Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Can you show us the evidence that Trump won in Georgia?

And can you show us that 9000 people VOTED TWICE?

Of course not.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
I can show you that they do not live at those addresses. Therefore those registrations are illegal. And it follows any ballot from them is too.
Great. Show even one of them voted...
Let's see the data and it will show if they voted. The minute a ballot is cat that person is checked off. Show us the records and that will tell us. You think that is why none of their work is ever shown?

Of course, here is more fraud.

Do not reply until you watch the video.
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Let's see the data and it will show if they voted. The minute a ballot is cat that person is checked off. Show us the records and that will tell us. You think that is why none of their work is ever shown?

Of course, here is more fraud.

Do not reply until you watch the video.

I accept that as you can't prove even one of those people voted.

That was easy, as always.
The video of those ballots being delivered after the deadline prove the election was stolen. Period.

How many of those 'ballots 'delivered after the deadline' were for Trump? How many for Biden?

If you can't say, then those ballots don't prove the election was stolen. Period.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
The video of those ballots being delivered after the deadline prove the election was stolen. Period.

There is no video of ballots being delivered after a deadline. You're out of your fucking mind, FruitLoops.
How many of those ballots were for Trump? How many for Biden?

If you can't say, then those ballots don't prove the election was stolen. Period.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
You keep saying nothing. That is equal to your IQ. 0. There are all kinds of proof right in front of you. You think your denial actually means anything to me or others? Think again. Now run along traitor.
It can be proven they voted. We cannot see the records. Why is that?

You're making shit up again. You can't say it can be proven they voted without proof that even one did; and you don't have any such proof.
So you don't have evidence that any of those folks voted.

Thank you for admitting as much.
Do you have a good reason that over 4,500 people reside in two places, making 9,000 total, where no one lives?
You keep saying nothing. That is equal to your IQ. 0. There are all kinds of proof right in front of you. You think your denial actually means anything to me or others? Think again. Now run along traitor.

You insist that Trump won the 2020 election. But you can't tell me what the 'real' vote totals were, or demonstrate in ANY way that Trump actually won.

You've provided nothing that there were ballots delivered after the deadline. Nor anything about what the votes on those ballots actually were.

How can you claim that Trump won in 2020....when you don't have ballot totals per your own logic?

Your conspiracy fails its own logic.
You're making shit up again. You can't say it can be proven they voted without proof that even one did; and you don't have any such proof.
When the information is hidden how can it be proved? Why isn't there any transparency?
When the information is hidden how can it be proved? Why isn't there any transparency?

So you admit that you have ZERO evidence of these fraudulent votes. And yet, with ZERO evidence, you insist that Trump won.

Based on nothing.
You insist that Trump won the 2020 election. But you can't tell me what the 'real' vote totals were, or demonstrate in ANY way that Trump actually won.

You've provided nothing that there were ballots delivered after the deadline. Nor anything about what the votes on those ballots actually were.

How can you claim that Trump won in 2020....when you don't have ballot totals per your own logic?

Your conspiracy fails its own logic.
You do not either. You are taking the word of election officials that threatened county officials to certify.

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