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No One Has a Right to Health Care

and you leaches seem to think that because someone has a nice house and a nice car, they can afford to hand over a few thousand so you dont have to apply yourself.
Guess what? most of those people you think are just rolling in the cash are house poor.
paying for you could be the one thing that breaks them

I've always had a nice house and nice cars. I didn't realize that was some demonic act. If I were running the government:

1) Everyone would get a good education.....not just the wealthy
2) Everyone would have access to total health care and any family of four who earned less than $35,000 per anum would get it free. As their income increased they would pay a portion of the cost. Anyone who earned more than $1,000,000 per year would pay 75% of the excess in tax. If anyone had a problem with it we would arrange for their transportation to another country.

You wouldn't have to arrange anything. They will be happy to leave all on their own as they have in the past.

...not if they had to pay terriffs.

And who do you suppose ultimately pays that tariff?

The exporter would be forced to pay. He'd have to dip into those record profits and pay like the working ppl have payed for the last 45 yrs. And u know what?! He would too! THIS is where the cocksuckers sell their junk...WE buy that shit! Oh yeah, they'll pay.

I didn't ask who would pay, I asked who would ultimately pay.......as in down the road. Let me give you an example from personal experience:

The environmentalists have attacked the transportation industry. Over the last ten years or so, more and more regulations.

In that time, the cost of a tractor or truck has gone up well over $10,000. Diesel fuel too has gone up considerably thanks to lower sulfur content and it's hovered around $1.00 a gallon over gasoline whereas before, it was always much cheaper than gas. All vehicles produced in 2010 or later require the use of Diesel Emission Fluid, or DEF for short. It's a separate container that holds DEF which squirts into your exhaust pipe supposedly making the exhaust cleaner. To operate all these pollution gadgets, more computers are needed which causes many more problems than before. My personal estimation is that over 80% of problems with trucks have to do with some pollution gadget going haywire, and I've had my estimation confirmed by multiple diesel mechanics.

These are considerable costs to my employer and transportation companies all across the country, but my boss only pays up front. To recoup that money, he had to increase our delivery rates several times during this era. Our consumers (who produce product we purchase) have to pay these extra costs, and we are the people that actually pay for all this pollution nonsense when we buy those products at the store. The US consumer ultimately pays for all this.

That's how it works with everything regarding costs to companies and producers of our products. Tariffs would be no different. The little guy always foots the bill.
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

back in the day when HEALTH INSURANCE was affordable, anyone could get HEALTH CARE even if they had no money at the county hospital. people are not denied health care unless they are counting on the Government run VA system to save them
Agreed.. that's why contrary to public opinion, we don't deny access to healthcare.

The welfare state compels taxpayers and producers to pay for healthcare - but socialized medicine will bankrupt the nation. I mean the US is already bankrupt t---the national debt is over 18 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion $$$$$..

OMG! You are so ridiculously ignorant! What has ALREADY bankrupted the nation is giving corporate everything they want for 45 years.

The fascists and the socialist aka the progressives.

God, some of you guys are dumb. Fascists and Socialists are not the same thing.
They are really, socialism always fails... Thus birthing dictatorships.

Socialism always sounds good to dumbass irresponsible types...
Is it socialism that creates dictatorships or is it run away capitalism and greed that ushers in dictatorships who use socialism as a tool to repair the damage ? I say being responsible capitalist is a must. Anyone get the importance yet ?
republican compassion....iraq...5000 dead and 30,000 maimed for life. People that send the poor and minorities to war for profit surly do not care if you feel well. I cant wait for the revolution. Eat the rich.

Liberal logic: We have 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance--mostly because they can't afford it. So my plan is to make a law that they have to buy health insurance they can't afford, and when they can't because they can't afford it, we are going to take away their badly needed money via income tax refund. There....... the problem is solved.
Should all veterans have health care?

Yes they should. Why would you ask that?
If no one has a right to health care, does that mean "no one" or actually some Americans do have a right? So if some Americans do have a right to health care then who decides and decides on what basis?

It's not a right, it's a benefit for joining our military to fight for our country. It's no different than retirement plans or healthcare after retirement if you worked for a company that had those provisions.

The real problem here is a lack of understanding of what it means to say something is a "right". I think a lot of people think rights are merely benefits provided by government. So when they say "healthcare should be a right", they're really just saying that we should use government to make sure everyone has healthcare.

Liberals have no idea what a right is.

"A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

"Tell me how much is your FAIR SHARE of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
I've always had a nice house and nice cars. I didn't realize that was some demonic act. If I were running the government:

1) Everyone would get a good education.....not just the wealthy
2) Everyone would have access to total health care and any family of four who earned less than $35,000 per anum would get it free. As their income increased they would pay a portion of the cost. Anyone who earned more than $1,000,000 per year would pay 75% of the excess in tax. If anyone had a problem with it we would arrange for their transportation to another country.

You wouldn't have to arrange anything. They will be happy to leave all on their own as they have in the past.

...not if they had to pay terriffs.

And who do you suppose ultimately pays that tariff?

The exporter would be forced to pay. He'd have to dip into those record profits and pay like the working ppl have payed for the last 45 yrs. And u know what?! He would too! THIS is where the cocksuckers sell their junk...WE buy that shit! Oh yeah, they'll pay.

I didn't ask who would pay, I asked who would ultimately pay.......as in down the road. Let me give you an example from personal experience:

The environmentalists have attacked the transportation industry. Over the last ten years or so, more and more regulations.

In that time, the cost of a tractor or truck has gone up well over $10,000. Diesel fuel too has gone up considerably thanks to lower sulfur content and it's hovered around $1.00 a gallon over gasoline whereas before, it was always much cheaper than gas. All vehicles produced in 2010 or later require the use of Diesel Emission Fluid, or DEF for short. It's a separate container that holds DEF which squirts into your exhaust pipe supposedly making the exhaust cleaner. To operate all these pollution gadgets, more computers are needed which causes many more problems than before. My personal estimation is that over 80% of problems with trucks have to do with some pollution gadget going haywire, and I've had my estimation confirmed by multiple diesel mechanics.

These are considerable costs to my employer and transportation companies all across the country, but my boss only pays up front. To recoup that money, he had to increase our delivery rates several times during this era. Our consumers (who produce product we purchase) have to pay these extra costs, and we are the people that actually pay for all this pollution nonsense when we buy those products at the store. The US consumer ultimately pays for all this.

That's how it works with everything regarding costs to companies and producers of our products. Tariffs would be no different. The little guy always foots the bill.
. No need to mix specific issues together, but I agree with you that the environmentalist are out of control. The DEF systems are killing small business in the trucking industry. The technology was pushed down it's throat, and the technology isn't quality and is failing after a certain amount of miles in which is to soon. Just like Obama care hasn't offered the quality in healthcare that people expect for their money. Obamacare was quickly done, and it is killing the working class.
I have always had healthcare. But then I was smart enough to realize early on that I would need to work toward a good paying job to earn a living... not rotting away at min wage.

While remaining completely oblivious to the fact that many of your peers in similar jobs don't have the advantage of suckling the corporate tit.
You wouldn't have to arrange anything. They will be happy to leave all on their own as they have in the past.

...not if they had to pay terriffs.

And who do you suppose ultimately pays that tariff?

The exporter would be forced to pay. He'd have to dip into those record profits and pay like the working ppl have payed for the last 45 yrs. And u know what?! He would too! THIS is where the cocksuckers sell their junk...WE buy that shit! Oh yeah, they'll pay.

I didn't ask who would pay, I asked who would ultimately pay.......as in down the road. Let me give you an example from personal experience:

The environmentalists have attacked the transportation industry. Over the last ten years or so, more and more regulations.

In that time, the cost of a tractor or truck has gone up well over $10,000. Diesel fuel too has gone up considerably thanks to lower sulfur content and it's hovered around $1.00 a gallon over gasoline whereas before, it was always much cheaper than gas. All vehicles produced in 2010 or later require the use of Diesel Emission Fluid, or DEF for short. It's a separate container that holds DEF which squirts into your exhaust pipe supposedly making the exhaust cleaner. To operate all these pollution gadgets, more computers are needed which causes many more problems than before. My personal estimation is that over 80% of problems with trucks have to do with some pollution gadget going haywire, and I've had my estimation confirmed by multiple diesel mechanics.

These are considerable costs to my employer and transportation companies all across the country, but my boss only pays up front. To recoup that money, he had to increase our delivery rates several times during this era. Our consumers (who produce product we purchase) have to pay these extra costs, and we are the people that actually pay for all this pollution nonsense when we buy those products at the store. The US consumer ultimately pays for all this.

That's how it works with everything regarding costs to companies and producers of our products. Tariffs would be no different. The little guy always foots the bill.
. No need to mix specific issues together, but I agree with you that the environmentalist are out of control. The DEF systems are killing small business in the trucking industry. The technology was pushed down it's throat, and the technology isn't quality and is failing after a certain amount of miles in which is to soon. Just like Obama care hasn't offered the quality in healthcare that people expect for their money. Obamacare was quickly done, and it is killing the working class.

Thank you.

My employer got me a brand spanking new tractor right off the assembly line built our way right down to the paint color. After 15,000 miles (which is nothing for a truck) it started acting up already. While I'm driving, the gauges go nuts: the speedometer, the air pressure, the oil pressure, the water temperature, the tachometer......

I took it in and even took a video on my phone because the problem is intermittent. They took it in overnight and when I went to pick it up the next morning, they said they couldn't do a thing about it because it has to be doing the same thing in front of them so they could start testing things in the boards.

But I have to admit it was better than my last brand new truck. It had five problems the day I picked it up.

You can't force technology because it makes some environmentalist happy. It has to come at it's own time where it's properly tested, has the bugs worked out, and then you can produce it by the millions.

We all pay for it and if I were the next President, the first thing I would do is create a law where all manufactured goods had to have an environmental cost on the package since all these environmental costs are hidden, and people have no idea how much it's costing them.

DumBama made all restaurants post calorie count on every item them sell on the menu, I would do the same except for environmental costs.
republican compassion....iraq...5000 dead and 30,000 maimed for life. People that send the poor and minorities to war for profit surly do not care if you feel well. I cant wait for the revolution. Eat the rich.

Liberal logic: We have 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance--mostly because they can't afford it. So my plan is to make a law that they have to buy health insurance they can't afford, and when they can't because they can't afford it, we are going to take away their badly needed money via income tax refund. There....... the problem is solved.
That way they don't have to call it a tax on the poor and middle class.

It's just a penalty ....for being poor and middle class . :)
But if you stop and think about it , why wouldn't you want all of the members of your civilized society to have affordable healthcare?

We do, we just want everybody to pay for it as well.

And the people who can't pay you want to do without.

Then they pay as much as they can which is why I suggested long ago that healthcare be funded through a consumption tax--say 20 cents on the dollar.

That way we all have a dog in the fight: the poor, the middle-class, the wealthy.......

The less you buy, the less you pay. The more you buy or the more expensive you buy, the more you pay.
republican compassion....iraq...5000 dead and 30,000 maimed for life. People that send the poor and minorities to war for profit surly do not care if you feel well. I cant wait for the revolution. Eat the rich.

Liberal logic: We have 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance--mostly because they can't afford it. So my plan is to make a law that they have to buy health insurance they can't afford, and when they can't because they can't afford it, we are going to take away their badly needed money via income tax refund. There....... the problem is solved.
That way they don't have to call it a tax on the poor and middle class.

It's just a penalty ....for being poor and middle class . :)


"If I am elected, nobody making less than 250 thousand dollars a year will see a new tax of any kind: no payroll tax, no income tax, no tax at all."
Barack Hussein Obama

Within the first couple months of taking over the White House, the first thing he did was implement a new sin tax which statistically, is paid by the middle-class and poor.

Never trust a born liar.
Private health care has served me and my family well for the past 40 years. But, I had to earn it. Say it with me Dims - E-A-R-N. Now let's use it in a sentence: EARN is what responsible citizens do to provide for their families.
. Earn eh ? Well what about the earners who are also setting up their pay scales within a class, way far beyond the actual value of the job, but do so because they need not only enough money to take care of themselves, but also need enough to take care of all the spoiled rotten free loaders whom don't appear as free loaders, because they have been decked out in the latest fashions, technology, $50.000 dollar pick ups and BMW's going to the finest schools, and yes free healthcare until their 26 years old? Then we see the classwafare being waged outside the group suggesting that people are just scum because they want the healthcare system reformed to make it affordable and quality for all ? Kidding me right ?
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But if you stop and think about it , why wouldn't you want all of the members of your civilized society to have affordable healthcare?

I DO want that! But I don't think my desires justify violence. That's the difference. Those of you who want to use government to solve these kinds of problems aren't satisfied with working voluntarily, alongside those who agree with you, toward such worthwhile goals. You want to use government to force others to comply with your idea of the best solution.
republican compassion....iraq...5000 dead and 30,000 maimed for life. People that send the poor and minorities to war for profit surly do not care if you feel well. I cant wait for the revolution. Eat the rich.

Liberal logic: We have 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance--mostly because they can't afford it. So my plan is to make a law that they have to buy health insurance they can't afford, and when they can't because they can't afford it, we are going to take away their badly needed money via income tax refund. There....... the problem is solved.
That way they don't have to call it a tax on the poor and middle class.

It's just a penalty ....for being poor and middle class . :)
Notice how the libs don't bat an eye at all when the poor and middle class are robbed of their tax refunds.
But if you stop and think about it , why wouldn't you want all of the members of your civilized society to have affordable healthcare?

I DO want that! But I don't think my desires justify violence. That's the difference. Those of you who want to use government to solve these kinds of problems aren't satisfied with working voluntarily, alongside those who agree with you, toward such worthwhile goals. You want to use government to force others to comply with your idea of the best solution.

I want poor people to be able to send their kids to the doctor the same as they would send their kids to school...

...the kids wouldn't come home to tell their parents they were turned away because they couldn't pay.
But if you stop and think about it , why wouldn't you want all of the members of your civilized society to have affordable healthcare?

I DO want that! But I don't think my desires justify violence. That's the difference. Those of you who want to use government to solve these kinds of problems aren't satisfied with working voluntarily, alongside those who agree with you, toward such worthwhile goals. You want to use government to force others to comply with your idea of the best solution.

I want poor people to be able to send their kids to the doctor the same as they would send their kids to school...

...the kids wouldn't come home to tell their parents they were turned away because they couldn't pay.

Me too. See above...

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