Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
When did he say he never paid taxes?

He did say that or something along those lines, what he meant to say is he takes every deduction he can as we all do. It came off as him saying he never pays taxs. Dont see what the hubub is though. Not like Hillery or Obama ever had an issue with tax cheats. Remember this guy here ?

No I don't. Enlighten us.
Oh wow, Republicans have a new "tweet".

"Fucking over the country makes me smart".
Why are you an ******** for not paying taxes you don't owe?

And why wouldn't you be stupid to let people take money they don't deserve?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Compared to the tax breaks hilary took by donating money to her own charity......and the way she and her family became billionaires selling her office as Secretary of mean like that?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

And giving more tax money to obama and hilary and the others who put us 19 trillion dollars in debt is the smart move?
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

That's because the rich guy is exploiting all those loopholes and schemes that the GOP keeps pretending they're going to get rid of when they once AGAIN cut the tax rates for the Rich.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Not for Democrat politicians, they just cheat on taxes. Rangle, Slick, Hitlary, Daschle, Baird, Geithner, McCaskill, ...

Then there are billionaire liberals like Gates, Buffett and Soros who lobby for higher taxes and take your tact of evading them by taking "advantage of the tax code."

Hypocrisy much?

Brainwashed much?
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

That's because the rich guy is exploiting all those loopholes and schemes that the GOP keeps pretending they're going to get rid of when they once AGAIN cut the tax rates for the Rich.

You mean the loopholes hilary and her rapist husband took advantage of to become billionaires by selling her public office? You mean like that?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
When did he say he never paid taxes?

He did say that or something along those lines, what he meant to say is he takes every deduction he can as we all do. It came off as him saying he never pays taxs. Dont see what the hubub is though. Not like Hillery or Obama ever had an issue with tax cheats. Remember this guy here ?

No I don't. Enlighten us.

That guy there ^? you dont know who that is ?

Timothy Geithner
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timothy Geithner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Geitner" redirects here. For the surname, see Geitner (surname).
Timothy Geithner

75th United States Secretary of the Treasury
In office

January 26, 2009 – January 25, 2013
President Barack Obama
Deputy Neal S. Wolin
Preceded by Henry Paulson
Succeeded by Jack Lew
9th President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
In office

November 17, 2003 – January 26, 2009
Preceded by William Joseph McDonough
Succeeded by William C. Dudley
United States Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
In office

President Bill Clinton
Personal details
Timothy Franz Geithner
August 18, 1961 (age 55)
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Political party Independent[1]
Spouse(s) Carole Marie Sonnenfeld(1985–present)
Children 2
Alma mater Dartmouth College
Johns Hopkins University
Website Government website
Timothy Franz "Tim" Geithner (/ˈɡaɪtnər/; born August 18, 1961) is a former American central banker who served as the 75thUnited States Secretary of the Treasury under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013. He was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009, following service in the Clinton administration. He now serves as president of Warburg Pincus, a private equity firm.
We use every loophole available to avoid taxes....our accountant is as smart as Trump....get it now loons?

for many years I have given over my yearly ---IRS forms to
a very meticulous (to the point of neurotic) accountant-----I used. to PAY A LOT MORE (being a nervous Nelly type) This is a true story------I OVER PAID so much -----that the IRS people got confused-----and sent me a BIG BILL------I was stymied----but ended up in the local IRS office. A kindly man there sat with me for HOURS------and came to the conclusion that I has so OVERPAID that the IRS owed me a letter of APOLOGY!!!! I actually got an APOLOGY from the IRS---and----a refund (following two years of threatening letters)

I hate the IRS with a passion

I never did----until that kindly old man went over all my papers and told me ----( "YOU ARE VERY HONEST" ) My big sin was that I JUST PAID----and did not get thru all the forms (it was a really bad time for me) Turned out I OVERPAID---and the IRS was threatening to eat my liver anyway

Knock on wood we've never had to deal with them but that targeting right wing organizations was just wrong
The NAACP was a right wing organization?

Funny, the right wing Christian Science monitor goes after presidents who they say used the IRS to go after political opponents.

The one president they didn't name? Obama.

Playing the IRS card: Six presidents who used the IRS to bash political foes

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

If it's legal what do you care?

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

Then why should they get a pass on the income tax?

If its legal what do you care? *slaps knee*
So he obeys the law and follows the tax codes and that's somehow wrong

Yes, paying nothing in taxes is wrong. Do you have a rebuttal?

It's not wrong if it's legal. How's that?

That's a good argument to defend abortion.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

And giving more tax money to obama and hilary and the others who put us 19 trillion dollars in debt is the smart move?

The debt had been caused by failed "trickle down" policies from Reagan and military overspending.

Nope.......the debt comes from politicians taking money from people who earn it and spending it till it is gone....then spending more and more until we are 19 trillion dollars in debt....with absolutely nothing you guys say you support to show for it......and you want to give them even more money....who is the real moron?
All these clowns defending billionaire Trump for paying no income tax are the same clowns who keep telling us that the poor need to pay at least some tax

for that having 'skin in the game' thing. I guess billionaires are what? Skinless?

USA.INC is awash in riches as composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. USA.INC receives more in tax free income per their investments than times three the entire private sector GDP. Learn how to read a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) and you will find their investments and what their net worth is or go to Dun and Bradstreet and pay 35 bucks per corporate entity you wish to review and they will give you their asset holding and credit rating. You idiots simply don't understand that you have been fleeced to the 9th degree. Your beloved federal "gubermint" has 285,000 subsidiaries and who owns USA.INC? The IMF...that's who...they take in the profits and hide them in offshore accounts (all tax free, of course) and then give us their corporate credit card bill to pay. USA.INC has investments in stocks, amusement parks, real estate, golf course, race tracks and even invest in foreign markets now. They make money when someone is kicked off of their land because they had mineral resources that could profit USA.INC. Some of you leftards are so fucking naive that it's beyond pathetic....I laugh at you and your indignant outrage over shit you have no clue about. The birth certificate was monetized and used as a negotiable instrument and when "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that bond, they used that credit to invest while passing the debt onto us even though it was OUR credit that they used to attain that wealth with the promise of "caring for you cradle to grave" which is just a penance of what they have stolen from us. Wake up, morons....sheesh.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Not for Democrat politicians, they just cheat on taxes. Rangle, Slick, Hitlary, Daschle, Baird, Geithner, McCaskill, ...

Then there are billionaire liberals like Gates, Buffett and Soros who lobby for higher taxes and take your tact of evading them by taking "advantage of the tax code."

Hypocrisy much?

Brainwashed much?

Which part of what I said did you not know? You're going to run and hide now, aren't you?
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

That's because the rich guy is exploiting all those loopholes and schemes that the GOP keeps pretending they're going to get rid of when they once AGAIN cut the tax rates for the Rich.

Is it legal or not?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

And giving more tax money to obama and hilary and the others who put us 19 trillion dollars in debt is the smart move?

The debt had been caused by failed "trickle down" policies from Reagan and military overspending.

Nope.......the debt comes from politicians taking money from people who earn it and spending it till it is gone....then spending more and more until we are 19 trillion dollars in debt....with absolutely nothing you guys say you support to show for it......and you want to give them even more money....who is the real moron?

Margaret Thatcher: The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money to spend
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Here are some facts about the "income tax".

#1 Unless you are an employee of the federal "gubermint", work within the District of Columbia or one of their territories like Guam, Puerto Rico, etc, etc, you are not subject to a tax on your labor.

#2 The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states for it to pass. Bill Conklin, famous income tax protester has over 17,000 original documents proving it was never ratified by enough states.

#3 The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is actually the collection arm of the International Monetary Fund Trust #62 since the IMF took USA.INC into receivership as "successor to contract" due to the Chapter Bankruptcy of 1950 to provide the essential enumerated "gubermint" services.

#4 The SCOTUS has ruled 4 times that the 16 amendment gave the government no new taxing authority.

#5 Less than 10 percent of the income tax is ever returned to USA.INC to fund any of the "gubermint" services per the Grace Report of 1984.

#6 Per the Constitution, the taxing of one wages for bartering one's labor was not to be allowed.

#7 A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto as is a central bank which explains why leftards are so adamant about income taxes and defending the unconstitutional, internationally owned Federal reserve central bank.

Save all that gobbledeegook for someone who'll take the bait. Paying NOTHING in taxes is smart and you stupid people pay up and give Trump whatever he wants

I know more than you because I have made it my business to know the things I do. YOU don't like it because you have no answer and why is that? Because you have never bothered to educate yourself on such matters while I have. You are utterly clueless about a litany of issues thus making you the quintessential leftard.

All your accusations about me, someone you dont a sad attempt to change the subject. And your bullshit dont work on me and you're mad. Come on, surprise me by calling more names lol

Accusations? How about it is a fact? You don't even attempt to refute what I posted because you are clueless. You have talking points given to you by your commie "betters". Your replies are so predictable that it's utterly pathetic.

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