Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

Gruber said:
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…

Elite leftist dictators have had this as their core operating principle, since there have been elite leftist dictators. And that dates back before the time of Christ, who was one of their principal opponents.

More recent leftists have crystallized their philosophy with such statements as "How fortunate it is for leaders, that men do not think", referred to the masses they have such contempt for as "Useful Idiots", etc.

Indeed, leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Gruber merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
Government should be managing our healthcare. It has the lowest overhead. Cut out the middlemen - the insurance companies.
Dumb ass doesn't bother you that the creators of obamacare thinks that you are stupid?
For me, obama passes every morning after a few sips of hot black coffee and a few grapes...works every time.

Just thought I'd share.

share what, every morning you get rid of a portion of your brain?

we knew that.
Supporters of obamacare are considered stupid, you need to shut the fuck up. dumb ass.

I support healthcare, not necessarily ACA ... you stupid retarded MORON!
I haven't seen you make any attempt to reject obamacare, You fucking support obamacare so stupid they are laughing at you
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For me, obama passes every morning after a few sips of hot black coffee and a few grapes...works every time.

Just thought I'd share.

share what, every morning you get rid of a portion of your brain?

we knew that.
Supporters of obamacare are considered stupid, you need to shut the fuck up. dumb ass.

I support healthcare, not necessarily ACA ... you stupid retarded MORON!
I haven't seen to make any attempt to reject obamacare, You fucking support obamacare so stupid they are laughing at you

you haven't seen ? ... you can say that again you ignorant sob
For me, obama passes every morning after a few sips of hot black coffee and a few grapes...works every time.

Just thought I'd share.

share what, every morning you get rid of a portion of your brain?

we knew that.
Supporters of obamacare are considered stupid, you need to shut the fuck up. dumb ass.

I support healthcare, not necessarily ACA ... you stupid retarded MORON!
I haven't seen to make any attempt to reject obamacare, You fucking support obamacare so stupid they are laughing at you

you haven't seen ? ... you can say that again you ignorant sob
I have not yet seen you make any attempt to reject obamacare. Is that clear enough for you?
regardless how it got here, it's here, and here to stay. Rather than constantly bitch about it I suggest fine tuning the legislation until it becomes more beneficial to everyone concerned.

But bitching is much easier than legislating.
Regardless of how it got here? Every bastard that voted for it should be lined up on the wall and shot for traitors.

Awwww! That's really sweet!
regardless how it got here, it's here, and here to stay. Rather than constantly bitch about it I suggest fine tuning the legislation until it becomes more beneficial to everyone concerned.

But bitching is much easier than legislating.
Regardless of how it got here? Every bastard that voted for it should be lined up on the wall and shot for traitors.

Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.
the Byrd Rule prevents lawmakers from adding anything to the budget that increases the deficit. Since the CBO has already concluded that repealing the ACA would increase the budget deficit by $109 billion,


you're up Mitch.

Always leave it to KKK Progressives to occasionally don their white hoods and worship KKK Grand Wizard Senator Byrd.
he wasn't a grand wizzard, and never was a grand wizzard..... so, if you are trying to cut a person down and diminish them, maybe you should get your facts straight, or at least your terminology.
He joined the KKK at the age of 24 and was the leader of his Chapter. He voted against the CRA and remained a democrat to the day he died.
When I first learned that the number 46 million uninsured was blown out of proportion, exaggerated, and flat out full of crap that was when I knew
Obamacare was so full of crap!
I mean seriously folks when the Census bureau which was the official source for the figure of 46 million uninsured AGREED that of that
46 million 10 million were not citizens thus should NOT have been counted as Obama said..
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.” I thought ok just an exaggeration but no big deal.
Then I found out that the Census agreed they did not account for 14 million people that qualified for Medicaid/SCHIP and all they needed to to was enroll, I realized the Census was complicit in this gigantic hoax.
But it was till I found out 18 million people under 34, that make over $50,000 didn't want their employers' health plans AND they were yet included in the figure of 46 million I was really really pissed!
Think about it. This whole destruction of our health system...this "health care crisis"... all over 4 million truly uninsured that wanted health insurance!
NOT 46 million!
And finally the real stab was finding out that 90% of physicians say they waste over $850 billion a year all out of fear of being sued! Yup they order duplicates, send patients to other specialists,... JUST so they won't be sued! And the majority of Americans wonder why their health insurance premiums continue to climb when $850 billion is paid out ALL because of fear of lawyers and lawsuits!
It was then I found out that Obamacare TAXED tanning salons 10% as tanning caused cancer.

So what the f....K! Why didn't the tax the lawyers $270 billion a year and take the $27 billion and buy a $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million truly uninsured that wanted insurance! That simple! But it becomes even more beneficial!

Hospitals since 1986 EMTALA have had to absorb the costs of seeing the "uninsured"... so as this CEO said how do the recoup this cost?
B]"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.
We must charge each patient more to recover the unreimbursed cost of care provided to the uninsured and “government payers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document: http://www.ncmedicaljournal.com/wp-content/uploads/NCMJ/mar-apr-05/Yarbrough.pdf
So why NOT sign up the "uninsured" send the bills to the Uninsured Health Insurance Co© that pays the claims out of the $27 billion a year
in lawyer taxes... THEN guess what!!!
Hospitals will NOT be overcharging everyone else to recoup their unreimbursed costs!
AGAIN costs go down!
Will this happen? NAW!!! WHY? 47% of Congress and Obama are lawyers!
regardless how it got here, it's here, and here to stay. Rather than constantly bitch about it I suggest fine tuning the legislation until it becomes more beneficial to everyone concerned.

But bitching is much easier than legislating.
Regardless of how it got here? Every bastard that voted for it should be lined up on the wall and shot for traitors.

Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
regardless how it got here, it's here, and here to stay. Rather than constantly bitch about it I suggest fine tuning the legislation until it becomes more beneficial to everyone concerned.

But bitching is much easier than legislating.
Regardless of how it got here? Every bastard that voted for it should be lined up on the wall and shot for traitors.

Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
He help to create it
Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are considered stupid for supporting obamacare by those who helped to create it?
regardless how it got here, it's here, and here to stay. Rather than constantly bitch about it I suggest fine tuning the legislation until it becomes more beneficial to everyone concerned.

But bitching is much easier than legislating.
Regardless of how it got here? Every bastard that voted for it should be lined up on the wall and shot for traitors.

Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
He help to create it
Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are considered stupid for supporting obamacare by those who helped to create it?

No, I actually don't give a shit what some jack off thinks.

Know what I mean?
Regardless of how it got here? Every bastard that voted for it should be lined up on the wall and shot for traitors.

Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
He help to create it
Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are considered stupid for supporting obamacare by those who helped to create it?

No, I actually don't give a shit what some jack off thinks.

Know what I mean?
The one who help to create obamacare called you stupid. Dude you need to wake up.
Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
He help to create it
Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are considered stupid for supporting obamacare by those who helped to create it?

No, I actually don't give a shit what some jack off thinks.

Know what I mean?
The one who help to create obamacare called you stupid. Dude you need to wake up.

you certainly don't need any help with syntax .. and you bother to call anyone else stupid?
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
He help to create it
Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are considered stupid for supporting obamacare by those who helped to create it?

No, I actually don't give a shit what some jack off thinks.

Know what I mean?
The one who help to create obamacare called you stupid. Dude you need to wake up.

you certainly don't need any help with syntax .. and you bother to call anyone else stupid?
You are stupid that is the truth. And those who created obamacare agree with me. That's the bad thing about it.
It's what I have been saying since the 2012 election and what I have been saying has been verified and proven to be true.
Awwww! That's really sweet!
The creators of obamacare think that you are stupid.

He was an adviser, furthermore, he hadnothing to do with writing the law.
He help to create it
Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are considered stupid for supporting obamacare by those who helped to create it?

No, I actually don't give a shit what some jack off thinks.

Know what I mean?
The one who help to create obamacare called you stupid. Dude you need to wake up.

... And you need to lay off the sauce.
For me, obama passes every morning after a few sips of hot black coffee and a few grapes...works every time.

Just thought I'd share.

share what, every morning you get rid of a portion of your brain?

we knew that.
Supporters of obamacare are considered stupid, you need to shut the fuck up. dumb ass.

I support healthcare, not necessarily ACA ... you stupid retarded MORON!

You're pinning the trigger with you Abelist Slur!
is anyone really surprised? These lies not only affect dumb democrats but the entire country. It's the case of throwing the baby out with the bath water (Ocare). To "lift up a few" (doesn't even do that)- you force EVERYONE to conform to this lie. Higher rates, more money for Ocare.

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