Obama Spokesperson Claims Straight Couples Are Ruining Marriage

why does it bother you so much? she fits right in and pretty much says what a lot of liberals think..:lol:

You fit right in and say what a lot of conservatives think. Remember back when you claimed he was born in Kenya a few weeks ago. Can we assume Romney is a birther going only by your obvious racism?

Now you're a LIAR...I have never said I thought Obama was BORN in Kenya..but go ahead with your lies

No, you indicated it by posting a link in a thread that did. If you didn't believe the story; why did you re-post it? Are you in the habit of starting threads then disavowing the links you cite?

Your lie, you prove it. Show us the employment certificate.

Hilary Rosen does not work for the Obama Administration or the Obama Campaign. Persons with the same general goals can be lumped together but they cannot be lied about in the way you're attempting, again, to do.

In no way does she represent the Obama campaign. None whatsoever. Stop lying.

A remark about the high rate of divorce morphs into an entire campaign for the hate crowd!

She's milking her celebrity plain and simple. But her views are not necessarily that of the Obama administration. Hell, even noted racist Stephanie is leaving Mudwhistle out on the limb by his own grotesque self and it's only been 3 pages. Usually they abandon him well later.

man your hardon for most people here, why do you stay?
to spew your brilliance upon us?
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Why the need to lie in the thread title? Hillary Rosen works for CNN, not the President.

It also seems a bit of a stretch to claim she is saying that straight couples are ruining marriage. She pointed out a FACT that divorce is doing more to "ruin" marriage than gay couples wanting to be part of it are.

It was proved long ago she worked indirectly for Obama. That is not even up for discussion.

The other point you made is based on something that can't be proved. If you don't have enough data to prove it all you're making is an assumption.

Until same-sex marriage becomes universally legal only then can you prove it or disprove it.....not until.

Oh...indirectly. How convenient for you. :lol:

So I guess we can start calling Rusbo a Romeny spokesman. Better yet, how about that Romney spokesman Ted Nugent?

So we have to wait until all the gays can get married before we can claim that divorce is ruining marriage, not "they gheys"? :lol:

Sure due, whatever you say. Let's do it and see.
You fit right in and say what a lot of conservatives think. Remember back when you claimed he was born in Kenya a few weeks ago. Can we assume Romney is a birther going only by your obvious racism?

Now you're a LIAR...I have never said I thought Obama was BORN in Kenya..but go ahead with your lies

No, you indicated it by posting a link in a thread that did. If you didn't believe the story; why did you re-post it? Are you in the habit of starting threads then disavowing the links you cite?


lol, you're a fucking insane person..seek help:lol:

Hilary Rosen, who claimed Ann Romney never worked a day in her life was on "This Week" on ABC saying that straight couples were tearing down the institution of marriage. She claimed that because 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce it proves that straight couples don't make the best marriages. Never mind that she's a lesbian and has switched partners and has adoptive children from the union.

Seems to me the Obama Administration wants to make straight couples out to be bigots, strange, abnormal, whatever negative connotation you can dream up.

So is this to be the new normal?

"Here's one more sort of nonpolitical point, which is, you know, sorry, but straight people don't need any help tearing down the institution of marriage. You're doing just fine as it is. One in three divorces. You know, come on."

"The irony is that really, gay people are looking to do the most conservative thing. They want to fight in the armed forces, you know, to protect our country, and they want to join the institution of marriage, loving committed couples raising children. That, you know, I don't know that that's a conversation that the president ought to have on the campaign trail every day, but I do think it's something we ought to recognize and acknowledge."http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/05/14/Rosen-back-lesbian-divorce

Not only is this short-sighted but is is also discriminatory. Using a one-sided statistic to claim that straights are screwing up the institution of marriage while forgetting that statistics show that Gay couples stay together an average of 6 years while straights stay together an average of 18 according to a study published in Time Magazine back in 2004. Behavior: Do Gay Couples Have An Edge? - TIME

I'm not saying that one is better than the other, but I think Hilary Rosen is. It appears that the left wants us to think that straights are odd and Gays are more acceptable, more admirable, more reliable. Seems to me they want to turn the tables on their targets, straight people. Guess being a liberal means you're black, Muslim, a feminist, and are also Gay......or at least support all of the above. If you're not a liberal or an Obama supporter you're a hater.

Honestly.....who's really showing hatred here now.

He's running a "Hail Mary" Pass play, out of desperation.

Hilary Rosen, who claimed Ann Romney never worked a day in her life was on "This Week" on ABC saying that straight couples were tearing down the institution of marriage. She claimed that because 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce it proves that straight couples don't make the best marriages. Never mind that she's a lesbian and has switched partners and has adoptive children from the union.

Seems to me the Obama Administration wants to make straight couples out to be bigots, strange, abnormal, whatever negative connotation you can dream up.

So is this to be the new normal?

"Here's one more sort of nonpolitical point, which is, you know, sorry, but straight people don't need any help tearing down the institution of marriage. You're doing just fine as it is. One in three divorces. You know, come on."

"The irony is that really, gay people are looking to do the most conservative thing. They want to fight in the armed forces, you know, to protect our country, and they want to join the institution of marriage, loving committed couples raising children. That, you know, I don't know that that's a conversation that the president ought to have on the campaign trail every day, but I do think it's something we ought to recognize and acknowledge."http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/05/14/Rosen-back-lesbian-divorce

Not only is this short-sighted but is is also discriminatory. Using a one-sided statistic to claim that straights are screwing up the institution of marriage while forgetting that statistics show that Gay couples stay together an average of 6 years while straights stay together an average of 18 according to a study published in Time Magazine back in 2004. Behavior: Do Gay Couples Have An Edge? - TIME

I'm not saying that one is better than the other, but I think Hilary Rosen is. It appears that the left wants us to think that straights are odd and Gays are more acceptable, more admirable, more reliable. Seems to me they want to turn the tables on their targets, straight people. Guess being a liberal means you're black, Muslim, a feminist, and are also Gay......or at least support all of the above. If you're not a liberal or an Obama supporter you're a hater.

Honestly.....who's really showing hatred here now.

It's like this... There are Shitty Heteros and Shitty Homos as far as Humans go...

What's BEST for a Child is a Mother and a Father... End of List.

A Woman can't be a Father and a Man can't be a Mother.

That should be the Standard and the Goal for every Child.

The Reality that some People Suck doesn't Change this Fact.

And of course, it's been the same Liberals who have Pushed the Gay Agenda who have also gone after Marriage and the "Slavery" of Women in it for Decades now.



Hilary Rosen, who claimed Ann Romney never worked a day in her life was on "This Week" on ABC saying that straight couples were tearing down the institution of marriage. She claimed that because 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce it proves that straight couples don't make the best marriages. Never mind that she's a lesbian and has switched partners and has adoptive children from the union.

Seems to me the Obama Administration wants to make straight couples out to be bigots, strange, abnormal, whatever negative connotation you can dream up.

So is this to be the new normal?

"Here's one more sort of nonpolitical point, which is, you know, sorry, but straight people don't need any help tearing down the institution of marriage. You're doing just fine as it is. One in three divorces. You know, come on."

"The irony is that really, gay people are looking to do the most conservative thing. They want to fight in the armed forces, you know, to protect our country, and they want to join the institution of marriage, loving committed couples raising children. That, you know, I don't know that that's a conversation that the president ought to have on the campaign trail every day, but I do think it's something we ought to recognize and acknowledge."http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/05/14/Rosen-back-lesbian-divorce

Not only is this short-sighted but is is also discriminatory. Using a one-sided statistic to claim that straights are screwing up the institution of marriage while forgetting that statistics show that Gay couples stay together an average of 6 years while straights stay together an average of 18 according to a study published in Time Magazine back in 2004. Behavior: Do Gay Couples Have An Edge? - TIME

I'm not saying that one is better than the other, but I think Hilary Rosen is. It appears that the left wants us to think that straights are odd and Gays are more acceptable, more admirable, more reliable. Seems to me they want to turn the tables on their targets, straight people. Guess being a liberal means you're black, Muslim, a feminist, and are also Gay......or at least support all of the above. If you're not a liberal or an Obama supporter you're a hater.

Honestly.....who's really showing hatred here now.

It's like this... There are Shitty Heteros and Shitty Homos as far as Humans go...

What's BEST for a Child is a Mother and a Father... End of List.

A Woman can't be a Father and a Man can't be a Mother.

That should be the Standard and the Goal for every Child.

The Reality that some People Suck doesn't Change this Fact.

And of course, it's been the same Liberals who have Pushed the Gay Agenda who have also gone after Marriage and the "Slavery" of Women in it for Decades now.



My mother made a great father. You're no authority on the subject.
Well at least Rosen is only being accused of being a Obama spokesperson..Rush is always accused of being the LEADER of the Republican party..

and Rosen is deeply connected to the Obama white house..that is just a fact

Typical "yeah but" response. Glad to see you too can recognize the lie.

Rosen is not a spokesperson for President Obama.

Mudwhistle lied. Again.

I think ol' mud is phucked up in many ways....just my opinion
'Hate' is now the SOP of Democrats. Anyone who disagrees with them is demonized. Frankly, it's laughable... and pathetic.

All true. And the good news is folks are hearing what they're saying and getting turned off by it. It fires up the deaf, dumb, and blind base but rationale people see it for what it is and will react accordingly.
Karl Rove started a pretty fashionable trend. Demonize with truthiness.

Yup.....honesty is a terrible weapon when used against a liar.

yea ok 200million a day egypt trip. :eusa_liar:

you're a fuggin herb. sad part is, you dont know you lie, you just take marching orders no questions asked.


I can't say for sure Hilary Rosen said this "on Marching Orders from Obama", but it seems to to be an opinion shared by many Gays. If it works for them Obama will identify with it. If it blows up in their faces, Obama will try to act like he's never heard of it, thinks it's silly and attempt to distance himself from it.

This is an assault on the idea of traditional marriage.
Yup.....honesty is a terrible weapon when used against a liar.

yea ok 200million a day egypt trip. :eusa_liar:

you're a fuggin herb. sad part is, you dont know you lie, you just take marching orders no questions asked.


I can't say for sure Hilary Rosen said this "on Marching Orders from Obama", but it seems to to be an opinion shared by many Gays. If it works for them Obama will identify with it. If it blows up in their faces, Obama will try to act like he's never heard of it, thinks it's silly and attempt to distance himself from it.

This is an assault on the idea of traditional marriage.

Admits the OP is a lie ^

How thick is your douche.
The VP came out with almost an identical argument.

Gays make really, really, really good parents. Obama jumps on the bandwagon (against his better judgment), and Hilary Rosen claims traditional couples suck.

It's a real chore trying to connect the dots for leftists. I bet they think Obama changed his views.

What's hilarious is an Obama ad came out yesterday comparing Romney with George Wallace...........for having the identical views on same-sex marriage Obama had up until last Tuesday.

Many gays DO make good parents. Many straight people make good parents. Is this in dispute?

What Rosen pointed out (and she's right) is that people whining and crying about the "assault on "traditional" marriage" are full of shit and if they really DID care about "traditional" marriage, they would be more worried about the divorce rate than they are about "they gheys" having the same rights, benefits and privileges they take advantage of.
If Rosen isn't a mouthpiece for Obama, then why is she on news talk shows as a guest? Seriously just send out Biden...
I'm sorry, you asked a question:

"Is this the new normal?"

Yes it is. Whenever you post something about Obama, you often lie. As you just did.

Prove it.

I can prove I'm not. It was proved weeks ago.

Hilary Rosen is working as an Obama spokesperson. She works with other Obama Administration media people. Her comment about Ann Romney was merely a blip. She's back at it like it never happened. She was on the panel on "Meet The Press" a couple of weeks ago in an attempt to smooth over her image, but she represents Obama on the morning talk-shows and other programs.

Your lie, you prove it. Show us the employment certificate.

Hilary Rosen does not work for the Obama Administration or the Obama Campaign. Persons with the same general goals can be lumped together but they cannot be lied about in the way you're attempting, again, to do.

In no way does she represent the Obama campaign. None whatsoever. Stop lying.

Certificate??????? RLMFAO!!!!

Sure Sparky.

Maybe they issue them a secret decoder ring and teach them all the secret hand-shake too!!!!
Many gays DO make good parents. Many straight people make good parents. Is this in dispute?

What Rosen pointed out (and she's right) is that people whining and crying about the "assault on "traditional" marriage" are full of shit and if they really DID care about "traditional" marriage, they would be more worried about the divorce rate than they are about "they gheys" having the same rights, benefits and privileges they take advantage of.

Rosen seperated from her lover and they had adopted children together. Same as Divorce in my book. Hypocrite much?

her then-partner, Elizabeth Birch, and their adopted twins, Jacob and Anna. (Rosen and Birch separated in 2006.)

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