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NY Times Editor Carlos Tejada, 49, Dies of Heart Attack a Day After Getting His Covid Booster Shot

Correlation is not same as cause and effect. However in this case there is almost no correlation because there have been over 500 million does given and how many heart attacks after receiving a dose?
Yes, you are stupid. The clues that count are the property of those minorities in which the vaccine failed, not the majority in which it was successful.
They are corrupt and dont want the truth out because the people of this country might want a neck tie party if the trutj gets out.

We know they have purposely forced vaccines over proven old off label meds that could have made them unneccessary. They have also refused to do t and b cell test studies in mass because they dont want that known either. Other countries that have showed most had covod t and b cell immunities already.
B and T cell parameters link to more prominent autoantibody activity in males. That's why we immediately posted the pertinent link on the SEALS thread.
B and T cell parameters link to more prominent autoantibody activity in males. That's why we immediately posted the pertinent link on the SEALS thread.
mRNA doesn't do this...........which is why it is a miserable failure.
I have not vetted the stats in this article, but they appear to make a compelling case about sports players dying after getting the jab...

In the United States approximately 8 to 10 deaths per year can be attributed to sudden cardiac death in NCAA with overall rate of 1 per 43,000.[21][22]
I read your link and found no mention of whether or not these athletes were vaccinated. When I read the article I kept wondering what exactly did the writer consider a collapse. Then I noticed where this article came from, a Twitter thread that had been collated from several other threads. I followed the link to "Israel Real Time News", translated it. It had only the following information, "Since December (2020), 183 professional athletes, coaches and college and youth athletes, (Not just FIFA players) have collapsed abruptly, and 108 have died. The main cause: Cardiac problems - myo / pericarditis, cardiac arrest and heart attacks."

So the facts presented are 183 athletes, professionals, college, and youths from around the world, collapsed (fell down) and 108 died over the last year. Most of the information in the Twitter feed comes from unknown sources. The 183 athletics come from professional, college, and youth teams from around the world. So how shocking is it that 183 athletes out of 113,000 professional athletes, 460,000 NCAA athletes and millions of high school and youth teams collapsed.
So that number 183 may not be that shocking.

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An unprecedented number of professional soccer players have been falling on the field or during practice with the vast majority experiencing heart problems. This week alone, three players died from heart attacks despite being young and healthy.

Anytime you hear shocking stories like this or 20,000 dead after taking the vaccines or 140 doctors die after vaccination, ask yourself two questions:
How many died not after the vaccination but due to the vaccination.
Out of how many vaccination (500 million in the US and 9 billion world wide)?

People get heart attacks all the time. But usually not at such a young age unless he had a lot of risk factors. Did the man drink a fifth or more a day? Did he burn 3 packs or more coffin nails each day? His picture indicates he was far from tremendously obese.

Makes me think that the vaccine may have been an instigating factor in his attainment of Room Temperature.
Why? There was no mention as to whether the players were vaccinated or not.

I read serval articles on the player's deaths in real news publicans, not Twitter and Facebook accounts. There was no real cause of death mentioned. Two articles said the death was due to heart failure. Heart failure is when heart stops, which is going happen to all of us.
Anytime you hear shocking stories like this or 20,000 dead after taking the vaccines or 140 doctors die after vaccination, ask yourself two questions:
How many died not after the vaccination but due to the vaccination.
Out of how many vaccination (500 million in the US and 9 billion world wide)?
And you will always play the game it's Never the vaccine. Whether they died of the vaccine or not was unknown. But VAERs data show that people are dying from the vaccine whether you like it or not. You can play the game it's not the vaccine makers fault they were allergic to peg........and say Oh well all you want........that person still died from the jab.

It would be different if people got the jab..............and then no longer got the virus.........Not the case..........So they are garbage to me and don't work. Yet the gov't around the world and in Blue shit holes are saying take the jab or else..............Playing the game that the unvaccinated are the cause of it not ending. Which is utter BS. Because those with the vaccine are still getting and transmitting the virus to others.

There are known treatments that would have made the vaccines unneccessary.............but they were suppressed and doctors fired for using them. Even though many countries used them with Great success............But that information is suppressed and attacked by our gov't and people like you.
And you will always play the game it's Never the vaccine.
This is why folks like Flopper will never find the truth. The only way to find the truth is if we step away from our own bias and search specifically for the truth. Guys like flopper cannot differentiate searching to confirm bias from searching for the actual truth. When I read his posts, it is self evident that he is locked into searching to confirm bias, and that he honestly believes that he is searching for the truth. That compounds the errors in his otherwise remarkable vetting skills.
This is why folks like Flopper will never find the truth. The only way to find the truth is if we step away from our own bias and search specifically for the truth. Guys like flopper cannot differentiate searching to confirm bias from searching for the actual truth. When I read his posts, it is self evident that he is locked into searching to confirm bias, and that he honestly believes that he is searching for the truth. That compounds the errors in his otherwise remarkable vetting skills.
Or he works for someone who wants all opposition to the narrative gone. Whether Langley or Pfizer.........well hell they are the same now.
Or he works for someone who wants all opposition to the narrative gone. Whether Langley or Pfizer.........well hell they are the same now.
Being able to recognize the conflicts of interest and goals of the collective that is made up of big pharma, big government, big tech, and big media, is a critical part of seeing the big picture. Since Flopper is only out to confirm his bias, he is blind to how profoundly the actual truth is manipulated by this collective.
And you will always play the game it's Never the vaccine. Whether they died of the vaccine or not was unknown.
Is it any different the other way around? How many of these "news" articles have we seen, announcing a death or illness after taking the vaccine? And it's always insinuated that the vaccine is the problem. Without any regard for evidence.

Every single person who takes the vaccine will die afterward, that's true. Same with every person who doesn't. It might be the next day, next month, next year, or a long time from now. But they will die. That's just the way it works.

It's also true that some people will die from the vaccine. That's the way all vaccines work. We accept that because the risk of not being vaccinated is assumed to be worse. It's possible that the covid vaccines are more dangerous than they are admitting, that they are more dangerous than the disease, but I haven't seen any evidence showing that. It's also possible they are hiding this evidence and I'm in full support of pushing for transparency in that regard.

But these tabloid articles insinuating crap just to scare people are pure trash.
Is it any different the other way around? How many of these "news" articles have we seen, announcing a death or illness after taking the vaccine? And it's always insinuated that the vaccine is the problem. Without any regard for evidence.

Every single person who takes the vaccine will die afterward, that's true. Same with every person who doesn't. It might be the next day, next month, next year, or a long time from now. But they will die. That's just the way it works.

It's also true that some people will die from the vaccine. That's the way all vaccines work. We accept that because the risk of not being vaccinated is assumed to be worse. It's possible that the covid vaccines are more dangerous than they are admitting, that they are more dangerous than the disease, but I haven't seen any evidence showing that. It's also possible they are hiding this evidence and I'm in full support of pushing for transparency in that regard.

But these tabloid articles insinuating crap just to scare people are pure trash.
So sit back and let the media turn us into what is going on in Europe and Austrailia.............These vaccines are experimental.......PERIOD.......no long term human trials on it before this. No LONG TERM IMMUNITY..........Traditional vaccines like Covaxin would have done this with the actual whole antigen covid 19 like Covaxin..........But they didn't give that option.
Cheap drugs were disallowed by the FDA.........WHY.....I've shown the data in other countries where it worked.............

They pushed this garbage on us...............the same ones who were over in Wuhan experimenting on these viruses...Why should I trust them whatsoever and about what they say on the vaccines.............When they have lied and changed the narrative for 2 years.?
In reference to the 108 FIFA athletes and coaches that died. Not only has FIFA themselves denied the claims, but Reuters has also looked into the claim and here is what they found

Reuters looked into the list of 108 names provided by Real Time News (bit.ly/32pqrt7 , page 6). It appears to be compiled using news reports of the deaths of 108 people, aged 12 – 64, worldwide.

Among the sports attributed to the names are American football, archery, athletics, badminton, ballet, baseball, basketball, body building, boxing, canoeing, cricket, cycling, field hockey, footvolley, handball, ice hockey, rugby (league and union), soccer, table tennis, tennis, volleyball and weightlifting.

A mixture of sporting levels is included which range from professional, semi-professional, amateur, retired, youth (under 15 years old), high school and college.

In 53 cases, a cause of death was reported. These include heart attacks brought on by previously known or unknown heart conditions, while others included prior COVID-19 infections, a cerebral aneurysm, a traumatic brain injury, a motorbike accident, one suicide, two suspected suicides, heat stroke, and a rare congenital condition – anomalous origin of coronary artery.

Moreover, one case was reported in August 2019, prior to the pandemic, and another had a family confirm their relative was not vaccinated.

Some of the listed deaths also occurred prior to vaccine rollouts for respective age groups in certain countries.

Three cases did involve speculation of a vaccine link – but this has not been confirmed.

A detailed background check into some of these death can be found here

Antivaxxers are just finding anyone who has died and attributing the vaccine to it, regardless of whether any of these ppl even got vaccinated or not, or whether they are even FIFA players and coaches, like the meme claimed. As usual they are throwing as much shit on the wall as they can and seeing if any of it sticks. Another lesson that you shouldn't put any stock in an internet meme, which would seem kind of reasonable, unless you're an irrational person that can't discern from fact or fiction.
Correlation is not same as cause and effect. However in this case there is almost no correlation because there have been over 500 million does given and how many heart attacks after receiving a dose?
No there is a huge documented correlation in general, and it can be examined in this case to determine if the vaccine was the cause.
The problem is that even though the mRNA injection is intramuscular, it is so tiny that it is not at all restricted to the muscle.
It can and does get into the bloodstream, and where ever it ends up, it starts our own cells growing spike proteins.
And when that happens in critical place like the heart or brain, we die.
If it happens in capillaries in extremities, then hands and feet have to be amputated.

It is not just that the mRNA injections have caused over 10,000 deaths, but that if we properly used immuno suppressants to prevent any cytokine storm, no one should be dying from covid at all.
It is not at all a lethal or dangerous virus.

And while the death rate from the mRNA injections is very low, the fact it is not causing anything being stored in long term T-cell memory, means it is useless to end the epidemic.
As a treatment, the mRNA injection does stimulate antibody production, but that should not be done ahead of time.
These mRNA injections should be only given AFTER actual infection.

This is from a site that is pro-vax.
VAERS had received 1,148 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received a COVID-19 vaccine as of July 19th. The CDC and its partners are investigating these reports to assess whether there is a relationship to COVID-19 vaccination.

Through follow-up, including medical record reviews, the CDC and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have confirmed 674 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. In both cases, the body’s immune system causes inflammation in response to an infection or some other trigger.
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They pushed this garbage on us...............the same ones who were over in Wuhan experimenting on these viruses...Why should I trust them whatsoever and about what they say on the vaccines.............When they have lied and changed the narrative for 2 years.?
Yeah. I've heard all that. And I don't trust them much either. But I haven't yet seen anything compelling outside of conspiracy tabloids known for stretching the truth, if not outright lying.

Here's thing, as much as the media loves left wing politics, they love muckraking even more. If there were something to any of these conspiracies, the press would be all over it. Not of all of them, sure. But uncovering something like this would make an entire career for a journalist. They'd drop their political convictions in a heartbeat for that kind of notoriety.
And you will always play the game it's Never the vaccine. Whether they died of the vaccine or not was unknown. But VAERs data show that people are dying from the vaccine whether you like it or not. You can play the game it's not the vaccine makers fault they were allergic to peg........and say Oh well all you want........that person still died from the jab.

It would be different if people got the jab..............and then no longer got the virus.........Not the case..........So they are garbage to me and don't work. Yet the gov't around the world and in Blue shit holes are saying take the jab or else..............Playing the game that the unvaccinated are the cause of it not ending. Which is utter BS. Because those with the vaccine are still getting and transmitting the virus to others.

There are known treatments that would have made the vaccines unneccessary.............but they were suppressed and doctors fired for using them. Even though many countries used them with Great success............But that information is suppressed and attacked by our gov't and people like you.
It is certainly not a game. The vaccines were lab tested followed by 6 months of clinical trials where 60,000 participants were monitored weekly and are still being monitored by both the drug company and the FDA without a single death or serious adverse effect due to the vaccine. In addition the VARS data collection system which is open to the public has recorded 20,000 deaths after (not from) 500,000,000 vaccinations. There have been only 5 deaths proved to be caused by a vaccine. Are there more, probably yes but no where near 20,000.

We had over 205 million people fully vaccinated over the last 12 months. Of that number we have 20,000 reported deaths after vaccination. In the US, the expected number of deaths from all causes in 12 months is about 3.5 million out a population of 340 million. So 20,000 deaths in a year out of 205 million is certainly not a cause for alarm.

Of course all of the above will fall on deaf ears because you trust conspiracy theories, fake news, and social media more than you trust government, science or the media. I find that's very said because when people lose faith in their government they turn elsewhere as they did in Germany in 1930, Italy in 1922, France in 1799, in which the people rejected a democratic form of goverment in favor of authoritarian rule of a single person. It brought back faith in goverment but at a terrible price.
It is certainly not a game. The vaccines were lab tested followed by 6 months of clinical trials where 60,000 participants were monitored weekly and are still being monitored by both the drug company and the FDA without a single death or serious adverse effect due to the vaccine. In addition the VARS data collection system which is open to the public has recorded 20,000 deaths after (not from) 500,000,000 vaccinations. There have been only 5 deaths proved to be caused by a vaccine. Are there more, probably yes but no where near 20,000.

We had over 205 million people fully vaccinated over the last 12 months. Of that number we have 20,000 reported deaths after vaccination. In the US, the expected number of deaths from all causes in 12 months is about 3.5 million out a population of 340 million. So 20,000 deaths in a year out of 205 million is certainly not a cause for alarm.

Of course all of the above will fall on deaf ears because you trust conspiracy theories, fake news, and social media more than you trust government, science or the media. I find that's very said because when people lose faith in their government they turn elsewhere as they did in Germany in 1930, Italy in 1922, France in 1799, in which the people rejected a democratic form of goverment in favor of authoritarian rule of a single person. It brought back faith in goverment but at a terrible price.

That is from Pfizer. 1223 deaths reported there................

Is it any different the other way around? How many of these "news" articles have we seen, announcing a death or illness after taking the vaccine? And it's always insinuated that the vaccine is the problem. Without any regard for evidence.

Every single person who takes the vaccine will die afterward, that's true. Same with every person who doesn't. It might be the next day, next month, next year, or a long time from now. But they will die. That's just the way it works.

It's also true that some people will die from the vaccine. That's the way all vaccines work. We accept that because the risk of not being vaccinated is assumed to be worse. It's possible that the covid vaccines are more dangerous than they are admitting, that they are more dangerous than the disease, but I haven't seen any evidence showing that. It's also possible they are hiding this evidence and I'm in full support of pushing for transparency in that regard.

But these tabloid articles insinuating crap just to scare people are pure trash.
You bring up a good point that many people ignore. In the US, 3.5 million people die ever year out of a population of 320 million. We had 205 million fully vaccinate in last 12 months. Out that number we would expect 2.2 million to die regardless of whether or not they got vaccinated.
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You are making the same mistake as you have in regard to VAERS. The 1223 deaths are reported deaths both in the US and abroad after vaccination not due to vaccination.
And you are making the same mistake as what prompted that reply. You said NO DEATHS from the vaccine...............Which is a lie.

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