Obama shooting a gun.....

Keep moving that goalpost.

Obama said "I shoot skeet ALL THE TIME."

Yet, no one had ever heard about it...it was never mentioned...and the only evidence doesn't look at all like skeet shooting...much less an experience shooter.

Do you believe this is evidence of "shooting skeet all the time"?

If you say yes, I have some ocean front property in Missouri I can make you one hell of a deal on.

Yes, I guess you are correct

Obama said "I shoot skeet ALL THE TIME" and there are obviously times when Obama doesn't shoot skeet. So Republicans did catch him lying

You guys are tough to fool

Are you the official white house obfuscator?

"I shoot skeet all the time! What, you don't believe me? Well, as proof here is a photo op picture of me not shooting skeet, holding a gun like it's about to turn on me like a king cobra, gripping it so hard my knuckles are turning white, completely bereft of any type of proper shooting stance, completely bereft of any proper shooting gear, but honest...I do this all the time. Minions! Protect your leader from the obvious conclusions that will be drawn!"

I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing
My uncle Ned plays golf and he says Obama is not a golfer, that ends that.
Yes, I guess you are correct

Obama said "I shoot skeet ALL THE TIME" and there are obviously times when Obama doesn't shoot skeet. So Republicans did catch him lying

You guys are tough to fool

Nuttin' gets by them. I keep saying, what about when he's flying on Air Force One?

Anyway O'bama didn't say "I shoot skeet all the time". He said "up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time... Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there."
That's describing a communal activity in the context of which he (O'bama) has fired a gun. It implies he's not the main character but has participated, which addressed the question "have you ever fired a gun?".

That should wrap up "all the time". But then again verified birth certificates and newspaper notices placed in 1961 should have wrapped up birtherism, so you never know.


Mr president, have you ever fired a gun?

Well, at camp david we shoot skeet all the time...and by we, I mean everyone but me...because everyone knows the pronoun "WE" never includes the speaker...

Yup - you never know. E.F. Lavendar will be involved any minute.

Of course "we" includes the speaker, but inasmuch as the question used the pronoun "you" (singular), it broadens the scope of the answer: "we do skeet shooting all the time" gives the context in which such an occasion happened, and at the same time puts the speaker into the background of a crowd so that he's not the main focus, implying that "mostly they" do it, but "I" have done it too.

In any case I'm correcting the "evolved" quote "I shoot skeet all the time" back into the actual original quote. I'm funny about facts that way. So sue me.
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My uncle Ned plays golf and he says Obama is not a golfer, that ends that.

Ever seen him throw out the first baseball pitch? It's beyond pathetic. The man's simply not a natural born sportsman. He's prolly not going to look good in any physical coordination activity -- which could be why we don't see such pictures these guys keep clamoring for.

We do see golf pictures, true. Every POTUS gets golf pictures. What the attraction of golf is, in any context whatsoever, I'll never understand.

(But no, before you say it, that doesn't mean I want to ban golf clubs, so don't bother)
Obama is full of shit, it's that simple guys. Like that's not already a known factor.
Yes, I guess you are correct

Obama said "I shoot skeet ALL THE TIME" and there are obviously times when Obama doesn't shoot skeet. So Republicans did catch him lying

You guys are tough to fool

Are you the official white house obfuscator?

"I shoot skeet all the time! What, you don't believe me? Well, as proof I here is a photo op picture of me not shooting skeet, holding a gun like it's about to turn on me like a king cobra, gripping it so hard my knuckles are turning white, completely bereft of any type of proper shooting stance, completely bereft of any proper shooting gear, but honest...I do this all the time. Minions! Protect your leader from the obvious conclusions that will be drawn!"

I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing

I totally agree with your first statement.

After the first couple of shots you either figure out what you are doing wrong, ask for advice, our put the thing down and never pick it up again.

Like I said in a previous post, I don't know much about high falootin' expensive shotguns, I own two of the cheapest that can be bought...but I can tell you that the shots like that, half your shoulder taking all of the recoil and no shoulder pad...Obama would be hurt.

I shoot trap, not skeet...I don't have a proper gun for skeet and I can't rack and swivel fast enough with a pump...so I can't remember how many shots are taken in skeet...but there are 25 in trap.

Twenty five shots using that positioning without gear, Obama would throw that gun in the woods and never pick it up again.
Are you the official white house obfuscator?

"I shoot skeet all the time! What, you don't believe me? Well, as proof I here is a photo op picture of me not shooting skeet, holding a gun like it's about to turn on me like a king cobra, gripping it so hard my knuckles are turning white, completely bereft of any type of proper shooting stance, completely bereft of any proper shooting gear, but honest...I do this all the time. Minions! Protect your leader from the obvious conclusions that will be drawn!"

I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing

I totally agree with your first statement.

After the first couple of shots you either figure out what you are doing wrong, ask for advice, our put the thing down and never pick it up again.

Like I said in a previous post, I don't know much about high falootin' expensive shotguns, I own two of the cheapest that can be bought...but I can tell you that the shots like that, half your shoulder taking all of the recoil and no shoulder pad...Obama would be hurt.

I shoot trap, not skeet...I don't have a proper gun for skeet and I can't rack and swivel fast enough with a pump...so I can't remember how many shots are taken in skeet...but there are 25 in trap.

Twenty five shots using that positioning without gear, Obama would throw that gun in the woods and never pick it up again.

Obama is shooting for fun with his friends

You shoot, they laugh at how much you suck and if your shoulder starts to hurt you call it a day

The question was poised to the President "Have you ever shot a gun?" He said yes

Obviously he has. He may not shoot well, he may not have proper form, but it is obvious that he does shoot
Nuttin' gets by them. I keep saying, what about when he's flying on Air Force One?

Anyway O'bama didn't say "I shoot skeet all the time". He said "up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time... Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there."
That's describing a communal activity in the context of which he (O'bama) has fired a gun. It implies he's not the main character but has participated, which addressed the question "have you ever fired a gun?".

That should wrap up "all the time". But then again verified birth certificates and newspaper notices placed in 1961 should have wrapped up birtherism, so you never know.


Mr president, have you ever fired a gun?

Well, at camp david we shoot skeet all the time...and by we, I mean everyone but me...because everyone knows the pronoun "WE" never includes the speaker...

Yup - you never know. E.F. Lavendar will be involved any minute.

Of course "we" includes the speaker, but inasmuch as the question used the pronoun "you" (singular), it broadens the scope of the answer: "we do skeet shooting all the time" gives the context in which such an occasion happened, and at the same time puts the speaker into the background of a crowd so that he's not the main focus, implying that "mostly they" do it, but "I" have done it too.

In any case I'm correcting the "evolved" quote "I shoot skeet all the time" back into the actual original quote. I'm funny about facts that way. So sue me.

Deflective Semantics.

We shoot skeet all the time IMPLIES that Obama shoots skeet all the time (meaning often).

Let's paraphrase the meaning so the dictionarians and parsers are satisfied and can quit deflecting.

Obama said or at a bare minimum implied that he personally often shoot skeet.

I dunno peeps, all this brouhaha about what the "correct" angle is ... r e a l l y a stretch. As some of you have pointed out, we don't know if that's a practice shot, if some target is on its way down and should have been shot at earlier, or even what the target was. If there is one.

So I went to a certified gun nut, an expert, to demonstrate what a "proper" angle for shooting skeet would look like, that you all would approve.

Here it is:



:badgrin::lmao: I couldn't resist...
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Nope...Republicans caught Obama lying on this one. No doubt about it

While Obama and his friends may shoot skeet SOME OF THE TIME at Camp David there is no way Obama can shoot skeet ALL OF THE TIME while he is at Camp David

You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool Republicans

There's a third possibility. He shoots skeet none of the time and the photo was staged so gullible morons like you would think he was a staunch defender of the 2A and his policies beyond reproach--which you'd think no matter what.
The rest of us, with some real world experience, aren't fooled.

"Real world experience" ...... like this?

Check out that angle- this guy will never hit​


If you came in late, see post 333.

You posted a bunch of photos that suported what I wrote. The only thing you can come up with is a stylized drawing and now you think that proves your case? Newsflash: It makes you like the biggest grinning moron in the village.
You are an ignoramus and a loser of epic proportion and have been pwned numerous times on this thread alone.
I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing

I totally agree with your first statement.

After the first couple of shots you either figure out what you are doing wrong, ask for advice, our put the thing down and never pick it up again.

Like I said in a previous post, I don't know much about high falootin' expensive shotguns, I own two of the cheapest that can be bought...but I can tell you that the shots like that, half your shoulder taking all of the recoil and no shoulder pad...Obama would be hurt.

I shoot trap, not skeet...I don't have a proper gun for skeet and I can't rack and swivel fast enough with a pump...so I can't remember how many shots are taken in skeet...but there are 25 in trap.

Twenty five shots using that positioning without gear, Obama would throw that gun in the woods and never pick it up again.

Obama is shooting for fun with his friends

You shoot, they laugh at how much you suck and if your shoulder starts to hurt you call it a day

The question was poised to the President "Have you ever shot a gun?" He said yes

Obviously he has. He may not shoot well, he may not have proper form, but it is obvious that he does shoot

It isn't fun to hurt yourself...If they have that high dollar gun, they have the gear.

I shoot for fun...I wear the gear...and I had to pay for it.

For Obama, it's there for him to use...plus instructors if he wants them...hell, evidently, he's got someone there just to hand him fresh shells.

Your scenario might be a likely one for you and I, with a manual pigeon tosser and the truck gun...but so unlikely as to be discountable for the President of the United States.
Yes, I guess you are correct

Obama said "I shoot skeet ALL THE TIME" and there are obviously times when Obama doesn't shoot skeet. So Republicans did catch him lying

You guys are tough to fool

Are you the official white house obfuscator?

"I shoot skeet all the time! What, you don't believe me? Well, as proof here is a photo op picture of me not shooting skeet, holding a gun like it's about to turn on me like a king cobra, gripping it so hard my knuckles are turning white, completely bereft of any type of proper shooting stance, completely bereft of any proper shooting gear, but honest...I do this all the time. Minions! Protect your leader from the obvious conclusions that will be drawn!"

I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing

How do you know Obama plays golf all the time?
Oh yeah, there are scads of pics all the time and reports from the WH about his golfing.
How do we know he doesn't shoot skeet ever? Because this is the first mention in 5 years and the pic shows he doesnt have a clue how to shoot skeet.
You've proven our case for us, Nutsucker.
Are you the official white house obfuscator?

"I shoot skeet all the time! What, you don't believe me? Well, as proof here is a photo op picture of me not shooting skeet, holding a gun like it's about to turn on me like a king cobra, gripping it so hard my knuckles are turning white, completely bereft of any type of proper shooting stance, completely bereft of any proper shooting gear, but honest...I do this all the time. Minions! Protect your leader from the obvious conclusions that will be drawn!"

I used to shoot some shotguns when I was a kid. If you held it wrong, you quickly learned the error of your ways and adjusted the way you hold the gun

Knowing nothing about the shotgun Obama is shooting, I would assume it has very little kickback. If it did, he would adapt

Now, Republicans constantly remind us that Obama plays golf from time to time. Having seen his swing, it seems he still sucks at it. But he still enjoys the game and plays for fun. I can assume the same for skeet shooting. It is there at Camp David and some of his guests like to shoot.....so he shoots too. His form may not be perfect but if he enjoys it....who gives a shit?

The lack of professional form proves nothing

How do you know Obama plays golf all the time?
Oh yeah, there are scads of pics all the time and reports from the WH about his golfing.
How do we know he doesn't shoot skeet ever? Because this is the first mention in 5 years and the pic shows he doesnt have a clue how to shoot skeet.

This is a difficult argument to refute.

Mr president, have you ever fired a gun?

Well, at camp david we shoot skeet all the time...and by we, I mean everyone but me...because everyone knows the pronoun "WE" never includes the speaker...

Yup - you never know. E.F. Lavendar will be involved any minute.

Of course "we" includes the speaker, but inasmuch as the question used the pronoun "you" (singular), it broadens the scope of the answer: "we do skeet shooting all the time" gives the context in which such an occasion happened, and at the same time puts the speaker into the background of a crowd so that he's not the main focus, implying that "mostly they" do it, but "I" have done it too.

In any case I'm correcting the "evolved" quote "I shoot skeet all the time" back into the actual original quote. I'm funny about facts that way. So sue me.

Deflective Semantics.

We shoot skeet all the time IMPLIES that Obama shoots skeet all the time (meaning often).

Let's paraphrase the meaning so the dictionarians and parsers are satisfied and can quit deflecting.

Obama said or at a bare minimum implied that he personally often shoot skeet.


Actually, no. Modifying "you" (singular) into "we" deliberately spreads "all the time" out to the "we" -- including "guests of mine" --implying that's the only way that frequency can be attached. It's something that happens "all the time", provided we're talking about we, not I. It's an attempt to inflate the statement beyond the simple "yes". It's designed to overemphasize the affirmative. It is after all a politician talking. But it in no way can be construed to mean that he personally shoots skeet "all the time". Satisfied?

We could delve into the actual colloquial meaning of "all the time" but Captain Obvious has the day off.
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Yup - you never know. E.F. Lavendar will be involved any minute.

Of course "we" includes the speaker, but inasmuch as the question used the pronoun "you" (singular), it broadens the scope of the answer: "we do skeet shooting all the time" gives the context in which such an occasion happened, and at the same time puts the speaker into the background of a crowd so that he's not the main focus, implying that "mostly they" do it, but "I" have done it too.

In any case I'm correcting the "evolved" quote "I shoot skeet all the time" back into the actual original quote. I'm funny about facts that way. So sue me.

Deflective Semantics.

We shoot skeet all the time IMPLIES that Obama shoots skeet all the time (meaning often).

Let's paraphrase the meaning so the dictionarians and parsers are satisfied and can quit deflecting.

Obama said or at a bare minimum implied that he personally often shoot skeet.


Actually, no. Modifying "you" (singular) into "we" deliberately spreads "all the time" out to the "we" -- including "guests of mine often go up there"implying that's the only way that frequency can be attached. It happens "all the time", provided we're talking about we, not I. It's an attempt to inflate the statement beyond the simple "yes". It's designed to overemphasize the affirmative. It is after all a politician talking. But it in no way can be construed to mean that he personally shoots skeet "all the time". Satisfied?

We could delve into the actual colloquial meaning of "all the time" but Captain Obvious has the day off.

Allow me to parse this down to country boy speak.

He was full of crap.

Got it.
Deflective Semantics.
We shoot skeet all the time IMPLIES that Obama shoots skeet all the time (meaning often).
Let's paraphrase the meaning so the dictionarians and parsers are satisfied and can quit deflecting.
Obama said or at a bare minimum implied that he personally often shoot skeet.
In fact, "implies" is too soft a term.
There's a third possibility. He shoots skeet none of the time and the photo was staged so gullible morons like you would think he was a staunch defender of the 2A and his policies beyond reproach--which you'd think no matter what.
The rest of us, with some real world experience, aren't fooled.

"Real world experience" ...... like this?

Check out that angle- this guy will never hit​


If you came in late, see post 333.

You posted a bunch of photos that suported what I wrote. The only thing you can come up with is a stylized drawing and now you think that proves your case? Newsflash: It makes you like the biggest grinning moron in the village.
You are an ignoramus and a loser of epic proportion and have been pwned numerous times on this thread alone.

Uh-- no, it doesn't "suport" shit, it contradicts what you wrote, which was, and I quote, "No one shoots skeet like that. It is a physical impossibility. It's like being in the batter's box and holding the bat vertical to the ground. Doesn't happen." So I showed you it does happen.

That drawing (of Stan Musial, one of the most talented hitters the game has ever seen) is taken from a photo, and is representative of his batting stance, like it or lump it. It's an evocative drawing; I like it.

Here's a real photo:

Then again I didn't have much time since you went whining to the neg machine within five minutes of my "pwning" you. Whatever "pwn" means.

That's why I call you Waaah-bi.

- Tissue?
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I know the reason for his horrible stance. They were having a beer summit while they were shooting! You know multi tasking! Lol
"Real world experience" ...... like this?

Check out that angle- this guy will never hit​


If you came in late, see post 333.

You posted a bunch of photos that suported what I wrote. The only thing you can come up with is a stylized drawing and now you think that proves your case? Newsflash: It makes you like the biggest grinning moron in the village.
You are an ignoramus and a loser of epic proportion and have been pwned numerous times on this thread alone.

Uh-- no, it doesn't "suport" shit, it contradicts what you wrote, which was, and I quote, "No one shoots skeet like that. It is a physical impossibility. It's like being in the batter's box and holding the bat vertical to the ground. Doesn't happen." So I showed you it does happen.

That drawing (of Stan Musial, one of the most talented hitters the game has ever seen) is taken from a photo, and is representative of his batting stance, like it or lump it. It's an evocative drawing; I like it.

Here's a real photo:

Then again I didn't have much time since you went whining to the neg machine within five minutes of my "pwning" you. Whatever "pwn" means.

That's why I call you Waaah-bi.

- Tissue?

After you posted a bunch of pics supporting what I wrote now you post first a drawing and now a publicity photo to support your idiotic position.
You are the biggest idiot in the village. Youve' contributed nothing but misinformation to this discussion adn you clearly dont have a fucking clue.
I'm done. You're not worth the time.

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