Not so fast Republicans......

would that left-wing nutjobs would concentrate less on what the Tea Party and/or Republicans are doing; and more on their dismal record of PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
since you have no understanding of how our government works, please let me help.... the rightwingnut loons in the house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010. this is your failure.

learn it... live it... love it.


you are so fucked in the head your brains oozed from your ears..., providing you had some to ooze :lmao:

the reason the Republicans have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010 is to keep your king/messiah or what the fuck ever from turning this country into something the commies would be very envious of.

You people can never give a single example of Obama trying to push communism. What you're saying is complete non sense.

The takeover of GM and Chrysler would be an example if Obama removed money from the equation. Everything Obama does is a hybrid of Communism. His land grabbing is a form of state ownership for the purposes only he knows.
For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week

the problem is that once their candidates start talking, they prove their wingnuttiness and normal people won't vote for them. they also make the mistake of thinking that the rest of the country is as Obama-deranged as they are.

You talk about others mental capacity and then you use terms like wingnuttyness

For months Republicans have been boasting of their inevitable taking of the Senate in 2014. It seems the tide has turned and a Republican win is less likely

Once having a 60-40 probability of taking the Senate, Democrats now have a 59-41 probability of holding the Senate

Are Republicans blowing their chance to retake the Senate? - The Week
Let me get this straight, you're actually celebrating a 1% shift?!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Conservatives and math :eek:

That is a 19% shift
I thought you were citing Nate Silver and a reputable source. Sloppy on my part, granted. However, to go from 60/40 to 41/59 in a couple of weeks when the Democrats are losing ground by the day did not seem possible, nor is it.
You people can never give a single example of Obama trying to push communism. What you're saying is complete non sense.

ooooh my Gawwwd how i love this, recall the days when blacks were referred to as "you people" and here we have a full fledged lying liberal demorat calling us Conservatives & Republicans.., "you people".., i am truly offended.., in fact, so offended that i was in a state of total dismay to have to retype such slander, unbelievably horrified that a fellow human being could stoop so low to use such horrible language as THAT towards us BEAUTIFUL people. :up:

dogonit any how, i totally forgot to answer your question due to your rudeness, "give a single example" , we have, millions of examples, the problem here is, you are so deeply involved in his style of communism, we can not get it thru your (ALL LIBS INCLUSIVE) thick skulls you have been :suck: in and now you are doing the :suck:ing up the propaganda being spewed from WDC, to be specific, the current ruling political regime......

Barry Hussein, Soetoro, Obamama, who holds a stolen SS#, no legitimate B.C., pot smoking drug mule..., and more !! ..... :up:

So in other words you can't give an example? Yeah that's what I thought.

what a fucking idiotic dumbass you are, i told you you can not see it as you are one great example of Hussein's style of communism. :up:

Republicans say the darndest things.
who knew "change" meant record welfare and food stamps?
liberals say the darndest things
I think what the GOP has done is to shot themselves in the foot with their stances on working class issues.
1. Equal pay legislation. Who would have benefited? Working women, as the sole bread winner and two income familes. That's a lot of voters tight there. Plus a slap a women just for the GOP stance.
2. Minimum wage increase. Widely supported by not just the poor working class but also by the workng middle class as every single poll had shown. Who would have benefited? Not only the people who are getting paid the Minimum Wage but also workers making more than the Minimum Wage as historically when the MA increases, there's a ripple effect on all wages. Another blow for the working class.
3. The Ryan Budget. Why? It's top heavy with benefits for the wealthy while actually hurting the middle class and the elderly on fix incomes.

That's three examples of ignoring the largest segments of the voting public and in some cases hurting the largest segment of the voting public.
Now sure enough someone will call me a liberal. Actually I do vote for Republicans. My US Representative is a moderate Republican and so is my State Rep. I have voted for those two since I moved to my home in their districts in 1999. I also voted for "W" in 2000. I just don't vote straight ticket, never have and never will. I leave that for the lazy voters.
legislation for "working women" coming from the Left is pure pandering. the whole issue is debateable

it's just laughable for the left to regurgitate talkig points. there isnt a reason to oppose a hike in the minnimum wage except that it will KILL JOBS AND INCREASE COSTS TO BUSINESSES.

IT IS THE MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING CLASS AND THE ELDERLY who have SUFFERED MORE UNDER OBAMA than they did under Bush and Republicans. that is a FACT.

but hey as long as left-wingnuts pretending to be moderates have their talking points, their DENNIAL, and their projection; up will be down and down will be up.
the working class has suffered the most under obama
the very richest have gained the most
the poor are getting poorer FASTER; and the rich are getting richer FASTER then they were when Republicans ran the show

libs are losers who lie to themselves
legislation for "working women" coming from the Left is pure pandering. the whole issue is debateable

it's just laughable for the left to regurgitate talkig points. there isnt a reason to oppose a hike in the minnimum wage except that it will KILL JOBS AND INCREASE COSTS TO BUSINESSES.

IT IS THE MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING CLASS AND THE ELDERLY who have SUFFERED MORE UNDER OBAMA than they did under Bush and Republicans. that is a FACT.

but hey as long as left-wingnuts pretending to be moderates have their talking points, their DENNIAL, and their projection; up will be down and down will be up.

If wages go up, that increases the working classes expendable income, which means more money to help drive the US's consumer driven economy. Considering that 70% of the US economy is driven by consumer spending, that equals to a more robust economy and when an economy is more robust, more jobs are created.
The US government, no matter who is in charge, doesn't dictate wages.. Wage growth has been flat for three decades under various presidents and both parties.
Here's some historical wage growth facts.


  • $wages-stagnate-productivity-grows-570x389.png
    34.8 KB · Views: 49
legislation for "working women" coming from the Left is pure pandering. the whole issue is debateable

it's just laughable for the left to regurgitate talkig points. there isnt a reason to oppose a hike in the minnimum wage except that it will KILL JOBS AND INCREASE COSTS TO BUSINESSES.

IT IS THE MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING CLASS AND THE ELDERLY who have SUFFERED MORE UNDER OBAMA than they did under Bush and Republicans. that is a FACT.

but hey as long as left-wingnuts pretending to be moderates have their talking points, their DENNIAL, and their projection; up will be down and down will be up.

If wages go up, that increases the working classes expendable income, which means more money to help drive the US's consumer driven economy. Considering that 70% of the US economy is driven by consumer spending, that equals to a more robust economy and when an economy is more robust, more jobs are created.
The US government, no matter who is in charge, doesn't dictate wages.. Wage growth has been flat for three decades under various presidents and both parties.
Here's some historical wage growth facts.

how much expendable income will people who are LET GO have?
since you have no understanding of how our government works, please let me help.... the rightwingnut loons in the house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010. this is your failure.

learn it... live it... love it.


you are so fucked in the head your brains oozed from your ears..., providing you had some to ooze :lmao:

the reason the Republicans have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010 is to keep your king/messiah or what the fuck ever from turning this country into something the commies would be very envious of.

You people can never give a single example of Obama trying to push communism. What you're saying is complete non sense.

The takeover of GM and Chrysler would be an example if Obama removed money from the equation. Everything Obama does is a hybrid of Communism. His land grabbing is a form of state ownership for the purposes only he knows.

But Obama rarely says what's really on his mind. When he talked in SF about "those would protect their guns and religion" he was speaking communism, which oppressed religion and eliminates private gun ownership.
Maybe people want politicians helping the country rather than playing politics on things like Benghazi.

good one leftard; but what would change anyway?
Dems have been the overall MAJORITY OF THE US GOVERNMENT FOR 8 YEARS and are have been blaming all their faiures on the minority Republicans anyway

since you have no understanding of how our government works, please let me help.... the rightwingnut loons in the house have obstructed and blocked everything possible since 2010. this is your failure.

learn it... live it... love it.


I fully embrace it, it is what we sent them there to do,now......pardon me if I do not swallow NYT propaganda.

I especially love the line about "Obmacare success".
legislation for "working women" coming from the Left is pure pandering. the whole issue is debateable

it's just laughable for the left to regurgitate talkig points. there isnt a reason to oppose a hike in the minnimum wage except that it will KILL JOBS AND INCREASE COSTS TO BUSINESSES.

IT IS THE MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING CLASS AND THE ELDERLY who have SUFFERED MORE UNDER OBAMA than they did under Bush and Republicans. that is a FACT.

but hey as long as left-wingnuts pretending to be moderates have their talking points, their DENNIAL, and their projection; up will be down and down will be up.

If wages go up, that increases the working classes expendable income, which means more money to help drive the US's consumer driven economy. Considering that 70% of the US economy is driven by consumer spending, that equals to a more robust economy and when an economy is more robust, more jobs are created.
The US government, no matter who is in charge, doesn't dictate wages.. Wage growth has been flat for three decades under various presidents and both parties.
Here's some historical wage growth facts.

how much expendable income will people who are LET GO have?

You should probably deal with the real world instead of talking points.

A 2011 Study Exploded One Of The Biggest Fears About Raising The Minimum Wage

A 2011 Study Exploded One Of The Biggest Fears About Raising The Minimum Wage - Business Insider
If wages go up, that increases the working classes expendable income, which means more money to help drive the US's consumer driven economy. Considering that 70% of the US economy is driven by consumer spending, that equals to a more robust economy and when an economy is more robust, more jobs are created.
The US government, no matter who is in charge, doesn't dictate wages.. Wage growth has been flat for three decades under various presidents and both parties.
Here's some historical wage growth facts.

how much expendable income will people who are LET GO have?

You should probably deal with the real world instead of talking points.

A 2011 Study Exploded One Of The Biggest Fears About Raising The Minimum Wage

A 2011 Study Exploded One Of The Biggest Fears About Raising The Minimum Wage - Business Insider

you're right; it isnt realistic to listen to actual employers who say they will have to let people go if the minimum wage is raised

Rebublicans have been thumping their chests about how the Senate is all theirs in 2014

Now, things don't look so certain

America has to ask......what have Republicans done with the House? Why would we want to give them the Senate?

I don't know. It looks like the outcome is in doubt, but why? Obama is unpopular and Obamacare is a large hurdle in battleground states. If it's a natl referendum on Obama, I'd think the dems have no chance. But, in Arkansas the gop candidate is a lightweight on policy. Landrieu should be toast, but the polls look 50-50. Maybe voters are not looking at a natl referendum.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If ...

Mar 19, 2014 - ... Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked ... them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was

you have a study; i have the words of actual employers
sometimes if wonder of left-wing nutjobs actually read the links they use to support their own arguments.

take kiwiman for example; making the claim that employers wont actally let people go if the minimum wage is hiked

you would think; it SHOULD be safe to assume the notion of his attempted rebuttal to what i posted was that things will be ok for workers if the minimum wage is hiked?

but look at his own link; see what employers DID say they would do if the minimum wage is hiked:

1. :"change workers schedules"
think that will result in more or less hours for them?
2. hire older workers
there goes your son or daughters first job
6. reduce training
yea that's what you want in places we eat at huh?
The Republicans will take the senate and keep the house....It is just to bad we couldn't get the Rinos out first....One thing at a time I guess.

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