Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Because you don't actually have evidence that Trump won?

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it. Of course! Its Tinfoil 101

If you can't back your claims with actual evidence, then just make your baseless conspiracy more stupidly complex and enormous. Throw in the whole judiciary.
Don't forget the Congress that did not investigate. Why? Those people were there because they thought there was fraud.
There was mass migration from the Democrat party to Republican and from Independent to Republican leading up to the 2020

No there wasn't.
There were millions of fraudulent votes cast, and almost all of them were for Biden.

Says who? You're offering not evidence of 'millions of fraudulent votes cast, almost all for Biden', but your feelings.

And your feelings aren't facts, snowflake.

Show us the evidence that there were 'millions of fraudulent votes cast, almost all for Biden.'

Because you're sure as hell not going to be able to prove that Trump won in 2020.
When you see a surge in voter registrations AND in voter totals? Oh yes it can.

Again, your conspiracy is prefaced on the idea that TRUMP had millions of fraudulent votes. As per your reasoning, he shouldn't have been able to gain that many votes either. just don't know what you're talking about?

A massive, and wildly complicated international voter fraud consisting of 10s of millions of fake ballots, thousands of complicit officials -many republicans, thousands of hacked voting machines, fraudulent judges going al the way up to the SCOTUS, faked counts, faked recounts, faked hand counts, faked machine counts, faked audits, faked investigations, and even a faked electoral vote in the single greatest electoral fraud our nation has ever seen, all leaving ZERO evidence of Trump's victory behind.....

......or some rando on the internet doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Gee, I wonder which it is.
The surge leading up to 2020 was people bailing on The Democrats. :rolleyes-41:

But everybody voted for their potato, right?

And we're supposed to believe that bullshit? :nono:

Don't forget the Congress that did not investigate. Why? Those people were there because they thought there was fraud.

Investigate what? Your fantasy?

Remember, you have no evidence that Trump won in 2020. Not a goddamn thing.

You have a story backed by nothing. And contradicted by every count, recount, hand count, machine count, audit, forensic audit, official tally, certificate of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

Your imagination doesn't create our electoral crisis. You need to prove your claims that Trump won. And you can't.
The surge leading up to 2020 was people bailing on The Democrats.

Pure delusional fantasy that you don't even bother to try and back with evidence.

Again, you making shit up backed with your imagination isn't evidence. Its a demonstration of why your ilk lost every Big Lie case.

Your conspiracy is based on nothing.
Pure delusional fantasy that you don't even bother to try and back with evidence.

Again, you making shit up backed with your imagination isn't evidence. Its a demonstration of why your ilk lost every Big Lie case.

Your conspiracy is based on nothing.
You seem to realize there's a huge gap in the internet search information there, Cookie.

I remember seeing some articles, but when they've been deprioritized by the search engine, it won't be easy to find them.

You're not gonna gaslight me, fucktard. I ain't the one.

I certainly have just discovered a huge gap of missing info and most things go from 2024 right back to 2016.

I'm pretty good with keywords, I used to crack. I am familiar with how these things work, cupcake.
You seem to realize there's a huge gap in the internet search information there, Cookie.

Sweetie, you're not presenting 'internet search information'. You're just making shit up and not even attempting to back it with evidence.

As Big Liars do.

And it LOOKS like you're blaming the internet for why you have no evidence to back your latest batshit claim.

Its never your fault, is it? Its always someone else fault that you can't back your bullshit.

Again, I'm just shocked that you've made up nonsense for which you have zero evidence. Just shocked.
I certainly have just discovered a huge gap of missing info and most things go from 2024 right back to 2016.

I'm pretty good with keywords, I used to crack. I am familiar with how these things work, cupcake.

So its not YOU that's wrong, its the entire internet?

Oh my. It isn't until now that I've entertained the possibility that you're.....not well.
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And by 'no one', you mean you.

And NY felony convictions for falsifying business records with the intent to commit, aid or conceal another crime.
Yeah me and anyone who actually is interested in the facts and not steeped in unbridled, unreasonalbe TDS hatred. Based on hearsay and a check written to his lawyer. You, nor they, have any solid proof of intent; it's just all made up by an anti Trump prosecutor, (campaigned on getting Trump, funded by George Soros) Judge and a Jury of NY JackWagon TDSers.
Investigate what? Your fantasy?

Remember, you have no evidence that Trump won in 2020. Not a goddamn thing.

You have a story backed by nothing. And contradicted by every count, recount, hand count, machine count, audit, forensic audit, official tally, certificate of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

Your imagination doesn't create our electoral crisis. You need to prove your claims that Trump won. And you can't.
Half the country does not need anymore evidence than they already have. You cannot change that. In reality you have lost this argument because you are not believable.

When you say there is not one thing that proves fraud when the combination of things make it obvious makes you look incredibly dishonest and very stupid. It is on you.
Half the country does not need anymore evidence than they already have. You cannot change that. In reality you have lost this argument because you are not believable.

What evidence? You have no evidence to show that Trump won.

Which is why whenever I ask you to show us the evidence that Trump won, you flee.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
What evidence? You have no evidence to show that Trump won.

Which is why whenever I ask you to show us the evidence that Trump won, you flee.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
You have lost this argument.
You have lost this argument.'re still stuck at square one. You have yet to show us the evidence that Trump won the election.

Every time you flee, you lose. Every time you flee, I win.

Don't tell us. Show us.'re stuck at square one. You have yet to show us the evidence that Trump won the election.

Every time you flee, you lose. Every time you flee, I win.

Don't tell us. Show us.
I have not left. I have told you saying that fraud was based on nothing is a lie. I have proven that. I have shown real concerns and outrageous actions taken during the election. And 7 states stolen gave Biden 74 electoral votes he did not earn.
I have not left. I have told you saying that fraud was based on nothing is a lie. I have proven that. I have shown real concerns and outrageous actions taken during the election. And 7 states stolen gave Biden 74 electoral votes he did not earn.

You've run from my simple request for evidence like it were chasing you with a butcher knife. Every single request I've made for you to show us the evidence that Trump won the election....

....I get an excuse. I get another baseless accusation. I get some random personal insult. I get some awkward attempt to change the topic. You always flee.

But never, ever do you actually show evidence that Trump won the election.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
You've run from my simple request for evidence like it were chasing you with a butcher knife. Every single request I've made for you to show us the evidence that Trump won the election....

....I get an excuse. I get another baseless accusation. I get some random personal insult. I get some awkward attempt to change the topic. You always flee.

But never, ever do you actually show evidence that Trump won the election.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
You are trolling now. What you say simply is not true.
You are trolling now. What you say simply is not true.
I'm asking a simple question. A question you should be asking:

Can you show us the evidence that Trump won the election?

Its the beating heart of your conspiracy. And you flee like a frightened child every time I ask it. You have no evidence that Trump won the election.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
Hide it? They were BRAGGING how they rallied to steal the election for Joe Biden to MAKE SURE TRUMP DIDN'T WIN.

NOT just to get the vote out or help people.

And Time Magazine was careful to document and list all the involved parties.

View attachment 498400
So every individual or organization that participated in a get out to vote campaign is guilty of stealing the election. ??? You are in serious need of mental health services.
I'm asking a simple question. A question you should be asking:

Can you show us the evidence that Trump won the election?

Its the beating heart of your conspiracy. And you flee like a frightened child every time I ask it. You have no evidence that Trump won the election.

The Big Lie is a conspiracy based on nothing.
That is a lie.

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