Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

But that fact also adds a great deal of credibility to his testimony in this issue as he has nothing political to gain by lying or toeing the party line.

....and THAT may be yet another reason for you Trump cultists to respect what Gowdy told you......???


As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation.

11:34 AM - Feb 2, 2018
Please post those photos. I am pretty darn sure they do not exist. I can however post photos of Hillary, Schumer, Bill Clinton, et al yukking it up with Putin. I dare say there are no such photos with Donald Trump and Putin.

The only time Trump and Putin have been photographed together was at official formal meetings AFTER Trump was elected President.

Well, we also have this......(but this thread is a bout Nunes)

Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Mickelthwaite interviewed Putin for two hours and asked him about which candidate the Russian president would prefer to win the US election:

“Are you really telling me that if you have a choice between a woman who you think may have been trying to get rid of you and a man who seems to have this great affection for you, almost bordering on homoerotic, you’re not going to make a decision between those two because one of them would seem to be a lot more favorable to you?”

Putin evaded the question.

Good for Putin. That was about as leading and dishonest a question as Bloomberg could have asked. Hillary did nothing but absolutely benefit Putin and Obama did nothing to thwart Putin in any way. Hillary was on the record that she would continue Obama's policies. There is no way in hell that Putin wanted an "America First" Trump to be President over Hillary Clinton.
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked
Maybe that's why he was in Vegas Superbowl weekend, getting drunk.
But that fact also adds a great deal of credibility to his testimony in this issue as he has nothing political to gain by lying or toeing the party line.

....and THAT may be yet another reason for you Trump cultists to respect what Gowdy told you......???


As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation.

11:34 AM - Feb 2, 2018

I have already posted, I believe in this thread, that Gowdy has been unwavering in his confidence in Mueller. And the Nunes memo did not discredit Mueller or his investigation in any way.

I have less confidence in Mueller's impartiality than Gowdy does, but I am holding open the hope that Gowdy is right about him. At any rate the FISA warrant had nothing to do with the Mueller investigation, but hopefully it has become part of the investigation now as it looks more and more like it was the DNC, the Hillary campaign, the Obama State Dept. and the 7th floor of the FBI who were colluding with the Russians.
ood for Putin. That was about as leading and dishonest a question as Bloomberg could have asked. Hillary did nothing but absolutely benefit Putin


Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win - VICE
Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win
Mar 21, 2017 - What often gets lost in the sometimes paranoid, always partisan debates over Russia is the underlying questions beyond the controversy of the 2016 election. Why would Putin favor Trump over Hillary Clinton? What does Trump's relatively friendly attitude toward Putin mean for US foreign policy and the ...

As Russia probe gains steam, remember why Putin hated Clinton and ...
Oct 27, 2017 - Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him.

'Putin hates Clinton' and other things FBI knows about Russia - BBC ...
FBI Director Comey told Congress what the FBI has learned about Russia's intervention in the US election.

Hillary Clinton: Why Vladimir Putin Has a Grudge Against Her | Time › World › russia
Jul 25, 2016 - In December 2011, Vladimir Putin came closer than he's ever been to losing his hold on power. His decision that year to run for a third term as Russia's President had inspired a massive protest movement against him. Demonstrations calling for him to resign were attracting hundreds of thousands of people ...

DNC Email Hack: Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton - NBC News

Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton
Jul 27, 2016 - If Russia is indeed behind the damaging leak of Democratic Party emails on the eve of its national convention, it's not just because President Vladimir Putin likes Republican nominee Donald Trump and his pro-Russian views, former U.S. officials and experts tell NBC News. It's because the former KGB ...

Comey: Russia Favored Trump Because Putin 'Hated' Hillary Clinton ...
May 3, 2017 - Al Franken claimed without citing any evidence, “ensnared in” Russia's “web of patronage.” Instead, the FBI chief provided two primary reasons for Russia allegedly favoring Trump over Clinton during the 2016 presidential race. One reason, according to Comey, was that Putin “hated” Clinton and would ...

Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO

Why Putin hates Hillary
Jul 25, 2016 - Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of Russian elections.
ood for Putin. That was about as leading and dishonest a question as Bloomberg could have asked. Hillary did nothing but absolutely benefit Putin


Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win - VICE
Why Putin Hates Clinton and Helped Trump Win
Mar 21, 2017 - What often gets lost in the sometimes paranoid, always partisan debates over Russia is the underlying questions beyond the controversy of the 2016 election. Why would Putin favor Trump over Hillary Clinton? What does Trump's relatively friendly attitude toward Putin mean for US foreign policy and the ...

As Russia probe gains steam, remember why Putin hated Clinton and ...
Oct 27, 2017 - Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him.

'Putin hates Clinton' and other things FBI knows about Russia - BBC ...
FBI Director Comey told Congress what the FBI has learned about Russia's intervention in the US election.

Hillary Clinton: Why Vladimir Putin Has a Grudge Against Her | Time › World › russia
Jul 25, 2016 - In December 2011, Vladimir Putin came closer than he's ever been to losing his hold on power. His decision that year to run for a third term as Russia's President had inspired a massive protest movement against him. Demonstrations calling for him to resign were attracting hundreds of thousands of people ...

DNC Email Hack: Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton - NBC News

Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton
Jul 27, 2016 - If Russia is indeed behind the damaging leak of Democratic Party emails on the eve of its national convention, it's not just because President Vladimir Putin likes Republican nominee Donald Trump and his pro-Russian views, former U.S. officials and experts tell NBC News. It's because the former KGB ...

Comey: Russia Favored Trump Because Putin 'Hated' Hillary Clinton ...
May 3, 2017 - Al Franken claimed without citing any evidence, “ensnared in” Russia's “web of patronage.” Instead, the FBI chief provided two primary reasons for Russia allegedly favoring Trump over Clinton during the 2016 presidential race. One reason, according to Comey, was that Putin “hated” Clinton and would ...

Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO

Why Putin hates Hillary
Jul 25, 2016 - Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of Russian elections.

Yep nice spin put on it and from no source that has not been anti-Trump from the beginning.
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

Wow - this is even more pathetic spin now that we know that Obabble was directing the fake Russian set up and spying on the Trump campaign.
Neither you nor I can know explicitly what the warrant application referred to other than the Steele memo. Neither you nor I know what the warrant application showed the fusion and steele memos showed, or what had been proven true about them, and some facts are proven true, some not (and yes Steele correctly reported that Putins personal finger were on Russia's hacking the Clinton campaign).

What we know is the application stated the steele info had a political motive, and Gowdy says the extension wouldn't have been granted without relying on the Steele information. That's his personal conclusion. I don't doubt his sincerity, but I doubt a lack of bias.

but again, so what? Take away anything the tap on Page unconvered after the extension. That's what "fruit of the poisonous tree" means. Anything the tap led to has to be discounted, unless there's a separate source for the information. Nunes is a tempest in a teapot

and we know gowdy isn't telling the truth about that . the l
i feel bad for my country and for the honorable men and women who are currently being disparaged in defense of a charlatan.

since when do we publicly parse justification of warrants approved by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court..?

these trump apologists are too dumb for words...

it's pretty disgusting.

I give Gowdy credence for not lying for what is or isn't on a piece of paper. I don't think he's unbiased enough to offer an opinion of what that necessarily means. Doesn't mean he's a horrid person. Schiff looks a little bit motivated too. LOL

But again, unless Page's tap shows Putin and Trump doing the deed in bed, who cares? Page is consistently shown to be pretty much all hat and no cattle.

If Trump and Putin cooked up something, I'd expect evidence to be in other places even if it was on the tap. Nunes is trying to push this as "total vindication....." We know for a fact that Putin personally directed the hacking of Clinton, and we know for a fact that his son, sil and campaign manager met with Russians to get dirt. Mueller was appointed with bipartisan support to find out what the Russians did, and whether Trump had a connection.

I am convinced that before Trump became President, Trump and Putin never met except that they were both featured once on the same news broadcast, each speaking from their own respective venues in their respective countries.

I cannot figure ANY circumstance that would make Putin prefer Trump over Hillary as President of the USA.

And as for Gowdy, he is perhaps the most honorable, honest, least partisan, least ideological member of Congress. He has been unwavering in his support of Mueller as special counsel and he never ever simply recites the party line about anything. It is with a deep sense of loss that we will be losing him when his term expires this year--he isn't running for re-election--and I will be listening to his interview with Martha McCallum at 7 eastern tonight in which it is reported he will explain why he is leaving Congress.
Theres pictures of them together, brought up when Trump was denying having ever met Putin. This was all 2016 campaign shit...whereve ya been

Please post those photos. I am pretty darn sure they do not exist. I can however post photos of Hillary, Schumer, Bill Clinton, et al yukking it up with Putin. I dare say there are no such photos with Donald Trump and Putin.

The only time Trump and Putin have been photographed together was at official formal meetings AFTER Trump was elected President.
ohhh you failed hard now.

2017: "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy," Trump tweeted. "Yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no problem!"


2014: In a 2014 speech to the National Press Club, Trump said that "I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer."

OhhHHHH you needed VIDEO, of Trump HIMSELF, in 2014 admitting to knowing Putin?

Noo0oo0o0 problem!!

"I never met Putin, I DONT KNOW WHO PUTIN IS" - 2017 (for good measure)

Trump: I don't know who Putin is

and timeline please - he said this VVV BEFORE saying that ^^

In a Nov. 10 GOP debate, Trump said: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”

Annnnd...drumroll please??????

2014 - @48minutes....."I spoke directly and indirectly with president putin"

(video) VVVVVV

NPC Luncheon with Donald Trump
The Washington Compost owned by CIA shill Jeff Bezos and the NY Times, also a shill for the CFR SEZ??????

"Move along folks......nothing to see here!!!"


Tomorrow will be a very SAD day for you ......your Trump cult ilk.....and Nunes.....LOL

Nothing can top what was revealed last Friday that the dossier (paid for by the DNC) was the reason for FISA warrants that the judges that signed off on it had no idea that it was a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign....that stench can't be washed matter how much soap that you use.

The Democrats are going to need a lot of feminine hygiene products.

These snowflakes can't see the writing on the wall. This investigation of the corrupt Democrat fraud on America is not going to stop. The more they scream the more we know we're hitting the jackasses with the rocks. Next in the bullpen, Grassley.

Leftards are gonna scream in agony like a scalded Hollywood vampire that has been sprayed with holy water..........they are scarred and put their hands over their eyes when sunlight hits them..........

I'm sorry, with you I have to ask. Do you believe in vampires?
The Washington Compost owned by CIA shill Jeff Bezos and the NY Times, also a shill for the CFR SEZ??????

"Move along folks......nothing to see here!!!"


Tomorrow will be a very SAD day for you ......your Trump cult ilk.....and Nunes.....LOL

Nothing can top what was revealed last Friday that the dossier (paid for by the DNC) was the reason for FISA warrants that the judges that signed off on it had no idea that it was a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign....that stench can't be washed matter how much soap that you use.

The Democrats are going to need a lot of feminine hygiene products.

These snowflakes can't see the writing on the wall. This investigation of the corrupt Democrat fraud on America is not going to stop. The more they scream the more we know we're hitting the jackasses with the rocks. Next in the bullpen, Grassley.

Leftards are gonna scream in agony like a scalded Hollywood vampire that has been sprayed with holy water..........they are scarred and put their hands over their eyes when sunlight hits them..........

I'm sorry, with you I have to ask. Do you believe in vampires?
Vampires are real........

Wow - this is even more pathetic spin now that we know that Obabble was directing the fake Russian set up and spying on the Trump campaign.

oh look, another FAKE NEWS parrot who knows so much more than the FBI, CIA, and FISC. :uhoh3:

PLUS the man who is the subject of this thread who ACKNOWLEDGED the RUSSIAN HACKING is NOT FAKE NEWS.
Wow - this is even more pathetic spin now that we know that Obabble was directing the fake Russian set up and spying on the Trump campaign.

Fuck head......Who appointed 5 "foreign advisers".....and TWO of them wound either INDICTED for Russian collusion or monitored because Russian spies tried to recruit his sorry ass.??????

"The Putin regime has a long history of aggressive actions against other countries, including the outright invasion of two of its neighbors in recent years, as well as its brutal military action in Syria to defend the Assad regime. But it's hostile acts take many forms, aside from direct military assaults.

For example, the Kremlin is waging an international disinformation campaign through the RT propaganda network which traffics in anti-American conspiracy theories that rivaled the extravagant untruths of Soviet era Pravda (ph). Russia also has a long history of meddling in other countries, election systems and launching cyber attacks on a wide range of countries and industries.

The Baltic's and other Russian neighbors have long decried these attacks. But their warnings went unheeded in far too many nations' capitals, including our own. The fact that the Russia — that Russia hacked U.S. election-related databases comes as no shock to this committee. We have been closely monitoring Russia's aggression for years.

A year ago, I publicly stated that our inability to predict Putin's regime plans and intentions has been the biggest intelligence failure that we have seen since 9/11 and that remains my view today. However, while the indications of Russian measures targeting the U.S. presidential election are deeply troubling, one benefit is already clear. It has focused wide attention on the — on the pressing threats posed by the Russian autocrat.

In recent years, committee members have issued repeated and forceful pleas for stronger action against Russian belligerents."

Devin Nunes ^
donny's obstinate refusal to take this very serious issue seriously, just bolsters the justification for the surveillance in retrospect.

mr nunes said himself that the committee was pushing for stronger measures to monitor russian contacts...

i wonder what kind of dirt the trumpswabs have on devin nunes to get him to now undermine the agencies assigned to perform those tasks he specifically requested.......... :eusa_think:
Wow - this is even more pathetic spin now that we know that Obabble was directing the fake Russian set up and spying on the Trump campaign.

oh look, another FAKE NEWS parrot who knows so much more than the FBI, CIA, and FISC. :uhoh3:

PLUS the man who is the subject of this thread who ACKNOWLEDGED the RUSSIAN HACKING is NOT FAKE NEWS.

I know reality is challenging for you Prog Loons these days. But the evidence is unfolding daily that the entire Trump Russian Collusions narrative is Pure Fiction. The real scandal is how Obama weaponized the federal bureaucracy to spy on Trump in order to entrap him during the election, and then when hiLIARy lost, to attempt a soft coup. This is far worse than Watergate, which a normal person would understand. It's really sad how you Progs have lobotomized themselves with your hatred of Trump and America.

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