November Predictions

Prediction. GOP gains seats in both houses. GOP will control the Senate. GOP controlled Senate will force Obama's hand on Keystone Pipeline. Lots and lots of stories about racism from the usual sources. The republicans and democrats will work together on tax reform assuming that Obama doesn't get involved with the discussion.
Republicans take 51 senate seats, and go +9 in the house, while losing a couple governors.

And conservatives will still whine, win or lose. At least they're consistent, being both sore losers and sore winners.

Also, unlike the conservative limpwrists who fled the board en masse after the 2012 election, none of the liberals will run. We're made of sterner stuff.

Also, Obama's vetoes will be extremely popular, due to the sheer crazy factor of the bills the GOP passes, so Obama's ratings will go up considerably.

Losing the Senate this year will just intensify the Democratic effort in 2016. With Hillary leading the way and a much bigger Democratic turnout in a presidential election year, 2016 could turn into a clean sweep for Dems. After the way Obama has been treated by Republicans, I cannot see him playing ball with them for the next two years. I actually hope he does not.
Just like 2006 was a wake up call to the GOP, right?
Obama will not work with the GOP. He cannot. He views them as morally evil. It would be like working with the KKK in his eyes. That is part of what has made him the worst president in history.
2016 will be a clean sweep OF the Democrats. They will assume Whig status in American politics, their policies and ideas thoroughly disgraced.

Don't forget about the "invasion" of Hiroshima........dip shit.
Republicans take 51 senate seats, and go +9 in the house, while losing a couple governors.

And conservatives will still whine, win or lose. At least they're consistent, being both sore losers and sore winners.

Also, unlike the conservative limpwrists who fled the board en masse after the 2012 election, none of the liberals will run. We're made of sterner stuff.

Also, Obama's vetoes will be extremely popular, due to the sheer crazy factor of the bills the GOP passes, so Obama's ratings will go up considerably.

Losing the Senate this year will just intensify the Democratic effort in 2016. With Hillary leading the way and a much bigger Democratic turnout in a presidential election year, 2016 could turn into a clean sweep for Dems. After the way Obama has been treated by Republicans, I cannot see him playing ball with them for the next two years. I actually hope he does not.
Just like 2006 was a wake up call to the GOP, right?
Obama will not work with the GOP. He cannot. He views them as morally evil. It would be like working with the KKK in his eyes. That is part of what has made him the worst president in history.
2016 will be a clean sweep OF the Democrats. They will assume Whig status in American politics, their policies and ideas thoroughly disgraced.

Don't forget about the "invasion" of Hiroshima........dip shit.
Butthurt much?
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.
The Republicans will take control of the Senate and gain seats in Congress. Net result for Republicans: Nothing. Nothing but continued political stalemate.
Yes, I agree. In fact, the "mainstream media" has already announced election results, beginning weeks ago. It will be a Republican house and senate.

There really is no practical "democratic process" in this country any longer, since elections have become fully controlled by media messaging. And the messages are purchased by those with the greatest interest and wealth. Americans are truly sheep.
The media would like nothing more than to report a clean sweep by democrats.
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.

So weird to read an extreme leftist Democrat speaking of Republicans in terms of "we".


Now we know who played the role of the pig in the Geico commercials: "Wheeeeeee! Wheeeeee! WHEEEEEE!!!"
It appears that the GOP may take the Senate and remain in control of the House.

What would be the most remarkable vision is watching the leader of both houses make a speech telling the Democrats they welcome their bills, nothing will be withheld from the floor and it's time that the two parties work together for the benefit of the country,

Not only would it be remarkable, it would be smart. We would have statesmen instead pf political hacks.

I'd like them to make one rule change in both houses. All members are expected to show up for sessions when speeches are made by members of the Congress. No more making a speech for empty chambers. Get you butt in that chamber when business is going on.
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.

It will be the latter. Republicans will likely hold a small majority in the House after the 2016 elections, but Dems will make a big dent into their margin. The Senate will be under Democratic control along with the White House.
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.

It will be the latter. Republicans will likely hold a small majority in the House after the 2016 elections, but Dems will make a big dent into their margin. The Senate will be under Democratic control along with the White House.

If you are smart you'd say the GOP will control both the legislative and executive branches by 2016, because that is exactly what will happen.
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.

It will be the latter. Republicans will likely hold a small majority in the House after the 2016 elections, but Dems will make a big dent into their margin. The Senate will be under Democratic control along with the White House.

come back and see us next wednesday,
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.

It will be the latter. Republicans will likely hold a small majority in the House after the 2016 elections, but Dems will make a big dent into their margin. The Senate will be under Democratic control along with the White House.

come back and see us next wednesday,
All Jake has it two oversized thighs...PIAPS.
silly far righties who believe in extremist hopie and changie
I believe it was the foolish liberals who believed in that Hope and Change thing.

It's alright to believe in something, but when the owner of that falsehood proves it to be a fantasy and the people vote them into a second term, shame on the people.
Anybody who believes the GOP has a leg up for 2016 at this point is a fool and will pay the price for it.

We will have a few more GOP in the House, a small minority in the Senate, and will lose one or two governorships.

We will dump the far right on Wednesday and start working toward women and minorities if we want to sweep in 2016.

Otherwise the Dems will wipe us out.

It will be the latter. Republicans will likely hold a small majority in the House after the 2016 elections, but Dems will make a big dent into their margin. The Senate will be under Democratic control along with the White House.

If you are smart you'd say the GOP will control both the legislative and executive branches by 2016, because that is exactly what will happen.

Let me guess: "I know this because I'm a genius!"

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