Obama wants to raise tobacco taxes - again...

I was raised and worked on a tobacco farm in northern Tennessee. My grandfather and his before him, raised the crop for generations. We were always under the control of the government relative to the amount of crop we could grow. For instance, on his farm of 400 acres, his allocation was 44 acres of crop. Glad to see the death of the tobacco industry in Tennessee is not by happenstance.

This year's crop is only a small one ~4.5 acres. Of course demand is down as a result of health concerns and taxes. Not to mention, we are sharing the 'supply source' with Vietnam who has a stronghold in the limited market.

Think you can roll you own? Not really- Government is controlling papers, and loose leaf due to the absence of tax revenue vs a pack of cigarettes.

Taxes kill commerce and promotes dependency.

Cigs, causes cancer and kills the customer.

Hey how much does to cost to treat a cancer patienst on Medicare? Or just how much does it cost to treat any smoking related illness? Especially when the smoker is living on the government check.

You all don't want to pay those crazy cig prices? Then quit smoking.

You all ever notice the number of welfare recipients that smoke? Or the number of unemployed that smoke. Wasted money up front and even more wasted money when the health issues kick in.

they dont quit smoking --LOL

where did you get the idea they would

they simply turn to the black market

the ATF worries that tobacco will soon be the

the number one item smuggled in the United States

if not already
I recently quit smoking and figure by doing so I am saving about $200 a month.

The increasing costs (my ciggies are $8 a pack) and the planned new Fed and State taxes certainly played a role in my decision to quit.

Government often turn to what they like to call SIN TAXES because they know that they will get support from those who object to those"sinful habits".

Alcohol obviously also gets taxed far more than it ought to be taxed.

You guys wait..sugar is next on the hit list, I suspect.

you sinned when you voted democrat nut bar.
the ATF worries that tobacco will soon be the

the number one item smuggled in the United States

if not already

The government has brought this one on itself! They're BEGGING for a black market!
Seems like this thread should say "for smokers only". Cause I don't give a flying fuk about what you smokers pay for cigs. I quit 10 years ago.

So why should I care that Obama wants to raise taxes on cigs? I don't. Hell raise the prices high enough and maybe more people would quit.

NAh. Prolly not. They would rather bitch that Obama has made it even more expensive for smokers to kill themselves. I can see how that would be upsetting.

I was raised and worked on a tobacco farm in northern Tennessee. My grandfather and his before him, raised the crop for generations. We were always under the control of the government relative to the amount of crop we could grow. For instance, on his farm of 400 acres, his allocation was 44 acres of crop. Glad to see the death of the tobacco industry in Tennessee is not by happenstance.

This year's crop is only a small one ~4.5 acres. Of course demand is down as a result of health concerns and taxes. Not to mention, we are sharing the 'supply source' with Vietnam who has a stronghold in the limited market.

Think you can roll you own? Not really- Government is controlling papers, and loose leaf due to the absence of tax revenue vs a pack of cigarettes.

Taxes kill commerce and promotes dependency.

Cigs, causes cancer and kills the customer.

Hey how much does to cost to treat a cancer patienst on Medicare? Or just how much does it cost to treat any smoking related illness? Especially when the smoker is living on the government check.

You all don't want to pay those crazy cig prices? Then quit smoking.

You all ever notice the number of welfare recipients that smoke? Or the number of unemployed that smoke. Wasted money up front and even more wasted money when the health issues kick in.

I don't like paying taxes for welfare either. Does that mean you and I support mandatory drug test and work programs as a requirement for subsidy?

Seems like this thread should say "for smokers only". Cause I don't give a flying fuk about what you smokers pay for cigs. I quit 10 years ago.

So why should I care that Obama wants to raise taxes on cigs? I don't. Hell raise the prices high enough and maybe more people would quit.

NAh. Prolly not. They would rather bitch that Obama has made it even more expensive for smokers to kill themselves. I can see how that would be upsetting.

Funny how you keep bitching about people bitching on a thread you claim you don't care about.
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This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

Anyone else finding this one of the most ironic posts ever made on this board?
As an ex-smoker, I think we should tax the shit out of cigarettes, and I will tell you why. While it is unfair to those who are already addicted, the key to reducing smoking is to keep young people from starting. The more cigarettes cost, the more difficult it is for young teenagers and young adults to afford in the first place. That means a lot less young people start smoking and a lot less people become lifelong smokers.

The excuse that "it is my right to smoke" is all horseshit. Smokers who say that are just too afraid to quit because it's not easy, even though they know they should. Smoking doesn't add one positive thing to the smoker's life. Not one thing at all.

After smoking for 30 years and finally quitting, I have seen so many benefits to now being a non-smoker. I feel so much better. I was actually able to lose weight because I can now exercise and run. When I smoked, I used to get headaches a couple of times per week. Now I get a headache once every three months. My blood pressure is down to 110/65. My resting heart rate is down under 45. My cholesterol is down under 160. I can go on and on. My clothes don't smell like shit anymore. My hair doesn't smell like shit anymore. I've made a lot of new friends who are non-smokers. I probably will live much longer than if I continued to smoke, but the real benefit is that I will live those years well, and I will enjoy living them.

Yes, cigarette taxes are unfair, but I support raising them 100%.

Good for you - but keep your anti-smoking fanaticism to yourself. I'm tired of smokers' rights being tied to children. Let the schools and parents educate children on tobacco. Tobacco, used in moderation, brings pleasure to many. Sure, it's a bad habit, but so are many things.

Using tobacco is a legal choice. Using pot is becoming a legal choice. Do you feel the same way about smoking pot? BTW, pot stinks worse than tobacco.

BTW, I do not have to keep my anti-smoking fanaticism to myself. I have the same right as you to say whatever the Hell I choose. If I feel like telling you that you are not only killing yourself, but you are preventing yourself from fully living life, I will do that. I'll also tell you that you have been duped into believing that it is your choice to smoke. It really isn't. Smoking pot is a choice because its not addictive. Smoking cigarettes is like shooting heroin. Heroin just isn't legal. If it was, would you tell your kids it's okay to shoot up?

Yes, you can preach to others all day. And some will reserve the right to tell you to go fuck yourself. Twice.
Seems like this thread should say "for smokers only". Cause I don't give a flying fuk about what you smokers pay for cigs. I quit 10 years ago.

So why should I care that Obama wants to raise taxes on cigs? I don't. Hell raise the prices high enough and maybe more people would quit.

NAh. Prolly not. They would rather bitch that Obama has made it even more expensive for smokers to kill themselves. I can see how that would be upsetting.

You dont have a clue do you? where will they get the taxes from if people stop smoking? Where are you going to get the S.S. money from if people stop smoking and live longer? Everything I read the high health care cost goes to the 65 yearf and older set of folks... smokers die young, I have 4 friends who died in their 40's who smoked a pack a day and they didnt die from smoking....
The projected receipts from taxes won't happen. It never does. Some people will quit. Some people will buy illegal cigarettes from the same person they get their pot from. There will be a serious shortfall. The program either won't happen or they will have to look elsewhere to raise taxes.
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

I'm 65 years old; at age 50 many friends and acquaintances began to drop dead from smoking, or being overweight. I support taxing tobacco until the last tobacco farm has been reduced to producing organic vegetables.
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

I'm 65 years old; at age 50 many friends and acquaintances began to drop dead from smoking, or being overweight. I support taxing tobacco until the last tobacco farm has been reduced to producing organic vegetables.

Spoken like a true wanna be dictator.
The excuse that "it is my right to smoke" is all horseshit. Smokers who say that are just too afraid to quit because it's not easy, even though they know they should. Smoking doesn't add one positive thing to the smoker's life. Not one thing at all.

Horseshit? Ok...so...are you saying it's not my right to choose to smoke? Get real!

And as far as smoking not adding one positive thing to one's life how about the fact that we enjoy it...plain and simple. Does everything we do have to be good and healthy for us? How about the risk skydivers take when they jump out of a plane for the adrenaline rush? How about those bungee jumpers tempting fate? I could go on and on here, but I think you get my vibe.

The point is that citizens rights are being infringed upon...and it's not just smokers rights either. What about the business owners who would like to be allowed to allow smoking within their establishment? They pay the bills and taxes for their establishment but aren't allowed to decide for themselves what they want within the confines of their business. Now...you think the government enforced laws are fair to them and their business?

What happened to this being a free country?

After smoking for 30 years and finally quitting, I have seen so many benefits to now being a non-smoker. I feel so much better. I was actually able to lose weight because I can now exercise and run. When I smoked, I used to get headaches a couple of times per week. Now I get a headache once every three months. My blood pressure is down to 110/65. My resting heart rate is down under 45. My cholesterol is down under 160. I can go on and on. My clothes don't smell like shit anymore. My hair doesn't smell like shit anymore. I've made a lot of new friends who are non-smokers. I probably will live much longer than if I continued to smoke, but the real benefit is that I will live those years well, and I will enjoy living them.

Dude...a reality check here...you're not immune to a smoking related disease. Even non-smokers who have never smoked get emphysema and lung cancer, and the fact that you have a 30 year history of smoking doesn't exactly play very well in your corner. Get a grip man!

Besides, there are actual benefits to smoking:

FORCES International - Archive

Nicotine is an Anxiety and Depression Medication

Benefits of Smoking | Suite101

Health benefits of smoking are rarely talked because smoking is one of the most common causes for health problems and death. However, it has been noted that smoking can reduce the occurrence of some conditions like endometrial cancer, ulcerative colitis, Kaposi’s sarcoma, breast cancer, preeclampsia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and atopic disorders such as allergic asthma. Often referred to as protective effect, this mechanism is attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties of nicotine, which interferes with these conditions. The scientists from Tornblad Institute have invented recently that pregnant mothers, indulged in smoking, gave birth to babies with decreased neural defect risks.

Health Benefits of Smoking | Organic Facts

I could go on and on here...but the pure fact of the matter is that apparently you have been conned by the faulty public heath initiative to only believe the negative things about tobacco and nicotine. Clearly, there are positives that the public heath folks would rather keep quiet so they can further their agenda without having to be honest about the positive effects of tobacco and nicotine. Ohhhhhh...the pesky truth always gets in the way, huh?

So...with all these benefits of smoking, we smokers could actually point the finger at non-smokers and say they're potentially injuring their health by not smoking. They are also risking the health of their babies since those babies will have an increased risk of neural defects at birth. Let's face it...non-smokers are leading a risky lifestyle! :)

Can't help stupid. The denial is the proof of the stupidity. I have no problem when smokers choose to smoke knowing they are killing themselves and don't care. The whole enjoyment thing though, that is all about the addiction. Of course you enjoy getting your fix. Without it, you feel terrible, so it makes you feel better. It has nothing to do with enjoyment though. I said all the stupid shit you are saying before I quit too. After having quit for a while, I started to understand how stupid all the shit smokers say really is. It's just a big lie to justify fulfilling your addiction by smoking. You're a junkie, plain and simple. It just happens to be legal.
Seems like this thread should say "for smokers only". Cause I don't give a flying fuk about what you smokers pay for cigs. I quit 10 years ago.

So why should I care that Obama wants to raise taxes on cigs? I don't. Hell raise the prices high enough and maybe more people would quit.

NAh. Prolly not. They would rather bitch that Obama has made it even more expensive for smokers to kill themselves. I can see how that would be upsetting.

You dont have a clue do you? where will they get the taxes from if people stop smoking? Where are you going to get the S.S. money from if people stop smoking and live longer? Everything I read the high health care cost goes to the 65 yearf and older set of folks... smokers die young, I have 4 friends who died in their 40's who smoked a pack a day and they didnt die from smoking....

See this~Older People Are Much More Likely To Be Among the Top-spending Percentiles The elderly (age 65 and over) made up around 13 percent of the U.S. population in 2002, but they consumed 36 percent of total U.S. personal health care expenses
The five most expensive health conditions are
heart disease, cancer, trauma, mental disorders, and pulmonary disorders
The High Concentration of U.S. Health Care Expenditures | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)
Spoken like a true wanna be dictator.

Absolutely! :rofl:

Ya know...I guess I just don't get the whole idea of people wanting to control the actions of others. I mean...is it so hard for people to allow others their freedom to do what they will?

It's sort of like the abortion issue...where the pro-lifers want to force people to have their babies rather than abort the pregnancy. I mean...what's wrong with pro-choice? You don't like it...don't have an abortion!

You don't like smoking...don't do it!!! But leave those of us who choose to partake alone! Why the need to try to force everyone to quit? What you are ultimately trying to do is remove people's choice.

I mean seriously...it seems like a control issue to me. And...there is probably a 12 step program for that. :)
I smoke ocassionally because I like it. Your broad brushstroke nonsense is just that; nonsense.

I smoked for years then quit for years. And it is the enjoyment that leads me back to puff on one now and then. My 93 yr old grandmother STILL smokes a pack a day and she's as healthy as ever. Preaching is fine, but you can save your judgement of others because you're a born again nonsmoker.

In short, STFU, Corky. You're not changing anyones mind and you're a hypocrit to boot.
I recently quit smoking and figure by doing so I am saving about $200 a month.

The increasing costs (my ciggies are $8 a pack) and the planned new Fed and State taxes certainly played a role in my decision to quit.

Government often turn to what they like to call SIN TAXES because they know that they will get support from those who object to those"sinful habits".

Alcohol obviously also gets taxed far more than it ought to be taxed.

You guys wait..sugar is next on the hit list, I suspect.

I'm saving about $350 per month directly from quitting. I spent about $200 per month on cigarettes, but I am now saving over $150 on life insurance and health insurance also. There are some other savings but they are indirect. The best thing though is that I feel so much better. I can't remember the last time I coughed up a bunch of shit from my lungs.
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

I'm 65 years old; at age 50 many friends and acquaintances began to drop dead from smoking, or being overweight. I support taxing tobacco until the last tobacco farm has been reduced to producing organic vegetables.

I've lost almost all my old friends. They were all non-smokers. They died of brain cancer, breast cancer and heart disease. The friends I have left are all smokers.
I was raised and worked on a tobacco farm in northern Tennessee. My grandfather and his before him, raised the crop for generations. We were always under the control of the government relative to the amount of crop we could grow. For instance, on his farm of 400 acres, his allocation was 44 acres of crop. Glad to see the death of the tobacco industry in Tennessee is not by happenstance.

This year's crop is only a small one ~4.5 acres. Of course demand is down as a result of health concerns and taxes. Not to mention, we are sharing the 'supply source' with Vietnam who has a stronghold in the limited market.

Think you can roll you own? Not really- Government is controlling papers, and loose leaf due to the absence of tax revenue vs a pack of cigarettes.

Taxes kill commerce and promotes dependency.

Cigs, causes cancer and kills the customer.

Hey how much does to cost to treat a cancer patienst on Medicare? Or just how much does it cost to treat any smoking related illness? Especially when the smoker is living on the government check.

You all don't want to pay those crazy cig prices? Then quit smoking.

You all ever notice the number of welfare recipients that smoke? Or the number of unemployed that smoke. Wasted money up front and even more wasted money when the health issues kick in.

I don't like paying taxes for welfare either. Does that mean you and I support mandatory drug test and work programs as a requirement for subsidy?


That's already a proven failure. It costs more to test welfare recipients than they save. They have found this out in a number of states. I find it amazing how so many people are still pushing for this even after they have figured out a net loss in tax dollars by testing these people for drugs.

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