Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Thank you for admitting you never proved that Trump won in 2020. And that the Big Lie is based on nothing.
It is not based on nothing and you are very stupid to say that. You have seen all kinds of proof the elections had 0 integrity. And those people in my signature that came forward is not nothing. You need to admit all they did was get away with it. For the time being.
It is not based on nothing and you are very stupid to say that. You have seen all kinds of proof the elections had 0 integrity. And those people in my signature that came forward is not nothing. You need to admit all they did was get away with it. For the time being.

Of course it is. You have jack shit that shows that Trump won the election. Literally nothing. It is a complete fantasy that you made, based on nothing, backed by nothing.

Which is why whenever I ask you to show us the evidence that Trump won in just flee.
Then show us the evidence that Trump won in 2020.
Look, Dipshit. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that a forensic investigation into the 2020 election would have to be done to prove any errors, and Joe Schmoe poster here will not have the authority to do something like that. So, you just believe all the MSM
uhmm..words put forward, and fuck the hell off with your unrealistic demands, ok? You're not in any position to make any demands of anyone here, you fucking toxic shitbird.
Look, Dipshit. It obvious to anyone with half a brain that a forensic investigation into the 2020 election would have to be done to prove any errors, and Joe Schmoe poster here will not have the authority to do something like that. So, you just believe all the MSM
uhmm..words put forward, and fuck the hell off with your unrealistic demands, ok?
So you're admitting that you don't actually have evidence that Trump won. Then why this dipshit conspiracy that Trump won when by your own admission, you have no evidence of it?

Are you starting to see why y'all lost EVERY Big Lie case in court, without exception? Your assurances of evidence you don't have mean exactly nothing in a court of law.

And an election!
Its beyond obvious that you have zero evidence that Trump won in 2020.

And that the Big Lie is based on nothing.
The Big Lie is that a potato that hid in his basement for almost a month leading up to the election got 7 million more votes than a very popular president that got 12 million more votes than the previous election. 😐
The Big Lie is that a potato that hid in his basement for almost a month leading up to the election got 7 million more votes than a very popular president that got 12 million more votes than the previous election.

8 years earlier. There were millions of more voters in 2020 than there were in 2012.

Worse, your conspiracy mean that TRUMP had fraudulent votes by the millions. As he saw a huge surge in his votes as well.

Once again, your absurd conspiracies disprove Trump's victory, using your own tortured logic.

I'll stick with the actual vote totals over your latest fantasy, thank you.
8 years earlier. There were millions of more voters in 2020 than there were in 2012.

Worse, your conspiracy mean that TRUMP had fraudulent votes by the millions. As he saw a huge surge in his votes as well.

Once again, your absurd conspiracies disprove Trump's victory.
Laughing.....your absurd little conspiracy is that millions more voters couldn't result in millions more votes.

Sorry, silly. Sure it can. And did, both for Biden and for Trump.
Not that much of an increase in voting on both sides from one election to another, shitbird. :nono:

19 million people? Kick yourself in the ass, you stupid fuck!
Not that much of an increase in voting on both sides from one election to another, shitbird. :nono:

When you see a surge in voter registrations AND in voter totals? Oh yes it can.

Again, your conspiracy is prefaced on the idea that TRUMP had millions of fraudulent votes. As per your reasoning, he shouldn't have been able to gain that many votes either. just don't know what you're talking about?

A massive, and wildly complicated international voter fraud consisting of 10s of millions of fake ballots, thousands of complicit officials -many republicans, thousands of hacked voting machines, fraudulent judges going al the way up to the SCOTUS, faked counts, faked recounts, faked hand counts, faked machine counts, faked audits, faked investigations, and even a faked electoral vote in the single greatest electoral fraud our nation has ever seen, all leaving ZERO evidence of Trump's victory behind.....

......or some rando on the internet doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Gee, I wonder which it is.
So you're admitting that you don't actually have evidence that Trump won. Then why this dipshit conspiracy that Trump won when by your own admission, you have no evidence of it?

Are you starting to see why y'all lost EVERY Big Lie case in court, without exception? Your assurances of evidence you don't have mean exactly nothing in a court of law.

And an election!
We know why those cases were dismissed now. And the courts are complicit. You are the ones punishing people for an opinion. Why? Do you really think the government isn't still covering up the fraud with their prosecutions. They intend to and need to intimidate others.

If it never happened, why?
When you see a surge in voter registrations AND in voter totals? Oh yes it can.

Again, your conspiracy is prefaced on the idea that TRUMP had millions of fraudulent votes. As per your reasoning, he shouldn't have been able to gain that many votes either. just don't know what you're talking about?
There was mass migration from the Democrat party to Republican and from Independent to Republican leading up to the 2020
election. There were millions of fraudulent votes cast, and almost all of them were for Biden.
Not even any other Democrats, just Biden checked.
Penis Wrinkle.
Again? Why didn't this happen for any of the last hundred times it was predicted?

That's the thing with cults. Each time their predicted armageddon day fails to arrive, they just push the date back some more.
Like climate change?
Yep. Explosive alright. As in, "explosive diarrhea". Let's forget your source and focus on the felon Bernard Kerik. There is exactly ZERO that this asshat would have to say that is credible.
You may rail all you'd like. But at the end of the day. He lost. This baloney is just an exercise to keep the Big Lie in the media to push as close to the election as they can get. You and I
both know this is a media driven exercise.
NY felony conviction for taxes.......No one trusts the ny judical system anymore thanks to witch hunts like this one which gives TDSers like you a false sense of righteousness.
We know why those cases were dismissed now.

Because you don't actually have evidence that Trump won?

And the courts are complicit.

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it. Of course! Its Tinfoil 101

If you can't back your claims with actual evidence, then just make your baseless conspiracy more stupidly complex and enormous. Throw in the whole judiciary.
NY felony conviction for taxes.......No one trusts the ny judical system anymore thanks to witch hunts like this one which gives TDSers like you a false sense of righteousness.

And by 'no one', you mean you.

And NY felony convictions for falsifying business records with the intent to commit, aid or conceal another crime.

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