No criminal charges against Biden

But because Biden is a muddled old man, no jury would convict him.

NB Biden refers to every President before him in his interview with Hur, but Biden wasn't being found with papers of his presidency but from when he was VP or Senator.

'An elderly man with a poor memory' says Hur about Biden. And forgetting that he had been VPOTUS.

The very bad news is that Hur delivered a devastating portrayal of Biden’s mental acuity, saying any jury would view him as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," the report said.


The report alleges that during Mr. Biden's vice presidency, his staff struggled to "retrieve classified briefing books from Mr. Biden" and also stated that he had been instructed on best practices for handling classified information. His use of notebooks and note cards to memorialize various meetings seemed to have complicated those efforts, according to the report.

While many of the notecards were properly stored in a security facility with the National Archives, the notebooks were stored in unsecured containers in his home.

"Though none of the notebooks have classification markings, some of the notebooks contain information that remains classified up to the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information level," the report found.

Unlike Trump, Biden sat for an interview with the special counsel in October. During the discussion, Hur wrote that Biden said he kept the notebooks because "[t]hey are mine."

"Every President before me has done the same exact thing," Mr. Biden told the special counsel, according to the report.

But because Biden is a muddled old man, no jury would convict him.

NB Biden refers to every President before him in his interview with Hur, but Biden wasn't being found with papers of his presidency but from when he was VP or Senator.

'An elderly man with a poor memory' says Hur about Biden. And forgetting that he had been VPOTUS.

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," the report said.


The report alleges that during Mr. Biden's vice presidency, his staff struggled to "retrieve classified briefing books from Mr. Biden" and also stated that he had been instructed on best practices for handling classified information. His use of notebooks and note cards to memorialize various meetings seemed to have complicated those efforts, according to the report.

While many of the notecards were properly stored in a security facility with the National Archives, the notebooks were stored in unsecured containers in his home.

"Though none of the notebooks have classification markings, some of the notebooks contain information that remains classified up to the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information level," the report found.

Unlike Trump, Biden sat for an interview with the special counsel in October. During the discussion, Hur wrote that Biden said he kept the notebooks because "[t]hey are mine."

"Every President before me has done the same exact thing," Mr. Biden told the special counsel, according to the report.

They just wrote a Trump campaign ad, courtesy of Merrick Garland.

I find it interesting that Biden is totally competent and coherent when anyone questions his ability to do his job as POTUS.

Then, somehow, he is found incompetent and incoherent ....regarding having classified documents that he had illegally and that were stashed in places that are not secure. Since when is "He didn't mean to do it" a good defense for breaking the law? Since when is "He is too stupid to know he did wrong" a viable defense?

And with that kind of defense, isn't he too mentally compromised to be POTUS?

"He is too stupid to know he did wrong" a viable defense?

At least since Comey deemed Hilliary too stupid to be held accountable.
The cult does not care. They just want to “win”….by having a President who is clearly suffering from dementia.

As long as Dems win, who cares about the country?
From Special Counsel Robert Hur:

"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” “It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

He just confirmed Biden DID COMMIT A FELONY!

Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified information after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen."
Willfully disclosed? First I've heard of that. Who did he disclose it to, Hunter, China? What national security information was disclosed?

LMAO so WILLFUL and illegal possession of classified documents when he was much younger isn't willful now because he's an 80 year old half brain?? They realize he sits in the oval office with his finger on the nuke button right? What a load of horseshit!
Biden can't remember when he was Vice President, or when his son died?

And people will still vote for him to be President for four more years? Unbelievable.

Holy shit! It's even worse than we thought:

I do not recall is the best defense for anyone. All politicians use it.

Does the cult agree Joe is senile, or was he lying to the Special Counsel and pretending to be senile?

So I can claim I do not recall committing a crime, and I wont get charged? SWEET. I HOPE THIS IS A PRECEDENT.
I do not recall is the best defense for anyone. All politicians use it.

Does the cult agree Joe is senile, or was he lying to the Special Counsel and pretending to be senile?

So I can claim I do not recall committing a crime, and I wont get charged? SWEET. I HOPE THIS IS A PRECEDENT.
Dems talking out of both sides of their snake mouths again. He is a sitting president, the most powerful person on the planet and they give this guy a pass by saying he's just an old halfwit with a poor memory. Why the massive contradiction?

More proof there is a 2 tier justice system, one set of rules for corrupt Democrats and a different set for the rest of us.
This looks like the perfect setup for FJB to resign without criminal liability. Kamala can then test the water before withdrawing.
This reminds me of the BS Hillary get out of jail free card, that she was somehow ignorant of the law. Right, an educated experienced lawyer who spent 8 years in the White House was ignorant of the law...riiiiiight. :rolleyes:
Dems talking out of both sides of their snake mouths again. They is a sitting president, the most powerful person on the planet and they give this guy a pass by saying he's just an old halfwit with a poor memory. Why the massive contradiction?

More proof there is a 2 tier justice system, one set of rules for corrupt Democrats and a different set for the rest of us.

Also proof they are just liars, all day every day.

Thry know Joe is senile. It is pathetic and really put on display how full of shit they are.

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