Obama on the flag? Seriously?

I believe the terminology was described as "personality cult."

I would call their intent accurate. I bet Obama is flattered.. If it was me I would be disgusted at best but probably terrified.

Here is a little info - one has to be dead to appear on US currency, never mind flags...

There is a reason for that.

Or Cult of Personality...

Dare I...?

You bet...


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0&ob=av3e"]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]

It really doesn't matter; Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il etc...

Put dear leaders picture on the wall and pray to him..
And the INTENT of that flag.

It dishonors ALL whom fought and died for what it represents...

Putting a meglomaniac/narcissist's likeness is an INSULT.
That doesn't appear to be Reagan on the flag but rather Reagan standing in front and the flag in the background to me.


Is there any reason that excuse doesn't work for the other flag in question?

Have you looked at the picture of the other flag?

The likeness of The One is actually on a flag. You are talking about a picture on a T-Shirt of Ronald Reagan with a flag behind him. He is not being displayed as being ON the flag.


No, it's not a picture of Reagan standing in front of the flag Immie. That is intellectually dishonest. That is a likeness of Reagan, super imposed on top of a US flag and pasted on a t shirt. You are stretching the limits of the truth there. One does not excuse the other and I sure don't like playing this playground game, but I can see the moth-to-light like attraction when you take such liberties with the truth. That is not a picture of Reagan standing in front of the flag and you know that. Someone intentionally put a likeness of Reagan on the US flag. That doesn't make it Reagan fault or conservatives fault.

There are entire lines of US flags made with stuff super imposed on them. It looks to be a practical cottage industry.



Are POWs unAmerican?



The Army?


The navy?

The folks who fly these flags do so to show their support of the Army, the Navy, POWs, whatever. It's not proper and hopefully someone lets people know it's not proper, just like they did in the case in FL. It's not an indictment of an entire party, million of people. This is absurd. In fact, my visit here is at an end.

Best wishes, see you in a few years.
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Or Cult of Personality...

Dare I...?

You bet...


Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube

It really doesn't matter; Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il etc...

Put dear leaders picture on the wall and pray to him..
And the INTENT of that flag.

It dishonors ALL whom fought and died for what it represents...

Putting a meglomaniac/narcissist's likeness is an INSULT.

Of course it does - those flags should be burned...

Only an ignorant individual would believed an "Obama flag" was even appropriate or legal in the first place.
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That flag is the kind of thing that a rightwinger would photoshop and accuse of the left of planning to do.

And then people on the left would say, "nuh uh, you're just making stuff up".
That flag is the kind of thing that a rightwinger would photoshop and accuse of the left of planning to do.

And then people on the left would say, "nuh uh, you're just making stuff up".

Was it not the left who fought for the right (and rightly so) to burn the flag???

Is it not the left who wants to burn the flag?

Now they desecrate the 50 states - that is an act of treason...
The Rosenbergs got death, spies got both death and life sentences, I suppose idiots can serve 4-20..

Intent is all that matters..
That flag is the kind of thing that a rightwinger would photoshop and accuse of the left of planning to do.

And then people on the left would say, "nuh uh, you're just making stuff up".

Apparently it's for truth dearheart.

And that's what makes it the saddest of it all.
This story is going National..

The Democrat party just keeps cutting their own throats with their stupidity over Obama.....say goodbye to the Vets votes..


Like they ever had that many? Veterans are one of the demographics the Dems give a hoot about. I do not personally know many vets who would vote for O, dem or otherwise.

How odd...I know of at least 10 vets in my wife and my family....three of us retired...we are all liberals politically.
I would not surprise me if the leftist messiah issued some executive order or proclamation that flying "his" flag is just fine.

Which is anpother tear in his fabric that shows he doesn't care a wit of tradition and Flag etiquitte (Link I posted earlier in the thread)...but what leftist cares of traditions?

USFlag.org: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - Flag Etiquette

You have no evidence for your opinions but pure brainwashed RW BS and ignorant hate. Change the channel. Your facts are pure Pubcrappe, dupes of the bloated greedy rich/corps...:cuckoo::eusa_boohoo::razz:

He's just upset because his presidential campaign isn't doing well.
I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

The always innovative TexasFred is providing a very special TEA Party flag for rallies around the U.S. It can be used over and over, and the idea is to use it again and again, which means the TEA parties will live on. Read his instructions below carefully, and get your order in quickly to make sure your flag(s) arrives on time. FYI: some notes that Fred left in the comment section:
Fred and Friends have ordered only 100 flags, and of course will reorder once those are sold. (From Maggie: Fred and friends are putting up their own money to make a quantity of flags available for us. They are taking some real risk here, but hey...we all need a flag for TEA parties, so order as quickly as you can). Fred also says that the pic doesn't do justice to these beautiful flags.

We have to wait for checks to clear, we don’t have a lot of money to put into this and have used what we have to get it set up. Cash or a money order will expedite shipping. A money order will offer you the protection you need too. I understand having worries about sending cash. We don’t have a PayPal account set up for this, PayPal takes out a nice slice of the money before you get yours and we are trying to hold costs to a minimum and pass along a very high quality product to our friends and fellow TEA Party patriots at as low a price as possible. It takes about 10 days to get the flags from the manufacturer, then a couple of days via Priority Mail to get them in your hands, so, we can have them well before the 4th of July! These flags are simply gorgeous, they measure 24″ x 38″ and have lanyard rings. They are very well constructed and I was totally impressed when I saw the finished product. My partner in this venture is ordering quite a few flags as I post this message. We are pretty certain that folks will want one, and I assure you, the REAL flag looks infinitely better than the picture does. Our digital camera sux. We will need your name and mailing address, and a telephone number if you are comfortable with that, included with your order. We have to know where to send the flag. :p We will NOT sell your information, WE HATE SPAMMERS TOO! Your information will remain completely confidential
EDIT: Spammish elements and sales links removed.

The American flag has 50 stars and 13 stripes at present. I know it's a little yukky to see someone's picture on the flag, but the person who did the construct only meant to honor the person pictured.

I've made flaglike quilts for everyday use--bed quilts, wallhangings, and even mugmats. Coffee gets spilt on them, people sleep under them, people have put them in offices and halls.

Agreed, it's too bad some folks want to show their American spirit by using a flaglike setting as a backdrop, but it's not a real flag, unless it has 50 white stars on a flag blue ground, and the stripes have to be a certain proportion.

As an artist, this doesn't upset me, although I'm unhappy President Obama made a personal appeal to the United States Treasury to hurry up and get a check out to a company named Solyndra--a check of stimulus for $535 million, which is over half a billion dollars.

I can keep the two separated from each other. Democrats have their particular reasoning for why it was okay for the POTUS to make a demand call to the Treasury to hurry up money to his supporters running a green company, but a picture of the President on a blue ground surrounded by 13 stripes just doesn't get under my nails. The pandering element of putting pressure on the US Treasury to hurry to spend money on a losing proposition is why I am unhappy.

This quilt I made and sent to a wounded American soldier who got a terrible head injury in Afghanistan or Iraq, and didn't want to come home because he felt he was letting his team down:


It's not official, because it's not proportionally long enough, and it's not official because it's a bed decoration. I did it to honor the severely wounded American soldier, although I have 4 more cut out, the need in our community right now is for children, and I'm even making the silliest representation you ever saw of the quilt (in the Arts and Crafts area here at USMB) which you can only see small representations of because I can't take pictures worth a hoot and cameras frighten me.

I'm marking time till November, but not because of a piece of fabric. The loyal opposition also hopes to keep Obama, so there will be times tempers will flair.

Let's be more loving Americans to one another even in times of elections. Our childrens' future depends on us to keep the nation together. Even when I'm unfond of a politician that carries weight over me in the country, I still pray for him, and hope all of us who believe do that tonight. :eusa_pray:

While I commend your motives, I don't think making the flag into a quilt is a good idea. You can make a patriotic quilt without making it into a flag.
This story is going National..

The Democrat party just keeps cutting their own throats with their stupidity over Obama.....say goodbye to the Vets votes..


Like they ever had that many? Veterans are one of the demographics the Dems give a hoot about. I do not personally know many vets who would vote for O, dem or otherwise.

How odd...I know of at least 10 vets in my wife and my family....three of us retired...we are all liberals politically.

According to an ABC poll more veterans self-identify as Dems than any other group and, and in the last presidential election more GI's contributed to Presdential candidate - Barack Obama than any other.



Troops serving abroad have given nearly six times as much money to Mr. Obama’s presidential campaign as they have to Mr. McCain’s, the Center for Responsive Politics said.

The results also are striking because they favored Mr. Obama, who never has served in the military. Mr. McCain meanwhile, is a decorated war veteran who spent nearly five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The Arizona senator graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and had a 22-year career as a naval aviator.

Mr. Obama has opposed the war in Iraq and says he would withdraw combat troops within 16 months. Mr. McCain has been a steadfast supporter of the war, saying he would withdraw the troops only when conditions on the ground warrant it.

Should be forwarded to FoxNews. I'm sure they'll be outraged.

Those flags represent a group. In this case it doesn't appear to be on a flagpole either. I guess if the Democratic Party wants to adopt that flag as theirs, its fine. They didn't do that though, did they?

Yep. That is a good point, if they were not being flown on flag poles.

An American flag with President Obama's image in place of the stars flew over a Florida county's Democrat headquarters

Read more: American Flag With President Obama's Image Sparks Outrage At Florida Democrats | Fox News
Is there a comparison? If so can Anyone link it?

I linked to a photo of the tea party flag being flown underneath the US flag (looks like it's at the set up for a rally). Also, one of those '2nd revolution' flags (appears to be on a home).

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