NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights

After the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress did manage to pass a modest measure that was designed to provide money to states to improve the federal background check system. But the N.R.A. secured a broad concession in the legislation, which pushed states to allow people with histories of mental illness to petition to have their gun rights restored.

More: Silent Since Shootings, N.R.A. Could Face Challenge to Political Power - The New York Times

As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

More: Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back - The New York Times

The NRA leadership is mentally ill.
After the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress did manage to pass a modest measure that was designed to provide money to states to improve the federal background check system. But the N.R.A. secured a broad concession in the legislation, which pushed states to allow people with histories of mental illness to petition to have their gun rights restored.

More: Silent Since Shootings, N.R.A. Could Face Challenge to Political Power - The New York Times

As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

More: Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back - The New York Times

The NRA leadership is mentally ill.

Prefer not to think or know too much on the subject? Just associate "NRA" with "bad" and move on with your day?

Just imagine the sheep from Animal Farm, bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad!" and you will get a measure of Lakota's mental accumen.
So what? Many people suffer from temporary mental illnesses that are cured by counseling/treatment. Why should a person who has been cured of a medical problem NOT have the means to have their rights restored?
So what? Many people suffer from temporary mental illnesses that are cured by counseling/treatment. Why should a person who has been cured of a medical problem NOT have the means to have their rights restored?

Mental illness cannot be cured, it can only be managed. A person cannot be treated for Bi Polar disorder, then cured of it. They have it for life.
So what? Many people suffer from temporary mental illnesses that are cured by counseling/treatment. Why should a person who has been cured of a medical problem NOT have the means to have their rights restored?

Mental illness cannot be cured, it can only be managed. A person cannot be treated for Bi Polar disorder, then cured of it. They have it for life.

You're giving but ONE example of a mental illness, there are over 150 recognized mental disorders and yes, many can be treated and many people are cured.

Seriously, why would the NRA want the mentally ill to have gun rights?

The NRA wants folks who've been labelled mentally ill, or who might have the same name as someone who's been labelled mentally ill, to have a readily-available lawful means for them to appeal their case...

if you've ever, through no fault of your own, been placed on a no-fly list, you would understand the reason for this concern...
What that really means is that all some government employee has to do is decide she doesn't like how you act to strip you of your rights. Psychiatry is a pseudo-science.
So what? Many people suffer from temporary mental illnesses that are cured by counseling/treatment. Why should a person who has been cured of a medical problem NOT have the means to have their rights restored?

Mental illness cannot be cured, it can only be managed. A person cannot be treated for Bi Polar disorder, then cured of it. They have it for life.

In other words, oncce they label you, you're screwed.
What the hell is wrong with people with mental illness having a gun. My dad had mental health issues and he ALWAYS had a gun.

The most likely outcome of a mentally unstable person having a gun is that;
1. They kill themselves
2. They kill a spouse of another family memeber.
3. The kill the family member then kill themselves.
4. They injure or kill someone accidently while playing with their gun.

What is the problem with that? It is pretty much what other people who are not deemed mentally ill do with their guns.

You all discriminate against crazy people. There are a bunch of people in here who claim that they will take up arms and defeat the Federal Government in a battle over guns.

If that ain't fuking crazy, then nothing is. And nobody is taking guns from the Red Dawn crowd.

Actually, for the sake of the firearms industry, I think EVERYONE should be required to purchase and carry a weapon. Multiple weapons. And there should be a tax credit for the purchase. And no requirement for CCW. That's crazy. Making someone take a "class" for the carrying of a gun. WTF for?
So what? Many people suffer from temporary mental illnesses that are cured by counseling/treatment. Why should a person who has been cured of a medical problem NOT have the means to have their rights restored?

Mental illness cannot be cured, it can only be managed. A person cannot be treated for Bi Polar disorder, then cured of it. They have it for life.

Wouldn't that depend on the mental illness? I am pretty sure that removing a tumor has been known to cure some cases of mental illness, which would mean that you are, once again, wrong.

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