Obama shooting a gun.....

You posted a bunch of photos that suported what I wrote. The only thing you can come up with is a stylized drawing and now you think that proves your case? Newsflash: It makes you like the biggest grinning moron in the village.
You are an ignoramus and a loser of epic proportion and have been pwned numerous times on this thread alone.

Uh-- no, it doesn't "suport" shit, it contradicts what you wrote, which was, and I quote, "No one shoots skeet like that. It is a physical impossibility. It's like being in the batter's box and holding the bat vertical to the ground. Doesn't happen." So I showed you it does happen.

That drawing (of Stan Musial, one of the most talented hitters the game has ever seen) is taken from a photo, and is representative of his batting stance, like it or lump it. It's an evocative drawing; I like it.

Here's a real photo:

Then again I didn't have much time since you went whining to the neg machine within five minutes of my "pwning" you. Whatever "pwn" means.

That's why I call you Waaah-bi.

- Tissue?

After you posted a bunch of pics supporting what I wrote now you post first a drawing and now a publicity photo to support your idiotic position.
You are the biggest idiot in the village. Youve' contributed nothing but misinformation to this discussion adn you clearly dont have a fucking clue.
I'm done. You're not worth the time.

oooh, The Waah-bi is craaabi. Crying waaah waaah waaah all the way home.

Go back to left field, Waaah. Sink out for these guys --
José Cruz:

I don't know who this guy is but he's impersonating Bobby Tolan:

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Obama lies all the time, why is this lie so different for you?

I just wonder why they sticking up for this lie, when deep down they hate seeing him with a gun. Hey look at the bright side, obama is making liberals defend guns. Priceless lol.

Yeah Obama is quite the salesman for firearms, ammunition and accessories. He may end up with an "A" rating from the NRA :)
Obama lies all the time, why is this lie so different for you?

I just wonder why they sticking up for this lie, when deep down they hate seeing him with a gun. Hey look at the bright side, obama is making liberals defend guns. Priceless lol.

Yeah Obama is quite the salesman for firearms, ammunition and accessories. He may end up with an "A" rating from the NRA :)

Maybe obama is thinking ahead, I mean when he leaves office with a reputation worse than carter, a brother will need a job! As much money he is making for the gun industry, i'm sure he is a shoe in for a job. On the other hand he could become a transvestite stripper! I'm sure gays from around the world would fall in love! Lol
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PtQNnlQLlwk]WTF is this thing called? - YouTube[/ame]
Dick Cheney? Is he trying to convince us of anything right now?

I don't think so.

You can tell the desperation is palpable when the opposition deflects to a vice president who has been completely out of the picture for four years.
Dick Cheney? Is he trying to convince us of anything right now?

I don't think so.

You can tell the desperation is palpable when the opposition deflects to a vice president who has been completely out of the picture for four years.
Obviously YOU have been completely out of it the last 4 years!!!! But then you couldn't be a Misinformation Voter if you weren't completely out of it all the time!

The POS Cheney has been running his mouth as much as his diseased heart would allow, starting in 2009 when he announced to the terrorists that this would be a easier time to attack America. Even if it was true, no, ESPECIALLY if it was true only an America hating traitor would go on TV and announce it to the world to make sure his fellow terrorists get the message. And right up through the 2012 elections where he campaigned hard for Bishop Willard he spewed his hatred at every opportunity.

Here is a small sample through the last 4 years:

Cheney: Obama endangers the nation - Washington Times
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his verbal attack against President Obama, saying that the country is more vulnerable to a potential terrorist attack since the Obama administration took power.

Dick Cheney slams President Obama for projecting ?weakness? - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com
MCLEAN, Va. — On the eve of the unveiling of the nation’s new Afghanistan policy, former Vice President Dick Cheney slammed President Barack Obama for projecting “weakness” to adversaries and warned that more workaday Afghans will side with the Taliban if they think the United States is heading for the exits.

Dick Cheney: Barack Obama 'trying to pretend' - POLITICO.com Print View
Former Vice President Dick Cheney accused President Barack Obama on Tuesday of “trying to pretend we are not at war” with terrorists

Dick Cheney Resurfaces to Criticize Obama for the Gulf Oil Spill
According to WICU12 in Erie, “The media was only allowed to stay for the first 5 minutes of his speech. Cheney told the audience he is currently writing his memoirs. He also touched on President Obama’s performance in office. He pointed to the President’s lack of action in the Gulf oil leak. He said Obama doesn’t have enough executive experience, or experience in Washington, to make things happen.”

Cheney: Obama will be a one-term president
Former vice president Dick Cheney, back in the public eye after a major heart operation, predicts that President Obama will be a one-term president because of health care and other big government programs.

Cheney: Obama has not acted to stop Iran nukes - CBS News
"Early Show" co-anchor Rebecca Jarvis noted that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said that if President Obama were to continue in office, Iran will end up with a nuclear weapon. "Do you agree with him?"

"I don't see anything that's been done by this administration that's going to stop that program," Cheney said.

Jarvis referred to comments Cheney made on CNN criticizing the Obama administration for not "You've been critical of the administration for not entering Iran and destroying the drone once it had crashed. "Would not, though, an air strike on Iran have potentially led us into a war with them?" she asked.

"Well, if you look at what Iran has done over the years, they've been the prime backers of Hezbollah, of Hamas, the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 that cost us 241 American lives. These were Iranian-supported ventures. It's not as though they haven't already committed acts that some people would say come close to being acts of war.

"For us to go in and take out the drone that crashed would have been, I think, a fairly simple operation, and it would have denied them the value of the intelligence they can collect by having that aircraft," he said. "But the administrative basically limited itself to saying, 'Please give it back,' and the Iranians said no."

Cheney: Obama 'one of our weakest presidents'
Dick Cheney's new heart hasn't softened his opinions of President Obama.

"I obviously am not a big fan of President Obama," the former vice president told ABC News. "I think he's been one of our weakest presidents. I just fundamentally disagree with him philosophically. I'd be hard put to find any Democratic president that I've disagreed with more."

Cheney: Obama has abandoned U.S. allies
Former Vice President Dick Cheney came out swinging Thursday against President Barack Obama's foreign policy, telling a crowd of some 800 business leaders in Woodbury that the United States has abandoned its allies in the Middle East.

War Criminal Dick Cheney Calls President Obama Un-American
On Fox News, former vice president Dick Cheney claimed that President Obama doesn’t believe in things that Americans believe in, and doesn’t understand America.
Dick Cheney? Is he trying to convince us of anything right now?

I don't think so.

You can tell the desperation is palpable when the opposition deflects to a vice president who has been completely out of the picture for four years.
Obviously YOU have been completely out of it the last 4 years!!!! But then you couldn't be a Misinformation Voter if you weren't completely out of it all the time!

The POS Cheney has been running his mouth as much as his diseased heart would allow, starting in 2009 when he announced to the terrorists that this would be a easier time to attack America. Even if it was true, no, ESPECIALLY if it was true only an America hating traitor would go on TV and announce it to the world to make sure his fellow terrorists get the message. And right up through the 2012 elections where he campaigned hard for Bishop Willard he spewed his hatred at every opportunity.

Here is a small sample through the last 4 years:

Cheney: Obama endangers the nation - Washington Times
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his verbal attack against President Obama, saying that the country is more vulnerable to a potential terrorist attack since the Obama administration took power.

Dick Cheney slams President Obama for projecting ?weakness? - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com
MCLEAN, Va. — On the eve of the unveiling of the nation’s new Afghanistan policy, former Vice President Dick Cheney slammed President Barack Obama for projecting “weakness” to adversaries and warned that more workaday Afghans will side with the Taliban if they think the United States is heading for the exits.

Dick Cheney: Barack Obama 'trying to pretend' - POLITICO.com Print View
Former Vice President Dick Cheney accused President Barack Obama on Tuesday of “trying to pretend we are not at war” with terrorists

Dick Cheney Resurfaces to Criticize Obama for the Gulf Oil Spill
According to WICU12 in Erie, “The media was only allowed to stay for the first 5 minutes of his speech. Cheney told the audience he is currently writing his memoirs. He also touched on President Obama’s performance in office. He pointed to the President’s lack of action in the Gulf oil leak. He said Obama doesn’t have enough executive experience, or experience in Washington, to make things happen.”

Cheney: Obama will be a one-term president
Former vice president Dick Cheney, back in the public eye after a major heart operation, predicts that President Obama will be a one-term president because of health care and other big government programs.

Cheney: Obama has not acted to stop Iran nukes - CBS News
"Early Show" co-anchor Rebecca Jarvis noted that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said that if President Obama were to continue in office, Iran will end up with a nuclear weapon. "Do you agree with him?"

"I don't see anything that's been done by this administration that's going to stop that program," Cheney said.

Jarvis referred to comments Cheney made on CNN criticizing the Obama administration for not "You've been critical of the administration for not entering Iran and destroying the drone once it had crashed. "Would not, though, an air strike on Iran have potentially led us into a war with them?" she asked.

"Well, if you look at what Iran has done over the years, they've been the prime backers of Hezbollah, of Hamas, the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 that cost us 241 American lives. These were Iranian-supported ventures. It's not as though they haven't already committed acts that some people would say come close to being acts of war.

"For us to go in and take out the drone that crashed would have been, I think, a fairly simple operation, and it would have denied them the value of the intelligence they can collect by having that aircraft," he said. "But the administrative basically limited itself to saying, 'Please give it back,' and the Iranians said no."

Cheney: Obama 'one of our weakest presidents'
Dick Cheney's new heart hasn't softened his opinions of President Obama.

"I obviously am not a big fan of President Obama," the former vice president told ABC News. "I think he's been one of our weakest presidents. I just fundamentally disagree with him philosophically. I'd be hard put to find any Democratic president that I've disagreed with more."

Cheney: Obama has abandoned U.S. allies
Former Vice President Dick Cheney came out swinging Thursday against President Barack Obama's foreign policy, telling a crowd of some 800 business leaders in Woodbury that the United States has abandoned its allies in the Middle East.

War Criminal Dick Cheney Calls President Obama Un-American
On Fox News, former vice president Dick Cheney claimed that President Obama doesn’t believe in things that Americans believe in, and doesn’t understand America.

Remind me again, which branch of government does Dick Chaney control?

What relevance does he have?

Sure, he still haunts liberals nightmares, but he is old news for those of us who live in the present.

The sad part Ed, is you know so much more about Chaney than I do...for you, he's still the boogyman. :lol:

Meanwhile, back in 2013, this isn't about Chaney...it's about Obama.
Are you the official white house obfuscator?

"I shoot skeet all the time! What, you don't believe me? Well, as proof I here is a photo op picture of me not shooting skeet, holding a gun like it's about to turn on me like a king cobra, gripping it so hard my knuckles are turning white, completely bereft of any type of proper shooting stance, completely bereft of any proper shooting gear, but honest...I do this all the time. Minions! Protect your leader from the obvious conclusions that will be drawn!"

I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing

I totally agree with your first statement.

After the first couple of shots you either figure out what you are doing wrong, ask for advice, our put the thing down and never pick it up again.

Like I said in a previous post, I don't know much about high falootin' expensive shotguns, I own two of the cheapest that can be bought...but I can tell you that the shots like that, half your shoulder taking all of the recoil and no shoulder pad...Obama would be hurt.

I shoot trap, not skeet...I don't have a proper gun for skeet and I can't rack and swivel fast enough with a pump...so I can't remember how many shots are taken in skeet...but there are 25 in trap.

Twenty five shots using that positioning without gear, Obama would throw that gun in the woods and never pick it up again.

You know? I have been stupid enough to defer to the so called gun "experts" on this board regarding the picture. But all I can conclude is that you are lying or dumb as shit

I don't know guns but I understand Physics. The shot has left the barrel. Any reactive force would already be evident in Obamas shoulder or facial expression as he reacts to the blast

Obama does not even flinch. The gun obviously has VERY little kickback and the rightwing posters on this thread are full of shit

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