"Oathkeepers" FOUNDER makes death-threat against Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Wasn't an illegal death threat the way he worded it. He made the remark in the context of trial, finding of guilt, and then execution. As phrased it was legal. He probably thought about it a bit first. :)
The threat is not protected speech but criminal activity. Arrest him, charge him, try him.
Statistikhengst: You realize the "He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, ..." is all right there in the OP? It's not hidden.

You should seriously considering deleting that part and leaving only the bolded portion. People might not take away the right message otherwise.
Legal version: "We should give a politician a trial for treason, then if found guilty execute them."

Also legal version: "We should hang "specific person.""

Illegal version: "Let's go hang "specific person."" And you go and your followers do it. One who made the statement that led to an action would be guilty of something as well as the ones who literally did the deed.
This came up during Baltimore. Can say just about anything even in public. But if the thing you suggested isn't carried out immediately (as the result of your saying it) it's still protected speech. Can call for someone's death, but if everyone just claps and agrees it's protected speech. If someone storms off in a huff and actually does it, then you can be charged with something relating to the speech.

The illegality would be if you personally told someone you would kill them. Then it's not protected speech but a specific threat whether you meant it or not as it caused the person alarm.
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO

Who is this "your dear leader" you speak of?
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO

Who is this "your dear leader" you speak of?

The mulatto messiah of course. You know the slimy piece of chicago gutter trash occupying the white house.
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader

A shame that General Sherman didn't finish the job
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO

Who is this "your dear leader" you speak of?

The mulatto messiah of course. You know the slimy piece of chicago gutter trash occupying the white house.

Such white christian talk, thankfully the demographic shift and nature will cleanse that
Statistikhengst: You realize the "He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, ..." is all right there in the OP? It's not hidden.

You should seriously considering deleting that part and leaving only the bolded portion. People might not take away the right message otherwise.

No. I quoted it all for context. Alone, the hyperbole of the man before he says the rest speaks volumes.
If ANYONE is CONVICTED of treason, they should suffer the legal consequences

This isn't earth-shattering imho.

The unnecessary vitriol, is what the guy was counting on to get some attention for his sound-bite.

Congrats. I'm sure McCain will vote with you NEXT time.:bang3:
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO

You are obviously not feeling well. Do you have a fever.

Have Righties jumped this far off the cliff? Really?

Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

Well I think the same should happen to your dear leader, he's a much bigger traitor than McCain ever thought of being, you gonna report me to the secret service? LMAO

Stats is blowing air out his ass again, no surprise. "Should be" is an opine VERY legal NOT a threat. Seems Stats has resorted to Guno level posting in order to get views.

I think I will email that group and suggest they get a DMCA take down order to remove that lie.
Not cool, not cool at all. Some people are particularly stupid. Like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of "The Oathkeepers":

John McCain 'Should Be Hung By The Neck Until Dead'

More specifically (at 2:34):

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

The comments were made last week.


This is far off the cliff many Righties have slipped. They issue death threats to legally elected officials just because they don't like something that official has said or done.

I'm pretty sure the SS will be paying him a visit pretty soon.

There's really not much to discuss, since death threats against elected officials is a federal crime which carries a stiff jail-term as penalty.

No, it isn't a threat under the legal definition...he couched his words very carefully. Doesn't make him any less of a blowhard tho.

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