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No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump

No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
Had you down to a tee. You treasonous cocksucks approve of Russian interference in our electoral process, as long as it is for your dips. I have no respect for any of you. You are the same as your hero, a bunch of lying assholes. Trump Jr.'s e-mails proved that the whole admin was in on seeking Russian aid in tipping our electoral processes.
In other words, It's only not OK for Republicans to insult people. Dims are free to fire away. Thanks for proving what a great big bag of hypocritical gas you are.

Opposition research is not a crime, douche bag. Did you see the video of Hillary saying a bunch of foreign leaders offered to help her defeat Trump? Why aren't you calling on Mewler to investigate her? Why aren't you calling her a traitor?
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.
Trump has created his own nightmare

Pick a fight with everyone you meet you can't complain if you get slapped
He has established no political allies. He is at war with the media, his own intelligence agencies, the federal workforce, both houses of Congress, the courts, our NATO allies

Can't complain if you are not getting support
Another bullshit claim from the snowflakes. As if they didn't start screaming for impeachment the day Trump was elected.

An election is a fight, you great big fucking moron. Hillary called half the country racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes - deplorables.

it's astounding to me how you douche bag snowflakes can be so blind to the crimes your side commits.
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.
Trump has created his own nightmare

Pick a fight with everyone you meet you can't complain if you get slapped
He has established no political allies. He is at war with the media, his own intelligence agencies, the federal workforce, both houses of Congress, the courts, our NATO allies

Can't complain if you are not getting support
Another bullshit claim from the snowflakes. As if they didn't start screaming for impeachment the day Trump was elected.

An election is a fight, you great big fucking moron. Hillary called half the country racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes - deplorables.

it's astounding to me how you douche bag snowflakes can be so blind to the crimes your side commits.
No. Hillary called half of Trumps supporters deplorable. The rest of us are OK

Guess where you fall fingerboy?
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.
Trump has created his own nightmare

Pick a fight with everyone you meet you can't complain if you get slapped
He has established no political allies. He is at war with the media, his own intelligence agencies, the federal workforce, both houses of Congress, the courts, our NATO allies

Can't complain if you are not getting support
Another bullshit claim from the snowflakes. As if they didn't start screaming for impeachment the day Trump was elected.

An election is a fight, you great big fucking moron. Hillary called half the country racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes - deplorables.

it's astounding to me how you douche bag snowflakes can be so blind to the crimes your side commits.
No. Hillary called half of Trumps supporters deplorable. The rest of us are OK

Guess where you fall fingerboy?
In other words, you admit that Hillary is no better than Trump.
No president has performed as badly as Trump.

No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
Hillary Clinton calling millions of American voters Deplorable?
... is nothing compared to this man's behaviors.

Including talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

She upset many people by calling some of Trump's supporters "deplorable". They hated it is much that they made t-shirts.

i'm.a deplorable t shirt - Google Search
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.

Second that.

Third that. Sure. Every president gets slammed, hammered, eye-poked, groin-kicked, stepped on, walked over, made visceral threats on, video games killing him, people decapitating him, stage plays stabbing him, completely, utterly, shamelessly disrespecting his office on major TV shows, major news networks, by Congressmen, every paper, and by major Hollywood stars morning, noon and night 7 days a week before he has even done a single thing.

His hair, his business, his face, his speech, his walk, his suit, his family. The problem isn't Trump. Never has been. So what if he is a plain-spoken, little rough around the edge, in your face New York businessman. He is also honest about what he believes and feels to a fault. No need to guess what he thinks.

This is not about him as a president. This is about the Entrenched Elite on both sides that simply hate him because he doesn't play lip service to them or KISS THEIR ASS. Instead, Donald says: KISS MY ASS. And you CAN kiss it.
Trump has created his own nightmare

Pick a fight with everyone you meet you can't complain if you get slapped
He has established no political allies. He is at war with the media, his own intelligence agencies, the federal workforce, both houses of Congress, the courts, our NATO allies

Can't complain if you are not getting support
Another bullshit claim from the snowflakes. As if they didn't start screaming for impeachment the day Trump was elected.

An election is a fight, you great big fucking moron. Hillary called half the country racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes - deplorables.

it's astounding to me how you douche bag snowflakes can be so blind to the crimes your side commits.
No. Hillary called half of Trumps supporters deplorable. The rest of us are OK

Guess where you fall fingerboy?
Says someone who drinks the koolaid from Hildabeasts colostomy bag...
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
All Trump did is behave like a typical Democrat. Ugly, isn't it?
A Democrat like whom?

I'm trying to think of a Democrat who talked about the size of their dick during during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and who called ALL of their fellow Democrats third-grade names while launching nasty personal insults on a daily basis, for two glaring examples.

A name is escaping me at the moment.
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
Had you down to a tee. You treasonous cocksucks approve of Russian interference in our electoral process, as long as it is for your dips. I have no respect for any of you. You are the same as your hero, a bunch of lying assholes. Trump Jr.'s e-mails proved that the whole admin was in on seeking Russian aid in tipping our electoral processes.
In other words, It's only not OK for Republicans to insult people. Dims are free to fire away. Thanks for proving what a great big bag of hypocritical gas you are.

Opposition research is not a crime, douche bag. Did you see the video of Hillary saying a bunch of foreign leaders offered to help her defeat Trump? Why aren't you calling on Mewler to investigate her? Why aren't you calling her a traitor?

Don't forget the Ukrainians who were actively helping the DNC defeat Trump, and were being PAID to do so. Let me know what days the hearing will be. I want to see Hillary on the stand.
It is really tough being a megalomaniac, pathologically lying, sexist and racist multi-billionaire who bought the presidency of the United States. He just can't catch an even break....
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

1000 tweets are his only accomplishment--and it's been great for late night Comedy T.V. and Saturday night Live--where I am certain his ratings are very high there---:badgrin: Afterall everyone loves a Trump comedy skit.

But his approval rating as President is in the gutter.
Trump's six-month approval rating is lowest ever recorded

Who would have ever guessed that politics would be more entertaining that any comedy T.V reality show out there?
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
So you didn't think a Black President telling Republicans they had to sit in the back wasn't extremely fucked up ?
Look up Obama asshole.

Trump has asked for it through being an asshole to other people.

Look up an Obama Asshole? I did on Wiki. It had a picture of you! Apparently you are an expert on assholes. The day that Mack Daddy started running for office, I knew we would all have to pucker up, and he shoved it to the USA for eight very long years. As far as Trump's concerned, he is no asshole. He's a really nice guy. A real sweetheart. I'd like to buy him lunch! He only ACTS like an asshole to those that treat him like one first.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.

Bill Clintons behavior was going on for decades, Bill embarrassed us on the world stage. Just admit defeat and go lick your wounds, Trump has a long way to go before he reaches the heights of depravity the Clintons gave us.
I'm not sure the world is as prudish as American evangelicals are. After learning of Clinton's tryst with Monica
there was probably a collective wink and a nod accompanying uncontrollable chuckling heard' round the world. The. Gutteral sounds of "Atta boys" were carried by the winds to the far corners of the earth . immoral? Improper? Yes to both questions. But in retrospect we knew that Clinton was a man ...and that Lewinsky was a woman... Bill Clinton wouldn't fall out of favor because of his indiscretion.
Too many viewers identified with that kind of earthiness. Clinton just revealed his human side and the public loved it.
At his age back then Clinton cannot be compared to a 70 year old Trump. Given.some of the sordid statements uttered by a younger Trump discovered during the campaign i believe Trump would have been just as bad or worse than Clinton with female interns.

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