NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights

Seriously, why would the NRA want the mentally ill to have gun rights?

It was Republicans that stomped on the mental issue regarding guns when they did this:

The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns. The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.
House votes to overturn Obama gun rule

So here they can get social security disability benefits for being mentally ill--but they can still purchase a gun---:badgrin:

Look the only way this country gets common sense gun control--is to vote for Democrats. Republicans will not do it, they are controlled by the NRA--and nutcase gun owners. They are not concerned about the overall safety of American citizens--and they'll pass out automatic weapons, grenade's & bazoka's to anyone if it gets them votes.
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After the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress did manage to pass a modest measure that was designed to provide money to states to improve the federal background check system. But the N.R.A. secured a broad concession in the legislation, which pushed states to allow people with histories of mental illness to petition to have their gun rights restored.

More: Silent Since Shootings, N.R.A. Could Face Challenge to Political Power - The New York Times

As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

More: Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back - The New York Times
NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights

So do the FBI I guess because it's their responsibility to check each and every purchaser... The NRA has nothing to do with back round checks nor do they have access to medical records. You are barking up the wrong tree.
After the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress did manage to pass a modest measure that was designed to provide money to states to improve the federal background check system. But the N.R.A. secured a broad concession in the legislation, which pushed states to allow people with histories of mental illness to petition to have their gun rights restored.

More: Silent Since Shootings, N.R.A. Could Face Challenge to Political Power - The New York Times

As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

More: Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back - The New York Times
NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights

So do the FBI I guess because it's their responsibility to check each and every purchaser... The NRA has nothing to do with back round checks nor do they have access to medical records. You are barking up the wrong tree.

Republicans have everthing to do with this:
The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns. The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm./QUOTE]
House votes to overturn Obama gun rule

So here someone can get Social Security Disability benefits for being Mentally Ill--yet can still purchase guns.
After the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress did manage to pass a modest measure that was designed to provide money to states to improve the federal background check system. But the N.R.A. secured a broad concession in the legislation, which pushed states to allow people with histories of mental illness to petition to have their gun rights restored.

More: Silent Since Shootings, N.R.A. Could Face Challenge to Political Power - The New York Times

As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

More: Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back - The New York Times
NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights

So do the FBI I guess because it's their responsibility to check each and every purchaser... The NRA has nothing to do with back round checks nor do they have access to medical records. You are barking up the wrong tree.

No this is really in the lap of Republicans who did this:

The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.
House votes to overturn Obama gun rule

So you can receive Social Security benefits for being Mentally Ill and still purchase guns.

This is what Republicans did.
Tweets are coming in....this was an attack on Trump supporters....
No this is really in the lap of Republicans who did this:
shut up stupid if you have a master plan to rid the world of guns please tell us...until then shut the hell up. There is no way any law would have prevented this and for you to go there is why America has kicked you and yours to the curb...
Republicans have everthing to do with this:
You are a freak, your way of thinking is done...

No it's not--it's started. I am a gun owner and live in the State of Colorado. After the mass killing at a movie Theater here we passed common sense gun regulations---and no one has felt like their GUN RIGHTS have been violated.

1. No private sales. Every sale goes through a licensed dealer and background checks are also done at Gun shows in this state. If you have a gun you want to sell to someone you take it to the gun dealer and they sell it for you and then pay you upon the sale.
2. Internet sales have to be shipped to a licensed gun dealer, and before you can pick up you go through a background check that includes mental health background checks.
3. Magazine sales are limited to 9 bullets--(which no one liked but we're living with it.)

I walk into a gun shop and it takes me no longer to go through that check than any other state in this country.

In fact 9 out of 10 gun owners in this country want background checks, the only ones that don't want them are the ones that couldn't pass them.
No it's not--it's started. I am a gun owner and live in the State of Colorado. After the mass killing at a movie Theater here we passed common sense gun regulations---and no one has felt like their GUN RIGHTS have been violated.
Oreo...can you honestly say this could not have happened in Colorado? News flash! law breakers break laws...even gun laws....This is a much deeper problem than a new assault rifle's a problem of the heart and a problem of the soul. We took God out of education and we belittled him to death in our society. Now we are paying the price. You had better get used to it.
After the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress did manage to pass a modest measure that was designed to provide money to states to improve the federal background check system. But the N.R.A. secured a broad concession in the legislation, which pushed states to allow people with histories of mental illness to petition to have their gun rights restored.

More: Silent Since Shootings, N.R.A. Could Face Challenge to Political Power - The New York Times

As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

More: Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back - The New York Times

Allowing someone with a history of suicide attempts and bipolar disorder to own guns is crazy

Yes....odds are the church was a gun free one there to stop the shooter till the police arrived, though it appears some people outside the church engaged the shooter after he walked outside of the likely gun free zone...since the police didn't make it to the church, at all, before the people were killed......

Got any proof - or just your usual bullshit?

Yes....odds are the church was a gun free one there to stop the shooter till the police arrived, though it appears some people outside the church engaged the shooter after he walked outside of the likely gun free zone...since the police didn't make it to the church, at all, before the people were killed......
...and more people die from falling out of bed than from mass shootings.
Washington redskin you need to put things in prospective. Stay out of the fucking firewater...
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Yes....odds are the church was a gun free one there to stop the shooter till the police arrived, though it appears some people outside the church engaged the shooter after he walked outside of the likely gun free zone...since the police didn't make it to the church, at all, before the people were killed......

Got any proof - or just your usual bullshit?

a government employee approved this guy's application to buy the gun used to kill those people, should that person be held liable? (most likely a democrat and a minority, so be careful with your answer)

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