Obama: 'I Continue to Believe Trump Will Not Be President'

"I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president," Obama said when asked about the 2016 election at the conclusion of the U.S.-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Rancho Mirage, California. "And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people. And I think they recognize that being president is a serious job."

"It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show. It's not promotion, it's not marketing. It's hard. And a lot of people count on us getting it right."

People from the media and the establishment always say that the Trump campaign is a "reality show". They hope that by doing so, they can embarrass his supporters so much that they give up what they really want. They assume a little bit of rhetoric could make Trump supporters believe they are in a ludicrous dream of some kind, and it's not real. However, the reality slams them again and again - it's already become funny.

In fact, the biggest "reality show" of our country is exactly the elections as they used to be. Donors, special interests, and their lobbyists are the directors of the show; candidates and the establishment are the performers. What is the difference between the "election show" and the regular ones on TV? It's just that the election is GLORIFIED by its sophistication and the values it once held.

This year, however, the show has CHANGED a bit, as its audience rightfully demand.

How ironic is it that the directors and their biggest performers are now accusing this whole thing of being a "reality show"!

it is a reality show.

and he will never be president.
All I have to say is that President Obama sure has the Knack for pissing off the RWNJS.

Says the inbred sociopath...

Lighten up nut job. He has the Knack.

Anyone who votes for the Democrats ceases to have any say over who is a "nut job".

only in rightwingnuthackworld.


I am more left wing than any of you idiots.

Smart left wingers understand that Democrat party is nothing but a malignant tumor that needs to be destroyed, not a real left wing party that wants what is best for the common man.
The Blamer better hope Trump doesn't get elected. Because if he does, he'll deport his sorry ass along with the rest of the illegal immigrants.
"I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president," Obama said when asked about the 2016 election at the conclusion of the U.S.-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Rancho Mirage, California. "And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people. And I think they recognize that being president is a serious job."

"It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show. It's not promotion, it's not marketing. It's hard. And a lot of people count on us getting it right."

People from the media and the establishment always say that the Trump campaign is a "reality show". They hope that by doing so, they can embarrass his supporters so much that they give up what they really want. They assume a little bit of rhetoric could make Trump supporters believe they are in a ludicrous dream of some kind, and it's not real. However, the reality slams them again and again - it's already become funny.

In fact, the biggest "reality show" of our country is exactly the elections as they used to be. Donors, special interests, and their lobbyists are the directors of the show; candidates and the establishment are the performers. What is the difference between the "election show" and the regular ones on TV? It's just that the election is GLORIFIED by its sophistication and the values it once held.

This year, however, the show has CHANGED a bit, as its audience rightfully demand.

How ironic is it that the directors and their biggest performers are now accusing this whole thing of being a "reality show"!

You can't embarrass Trump supporters. They are the lowest of the low.....nothing embarrasses them, they are the embarrassment to the nation.

Did you know that Trump supporters were polled and the majority still believe Obama is a Muslim.

31% of his supporters are for banning gays from the US....how insane is that?

Many of them want to ban Islam from the US......do they even know the Constitution advocates "Freedom of Religion" - how ignorant is that?

Also, they were asked what was most important to them:

Choosing someone that shares position on issues


Choosing someone that has the best chance of winning

They chose Trump because he "shares position on issues" n- he agrees with them on everything they like, even those things that go against the Constitution.
Okay, Let me assume that you simply don't know what is going on, so I will explain it to you. BTW, I appreciate the way in which you made your point (NOT the point themselves).
"You can't embarrass Trump supporters. They are the lowest of the low.....nothing embarrasses them, they are the embarrassment to the nation."
These are just mean words not logical argument. So no more comment.
"Did you know that Trump supporters were polled and the majority still believe Obama is a Muslim."
Yes, of course I know SOME Trump supporters "believe" Obama is a Muslim.
Here are some facts for you:
1. When given the poll, many people would claim that they believe Obama is a Muslim as a rhetoric. They dislike him, some of them hate him, for a reason. They answer the question that way because it's fun.
2. There are some who actually believe that Obama is a Muslim, with whom I disagree.
3. Most Trump supporters do NOT actually believe that Obama is a Muslim. However, they would say that judging by what he has done to this country, they wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be the case.
4. Trump supporters as well as Mr. Trump himself have been attacked and smeared by the MSM from the beginning of his candidacy.
"31% of his supporters are for banning gays from the US....how insane is that?"
31% Of Donald Trump Supporters Would Ban Gay People From America
The above are links to the news and the poll summary. Below are some comments:
1. The poll was done in SC and SC only.
2. SC is a state which has a great number of evangelicals.
3. Most evangelicals value Christian beliefs, which do not favor gay marriage.
4. The poll indicated that Trump appeals to evangelical voters in SC.
5. From many evangelical voters' perspective, gay marriage is an "embarrassment" and should not exist. It's part of their religious belief.
In my opinion, if you can call their religious beliefs as an "embarrassment", they should be allowed to call your political beliefs (i.e. on gay marriage and rights) an "embarrassment", too. With no respect to each other, this is going nowhere.
"Many of them want to ban Islam from the US......do they even know the Constitution advocates "Freedom of Religion" - how ignorant is that?"
1. Personally, I don't agree with the idea of banning islam from the US.
2. Unlike you, however, I do not see Americans with such ideas as an "embarrassment", nor do I think most of them are unaware of their constitutional rights.
3. I believe that the idea of banning islam is resulted from the fear and anger against radical islamic terrorism. While it is not the right solution to the problem, it is an understandable message demanding security and peace.
"they chose Trump because he "shares position on issues""
Yes, "position on issues" is the biggest factor.
"They chose Trump because he "shares position on issues" n- he agrees with them on everything they like, even those things that go against the Constitution"
Not on everything they like.
For instance, Mr. Trump has never suggested that he would ban gays from the US or deport citizens with islamic religious beliefs.

Okay, so now you might get a picture from a slightly different perspective. While I understand people tend to be contemptuous to things they wildly disagree with, I hope you could drop your claim that Trump supporters are "embarrassment", because what you are humiliating is a large chunk of population in your own country.

That is exactly why the right wing went nuts. Pretending that batshit crazy ideas were just another valid opinion. Until you figure out that batshit crazy is not a valid opinion, your party will continue to be kookoo for coco puffs.
The regressive left(including you) is 100% batshit crazy, has been since Clinton.

Your position on immigration is nothing short of treason, and your position on abortion is pro-murder(even from a secular prospective).

Not to mention the overbearing racism against white people that is starting to swallow your party whole.

Trump is only the beginning of the true opposition to the fascist regressive left.

Says the idiot whose party's mantra is "We want to take our party back.......ward!" You and the rest of the psuedo conservative minions don't even know what you want....you claim to be patriots who love the Constitution and your own moronic leader makes a declaration on National TV that goes against the Constitution when he claimed they would not appoint a replacement for Scalia. That is their job, moron, and if they're not going to do it they need to step down instead of keeping the country in a stagnant standstill.....which they have been doing for 8 years because of their racist hatred. Not only are Republicans the "Regressives" they are the "ignorant regressives" who want another celebrity (ala Reagan) who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground to be our leader.
Obama is such a jerk. Has he ever had anything good to say about anyone besides himself and that nasty party of his? he's just a sucky human being all the way around. I don't know how he stands himself. I know I can't stomach him and will be happy happy happy to see him gone

Stephanie......you're the jerk.....you never have anything of substance to say, other than call people who provide you with your welfare check "jerks and nasty"....which describes you to a tee! It must suck to be a welfare recipient and have to bite the hand that feeds you.....bwahahaha!

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