Obamas speech


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.
How could it not mean a thing when it has been the main thing republicans have fought tooth and nail since 2008 claiming that such a move would harm job creation and all sorts of apocalyptic warnings? If nothing else it is a clear message that the country cannot be ran solely for their benefit any longer, we have terrible problems that have been disregarded for thirty years in our rush to coddle the job creators into actually creating some damned jobs, it's put up or shut up time, finally create some good jobs here or pay up.
He asked the public to contact their representatives. So I did, and asked him to oppose obama every step of the way. I also went to John Boehner's website and told him the same thing.

It's like people can't even grasp the concept that higher taxes for business people will be passed on to them. They don't understand it.
finally create some good jobs here or pay up.

That's just the thing. "Pay up." For what? To make a miniscule dent in the current deficit, thus doing absolutely nothing to address the debt?

The only reason Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich is because it distracts the easily distracted from the astronomical spending this bloated, unnecessarily big government engages in.
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

Yes I am. I think that it's far more important that all people get some skin in the game. It is unfair to demand that one person HAS to carry another. Extend all the Bush tax cuts or repeal them ALL.

Are you willing to pay a little more to get the country back on track?
finally create some good jobs here or pay up.

That's just the thing. "Pay up." For what? To make a miniscule dent in the current deficit, thus doing absolutely nothing to address the debt?

The only reason Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich is because it distracts the easily distracted from the astronomical spending this bloated, unnecessarily big government engages in.

I suppose the legislative body with the so-called power of the purse has nothing to do with it? Watch as they now fight the biggest deficit reduction plan since the end of WWII for the sake of big military spending and continuing a tax cut program that cannot be demonstrated to have created a single job.
finally create some good jobs here or pay up.

That's just the thing. "Pay up." For what? To make a miniscule dent in the current deficit, thus doing absolutely nothing to address the debt?

The only reason Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich is because it distracts the easily distracted from the astronomical spending this bloated, unnecessarily big government engages in.

I suppose the legislative body with the so-called power of the purse has nothing to do with it? Watch as they now fight the biggest deficit reduction plan since the end of WWII for the sake of big military spending and continuing a tax cut program that cannot be demonstrated to have created a single job.

So what has Obama put on the table?
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

Yes I am. I think that it's far more important that all people get some skin in the game. It is unfair to demand that one person HAS to carry another. Extend all the Bush tax cuts or repeal them ALL.

Are you willing to pay a little more to get the country back on track?

Well....my income is such that I don't pay taxes, other than sales tax which does not go to the federal government. I live off VA disability and Social Security.

However, I would be more than willing to give up a portion of that until we're better situated....IF, as you say, everyone feels the pain. And, yes, that includes the wealthy too.

What the GOP wants is for everyone BUT the wealthy to contribute and I trust the Democrats will hold the line on that.
Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

Yes I am. I think that it's far more important that all people get some skin in the game. It is unfair to demand that one person HAS to carry another. Extend all the Bush tax cuts or repeal them ALL.

Are you willing to pay a little more to get the country back on track?

Well....my income is such that I don't pay taxes, other than sales tax which does not go to the federal government. I live off VA disability and Social Security.

However, I would be more than willing to give up a portion of that until we're better situated....IF, as you say, everyone feels the pain. And, yes, that includes the wealthy too.

What the GOP wants is for everyone BUT the wealthy to contribute and I trust the Democrats will hold the line on that.

Please tell me what policies tell you that Republicans don't want the wealthy to contribute?
Obamas speech

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw6g8op_Dz8]Obama Dances Healthcare Victory Lap - YouTube[/ame]




That's just the thing. "Pay up." For what? To make a miniscule dent in the current deficit, thus doing absolutely nothing to address the debt?

The only reason Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich is because it distracts the easily distracted from the astronomical spending this bloated, unnecessarily big government engages in.

I suppose the legislative body with the so-called power of the purse has nothing to do with it? Watch as they now fight the biggest deficit reduction plan since the end of WWII for the sake of big military spending and continuing a tax cut program that cannot be demonstrated to have created a single job.

So what has Obama put on the table?

I could just as easily direct that criticism to republicans who still make deficit reduction their central concern for the government while never meaning to actually sacrifice any of their sacred cows of military spending or the Bush tax cuts instead planning to expand them if they had won senate and the presidency as they planned , it shows that they never gave a damn about the deficit or debt, it was just an attack on entitlement spending 100% and none of them can claim with a straight face that they can cut our way out of debt when they have already cut revenue far ahead of any cuts they have made in spending. Republicans engineered this fiscal cliff thinking they would be holding all the cards at this point in time and lost, try not to cry too much that one of the most reckless political gambits ever failed miserably for republicans.
I suppose the legislative body with the so-called power of the purse has nothing to do with it? Watch as they now fight the biggest deficit reduction plan since the end of WWII for the sake of big military spending and continuing a tax cut program that cannot be demonstrated to have created a single job.

So what has Obama put on the table?

I could just as easily direct that criticism to republicans who still make deficit reduction their central concern for the government while never meaning to actually sacrifice any of their sacred cows of military spending or the Bush tax cuts instead planning to expand them if they had won senate and the presidency as they planned , it shows that they never gave a damn about the deficit or debt, it was just an attack on entitlement spending 100% and none of them can claim with a straight face that they can cut our way out of debt when they have already cut revenue far ahead of any cuts they have made in spending. Republicans engineered this fiscal cliff thinking they would be holding all the cards at this point in time and lost, try not to cry too much that one of the most reckless political gambits ever failed miserably for republicans.

So you can't point out anything Obama has put on the table either. That's all you had to say.
So what has Obama put on the table?

I could just as easily direct that criticism to republicans who still make deficit reduction their central concern for the government while never meaning to actually sacrifice any of their sacred cows of military spending or the Bush tax cuts instead planning to expand them if they had won senate and the presidency as they planned , it shows that they never gave a damn about the deficit or debt, it was just an attack on entitlement spending 100% and none of them can claim with a straight face that they can cut our way out of debt when they have already cut revenue far ahead of any cuts they have made in spending. Republicans engineered this fiscal cliff thinking they would be holding all the cards at this point in time and lost, try not to cry too much that one of the most reckless political gambits ever failed miserably for republicans.

So you can't point out anything Obama has put on the table either. That's all you had to say.

What I am saying is that he does not have to put anything on the table because republicans engineered this situation to be winner takes all, an honest deficit reduction deal in the first place might have won republicans some of what they wanted at the cost of giving up some things they like. Back in 2011 they walked away from a deal that was certainly better for them then what they will get now. As it is you can count on democrats to give up some entitlement spending but it will not be the deep cuts that Boehner and Cantor spit on last year because it included letting the tax cuts expire.
Please tell me what policies tell you that Republicans don't want the wealthy to contribute?

Keeping the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy for starters. Their whole agenda is loaded with plans to force the pain onto the lowest and most vulnerable members of our society. Cuts in "welfare" spending, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, cheating public employees out of promised retirement benefits. The list goes on and on, few of which will bother the wealthy "job creators" or their corporate sponsors very much.
Anyone see or hear it??

He's pushing his raise the taxes on the rich message once again.

He's asking all Americans to e-mail thier Congress critter to vote for his tax the rich ploy.

Of course he doesn't tell anyone that it won't mean a thing. You could take every dime they have and it won't stimulate jack.

It will however give the govt more money to waste.

The usual bs from that fuck in the WH.

Funny. That's exactly the same line Sean Hannity was pushing on the radio yesterday. And, it's just as incorrect here as it was there.

Nobody is suggesting we take all the money wealthy people have. All anybody proposes is for them to pay more of their share of the cost of running this country. Only a fool would believe we can end our financial mess by spending cuts alone, so it therefore follows that SOMEBODY is gonna have to pay a little more.

How about you? Are YOU willing to pay a little more to let the wealthy off the hook?

Get the wealthy off the hook?? Pay more of their share?? Christ. They already pay 60% of the Fed taxes in this country now. How bout the 49% who pay nothing?? Perhaps we should let them slide along enjoying the bounty but not the cost.

LMAO You blame the state this country on the Wealthy??

Holy shit. I blame it on the Govt big spenders in DC. Those Clowns spend our money like it grows on a tree. They will all be taken care of for the rest of their lives by we the taxpayer so believe me they could care how the rest of us make out. The problems in the country are decades in the making and both parties can take a fucking bow.

Raising taxes on the rich alone isn't the answer. If he wants revenue the middle class is the place to go. There aren't enough rich out there to make a dent in anything. There are way more middle class folks out there. Raise everyones taxes.

Of course raising taxes on anyone with this sucky economy isn't going to help one bit. It will be detremental to the recovery which is already slower than molassas in winter in NH.

If you think Barry gives a shit believe me he doesn't. He's taken care of for life and our expense. He's just pushing his spread the wealth bs.
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He asked the public to contact their representatives. So I did, and asked him to oppose obama every step of the way. I also went to John Boehner's website and told him the same thing.

It's like people can't even grasp the concept that higher taxes for business people will be passed on to them. They don't understand it.

You don't seem to understand that the appearance that we're doing something right about the deficit instills confidence in the economy, which is worth more than the tax increase itself and will swamp any negative effects on business. Even those effects would be minor, since those who would actually be paying the tax could hardly be considered small and struggling. Struggling businesses wouldn't be effected at all, because they wouldn't be claiming enough profits to actually be paying any increase. Saying it would cut into capital for expansion is also bogus, because those funds get deducted from income and wouldn't be taxed at all anyway, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA!!!
Get the wealthy off the hook?? Pay more of their share?? Christ. They already pay 60% of the Fed taxes in this country now.

Yet, they hold 90% of the wealth in this country. Why shouldn't they pay a share commensurate with what they've gained by living and doing business in this country? Why should those who have the least pay the most?

Holy shit. I blame it on the Govt big spenders in DC. Those Clowns spend our money like it grows on a tree.

It almost does. Study how a fiat currency works. In any case, they only spend the money WE demand them to. THEY are not the problem...we are.

They will all be taken care of for the rest of their lives by we the taxpayer so believe me they could care how the rest of us make out.

Since they took time out of their regular lives to represent us, why shouldn't they be taken care of? Do you have a problem with retirement benefits for everyone, or just them. (ps: Their retirement and health care benefits are no different than any other federal employee. Look it up.)

The problems in the country are decades in the making and both parties can take a fucking bow.

Yes, yet one party claims the other bears sole responsibility and is unwilling to compromise at all. They, and only they, have the solution, they say. Which party is that?

Raising taxes on the rich alone isn't the answer. If he wants revenue the middle class is the place to go. There aren't enough rich out there to make a dent in anything. There are way more middle class folks out there. Raise everyones taxes.

What middle class? That's pretty much been exported to China.

Of course raising taxes on anyone with this sucky economy isn't going to help one bit. It will be detremental to the recovery which is already slower than molassas in winter in NH.

Then please demonstrate how the budget can be balanced and the debt paid down with spending cuts alone.

If you think Barry gives a shit believe me he doesn't. He's taken care of for life and our expense. He's just pushing his spread the wealth bs.

Now you've drifted into the realm of prejudicial supposition. You don't know any more about his motives than I do. Neither of us have a pipeline into his thoughts.
Adding 4% to the richest rates would bring in 800 billion over 10 years- 2/3 of the fiscal cliff. Their wealth has tripled while the nonrich and the country are ruined. Since 2008 93% of added wealth has gone to the 1%.

This is ridiculous! The dupes are totally brainwashed. see sig...

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