Noaa says May was a fire burner of a month globally!!!

I'm not really interested in deniers crying over the death of their cult, or the humiliation they're undergoing. They deserve it, end of story, so feel no sympathy for them.

I am interested in why GISTEMP was +0.71C, while NOAA was +0.87C. Both use the same NCDC station networks.

I think it's because GISTEMP is more weighted towards the polar regions, which saw a colder than average May. When polar regions have an especially hot anomaly, GISTEMP reads hotter than NOAA.
Hey, skooks, how warm do you want our world to get? a huge majority of people, I got waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much responsibility in life to worry about 1/2 a degree. Trust me.......when you get some real responsibilities in life, you wont be worried about global warming at all anymore!!!:coffee:

This whole thread is based on an out right fabrications and lies.. Global Satellite coverage says this is NOT HAPPENING.... There is even an internal fight over at NCDC and NOAA about the lies and the fact we have been cooling now, GLOBALLY for over ten years..

The CAGW cult is in high gear with the falsehoods prior to their all out power grab conference in Paris.. I hope Paris is under 3 feet of snow in December... Fucking morons..

They are so bold now they dont even hide the fact that its an outright lie.. Libs, socialists and commies in all out panic mode...
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Satellite data is so wildly out of whack now that everyone considers it to be a joke. Except particularly desperate deniers, who need some straw to clutch at. Those who aren't profoundly stupid understand that if you want to measure temperature at the surface, you measure temperature at the surface.

And Billy, your shrill tone here gives away the hysteria you clearly feel over the collapse of your cult.
I'm not really interested in deniers crying over the death of their cult, or the humiliation they're undergoing. They deserve it, end of story, so feel no sympathy for them.

I am interested in why GISTEMP was +0.71C, while NOAA was +0.87C. Both use the same NCDC station networks.

I think it's because GISTEMP is more weighted towards the polar regions, which saw a colder than average May. When polar regions have an especially hot anomaly, GISTEMP reads hotter than NOAA.

Love being in the "cult" s0n!!!:spinner:

Satellite data is so wildly out of whack now that everyone considers it to be a joke. Except particularly desperate deniers, who need some straw to clutch at. Those who aren't profoundly stupid understand that if you want to measure temperature at the surface, you measure temperature at the surface.

And Billy, your shrill tone here gives away the hysteria you clearly feel over the collapse of your cult.

Hey there fuck tard...Your the ones screeching and lying out your asses.. It isn't those who are realists. We just point out that the much more reliable satellite data lays your adjusted, homogenized, and fabricated stuff as worthless crap. Why else would a high ranking NCDC official Tom Peterson refuse to address his work, his points in Karl Et AL and instead resort to a left wing hack blog (not even a US blog) to besmirch and belittle? He cant defend his own dam work!

The dam liar has nothing and the paper is a fucking sham... Just like all the CAGW hype these days... lies and dam lies...
Skook, for your sake, I'll try to keep words to 2 syllables or less. Except for "syllable".

"Not having global warming be a top concern" does not disprove that your cult has failed. They are different concepts. It's stupid to compare them. And gutless for you to use it as an excuse to run each time you get spanked.

(Yes, "different" was 3 syllables, but I think skook can grasp it.)

Also, I've reported skook twice for blatant spamming. Skook, you know the rules, so don't weep and cry again about how mean I am. When any limpwrister cries about me, it just encourages me to keep using whatever tactic they cried about.
Hey there fuck tard...

Temper, temper, Billy.

Your the ones screeching and lying out your asses.. It isn't those who are realists.

The world thinks the opposite. Sucks to be you.

We just point out that the much more reliable satellite data lays your adjusted, homogenized, and fabricated stuff as worthless crap.

And everyone laughs at you, being the satellite data is much more fudged and twiddled than surface data, and even the satellite people come right out and say it's less reliable.

If you disagree, Billy, tell us exactly how one gets an average surface temperature from a microwave measurement taken from sort of around 14,000 feet, from a satellite over different times, changing altitudes, instrument calibrations and changing sun angles. The exact procedure, please.

In contrast, it's quite easy to tell how you get a temperature from a thermometer. You read the thermometer.

Why else would a high ranking NCDC official Tom Peterson refuse to address his work, his points in Karl Et AL and instead resort to a left wing hack blog (not even a US blog) to besmirch and belittle? He cant defend his own dam work!

Watts acted like a raging hypocritical thug, and got called on it and humiliated again. Stop crying about it. Choose better heroes.

The dam liar has nothing and the paper is a fucking sham... Just like all the CAGW hype these days... lies and dam lies...

You're hilarious when you whine about your cult not being believed, and then claim your cult is still relevant.
This NOAA?

Scientists at two of the world’s leading climate centres – NASA and NOAA – have been caught out manipulating temperature data to overstate the extent of the 20th century “global warming”.
The evidence of their tinkering can clearly be seen at Real Science, where blogger Steven Goddard has posted a series of graphs which show “climate change” before and after the adjustments.

Global Warming Fabricated by NASA and NOAA - Breitbart
So, Ms. SassyIrishLass, what do we trust, whacked out yellow rag journalism, or scientists that have spent decades studying their discipline?
How many data points does one need to create an "average global temperature"?

Literally millions. All online, as are the algorithms to process it. It's some of the most open science ever done by humanity.

And deniers who cry it's all a conspiracy look especially stupid, crazy and cowardly.

Anyone admitting to be a denier is now assumed by the world to be lying about everything on every issue. Right wing fringe cultists, you need to cut your losses and abandon the denier aspect of your cult. If you do, you'll be able to achieve some of the other goals of your political cult. But if you stick with the denialism, you risk losing everything.

Literally millions. All online, as are the algorithms to process it. It's some of the most open science ever done by humanity.

So the data from 100 years ago didn't have quite as many?

True...That's why the error bar is much larger in 1900 then 2010.

How do you account with the NOAA and NASA getting caught fudging data?
Ms. SassyIrishLass, perhaps you would like to back that up with a link to a credible source?
As the year progresses, and we see more record temperatures, and more extreme weather events, I believe we will see other denominational heads following the Pope's lead, declaring climate change, and our response to it, to be a moral issue.
Nobody cares about the Pope. Popes have been calling for this stuff for decades.

Sorry but you AGW folks don't get it.

"Especially in the United States, however, climate change and environmental concerns have ranked low on many Catholic bishops’ moral priorities. Instead, they have emphasized education and hot-button culture war issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Indeed, in a United Nations survey of millions of people around the world, the top priorities given were education, better job opportunities, health care, and honest governments. Environmental concerns and actions taken on climate change were at the bottom of a list of more than 15 top concerns."

Pope calls climate change a moral imperative Will US Catholics listen video -
Its never mattered as it relates to climate change. Wont now. The big banks get a kick out of this stuff.:coffee: That's just the way it is.

For AGW devotee's, the fact of the matter is, they are obsessed with it. It is the priority that far outweighs all others. But the rest of the world has a lot of priorities that are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important.:up:
Do you care about the environment mr.skooks?
do you have any evidence that there needs to be a concern? Let's see that first. All this temperature crap is just that, crap. And there has been enough posts with links to support it. So, still waiting for evidence of an issue.
Mr. jc, you really believe that yellow rag journalism from Briebart qualifies as support for anything at all? Same for Watts. Show us some science from peer reviewed journals. Then maybe we can give you a little credibility. Until then, your flap yap has no credibility at all.

The scientists at NOAA and NASA have been doing science for decades, and doing it well. Considering that their counterparts in many other nations are in agreement with their assessment, I think that you deniers are a real problem.

NOAA and NCDC's massive rewrite of climate data is nothing but fraud and deception. Doubling the warming and erasing the pause without any justification, in secret, and proving the liars are nothing more than whores and prostitutes for the Socialist power grabbing left.

Obama's executive order secrecy document called "scientific integrity" is nothing of the sort. It was a means to keep real scientist from seeing his lies and his agenda.

Its time to take back America from these people and hold them accountable for their actions.

NOAA and NCDC's massive rewrite of climate data is nothing but fraud and deception. Doubling the warming and erasing the pause without any justification, in secret, and proving the liars are nothing more than whores and prostitutes for the Socialist power grabbing left.

Obama's executive order secrecy document called "scientific integrity" is nothing of the sort. It was a means to keep real scientist from seeing his lies and his agenda.

Its time to take back America from these people and hold them accountable for their actions.

Where the fuck do you get "without justification"? Was Karl et al 2015 just too far over your head?

And then the threats.

Are you still claiming to be working on your PhD in meteorology?

NOAA and NCDC's massive rewrite of climate data is nothing but fraud and deception. Doubling the warming and erasing the pause without any justification, in secret, and proving the liars are nothing more than whores and prostitutes for the Socialist power grabbing left.

Obama's executive order secrecy document called "scientific integrity" is nothing of the sort. It was a means to keep real scientist from seeing his lies and his agenda.

Its time to take back America from these people and hold them accountable for their actions.

Where the fuck do you get "without justification"? Was Karl et al 2015 just too far over your head?

And then the threats.

Are you still claiming to be working on your PhD in meteorology?

Karl Et Al is wholly made up CRAP! Only partisan hacks cant see the desperation.

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