Nothing Seems to Be Working for Democrats and the Election

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Hitler ‘won’ his election too.

Biden won in a landslide though 306-232.

You're a Nazi lover and fan of white suprmacists so you'll know this....quick...what was Hitler's margin?
There was massive and obvious fraud, and it will be proven. As if the courts refusing to hear evidence, states withholding ballots and machines from audit, and censorship is not proof enough already.
Dim-witted evidence like you imagine and makeup means less than nothing. If there were "massive and obvious fraud" we would not be waiting for it to miraculously appear, we would have seen it by now. Trump's big lie is in fact, a big lie and you are one of the suckers who believe the big lie. Prove me wrong sucker.
We have seen it. Why do you imagine the GA secretary of state is fighting so hard to prevent the ballots from being audited?
You're a two-bit liar. If you had evidence you would post it. By the way you fucking fool, it cost big money for another audit and counting of votes. Organize a fund and offer to pay full and complete costs for your wild goose chase.
None of that crap is evidence, but feel free to show any of the crap you think is actual evidence so everyone can laugh at you.
That's a typical Democrat Reich NAZI reply: post mountains and mountains of evidence, and the Reich minion dismisses by saying "no evidence."
Mountains of evidence but this guy evades posting even one actual piece of evidence for a reliable example. He and his girlfriend are only looking for a conduit for discussing their conspiracy theories and nonsense lies.

Virtually impossible numbers there.
The oddness of the update described above pales in comparison to that of the update in the top right corner, however. That update, at (135,290, 3.164), represents the vote update described at the top of this report, and is responsible for the extremely noticeable spike which nearly eliminated Trump’s lead in one shot. It arrived at 6:31am ET on November 4th, and went 141,258 for Biden to 5,968 for Trump — representing both the largest vote margin for Biden of any of the 502 updates we have here, at 135,290, while also representing, by a factor of more than 2, the largest Biden:Trump ratio, at a whopping 23.67:1 (the log of which is 3.16). As we will see when comparing with other states, by our metric this is the single most anomalous point in the nation.

Cheaters never prosper
Yeah, they got their ass kicked in November after cheating 4 years earlier.
Funny thing about that. Whatever happened that "Russia! Russia! Russia!" being the greatest threat our electoral system had ever faced to absolute silence on the matter 4 years later? Did Russia! just give up because TRUMP! shut them down so thoroughly or did the "right" guy win so there was no need to complain about foreign interference in our elections?

Just in case anyone is unclear on the concept, I'm saying that foreign interference in our elections is only a "problem" if a Republican wins.

The social media companies clamped down on the troll farms. Much to the chagrin of blob supporters.

They definitely tried to help the blob stay in office. Nothing was better for the enemies of the nation than to have the US President in their hip pocket...indebted to the thug in Russia and "in love" (his words) with the thug in North Korea.
So, all that was required to stop the worst attack on our electoral system ever was to make sure all the FaceBook posts said nice things about democrats? Not much of an attack then to cause us to spend millions and take years trying fruitlessly to prove the president colluded with Russia!. You'd think after all that, somebody would have mentioned it this time around.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me.

America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness.

The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
This must be awful for you.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
This must be awful for you.
Important Considerations
It is important to note one crucial indicator of why these results are bizarre. In virtually all other cases, areas which are very pro-Biden or pro-Trump have vote updates of varying size, and so a large vote update heavily favoring one candidate is almost always accompanied by even smaller updates which have a higher variance in the ratio, and at least some of them will favor the candidate who won the largest batch.

In particular, to accept the results as seen in Michigan as legitimate, one would need to believe that the one or two most possible pro-Biden areas of the state were somehow each counted their ballots entirely in one or two vote updates. If they were counted incrementally and released in smaller batches, as is typically the case, we would expect to see smaller updates with higher variance in outcome, and would almost certainly see updates with a higher Biden:Trump ratio than the two Michigan updates discussed in this report.

Indeed, if it is subsequently discovered that these did not comprise the entire count (for either mail-in votes or all votes) in these areas, then these results should be regarded with extreme suspicion. While vote counts are by no means a random sample nationally, given a small enough sub-population at which votes are counted, they eventually are. If it can be shown by those with access to time-series county-level (or precinct-level) data that, for whichever counties or precincts reported in this update, that there were other updates (or other updates with mail-in ballots), then these results become almost impossible to believe. This is to say, the believability of these updates relies on the premise that the one or two most Biden-favoring parts of the state (perhaps by ballot type) were counted entirely in these two batches. If it cannot be shown that the ballots counted during these spikes were qualitatively different from all other vote updates in Michigan, then the results are likely too extreme along multiple dimensions to be accepted at face value.

One would also need to believe that mail-in ballots, which have generally been understood to be more pro-Biden, sometimes substantially so, were counted in their entirety in these regions. While this data set does not provide breakdowns of how many votes in each update came from different types of votes, it is extremely surprising that we do not see smaller vote updates with mail-in votes which favor Biden more heavily.

This is also the case in Wisconsin, there the update discussed in this report, which had the largest Biden margin by far, also had the second-highest Biden:Trump ratio, by only a small amount. Accepting this at face value requires the belief that the most pro-Biden subset of the votes -- by geography and vote type -- was counted entirely in one batch. It would be extremely surprising if all mail-in ballots in the two most favoring Biden counties in the state, Dane and Milwaukee County, were entirely contained in this batch, and so it raises the question as to why we didn’t see even more pro-Biden updates in smaller, higher-variance vote updates in these heavily Democratic areas. If we are to accept that these votes were counted entirely in one batch, this raises serious questions as well. In particular, given the ambiguity -- to this day -- about where the vote-tabulation process was stopped and why, it makes little sense why these votes would be released in such an unusually large batch.

All of this is especially surprising when viewed in contrast to the prevailing analysis of the election, i.e. that Joe Biden’s victory was the result of improved performance in suburban areas. Looking at a map of final results by county, it is highly likely that these vote updates came from more densely-populated urban counties where Biden’s ratios were much higher. The findings here call that into question, however, as we can see that he relied heavily on four extremely aberrant vote updates which were almost certainly in heavily pro-Biden urban areas to provide a much-needed boost in the early hours of November 4th.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
This must be awful for you.
Important Considerations
It is important to note one crucial indicator of why these results are bizarre. In virtually all other cases, areas which are very pro-Biden or pro-Trump have vote updates of varying size, and so a large vote update heavily favoring one candidate is almost always accompanied by even smaller updates which have a higher variance in the ratio, and at least some of them will favor the candidate who won the largest batch.

In particular, to accept the results as seen in Michigan as legitimate, one would need to believe that the one or two most possible pro-Biden areas of the state were somehow each counted their ballots entirely in one or two vote updates. If they were counted incrementally and released in smaller batches, as is typically the case, we would expect to see smaller updates with higher variance in outcome, and would almost certainly see updates with a higher Biden:Trump ratio than the two Michigan updates discussed in this report.

Indeed, if it is subsequently discovered that these did not comprise the entire count (for either mail-in votes or all votes) in these areas, then these results should be regarded with extreme suspicion. While vote counts are by no means a random sample nationally, given a small enough sub-population at which votes are counted, they eventually are. If it can be shown by those with access to time-series county-level (or precinct-level) data that, for whichever counties or precincts reported in this update, that there were other updates (or other updates with mail-in ballots), then these results become almost impossible to believe. This is to say, the believability of these updates relies on the premise that the one or two most Biden-favoring parts of the state (perhaps by ballot type) were counted entirely in these two batches. If it cannot be shown that the ballots counted during these spikes were qualitatively different from all other vote updates in Michigan, then the results are likely too extreme along multiple dimensions to be accepted at face value.

One would also need to believe that mail-in ballots, which have generally been understood to be more pro-Biden, sometimes substantially so, were counted in their entirety in these regions. While this data set does not provide breakdowns of how many votes in each update came from different types of votes, it is extremely surprising that we do not see smaller vote updates with mail-in votes which favor Biden more heavily.

This is also the case in Wisconsin, there the update discussed in this report, which had the largest Biden margin by far, also had the second-highest Biden:Trump ratio, by only a small amount. Accepting this at face value requires the belief that the most pro-Biden subset of the votes -- by geography and vote type -- was counted entirely in one batch. It would be extremely surprising if all mail-in ballots in the two most favoring Biden counties in the state, Dane and Milwaukee County, were entirely contained in this batch, and so it raises the question as to why we didn’t see even more pro-Biden updates in smaller, higher-variance vote updates in these heavily Democratic areas. If we are to accept that these votes were counted entirely in one batch, this raises serious questions as well. In particular, given the ambiguity -- to this day -- about where the vote-tabulation process was stopped and why, it makes little sense why these votes would be released in such an unusually large batch.

All of this is especially surprising when viewed in contrast to the prevailing analysis of the election, i.e. that Joe Biden’s victory was the result of improved performance in suburban areas. Looking at a map of final results by county, it is highly likely that these vote updates came from more densely-populated urban counties where Biden’s ratios were much higher. The findings here call that into question, however, as we can see that he relied heavily on four extremely aberrant vote updates which were almost certainly in heavily pro-Biden urban areas to provide a much-needed boost in the early hours of November 4th.
I'm sure that's all really interesting 'n stuff.

The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
This must be awful for you.
Important Considerations
It is important to note one crucial indicator of why these results are bizarre. In virtually all other cases, areas which are very pro-Biden or pro-Trump have vote updates of varying size, and so a large vote update heavily favoring one candidate is almost always accompanied by even smaller updates which have a higher variance in the ratio, and at least some of them will favor the candidate who won the largest batch.

In particular, to accept the results as seen in Michigan as legitimate, one would need to believe that the one or two most possible pro-Biden areas of the state were somehow each counted their ballots entirely in one or two vote updates. If they were counted incrementally and released in smaller batches, as is typically the case, we would expect to see smaller updates with higher variance in outcome, and would almost certainly see updates with a higher Biden:Trump ratio than the two Michigan updates discussed in this report.

Indeed, if it is subsequently discovered that these did not comprise the entire count (for either mail-in votes or all votes) in these areas, then these results should be regarded with extreme suspicion. While vote counts are by no means a random sample nationally, given a small enough sub-population at which votes are counted, they eventually are. If it can be shown by those with access to time-series county-level (or precinct-level) data that, for whichever counties or precincts reported in this update, that there were other updates (or other updates with mail-in ballots), then these results become almost impossible to believe. This is to say, the believability of these updates relies on the premise that the one or two most Biden-favoring parts of the state (perhaps by ballot type) were counted entirely in these two batches. If it cannot be shown that the ballots counted during these spikes were qualitatively different from all other vote updates in Michigan, then the results are likely too extreme along multiple dimensions to be accepted at face value.

One would also need to believe that mail-in ballots, which have generally been understood to be more pro-Biden, sometimes substantially so, were counted in their entirety in these regions. While this data set does not provide breakdowns of how many votes in each update came from different types of votes, it is extremely surprising that we do not see smaller vote updates with mail-in votes which favor Biden more heavily.

This is also the case in Wisconsin, there the update discussed in this report, which had the largest Biden margin by far, also had the second-highest Biden:Trump ratio, by only a small amount. Accepting this at face value requires the belief that the most pro-Biden subset of the votes -- by geography and vote type -- was counted entirely in one batch. It would be extremely surprising if all mail-in ballots in the two most favoring Biden counties in the state, Dane and Milwaukee County, were entirely contained in this batch, and so it raises the question as to why we didn’t see even more pro-Biden updates in smaller, higher-variance vote updates in these heavily Democratic areas. If we are to accept that these votes were counted entirely in one batch, this raises serious questions as well. In particular, given the ambiguity -- to this day -- about where the vote-tabulation process was stopped and why, it makes little sense why these votes would be released in such an unusually large batch.

All of this is especially surprising when viewed in contrast to the prevailing analysis of the election, i.e. that Joe Biden’s victory was the result of improved performance in suburban areas. Looking at a map of final results by county, it is highly likely that these vote updates came from more densely-populated urban counties where Biden’s ratios were much higher. The findings here call that into question, however, as we can see that he relied heavily on four extremely aberrant vote updates which were almost certainly in heavily pro-Biden urban areas to provide a much-needed boost in the early hours of November 4th.
I'm sure that's all really interesting 'n stuff.

Debunk it. Tell us why it is not suspect. Remember those are facts.
Hitler ‘won’ his election too.

Biden won in a landslide though 306-232.

You're a Nazi lover and fan of white suprmacists so you'll know this....quick...what was Hitler's margin?
There was massive and obvious fraud, and it will be proven. As if the courts refusing to hear evidence, states withholding ballots and machines from audit, and censorship is not proof enough already.
Dim-witted evidence like you imagine and makeup means less than nothing. If there were "massive and obvious fraud" we would not be waiting for it to miraculously appear, we would have seen it by now. Trump's big lie is in fact, a big lie and you are one of the suckers who believe the big lie. Prove me wrong sucker.
We have seen it. Why do you imagine the GA secretary of state is fighting so hard to prevent the ballots from being audited?
You're a two-bit liar. If you had evidence you would post it. By the way you fucking fool, it cost big money for another audit and counting of votes. Organize a fund and offer to pay full and complete costs for your wild goose chase.
None of that crap is evidence, but feel free to show any of the crap you think is actual evidence so everyone can laugh at you.
That's a typical Democrat Reich NAZI reply: post mountains and mountains of evidence, and the Reich minion dismisses by saying "no evidence."
Mountains of evidence but this guy evades posting even one actual piece of evidence for a reliable example. He and his girlfriend are only looking for a conduit for discussing their conspiracy theories and nonsense lies.
View attachment 479527

Virtually impossible numbers there.
The oddness of the update described above pales in comparison to that of the update in the top right corner, however. That update, at (135,290, 3.164), represents the vote update described at the top of this report, and is responsible for the extremely noticeable spike which nearly eliminated Trump’s lead in one shot. It arrived at 6:31am ET on November 4th, and went 141,258 for Biden to 5,968 for Trump — representing both the largest vote margin for Biden of any of the 502 updates we have here, at 135,290, while also representing, by a factor of more than 2, the largest Biden:Trump ratio, at a whopping 23.67:1 (the log of which is 3.16). As we will see when comparing with other states, by our metric this is the single most anomalous point in the nation.
Wut??? Mail-in votes from Democratic counties heavily favored ... the Democrat??

I've never heard of such a thing.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
This must be awful for you.
Important Considerations
It is important to note one crucial indicator of why these results are bizarre. In virtually all other cases, areas which are very pro-Biden or pro-Trump have vote updates of varying size, and so a large vote update heavily favoring one candidate is almost always accompanied by even smaller updates which have a higher variance in the ratio, and at least some of them will favor the candidate who won the largest batch.

In particular, to accept the results as seen in Michigan as legitimate, one would need to believe that the one or two most possible pro-Biden areas of the state were somehow each counted their ballots entirely in one or two vote updates. If they were counted incrementally and released in smaller batches, as is typically the case, we would expect to see smaller updates with higher variance in outcome, and would almost certainly see updates with a higher Biden:Trump ratio than the two Michigan updates discussed in this report.

Indeed, if it is subsequently discovered that these did not comprise the entire count (for either mail-in votes or all votes) in these areas, then these results should be regarded with extreme suspicion. While vote counts are by no means a random sample nationally, given a small enough sub-population at which votes are counted, they eventually are. If it can be shown by those with access to time-series county-level (or precinct-level) data that, for whichever counties or precincts reported in this update, that there were other updates (or other updates with mail-in ballots), then these results become almost impossible to believe. This is to say, the believability of these updates relies on the premise that the one or two most Biden-favoring parts of the state (perhaps by ballot type) were counted entirely in these two batches. If it cannot be shown that the ballots counted during these spikes were qualitatively different from all other vote updates in Michigan, then the results are likely too extreme along multiple dimensions to be accepted at face value.

One would also need to believe that mail-in ballots, which have generally been understood to be more pro-Biden, sometimes substantially so, were counted in their entirety in these regions. While this data set does not provide breakdowns of how many votes in each update came from different types of votes, it is extremely surprising that we do not see smaller vote updates with mail-in votes which favor Biden more heavily.

This is also the case in Wisconsin, there the update discussed in this report, which had the largest Biden margin by far, also had the second-highest Biden:Trump ratio, by only a small amount. Accepting this at face value requires the belief that the most pro-Biden subset of the votes -- by geography and vote type -- was counted entirely in one batch. It would be extremely surprising if all mail-in ballots in the two most favoring Biden counties in the state, Dane and Milwaukee County, were entirely contained in this batch, and so it raises the question as to why we didn’t see even more pro-Biden updates in smaller, higher-variance vote updates in these heavily Democratic areas. If we are to accept that these votes were counted entirely in one batch, this raises serious questions as well. In particular, given the ambiguity -- to this day -- about where the vote-tabulation process was stopped and why, it makes little sense why these votes would be released in such an unusually large batch.

All of this is especially surprising when viewed in contrast to the prevailing analysis of the election, i.e. that Joe Biden’s victory was the result of improved performance in suburban areas. Looking at a map of final results by county, it is highly likely that these vote updates came from more densely-populated urban counties where Biden’s ratios were much higher. The findings here call that into question, however, as we can see that he relied heavily on four extremely aberrant vote updates which were almost certainly in heavily pro-Biden urban areas to provide a much-needed boost in the early hours of November 4th.
I'm sure that's all really interesting 'n stuff.

Debunk it. Tell us why it is not suspect.
I didn't read it.

I would have to find and read the other side of the story.

I need the whole story, not just one side. Someone like you wouldn't understand why that's important.

Too bad.
The relief of Biden's schlonging of Trump continues to wash over me. America is better than I had feared. Thank goodness. The misguided Trumpster sheep can imagine whatever helps their feelz.
Massive fraud does not make America better. People like you do not help either.
As I predicted.

Does this stuff help your feelz? That's nice.
No it proves fraud. The fraud makes you feel better.
This must be awful for you.
Important Considerations
It is important to note one crucial indicator of why these results are bizarre. In virtually all other cases, areas which are very pro-Biden or pro-Trump have vote updates of varying size, and so a large vote update heavily favoring one candidate is almost always accompanied by even smaller updates which have a higher variance in the ratio, and at least some of them will favor the candidate who won the largest batch.

In particular, to accept the results as seen in Michigan as legitimate, one would need to believe that the one or two most possible pro-Biden areas of the state were somehow each counted their ballots entirely in one or two vote updates. If they were counted incrementally and released in smaller batches, as is typically the case, we would expect to see smaller updates with higher variance in outcome, and would almost certainly see updates with a higher Biden:Trump ratio than the two Michigan updates discussed in this report.

Indeed, if it is subsequently discovered that these did not comprise the entire count (for either mail-in votes or all votes) in these areas, then these results should be regarded with extreme suspicion. While vote counts are by no means a random sample nationally, given a small enough sub-population at which votes are counted, they eventually are. If it can be shown by those with access to time-series county-level (or precinct-level) data that, for whichever counties or precincts reported in this update, that there were other updates (or other updates with mail-in ballots), then these results become almost impossible to believe. This is to say, the believability of these updates relies on the premise that the one or two most Biden-favoring parts of the state (perhaps by ballot type) were counted entirely in these two batches. If it cannot be shown that the ballots counted during these spikes were qualitatively different from all other vote updates in Michigan, then the results are likely too extreme along multiple dimensions to be accepted at face value.

One would also need to believe that mail-in ballots, which have generally been understood to be more pro-Biden, sometimes substantially so, were counted in their entirety in these regions. While this data set does not provide breakdowns of how many votes in each update came from different types of votes, it is extremely surprising that we do not see smaller vote updates with mail-in votes which favor Biden more heavily.

This is also the case in Wisconsin, there the update discussed in this report, which had the largest Biden margin by far, also had the second-highest Biden:Trump ratio, by only a small amount. Accepting this at face value requires the belief that the most pro-Biden subset of the votes -- by geography and vote type -- was counted entirely in one batch. It would be extremely surprising if all mail-in ballots in the two most favoring Biden counties in the state, Dane and Milwaukee County, were entirely contained in this batch, and so it raises the question as to why we didn’t see even more pro-Biden updates in smaller, higher-variance vote updates in these heavily Democratic areas. If we are to accept that these votes were counted entirely in one batch, this raises serious questions as well. In particular, given the ambiguity -- to this day -- about where the vote-tabulation process was stopped and why, it makes little sense why these votes would be released in such an unusually large batch.

All of this is especially surprising when viewed in contrast to the prevailing analysis of the election, i.e. that Joe Biden’s victory was the result of improved performance in suburban areas. Looking at a map of final results by county, it is highly likely that these vote updates came from more densely-populated urban counties where Biden’s ratios were much higher. The findings here call that into question, however, as we can see that he relied heavily on four extremely aberrant vote updates which were almost certainly in heavily pro-Biden urban areas to provide a much-needed boost in the early hours of November 4th.
I'm sure that's all really interesting 'n stuff.

Debunk it. Tell us why it is not suspect.
I didn't read it.

I would have to find and read the other side of the story.

I need the whole story, not just one side. Someone like you wouldn't understand why that's important.

Too bad.
There is no other side to the story that is why the censorship happened. There is no debating facts. They are facts. Those numbers do not lie.
Hitler ‘won’ his election too.

Biden won in a landslide though 306-232.

You're a Nazi lover and fan of white suprmacists so you'll know this....quick...what was Hitler's margin?
There was massive and obvious fraud, and it will be proven. As if the courts refusing to hear evidence, states withholding ballots and machines from audit, and censorship is not proof enough already.
Dim-witted evidence like you imagine and makeup means less than nothing. If there were "massive and obvious fraud" we would not be waiting for it to miraculously appear, we would have seen it by now. Trump's big lie is in fact, a big lie and you are one of the suckers who believe the big lie. Prove me wrong sucker.
We have seen it. Why do you imagine the GA secretary of state is fighting so hard to prevent the ballots from being audited?
You're a two-bit liar. If you had evidence you would post it. By the way you fucking fool, it cost big money for another audit and counting of votes. Organize a fund and offer to pay full and complete costs for your wild goose chase.
None of that crap is evidence, but feel free to show any of the crap you think is actual evidence so everyone can laugh at you.
That's a typical Democrat Reich NAZI reply: post mountains and mountains of evidence, and the Reich minion dismisses by saying "no evidence."
Mountains of evidence but this guy evades posting even one actual piece of evidence for a reliable example. He and his girlfriend are only looking for a conduit for discussing their conspiracy theories and nonsense lies.
View attachment 479527

Virtually impossible numbers there.
The oddness of the update described above pales in comparison to that of the update in the top right corner, however. That update, at (135,290, 3.164), represents the vote update described at the top of this report, and is responsible for the extremely noticeable spike which nearly eliminated Trump’s lead in one shot. It arrived at 6:31am ET on November 4th, and went 141,258 for Biden to 5,968 for Trump — representing both the largest vote margin for Biden of any of the 502 updates we have here, at 135,290, while also representing, by a factor of more than 2, the largest Biden:Trump ratio, at a whopping 23.67:1 (the log of which is 3.16). As we will see when comparing with other states, by our metric this is the single most anomalous point in the nation.
Wut??? Mail-in votes from Democratic counties heavily favored ... the Democrat??

I've never heard of such a thing.
Not heavily, fraudulently.
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