New Unemployment Figures Out - Another 4.4 Million On the Rolls With A Total Of ~26.5 Million or OVER 20% Jobless Rate

Whst should Trump take ownership for?

It’s the Governors who have shut down all manner of travel, business, and entertainment across their states; effectively wiping out the job market for a large portion of those who are now unemployed.
The chance to prevent this came and gone, but Trump was too busy worrying about other things, like campaign rallies and “hoaxes”.

Nancy Pelosi herself said it was basically a hoax, no big deal. Go around just like normal. Oh yea, 3 weeks AFTER Trump banned China travel.
She did not say it was a hoax. That was Trump.
That lie has been debunked dozens of times, by even the liberal "fact checker" sites.

Get new lies from your Chicom handlers, Sport.
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.
Naw, he even fires the vaccine guys. No way he could pull that off. (-:
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
Well in that case, just how the fuck can Trump take credit for lowering the unemployment rate? And what the fuck were the 15 day and 30 day quarantines to "Flatten the Curve" the Magic Narcissistic put in place? Scapegoating others is a coward's way out!

Can you explain to me what the difference is between the economy several months ago and the economy now? Some vaguely important, newsworthy item?

Maybe then we can extrapolate out how Presidential policies affect the former, but can't really affect the latter, you vacuous nitwit.
I can remember Trump just a very few months ago taking FULL CREDIT for the 3.6% unemployment rate. He wanted everyone to know that he OWNED that record low employment rate.
~~ Real unemployment rate soars past 20%—and the U.S. has now lost 26.5 million jobs ~~

How many feel Trump should take ownership of the current 20% unemployment rate?
Perhaps you thoughtless imbeciles should look toward the state governors who are the ones doing ti.

perhaps you should should listen to the people who favor quarantine over being exposed to rw idiots walking around with the virus
Why do you think it's RWers who have the virus when the top 9 states in death count are all run by Dimwingers?

how do you know its not

couldnt be because rw's are the morons protesting about their rights being taken away from them and advocate rubbing elbows in crowds - WITHOUT TESTING
Numbers and facts prove you wrong. The top NINE DEATH STATES are all run by Dimwingers.
Whst should Trump take ownership for?

It’s the Governors who have shut down all manner of travel, business, and entertainment across their states; effectively wiping out the job market for a large portion of those who are now unemployed.
The chance to prevent this came and gone, but Trump was too busy worrying about other things, like campaign rallies and “hoaxes”.

Nancy Pelosi herself said it was basically a hoax, no big deal. Go around just like normal. Oh yea, 3 weeks AFTER Trump banned China travel.
She did not say it was a hoax. That was Trump.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax. Your masters told you he said it was a hoax, and you've been prattling nonsensically about it ever since.

Pelosi, on the other hand, may not have used the word "hoax", but she DID say people should do the exact opposite of what they needed to do.
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.
Naw, he even fires the vaccine guys. No way he could pull that off. (-:

Do NOT, abso-fucking-lutely do NOT cite bullshit, debunked talking points at me as though they're settled fact and expect me to treat them, and you, as though either deserves to be taken seriously.

I am so far past having patience with you leftists and your little "Do whatever we want, and then just tell everyone the opposite happened" political games.
I can remember Trump just a very few months ago taking FULL CREDIT for the 3.6% unemployment rate. He wanted everyone to know that he OWNED that record low employment rate.
~~ Real unemployment rate soars past 20%—and the U.S. has now lost 26.5 million jobs ~~

How many feel Trump should take ownership of the current 20% unemployment rate?
Perhaps you thoughtless imbeciles should look toward the state governors who are the ones doing ti.

perhaps you should should listen to the people who favor quarantine over being exposed to rw idiots walking around with the virus

Perhaps you should consider why anyone would want YOUR advice on who to listen to about anything ever.
I can remember Trump just a very few months ago taking FULL CREDIT for the 3.6% unemployment rate. He wanted everyone to know that he OWNED that record low employment rate.
~~ Real unemployment rate soars past 20%—and the U.S. has now lost 26.5 million jobs ~~

How many feel Trump should take ownership of the current 20% unemployment rate?
It's Trump's economy. External factors don't matter according to conservativea. It's all about who's president at the time.

So what's your point? That Trump has nothing to do with the economy now? Or he had nothing to do with it when it was good, and it's 100% his fault now? Or is your point just, "Orange man BAAAAAAD!!! Conservatives are eeeeeevil! Aaaaaaarrgh!!"?
Whst should Trump take ownership for?

It’s the Governors who have shut down all manner of travel, business, and entertainment across their states; effectively wiping out the job market for a large portion of those who are now unemployed.
The chance to prevent this came and gone, but Trump was too busy worrying about other things, like campaign rallies and “hoaxes”.

Nancy Pelosi herself said it was basically a hoax, no big deal. Go around just like normal. Oh yea, 3 weeks AFTER Trump banned China travel.

trump didnt BAN shit -

Then why were all you libtards calling him a racist and xenophobic?

I'v never called him that

hes a stupid f'n pos -
So who are you boinking? Hillary?
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.
Naw, he even fires the vaccine guys. No way he could pull that off. (-:

Do NOT, abso-fucking-lutely do NOT cite bullshit, debunked talking points at me as though they're settled fact and expect me to treat them, and you, as though either deserves to be taken seriously.

I am so far past having patience with you leftists and your little "Do whatever we want, and then just tell everyone the opposite happened" political games.
Oh he fired another vaccine guy yesterday. And he did defund the Obama era pandemic program. Those are facts that he'll take into Nov.

But I don't think he should get the blame of the hopefully soon to end shelter in place orders. He doesn't get credit either, since he delayed with his "hoax" "wash over" "it'll go away" bullshit.

The overall point was though that Trump pimped the economy as the reason he deserved reelection. That was a hoax that washed over and went away.
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.

Trump has taken a position of great responsibility, including responding to pandemics. If he wasn't prepared to do so, he shouldn't have taken the job. Now quit wasting our time with nonsense.
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.
Naw, he even fires the vaccine guys. No way he could pull that off. (-:

Do NOT, abso-fucking-lutely do NOT cite bullshit, debunked talking points at me as though they're settled fact and expect me to treat them, and you, as though either deserves to be taken seriously.

I am so far past having patience with you leftists and your little "Do whatever we want, and then just tell everyone the opposite happened" political games.
Oh he fired another vaccine guy yesterday. And he did defund the Obama era pandemic program. Those are facts that he'll take into Nov.

But I don't think he should get the blame of the hopefully soon to end shelter in place orders. He doesn't get credit either, since he delayed with his "hoax" "wash over" "it'll go away" bullshit.

The overall point was though that Trump pimped the economy as the reason he deserved reelection. That was a hoax that washed over and went away.

What part of my previous post had too many syllables for your leftist brain to comprehend? Or is it just that your talking points memo didn't include an explanation?
Move over Venezuela the US is becoming a Democratic wet dream their idea of a utopia
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.

Trump has taken a position of great responsibility, including responding to pandemics. If he wasn't prepared to do so, he shouldn't have taken the job. Now quit wasting our time with nonsense.

. . . says the fool who's fiddling around playing politics during the pandemic. I can't remember the last word that spewed from your blowhole that wasn't a waste of everyone's time, not to mention a waste of oxygen in general.

But I'll take this "addressing not a damned thing about the question" post of yours as an admission that he does NOT bear any actual blame for "the reason the shutdowns were necessary", aka the fucking virus, and your rabid desire to blame him for it results from nothing more than being mad that he won the election when you didn't want him to.

Thank you. You're dismissed.
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.

Trump has taken a position of great responsibility, including responding to pandemics. If he wasn't prepared to do so, he shouldn't have taken the job. Now quit wasting our time with nonsense.

. . . says the fool who's fiddling around playing politics during the pandemic. I can't remember the last word that spewed from your blowhole that wasn't a waste of everyone's time, not to mention a waste of oxygen in general.

But I'll take this "addressing not a damned thing about the question" post of yours as an admission that he does NOT bear any actual blame for "the reason the shutdowns were necessary", aka the fucking virus, and your rabid desire to blame him for it results from nothing more than being mad that he won the election when you didn't want him to.

Thank you. You're dismissed.
Oh, scary.

Your question did not deserve to be addressed, even though I did. The president is responsible for responding to pandemics. Had he been more successful in responding to it, the lockdowns wouldn’t be necessary.
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.

Trump has taken a position of great responsibility, including responding to pandemics. If he wasn't prepared to do so, he shouldn't have taken the job. Now quit wasting our time with nonsense.

. . . says the fool who's fiddling around playing politics during the pandemic. I can't remember the last word that spewed from your blowhole that wasn't a waste of everyone's time, not to mention a waste of oxygen in general.

But I'll take this "addressing not a damned thing about the question" post of yours as an admission that he does NOT bear any actual blame for "the reason the shutdowns were necessary", aka the fucking virus, and your rabid desire to blame him for it results from nothing more than being mad that he won the election when you didn't want him to.

Thank you. You're dismissed.
Oh, scary.

Your question did not deserve to be addressed, even though I did. The president is responsible for responding to pandemics. Had he been more successful in responding to it, the lockdowns wouldn’t be necessary.

You've already admitted that this position is so much bullshit, so trying to come back and re-institute it just makes you look pitiful as well as stupid, partisan, and hypocritical.

Mind you, that's no change whatsoever in what I thought of you to start with.

Since you've decided that "leg-humping puppy" is your new debate look, I'll just have to do with you what I do with all the other screeching third-string wannabes:

I can remember Trump just a very few months ago taking FULL CREDIT for the 3.6% unemployment rate. He wanted everyone to know that he OWNED that record low employment rate.
~~ Real unemployment rate soars past 20%—and the U.S. has now lost 26.5 million jobs ~~

How many feel Trump should take ownership of the current 20% unemployment rate?
Perhaps you thoughtless imbeciles should look toward the state governors who are the ones doing ti.

perhaps you should should listen to the people who favor quarantine over being exposed to rw idiots walking around with the virus
Why do you think it's RWers who have the virus when the top 9 states in death count are all run by Dimwingers?

how do you know its not

couldnt be because rw's are the morons protesting about their rights being taken away from them and advocate rubbing elbows in crowds - WITHOUT TESTING
Numbers and facts prove you wrong. The top NINE DEATH STATES are all run by Dimwingers.

no republicans live there or serve as elected officials in their state -

youre a f'n idiot - keep digging
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.

Trump has taken a position of great responsibility, including responding to pandemics. If he wasn't prepared to do so, he shouldn't have taken the job. Now quit wasting our time with nonsense.

. . . says the fool who's fiddling around playing politics during the pandemic. I can't remember the last word that spewed from your blowhole that wasn't a waste of everyone's time, not to mention a waste of oxygen in general.

But I'll take this "addressing not a damned thing about the question" post of yours as an admission that he does NOT bear any actual blame for "the reason the shutdowns were necessary", aka the fucking virus, and your rabid desire to blame him for it results from nothing more than being mad that he won the election when you didn't want him to.

Thank you. You're dismissed.
Oh, scary.

Your question did not deserve to be addressed, even though I did. The president is responsible for responding to pandemics. Had he been more successful in responding to it, the lockdowns wouldn’t be necessary.

You've already admitted that this position is so much bullshit, so trying to come back and re-institute it just makes you look pitiful as well as stupid, partisan, and hypocritical.

Mind you, that's no change whatsoever in what I thought of you to start with.

Since you've decided that "leg-humping puppy" is your new debate look, I'll just have to do with you what I do with all the other screeching third-string wannabes:

View attachment 327045

Is the only reason you reply to my posts so that you can act like an asshole?
If Trump can't shut the country down then Trump can't be blamed for job losses of when the country is shut down by those who CAN do it.
He bears some blame for the reason the shut downs were necessary.

Not unless you're now going to tell us how he cooked up SARS-CoV2 in his basement laboratory and unleashed it on the world because he's a supervillain.
Naw, he even fires the vaccine guys. No way he could pull that off. (-:

Do NOT, abso-fucking-lutely do NOT cite bullshit, debunked talking points at me as though they're settled fact and expect me to treat them, and you, as though either deserves to be taken seriously.

I am so far past having patience with you leftists and your little "Do whatever we want, and then just tell everyone the opposite happened" political games.
Oh he fired another vaccine guy yesterday. And he did defund the Obama era pandemic program. Those are facts that he'll take into Nov.

But I don't think he should get the blame of the hopefully soon to end shelter in place orders. He doesn't get credit either, since he delayed with his "hoax" "wash over" "it'll go away" bullshit.

The overall point was though that Trump pimped the economy as the reason he deserved reelection. That was a hoax that washed over and went away.

What part of my previous post had too many syllables for your leftist brain to comprehend? Or is it just that your talking points memo didn't include an explanation?
Listen birdbrain, Trump owns the response.

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