No more boosters for me

Was the side effect known to the manufacturer?
Probably not, because, unlike previous vaccines, these have not had long-term testing. The political pressure due to media frenzy caused the rush. The mortality rate is minuscule.
Probably not, because, unlike previous vaccines, these have not had long-term testing. The political pressure due to media frenzy caused the rush. The mortality rate is minuscule.
Then there shouldn’t be legal ramifications for the manufacturer because they didn’t publish a warning about an effect that was unknown.
Hardly. People can sue companies over mere allegations and wind up costing the manufacturer a lot of money even if the don’t win.
That diversion doesn't explain why the manufacturers have been given immunity from liability. Try again.
Probably not, because, unlike previous vaccines, these have not had long-term testing. The political pressure due to media frenzy caused the rush. The mortality rate is minuscule.

Did that “political pressure” not have anything to do with 3,000 Americans dying per day?
Nope. Guns don't do anything by themselves. People kill people. With guns, knives, bats, and numerous other devices. The liability lies with the person using said tools to accomplish an illegal act. Logic.
Nope. Alcohol don't do anything by themselves. People drink alcohol. With beer, vodka, gin and numerous other types. The liability lies with the person using alcohol to accomplish an illegal act. Logic.

Like holding a bartender liable for overserving or a liquid store for selling to a minor...
Then there shouldn’t be legal ramifications for the manufacturer because they didn’t publish a warning about an effect that was unknown.
The liability would be for releasing a medicine that wasn't thoroughly tested for long term adverse effects, not for failure to guess at what those effects might be,
Nope. Alcohol don't do anything by themselves. People drink alcohol. With beer, vodka, gin and numerous other types. The liability lies with the person using alcohol to accomplish an illegal act. Logic.

Like holding a bartender liable for overserving or a liquid store for selling to a minor...
No one is forcing people to drink alcohol.
I got the pffffizer jab then the pffffizer booster 1 and then the pffffffizer booster 2.

I’m contemplating drawing the line at some point. But Dr. Fauxi hasn’t told me what I think yet.

I tell ya: it ain’t easy being a sheep.

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