Obama pollsters see big red flags for trump...but

Yeah, I hear all the MAGA members whining about the economy...on the way to the bank where their account is at record level or when the unemployment record of the last year is a 50 year low. The MAGA cult will say or do anything they can to protect and promote their King trump, the indicted one.

The great hoax of climate change is giving us the hottest summer on record, but because trump calls it a hoax, repubs refuse to even acknowledge that the earth is heating at record levels.

In a few years, when a temperature of 120 degrees during the summer will be normal, repubs wills deny they fought against efforts to stop carbon emissions. Just like the fought against the idea that nicotine is addicting. They are fighting against efforts to curb climate change. But their tune will change....
Well as usual, jimboliar, lets cover a couple of things you have lied about here.....
The only thing at record levels when it comes to finances is credit card debt. 401s are taking a hit as people have to withdraw funds early and at high penalties to get by....all thanks to the senile idiot who was placed in the White House by the election stealers.
Unemployment registers low, then gets adjusted later, but the key indicator is the workforce participation rate, which is the lowest it has been in years. This is from the true cult shutting down the economy for a virus hoax and Poopeypants inability to do anything but work to destroy America. Plus thee fact your gang is too lazy to take on an actual job.
Lastly, your Chicken Little diatribe is more than comical. Temperatures around the globe are no warmer/cooler than usual and certainly no different than what the planet is used to going through. Your belief in this scam is the true measure of your ignorance and proof positive of your Reich lemming status.
You should be ashamed that you support the evil bringing in fentanyl unchecked to be the number one killer of our 18-49 year olds. Add that to your baby murders and you prove how you are truly the evil cult terrorizing America.
repubs know that if trump is not the nominee, he will destroy their party. They created him, they need to deal with him.

But he may destroy the party if he IS the nominee. That is their problem.
But you are the idiots promoting and ensuring he returns to the White House.
Ignorance is bliss, so stupid you can't see it.
repubs know that if trump is not the nominee, he will destroy their party. They created him, they need to deal with him.

But he may destroy the party if he IS the nominee. That is their problem.
He will certainly get out the vote. Perhaps the people who would show up to vote against Trump would stay home if it was Christie or Nikki running.

Republicans refuse to believe a moderate is the answer. This is why you know the Republicans are fos when they say us liberals are pulling the country to the left. Look at the Supreme Court. My God Abortion wasn't considered murder before Roe V Wade but today Republicans want to make abortion a crime of MURDER.

Even Trump said he would prosecute women who got abortions if abortion were to be made illegal. He'd lock up doctors and women.
I vote for whomever has the nads to try and save our country. One of the two you mention does that.
I’ve already told you how I view people willing to vote for pieces of shit, you don‘t Have to prove me right by posting things like that.
repubs know that if trump is not the nominee, he will destroy their party. They created him, they need to deal with him.

But he may destroy the party if he IS the nominee. That is their problem.

No dumbass...the POLITICAL CLASS created him.
I’ve already told you how I view people willing to vote for pieces of shit, you don‘t Have to prove me right by posting things like that.
And so you don't vote making you.....
a lying Dimtard who claims to be an Independent right doofus?
And so you don't vote making you.....
a lying Dimtard who claims to be an Independent right doofus?
Jesus man you don’t have to double down you’ve already proven you’re not an informed voter, you support someone looking to restrict your rights even further than they already have.
Well as usual, jimboliar, lets cover a couple of things you have lied about here.....
The only thing at record levels when it comes to finances is credit card debt. 401s are taking a hit as people have to withdraw funds early and at high penalties to get by....all thanks to the senile idiot who was placed in the White House by the election stealers.
Unemployment registers low, then gets adjusted later, but the key indicator is the workforce participation rate, which is the lowest it has been in years. This is from the true cult shutting down the economy for a virus hoax and Poopeypants inability to do anything but work to destroy America. Plus thee fact your gang is too lazy to take on an actual job.
Lastly, your Chicken Little diatribe is more than comical. Temperatures around the globe are no warmer/cooler than usual and certainly no different than what the planet is used to going through. Your belief in this scam is the true measure of your ignorance and proof positive of your Reich lemming status.
You should be ashamed that you support the evil bringing in fentanyl unchecked to be the number one killer of our 18-49 year olds. Add that to your baby murders and you prove how you are truly the evil cult terrorizing America.

None of that information is hard to find, yet the Democrat Media Bubble Cult has them convinced otherwise.
Republicans are so stupid. They don't realize how we would shit ourselves if Republicans nominated

a. Nikki
b. Chris Christie

That's it. The rest don't scare me. I actually want to run against Trump. But I want him so not to be POTUS that I would rather lose to Nikki or Chris than risk Trump possibly winning. Like what if Biden died 1 week before the election?

Nikki v Kamala
It must be painful to be that fucking dumb and oblivious.

I envy people who have never had to deal with you in any manner.

aoc rating.jpg
I'm just telling you it would be hard to blame Nikki Haley for what Trump did.

And Christie is a great debater. Master Debater. He's a masterdebater.
Nikki is Briben with an extra hole. NOBODY wants that leading this shit show.

Christie couldn't get 3 votes at an NRA convention. Unlikable, morbidly obese and an unhealthy hatred for the man that was overwhelmingly elected to POTUS twice is not a winning trifecta. He needs to stay on his 7 dozen donut diet and probably join the lincoln project.... they like to touch boys, eat shit, and snivel about Pres Trump... he'd fit right in.... so to speak.
He will certainly get out the vote. Perhaps the people who would show up to vote against Trump would stay home if it was Christie or Nikki running.

Republicans refuse to believe a moderate is the answer. This is why you know the Republicans are fos when they say us liberals are pulling the country to the left. Look at the Supreme Court. My God Abortion wasn't considered murder before Roe V Wade but today Republicans want to make abortion a crime of MURDER.

Even Trump said he would prosecute women who got abortions if abortion were to be made illegal. He'd lock up doctors and women.
Either Christie or Nikki would have a better chance of winning. But choosing anyone other than trump would be a nig mistake for the repubs. He will destroy whomever is chosen...and they know it. It is a bad spot for them, but they created the monster.

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