Obama Embarrassed Himself Today Lying To His Base / Liberals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
Obama was repeatedly heckled at a rally in Miami. They got under his skin and he told them to go attend a Republican rally.
Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!


I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
You're so cute. In what year will Easy realize that Obama is no longer President or anything else?
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
The GOP isn’t even running on their tax cuts because wages are not growing and the cuts are not trickling down. Exactly what everyone predicted would happen happened; stock buybacks and wild acceleration of the income gap.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend

Obama is an asshole and liar. He needs to go away

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Obama even went back in time to claim that 'the GOP IS POLLUTING THE AIR AND WATER' - NO SH!T!



Dem's have nothing new, its the same shit now for decades Rep's want dirty air, dirty water, they will take away your SS and medicare, they are racists, they hate women, blah blah. Why don't Dem's ever campaign on policy? Oh wait tax increases and shit jobs are not popular.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend

Actually Obama and Pelosi ran our country without a budget for 3 years to hide their $trillion dollar$ looting spree of the taxpayers.
Obama is a total psycho.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
Did the Great Obama mention that Trump is living off the Obama economy?
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend

You need to have a sense of shame to become embarrassed. BO has no shame and hence no embarrassment.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
Did the Great Obama mention that Trump is living off the Obama economy?
Yes, Obama reminded everyone that this economy began when He was President. Actually it began when republicans took over the House and Senate in 2010 and pretty much stopped his lying ass from doing any more damage.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
The GOP isn’t even running on their tax cuts because wages are not growing and the cuts are not trickling down. Exactly what everyone predicted would happen happened; stock buybacks and wild acceleration of the income gap.

I know you only listen to MSNBC, so you don’t get real news. Here’s what you missed - wage growth is rising and unemployment is falling. Your boyfriend Rachel Maddow won’t tell you this stuff, so I will.

U.S. job growth soars; annual wage gain largest since 2009 | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. job growth rebounded sharply in October and wages recorded their largest annual gain in 9-1/2 years, pointing to further labor market tightening that could encourage the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates again in December.
Obama tried to take credit for the Trump economy then after he was heckled he had a meltdown..."If you support the other candidates, then you should go support the other candidates. Don't be here. One of the things I never understood was why if you're supporting the other guy, you come to my rally. Go to their rally."
At one point Barry briefly touched on the Caravan, pushing the liberal talking point about how President Trump and the GOP are 'attempting to create a problem where there is none'!


is why Democrats try to avoid talking about illegal immigration - because they are complicit, enabling, criminal, and full of shit...and everyone knows it!

There are approximately 22 MILLION illegals in this country...

Approx 1500 illegals ILLEGALLY cross into this country EVERY DAY

There is a caravan of illegals - to include proven violent criminals - who illegally forcefully invaded Mexico, pushing past the Mexican police and military, headed to our southern border with the intention of illegally forcing their way into the US in violation of our laws... OBAMA KNOWS THIS...HE ALSO KNOWS THERE ARE 2 MORE CARAVANS BEHIND THIS ONE COMING...THAT IF WE FAIL TO STOP THIS ONE TBEY WILL KEEP COMING.

Obama also knows, like theses illegals, he and Democrats want open borders, have no respect for our existing Immigration laws or Constitution, refused to enforced them, protected illegal gangs and human traffickers, and engaged in and protected liberals violating Federal Law by creating Sanctuary Cities to protect / hide violent illegals that prey on US citizens!

Obama sure as hell did not mention any of this when he lied, made fun of the illegal immigration problem they have helped create, and mocked the President and Conservatives. Again, they refuse to tell the truth because they know it is an issue they legitimately get bashed over...
Let me get a tissue for your whining ass


:p. Oh poor dumbass snowflake, I am not 'whining' - I am laughing my ass off while making fun of the pathetic, self-humiliating theatrics the former President has been reduced to in an attempt to attack the President who has been more historically successful in only 2 years than he was in 8 years and the President who has almost completely eliminated - thank God - his criminal / horrific legacy!

I am not whining, snowflake - I am throwing a 'Laugh At Obama's Embarrasing Behavior' party and laughing at his criminally partisan embarrassing ass!


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