping the country can survive four very expensive years of the Bidung/Harris shit show. He shows his incompetence every day and just think. YOU voted for him. Congrats.
I'll ask again. Where's your evidence? .if you believe trump got what he did, it's absurd to think Biden didn't get his.
It's foolish to think rally numbers are equivalent to how the people feel is stupid. Trump proved that with his defeat.
Biden didn't have to grandstand to get votes. They judged the two and trump lost.
You can believe what you want and it's still wrong. Biden is the president and that proves it.
Go and cry into you MAGA cap.
That's good enough for you politically ignorant lackeys.
In case you missed it -- she has no evidence. None. Nothing at all.

All she has is ... nuh-uh!

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