No criminal charges against Biden

"When did I stop being Vice President?" said Biden at one point, according to the report. "In 2009, am I still Vice President?"
Good grief. His wife should be jailed. He needs to be in a retirement village, or at home with a nurse. Or something. FFS, this is crazy!
(1) Even CNN newsreaders read aloud the words of the report that said that President Biden's memory is really bad.

(2) He really should not be occupying the Oval Office.

(3) Maybe some adults in the Democratic Party are truly patriotic and will decide that for his welfare and especially the welfare of this nation, President Biden should retire with honors after attending the Inauguration of his successor.

(4) The Democrats can surely find someone who can attract enough women and progressives and members of the party's "core constituency" to win in November.

We all wish President Biden the very best.
Biden is a treasonous crook... What did he use those docs for?...
He said he talked to a man the other day, who DIED 30 years ago. :p
I'm sure CNN said...

"We conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt," the report says. "Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors."

"mitigating factors" = Joe Biden is a Democrat
From the report - In addition. Mr. Biden's memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023. And his cooperation with our investigation, including by reporting to the government that the Afghanistan documents were in his Delaware garage, will likely convince some jurors that he made an innocent mistake, rather than acting willfully-that is, with intent to break the law-as the statute requires.

You try that shit and see how it works for you. Steve Martin did a bit about it. I couldn't find the video but found the transcript below. From a joke in the 70s to a US President who "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials...implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.".

You.. can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You say.. “Steve.. how can I be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes?” First.. get a million dollars. Now.. you say, “Steve.. what do I say to the tax man when he comes to my door and says, ‘You.. have never paid taxes’?” Two simple words. Two simple words in the English language: “I forgot!” How many times do we let ourselves get into terrible situations because we don’t say “I forgot”? Let’s say you’re on trial for armed robbery. You say to the judge, “I forgot armed robbery was illegal.” Let’s suppose he says back to you, “You have committed a foul crime. you have stolen hundreds and thousands of dollars from people at random, and you say, ‘I forgot’?” Two simple words: Excuuuuuse me!!
When Pence was cleared for no wrong doing, Trump said something like, "Pence did something wrong" by not standing with him over the Big Lie.

Poor Trump. What a loser.

Diminished Faculties *Joe

Of course the reason Political Parties / Groups want to stay in power is because?
Is it the more power the more corruption. Usually the harder they cry corrupt the more they most likely are.
It's easy to believe a liar and hard to admit you been made a fool of.
Great headlines:

Special Counsel Seeks No Criminal Charges in Biden’s Classified Records Case​

The inquiry found that the president had willfully retained material after finishing his term as vice president and had shared sensitive information with a ghostwriter.

Great Trump campaign add:

Diminished Faculties *Joe followed by the many clips of *Joey babbling incoherently and shaking hands with the air.

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