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No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump

No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.


Any man that is capable of leaving two of his wives and children, while publicly bragging about it, is probably capable of having affairs in the White House. I doubt Trump gives a rats ass where it happens, just as long as it happens.
I'm not sure the world is as prudish as American evangelicals are. After learning of Clinton's tryst with Monica
there was probably a collective wink and a nod accompanying uncontrollable chuckling heard' round the world. The. Gutteral sounds of "Atta boys" were carried by the winds to the far corners of the earth . immoral? Improper? Yes to both questions. But in retrospect we knew that Clinton was a man ...and that Lewinsky was a woman... Bill Clinton wouldn't fall out of favor because of his indiscretion.
Too many viewers identified with that kind of earthiness. Clinton just revealed his human side and the public loved it.
At his age back then Clinton cannot be compared to a 70 year old Trump. Given.some of the sordid statements uttered by a younger Trump discovered during the campaign i believe Trump would have been just as bad or worse than Clinton with female interns.

If Bill Clinton had Trump's wealth and power and was owner of a beauty pageant where models were throwing themselves at him saying: Do me! Do me! Bill Clinton would be public enemy #1 today as the nation's leading sex offender. He was already going out drugging under age girls and raping them, going to orgy camps, and attacking adult staff and workers around him WITHOUT any of them being gorgeous or throwing themselves at him, well, except for Monica. And she was a dog. All Trump did was tell someone privately that he took a few girls up on what THEY OFFERED! Oh if only we could be a fly on the wall and hear some of the things Obama and Hillary have said in private, like in 2012 when Obama didn't realize the mike was on while telling the Russian Ambassador that once he was reelected, he would REALLY be free to help Russia out.

Isn't it great when you have the media on your side that don't want to look into such things?????????
They might be calling him a treasonous skinny black gay lying traitor.
But then, we already knew that.
Well no president has behaved in such an unhinged and unprofessional way as Trump.

The hate Trump receives is 100% justified.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
"We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture." - Rush Limbaugh
So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.

Bill Clintons behavior was going on for decades, Bill embarrassed us on the world stage. Just admit defeat and go lick your wounds, Trump has a long way to go before he reaches the heights of depravity the Clintons gave us.
I'm not sure the world is as prudish as American evangelicals are. After learning of Clinton's tryst with Monica
there was probably a collective wink and a nod accompanying uncontrollable chuckling heard' round the world. The. Gutteral sounds of "Atta boys" were carried by the winds to the far corners of the earth . immoral? Improper? Yes to both questions. But in retrospect we knew that Clinton was a man ...and that Lewinsky was a woman... Bill Clinton wouldn't fall out of favor because of his indiscretion.
Too many viewers identified with that kind of earthiness. Clinton just revealed his human side and the public loved it.
At his age back then Clinton cannot be compared to a 70 year old Trump. Given.some of the sordid statements uttered by a younger Trump discovered during the campaign i believe Trump would have been just as bad or worse than Clinton with female interns.
You just proved that you're nothing but a lying douche bag. You've been told 10,000 times that wasn't about sex, it was about perjuring himself while he was under oath and his subsequent efforts to obstruct justice. No matter how many times the facts are pointed out, you all revert to the same old lie. I believe this syndrome is pathological.
Well no president has behaved in such an unhinged and unprofessional way as Trump.

The hate Trump receives is 100% justified.
hardly. On top of winning, Trump committed the cardinal sin of telling everyone how the media lies. That's what really got them into a tailspin.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
"We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture." - Rush Limbaugh
That is Rush paraphrasing what snowflakes think about normal patriotic Americans.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
So you didn't think a Black President telling Republicans they had to sit in the back wasn't extremely fucked up ?
I didn't like that at all. It was a bad sign.

But please tell me you're not equating that comment with Trump's string of personal insults and childish name-calling.
Who would have ever guessed that politics would be more entertaining that any comedy T.V reality show out there?
There are people here who are refusing to admit that Trump's behaviors are unusual or different or unacceptable in any way. The thing is, I believe it's possible they're being honest.

I've developed a very healthy respect for the power of ideology. An ideologue - a person who is accustomed to automatically defending and spinning for their side regardless of the amount of evidence against them - can literally talk themselves into pretty much anything, and it appears to happen naturally and in the blink of an eye. That's pretty powerful.

So people can see this long string of unbelievable, ridiculous, humiliating things he has said, but them in a box, and forget about them. When confronted with specific statements, they simply justify the point and avoid the childishness of Trump's words. "That person deserved it". Really?

Since the things he has said have been absolutely indefensible, they just don't even try, and they might even convince themselves they don't exist. Then they just naturally deflect the conversation away. Poof.

Okay. I believe them.
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No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump
Rubbish... a number of other Presidents have been treated equally or far worse in the press over time.

Then again, few other Presidents fail to disclose tax-returns or keep their campaign promises, or collaborate with adversarial foreign governments.

It's all relative.

If the Imperial Cheeto did not want the job, perhaps he should not have allowed Obumble to goad him into running, as Barry did at that dinner, a few years ago.
Who gives a shit about tax returns, most of which the federal government does is taxation without representation anyway… cupcake

Orange Jesus's worshippers howled like it was a Great Betrayal of America when Obama didn't make public his college transcripts but defend to the death their messiah when Orange Jesus doesn't release his tax returns. As if the two were equivalent.
Barry was just your typical career politician, lied about everything he did and wanted to do. I guess that's the job of a community organizer… LOL

lol, when a Trump cult member attacks the OTHER guy for lying that is irony times one thousand.
Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.

I appears Mac has gone over to the liberal side or someone hacked his account.
He's always leaned left. He'll surprise you with a stroke of middle of the road here and there, but when push comes to shove he's a liberal.

I'm pretty sure I've seen Mac accused of being a liberal and a conservative multiple times each. Maybe he's just willing to argue a point, regardless of where on the political spectrum it might be?

Oh man! You must be Mac's tissue paper and lotion distributor. Hope you ain't married, cuz you just made a man fall in love.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.

I appears Mac has gone over to the liberal side or someone hacked his account.
He's always leaned left. He'll surprise you with a stroke of middle of the road here and there, but when push comes to shove he's a liberal.

I'm pretty sure I've seen Mac accused of being a liberal and a conservative multiple times each. Maybe he's just willing to argue a point, regardless of where on the political spectrum it might be?

Oh man! You must be Mac's tissue paper and lotion distributor. Hope you ain't married, cuz you just made a man fall in love.
Montrovant, one of my favorite things about this place is taking incoming from hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends, in the same thread.

Love it.

They're very eager to confirm and illustrate my sig for me.
The sad thing, based on snowflake comments, is that they actually believe subversion, sedition, illegally sharing info, illegally unmasking Americans, felony espionage, attempts to set up and falsely accuse a President is 'normal' ... if all done against a Republican.

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