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No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump

No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Most of it he brings on him self, people respond to what he is saying, and its easy ,its short & dramatic. Bush & Oama m m
Horseshit. Snowflakes get their panties into a wad. That's not the same as "people" getting upset.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
So you equate Trump's behaviors with those of Hillary. No worse.

Okay, got it. I believe you.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
So you equate Trump's behaviors with those of Hillary. No worse.

Okay, got it. I believe you.
Only his rhetoric is as bad as Hillary's. Hillary is a crook.
What political alliances has Trump formed?

He declared war on everyone as soon as he took office. Declared the press a public enemy, our intelligence community untrustworthy, Congress incompetent, insulted our allies around the world, attacked and insulted government employees

Then complains......no president has been treated as badly as I have been

He has two confirmed alliances.

One with the Russians

The other with the Saudi's.
He's the People's President
Except more AMERICAN people voted against Don THE Con than for him!

In thirty out of fifty states, he had the clear majority, often a sizable majority. You need 270 electoral votes to win. Trump had 336. That is what counts. Whatever you want to THINK, Hillary wasn't even close to winning. SHE GOT SLAMMED. It doesn't mean a fuck if 5 million illegals and assholes in LA all voted for Hillary! Let them all eat cake.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
You cocksucks acted like total assholes for the entire eight years of President Obama's terms. And he was a very good President. In the treasonous fat senile old orange clown we see a President that plumbs the very depths of stupidity and demagoguery. It has been proven by his son, Donald Trump Jr., that not only did they collude with the Russians, they were eager to do so. And you are someone that supports this treason. You should also be in the docket with these traitors.
He's the People's President
Except more AMERICAN people voted against Don THE Con than for him!

In thirty out of fifty states, he had the clear majority, often a sizable majority. You need 270 electoral votes to win. Trump had 336. That is what counts. Whatever you want to THINK, Hillary wasn't even close to winning. SHE GOT SLAMMED. It doesn't mean a fuck if 5 million illegals and assholes in LA all voted for Hillary! Let them all eat cake.
You are one fucked up liar. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown had 304 electoral votes.

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.

There are always people who treat presidents badly. None have been immune. What is really different this time is the acceptance and defense of the bad treatment. The media and Dem leaders seem to encourage more of the violence, threats and chaos. When anyone so much as disagreed with Obama, they were called out and often accused of racism.

When people make outright threats against Trump or call for a jihad against his administration, the media gives them a pass for the most part. Pelosi, Reid and others have been saying some pretty crazy things and the media treats them as righteous individuals.

Any elected official that called Obama a liar or said he was wrong about something was treated as an enemy of the state.

Trump will never do anything right in the eyes of the sore losers. Keeps a promise and he gets called names. Breaks a promise and he gets called names. Wakes up every morning and gets called names.

Suddenly, mocking the family members and calling for civil disobedience is perfectly acceptable to the left.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
Had you down to a tee. You treasonous cocksucks approve of Russian interference in our electoral process, as long as it is for your dips. I have no respect for any of you. You are the same as your hero, a bunch of lying assholes. Trump Jr.'s e-mails proved that the whole admin was in on seeking Russian aid in tipping our electoral processes.
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.
I am sure that you would kiss the ass of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown were you given a chance.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.

Fat disgusting pig, that face?, Miss Housekeeping, Crooked Hillary, Lil Marco, Lying Ted.......have you seen this guy?
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.
Trump has created his own nightmare

Pick a fight with everyone you meet you can't complain if you get slapped
He has established no political allies. He is at war with the media, his own intelligence agencies, the federal workforce, both houses of Congress, the courts, our NATO allies

Can't complain if you are not getting support
You are one fucked up liar. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown had 304 electoral votes.

You're such a nice guy. My mistake. You're right. So what's your point? I made a typo? Trump still won?




Hillary got slammed. She was a total fail. Trump's win was a LANDSLIDE. She was as phony as the Russia Investigation. She was as phony as all that make-up plastered all over her face to make her look presentable, and she still looked like shit. She couldn't stand, she couldn't walk, she couldn't speak, she couldn't even climb stairs.

Talk to Putin? She would have tripped, fallen over him and landed in his lap where she would have SUCKED HIS DICK to be his friend. Just throw a little money her way and you can buy Hillary like a cheap stereo.

She was the most overrated, overbooked, oversold, overpriced, overestimated candidate in American History. The Democrats are so fucked up, they really thought they had an absolute winner with 99% chance of winning and they were counting their victory and smoking their cigars even before election night!

But she only won 20 out of 50 states, and many of them tiny states. Little itty bitty teeny tiny states. Even in the big states like California and New York, most of those states by area voted against her! Just that they have an ENORMOUS imbalance of population distribution into one or two very small areas which also are full of illegals and sickening gridlock of democratic party control. The other 95% of those states, those people can be damned. Their vote won't ever be counted.

Inland California doesn't get counted for shit. Upstate New York doesn't get counted for shit. Those people have no voice in their states.

DO YOU KNOW both of those states have been deadlocked for democratic candidates ever since 1992 and the Clintons? I doubt they will ever have a chance to vote anything but democrat until the disease that is the current leadership of the DNC is finally driven out of power.


He ain't going anywhere. The more you bitch, the more he will stay. He might stay 8 years just to jack you off.

TRUMP ISN'T EVEN REMOTELY TREASONOUS, Liar. Probably the cleanest president in THIRTY YEARS.






Trump wasn't the one out there talking hate during the campaign, YOU WERE. Trump isn't the one out there decapitating heads, threatening assassination, being stabbed in stage plays, having murder videos made up about him, YOU ARE.



That really bugs you, doesn't it.

Trump is just the best thing that has ever come down the pike. And he will not stop until he has undone EVERY SINGLE LAST THING Obama and Clinton did and puts America right again. Apple pie. Waving Flag. American pride again.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it, you sick little commie.

But I hear tickets to France are going cheap. They took in 9 million muslims, so I know they ain't picky. I can't believe they'd turn you away either.
Again what about Lincoln? Half the states literally rebelled against him.

I think that's a bit worse

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