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NY Times Editor Carlos Tejada, 49, Dies of Heart Attack a Day After Getting His Covid Booster Shot

I only use the official site to get data..........and that has been filtered.........Not the massive raw data others are getting numbers on............Most of the reports are from the medical community on Vaers.......Way more reports than any other vaccine in history

Perhaps you missed the part where I said the FDA intentionally loosened criteria for reporting because the vaccines were only authorized for emergency usage. Also, VAERS was only created in 1990. What other major pandemics have we had since then that had 200 million ppl taking a vaccine? Were we not supposed to get a single report of an adverse effect from that many ppl?
Perhaps you missed the part where I said the FDA intentionally loosened criteria for reporting because the vaccines were only authorized for emergency usage. Also, VAERS was only created in 1990. What other major pandemics have we had since then that had 200 million ppl taking a vaccine? Were we not supposed to get a single report of an adverse effect from that many ppl?
Most of the anti-vaxxers suck at statistics. That's why the come off as though they were honed to the fine edge of a beachball. They don't realize the chances of them having an adverse reaction to the vaccine is probably less than getting struck by lightning in the middle of a snowstorm!
Most of the anti-vaxxers suck at statistics. That's why the come off as though they were honed to the fine edge of a beachball. They don't realize the chances of them having an adverse reaction to the vaccine is probably less than getting struck by lightning in the middle of a snowstorm!
So much for intelligently researched science. CDC is as stupiod as the nazi-dem-controlled media that will report the sensationalism, then get slothful amnesia about follow-up reports.

'As America's COVID czar, Dr. Fauci never complained about CDC's decision to skip autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines. This practice allowed CDC to persistently claim that all deaths following vaccination were "unrelated to vaccination." CDC also refused to conduct follow-up medical inquiries among people claiming vaccine injuries.

Inspired by rich incentives to classify every patient as a COVID-19 victim -- Medicare paid hospitals $39,000 per ventilator when treating COVID-19 and only $13,000 for garden variety respiratory infections -- hospitals contributed to the deception. Once more, Dr. Fauci winked at the fraud. Dr. Fauci's refusal to fix the HHS's notoriously dysfunctional vaccine injury surveillance system (VAERS) constituted inexcusable negligence. HHS's own studies indicate that VAERS may be understating vaccine injuries by OVER 99 percent.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 5)
Dont need phony fact checkers to kill this bad idea. Just go find out how many FIFA soccer players drop dead on the field from cardiac issues in years PREVIOUS to COvid vaccines. -- Which I did for you above in my post with the Wiki link to FIFA deaths. There's no statistical basis for believing that 3 players a year is even CLOSE to the NORMAL yearly number from other causes of cardiac issues.

This is the kind of conspiracy skepticism that can be debunked by 10 minutes of clear thinking and a good search engine.
No, even if it's one soccer player, your argument is flaccid. The autopsy question badger posted above is you nemesis.
There's nothing to spin, VAERS requires that doctors report all deaths after vaccination regardless of casaulty. The FDA expanded the criteria for reporting because the vaccines were authorized for emergency usage only, at the time. Normally it would be very strict. A tiny minority of ppl have always had adverse effects from vaccines since there were vaccines. That's the nature of any medication when it is in such wide use. Singling out the vaccines is silly. There is no such thing as a 100% adverse effect free medication for every single human being.
The double castration occurred when the CDC dismissed the responsibility of post-vaxx autopsy, as posted above.
As yet no mention of Tejada and autopsy has been found in the nazi-dem-controlled media. No doubt, the vaccine effeminates that created Tejada's Moderna booster knew about Omicron's vaccine-linked mutation, N969K, because the booster boasts that it takes care of the Omicron variant. So these weasels try to slip under the radar by not mentioning N969K, which is a crucial region on the spike for stabilization. Duh
Pedophiliac violence shows up by the anal retention of the medical psychopaths:

'The public never received facts about infection fatality rates or age-stratified risks for COVID with the kind of clarity that might have allowed them and their physicians to make evidence-based personal risk assessments. Instead, federal officials relied on vagueness and deception to recklessly overestimate the dangers from COVID in every age group. All of these deceptions riddled virtually every mainstream media report -- particularly those by CNN and the New York Times -- leaving the public with a vastly inflated and cataclysmically innacurate impression of its lethality.

Public surveys showed that, just as Fox News audiences were shockingly misinformed following the 9/11 bombings, CNN viewers and New York Times readers were catastrophically misinformed about the facts of COVID-19 during 2020. Successive Gallup polling showed that the average Democrat believed that 50 percent of COVID infections resulted in hospitalization. The real number was less than one percent.'
(Kennedy, op cit, p. 5)
So much for intelligently researched science. CDC is as stupiod as the nazi-dem-controlled media that will report the sensationalism, then get slothful amnesia about follow-up reports.

'As America's COVID czar, Dr. Fauci never complained about CDC's decision to skip autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines. This practice allowed CDC to persistently claim that all deaths following vaccination were "unrelated to vaccination." CDC also refused to conduct follow-up medical inquiries among people claiming vaccine injuries.

Inspired by rich incentives to classify every patient as a COVID-19 victim -- Medicare paid hospitals $39,000 per ventilator when treating COVID-19 and only $13,000 for garden variety respiratory infections -- hospitals contributed to the deception. Once more, Dr. Fauci winked at the fraud. Dr. Fauci's refusal to fix the HHS's notoriously dysfunctional vaccine injury surveillance system (VAERS) constituted inexcusable negligence. HHS's own studies indicate that VAERS may be understating vaccine injuries by OVER 99 percent.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 5)

Doctors at the cdc review the death certificates, medical records and autopsy resports of every single death. Beyond that, they look for patterns outside the norm. Myocarditis was discovered even though only there were only a handful of reported cases from J&J initially, which lead to the vaccine being halted temporarily. This is evidence that they are monitoring for adverse effects extremely carefully. Your misinformation campaign and unhinged conspiracy theories won't work.
Doctors at the cdc review the death certificates, medical records and autopsy resports of every single death. Beyond that, they look for patterns outside the norm. Myocarditis was discovered even though only there were only a handful of reported cases from J&J initially, which lead to the vaccine being halted temporarily. This is evidence that they are monitoring for adverse effects extremely carefully. Your misinformation campaign and unhinged conspiracy theories won't work.
Not buying the CDC monitoring fairy tale, having already caught them changing published mutations on their webpage for the Japanese-Brazil variant, P.1. The effeminates of the CDC are full of shit. The Chinese communist virus is a thrombotic virus, and this shows up on autopsy. The CDC's mistakes is to think no one wouLd suspect a tick.
The virus that links the thrombotic symptom of SARS-CoV-2 is the Jingmen tick virus which also infects the host linked to the Chinese communist military virus discovered on Zhoushan Island, Feb 2017, ZC45. This is the bat virus that has similar sequences to Baric's Kunming virus dicovered in 2011 by Daszak(Eco Health Alliance).
Believe its 44 athletes this year which is more than normal. Even if my assumption is wrong, the other 1st post showed e mails bragging about the booster the day befote the heart attack.

The story from work is true. Aunt dying the next morning after her arm swole up after the jab.

My neighbors arm swole up also from the jab. Couldnt work for days and wss sore for over a week. These I know about personally.

Vaers data has over 7000. Spin that however. Most of that ia posted by dictors and hospitals there.

Is that Normal? I dont think so

So now we've opened the goalposts to ALL atheletes? Not just FIFA league?

Well the same story bro..

Bragging about getting a jab is a normal thing in 2020/2021. Lots of people BRAG about it. I SEE the irony -- but connection is not there. 204 MILLION Americans - - Probably close to a BILLION worldwide got jabbed and bragged.

The COVID DEATHS FROM THE VIRUS per year dont even exceed coronaries and strokes per year. (Contrary to many panicked threads on USMB that cited sources that predicted it WOULD).

So if 400,000 Americans die of coronaries every year -- and a fair number of them HEALTHY and under 40 (you can look it up yourself) WHAT PERCENTAGE of the 204 Million Americans that got fully vaxxed do you SUSPECT -- died of sudden coronaries? The math is easy..

Vaxxed people STILL DIE.. Or is that your problem here?
Over 3000 cases have been filed in the compensation program. Only 1 has been payed. Last I looked at Vaers it was over 700 k reported. Most were headaches. Soreness. But deaths were there along with heart cases.

VAERS is raw data. It's unstudied anecdotal reports. Doesn't even mention any chronic treatment for disease or existing conditions. It's a marker that the CDC et al WATCH to see if anything is popping up worth investigation.

3000 cases ON COVID vaccines for the compensation program?? Or is someone telling you that 3000 cases were FILED since the vax came out? Vax started ONE year ago. Last I recall compensation claims logging about 2000 to 3000 per year. The conspiracy sites will DROP that mangled knowledge on panicked people AND NOT TELL YOU that it's a normal year for vax comp claims. IIRC -- only about 3% of them EVER get honored in ANY year.

My neighbors arm swole up also from the jab. Couldnt work for days and wss sore for over a week. These I know about personally.

Vaers data has over 7000. Spin that however. Most of that ia posted by dictors and hospitals there.

Is that Normal? I dont think so

IIRC -- That Vax info sheets they gave you to read while you were held for 20 minute observation -- had the WEBSITE for VAERS AND ENCOURAGED folks to report any adverse effects there. THEY ADVERTISED. You dont get one of those pleas to report on any other jab I've gotten.. Would have been immoral to NOT advertise it. (or maybe every "emergency use drug" has that same drill)

So -- I wouldn't be surprised that there was HUGE spike in VAERS reporting -- but that does not mean more actual injuries or death. Swelling was particularly nasty with the mRNA shots because the vials were taken out of a refrigerator at just above freezing. On unhydrated people -- that can burn a bit,

We can play the numbers and show low adverse all day, but then how fo we justify the Very low death numbers under 50 for covid itself, not to mention under 19 which is stupid to jab in the first place??

I am with ya 100% there. :2up: The science has taken a back seat to "public health messaging". And that kind of messaging is NOT ABOVE screwing with the science an lying. The overall lying and stupidity of those "leaders" around the country is awesomely historically huge.. This pandemic WAS a lethal threat only to the elderly and infirmed for the most part.

However, a lot of famous people around Hillbilly Hollywood died of Covid that were UNDER 60 and very healthy. But unvaxxed. OR -- to be scientifically pure -- not immune. Because the BIGGEST LIE being still propagated today by leadership all the way up to the Oval Office -- is the complete BLACKOUT of even mentioning "natural immunity" as a factor in deciding to vax at all -- or HOW MANY doses they should FORCE on those with nat. immunity.

If they're not careful - at some point around mandating a 2nd or 3rd BOOSTER shot -- they COULD START impairing immune systems in people who had ALREADY gotten nat. immunity or causing serious injury or death. (many virologists worry about this "immunity exhaustion" factor).

You can only "wing it" so long with central control of medical decisions before you screw up.. I DONT think its happened YET -- but with the insanity I'm seeing from public health responses - It IS possible.
NIH's Coup de Grace: Persistence for 82 Months

Where is the NIH statistic for persistence of SARS-COV in body or brain? When did these psychos get the first clue? Mention is made again of the region around position 20 of the spike for increased breast cancer risk:

NIH: SARS-CoV-2 82-Month Persistence in Body and Brain

I think your search engine needs a break dude. That paper was NOTHING TO DO with the vaccines. Only the rampaging damage that the VIRUS does to critical organs and other body parts when you get SERIOUSLY ill with the disease.

A GREAT REASON to GET immunity from Covid either thru nat. immunity or vaccination..

I'm sure you'll agree. :stir:

From your link --

87 cases. Some survivors experience Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) – also known as

88 Long COVID—with cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neurological manifestations with or without functional impairment4-5

89 . While autopsy studies of fatal COVID-19 cases support the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to infect multiple organs3,7-12

90 , extra-pulmonary organs often lack histopathological evidence of direct virally-mediated injury or inflammation10-14

91 . The paradox of extra-pulmonary

92 infection without injury or inflammation raises many pathogen- and host-related questions.

93 These questions include, but are not limited to: What is the burden of infection within versus

94 outside of the respiratory tract? What cell types are infected across extra-pulmonary tissues, and

95 do they support SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication? I
Perhaps you missed the part where I said the FDA intentionally loosened criteria for reporting because the vaccines were only authorized for emergency usage. Also, VAERS was only created in 1990.

THANKS for clarifying that. I had figured that was the reason the vax sites sent you away with papers GIVING the VAERS website and begged you to report ANY side effects. I knew that wasn't standard procedure, but just GUESSED it was EUA thingy..

Really made the VAERS reporting extraordinarily hot for the past year.
3000 cases ON COVID vaccines for the compensation program??

Table 1. Alleged COVID-19 Countermeasure Claims Filed as of November 1, 2021​

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury/death for each COVID-19 countermeasure claim filed as of November 1, 2021. Of the 4,751 COVID-19 countermeasure claims, 2,297 allege injuries/deaths from COVID-19 vaccines and 2,454 allege injuries/deaths from other COVID-19 countermeasures.

The CICP does not maintain its aggregated data concerning alleged countermeasures, including vaccines, by specific manufacturer or trade name.

2297 injuries death claims. 2454 covid countermeasures claims. That is the official list.

That is historical data for EVERYTHING.

That is how it works........full description from Congress.

Confirmation of the claim comes almost a year after distribution of the vaccines began and after 965,843 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (as of Dec. 10).

However, it is unclear whether the claim that will be compensated pertains to a reaction to a COVID vaccine, or to some other COVID-related treatment, The Epoch Times reported.

The CICP was established under the aegis of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005. The PREP Act was developed to coordinate the response to a “public health emergency.”

official data base vaers.......You have to do the search yourself.....I cannot link my search directly

I agree. vaers search. section 3 covid 19 enter......

VAERS data in CDC WONDER are updated every Friday. Hence, results for the same query can change from week to week.
These results are for 701,127 total events.
Rows with zero Events Reported are hidden. Use Quick Options above to show zero rows.


701 k doesn't match the article I posted.........I'd like to find that raw data site they keep using that never matches this site.
Bragging about getting a jab is a normal thing in 2020/2021. Lots of people BRAG about it. I SEE the irony -- but connection is not there. 204 MILLION Americans - - Probably close to a BILLION worldwide got jabbed and bragged.
Over a billion jabs in india alone. But they also have a traditional vaccine there that we are not given the option on.

So now we've opened the goalposts to ALL atheletes? Not just FIFA league?

Well the same story bro..
Early on I posted that saying it was unknown WHY THEY DIED......most of the studies I looked at on this side showed anywhere from 1 in 400k to 1 in 800k Sudden Cardiac Deaths a year in all sports..........So what is that now........Either way I put up a post that was easily attacked and you took advantage of it.

Show me your source for VAERS that you have been using........I put up the Federal Sites in my last post...........That YOU CHALLENGED........Most of those in that data base come from the Doctors and Researchers themselves..........Most of this country doesn't even know it exists.......Most of the Adverse effects are headaches and muscle soreness.........But thousands are being hospitalized and dying via the data..........I posted that data.

ahh.......so this is the disparity ......2 different sites and ONE IS FILTERED.

From the 12/17/2021 release of VAERS data:​

Found 983,758 cases where Vaccine is COVID19​

701127 adverse events from the other site. 282 k events have been deleted from this site to the other.

This new data base you can read all the actual reports......Exactly WHO REPORTED IT. and what they reported.


Tejada, 49, received his booster shot the day before his death. Independent Journalist Alex Berenson reported on his Substack:

Carlos Tejada was married and had two children; he spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016. In July, he received a Johnson & Johnson DNA/AAV Covid vaccine. He was thankful to get it, per his Instagram page.
Excellent....I'm actually giddy.
Myocarditis no doubt and a damn good target to take out too!

From the 12/17/2021 release of VAERS data:​

Found 20,622 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 and Patient Died​

These are the actual reported cases........Been scanning the first section of them and it's old people dying right after the jab in assisted living facilities............Most were already in big trouble already.


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