#occupywallstreet: ‘you’re going to see what a molotov cocktail can do to macy’s’

#occupywallstreet:... 11-16-2011 01:59 PM------------- Zoom-boing------------ Negged for being dumber than a bag of rocks.

Put your name calling in public or I will.

Candyland and Don't Break the Ice is down the hall to the LEFT<--- Exit this way.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M]The Trammps - Disco Inferno - YouTube[/ame]

Hannity just cracked me up :lol:
#occupywallstreet:... 11-16-2011 01:59 PM------------- Zoom-boing------------ Negged for being dumber than a bag of rocks.

Put your name calling in public or I will.

I mean....really?

You gotta be kidding me.

Grow a pair man.....
Outstanding. And, the demoncrats support them 100% Colon said they're all American as apple pie.. Who cooks apple pie with a Molotov cocktail?

Breitbart.tv » #OccupyWallStreet: ‘You

What's that quote from Thomas Jefferson that conservatives love to repeat all the time?

Oh, yeah!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
#occupywallstreet:... 11-16-2011 01:59 PM------------- Zoom-boing------------ Negged for being dumber than a bag of rocks.

Put your name calling in public or I will.

If you were a bag of rocks.... could I throw you thru a Macys window on fire?

Occupiers ca. 1770

Outstanding. And, the demoncrats support them 100% Colon said they're all American as apple pie.. Who cooks apple pie with a Molotov cocktail?

Breitbart.tv » #OccupyWallStreet: &#8216;You

What's that quote from Thomas Jefferson that conservatives love to repeat all the time?

Oh, yeah!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

When they get over their flux rage and get back to their corporate cared for lifestyle they want care about it anymore
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Outstanding. And, the demoncrats support them 100% Colon said they're all American as apple pie.. Who cooks apple pie with a Molotov cocktail?

Breitbart.tv » #OccupyWallStreet: ‘You

Yea Molotov throwers, defecaters, piled up garbage, scabies, TB, shootings, rapes... I really find it hard to understand how some of people on this forum as well as Pelosi, Obama, Moore, et.al. identify with these OWS ...!

Really those of you that support them are you molotov throwers?
Do you defecate in public or walk around jacking off in public?

Remember there is truth in the adage "birds of a feather flock together"!

Thanks again to you OWS supporters for furthering the decline of the Obamatrons !

Really you supporters don't you cringe a bit seeing the defecators, the bomb throwers, the rapists in your midst?

If the OWS want to be taken seriously, and i'm sure there are some, then they need to disband the protests....at least temporarily, so that the ignorant slobs that have "infiltrated" them are left to themselves and the police can just round them up. But that's not going to happen. Why? If they cared about the violence that was happening, if they cared about the small businesses that they were destroying, if they cared that other people have to go in and clean up their shit, then they would stop these protests now. By going on with this they're just showing that they agree with what's going on. So they're ALL to blame for the insanity! Pretty soon people are going to be so tired of this that they're going to start fighting back. Obama needs to get off his dead ass and tell them it's enough.

Yes....they have free speech like everyone else, but once it's come to a point that they're destroying others livelyhood, disrupting business, making life hard on the people not involved, then it has to be stopped. If someone stood up in the middle of a movie theater and screamed FIRE, put everyone in a panic, caused someone to get hurt by it, that person would probably be arrested. Free speech does not mean you have a right to infringe on others lives.
If the OWS want to be taken seriously, and i'm sure there are some, then they need to disband the protests....at least temporarily, so that the ignorant slobs that have "infiltrated" them are left to themselves and the police can just round them up. But that's not going to happen. Why? If they cared about the violence that was happening, if they cared about the small businesses that they were destroying, if they cared that other people have to go in and clean up their shit, then they would stop these protests now. By going on with this they're just showing that they agree with what's going on. So they're ALL to blame for the insanity! Pretty soon people are going to be so tired of this that they're going to start fighting back. Obama needs to get off his dead ass and tell them it's enough.

Yes....they have free speech like everyone else, but once it's come to a point that they're destroying others livelyhood, disrupting business, making life hard on the people not involved, then it has to be stopped. If someone stood up in the middle of a movie theater and screamed FIRE, put everyone in a panic, caused someone to get hurt by it, that person would probably be arrested. Free speech does not mean you have a right to infringe on others lives.


Well played
Occupiers ca. 1770


No comparison.....

no taxation w/o representation

Uh huh. How dare those kids speak out i this nation. Positively un-American.

I hope no one plans on throwing a snowball. Then law enforcement will be justified in retaliating with brutal force - or so some people on here will argue.

In the meantime I have noticed on this thread:

"Glen Beck said....."
"Rush is talking about this now......."
"Hannity was hilarious............"

Free speech is all good and fine, but when they insist on doing it in the heart of our financial district, it makes the guys in suits very nervous and they pay their megaphones big money to fire up their gullible base so that, suddenly, regular Americans in the street are now the enemy.

You guys are just that fucking easy.
#occupywallstreet:... 11-16-2011 01:59 PM------------- Zoom-boing------------ Negged for being dumber than a bag of rocks.

Put your name calling in public or I will.

You are showing yourself to be dumber than a bag of rocks, idiot
Occupiers ca. 1770


No comparison.....

no taxation w/o representation

Uh huh. How dare those kids speak out i this nation. Positively un-American.

I hope no one plans on throwing a snowball. Then law enforcement will be justified in retaliating with brutal force - or so some people on here will argue.

In the meantime I have noticed on this thread:

"Glen Beck said....."
"Rush is talking about this now......."
"Hannity was hilarious............"

Free speech is all good and fine, but when they insist on doing it in the heart of our financial district, it makes the guys in suits very nervous and they pay their megaphones big money to fire up their gullible base so that, suddenly, regular Americans in the street are now the enemy.

You guys are just that fucking easy.

Regular Americans???? :eek:

I tell ya what.... when Breitbart, Glen Beck, Rush and Hannity start threatening public safety I will speak out against them as well.

Why is it you guys continue to stand with these anarchists?

Yes, we all have the right to protest, but anarchy is a whole different animal.
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Occupiers ca. 1770


No comparison.....

no taxation w/o representation

Uh huh. How dare those kids speak out i this nation. Positively un-American.

I hope no one plans on throwing a snowball. Then law enforcement will be justified in retaliating with brutal force - or so some people on here will argue.

In the meantime I have noticed on this thread:

"Glen Beck said....."
"Rush is talking about this now......."
"Hannity was hilarious............"

Free speech is all good and fine, but when they insist on doing it in the heart of our financial district, it makes the guys in suits very nervous and they pay their megaphones big money to fire up their gullible base so that, suddenly, regular Americans in the street are now the enemy.

You guys are just that fucking easy.

Feel free to review my past posts when this OWS started.
Disagreed with what they were saying , supported their right to say it.

But this is no longer a movement where a bunch of kids are speaking their minds.

It has resulted in hundreds if not thousands of artrests; dmamged private property; deaths; rapes; threats and even the loss of jobs of innocent employees of neighboring business establishments.

I dont see ANYONE on here disaputing their right to speak out.

So, in actuality, it is not that we are so fucking easy as you say...it is that you are so fucking blind to reality that is the issue.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEmJWJ-xv6o]Nancy Pelosi Praises "Occupy Wall Street" Protesters - YouTube[/ame]
If the OWS want to be taken seriously, and i'm sure there are some, then they need to disband the protests....at least temporarily, so that the ignorant slobs that have "infiltrated" them are left to themselves and the police can just round them up. But that's not going to happen. Why? If they cared about the violence that was happening, if they cared about the small businesses that they were destroying, if they cared that other people have to go in and clean up their shit, then they would stop these protests now. By going on with this they're just showing that they agree with what's going on. So they're ALL to blame for the insanity! Pretty soon people are going to be so tired of this that they're going to start fighting back. Obama needs to get off his dead ass and tell them it's enough.

Yes....they have free speech like everyone else, but once it's come to a point that they're destroying others livelyhood, disrupting business, making life hard on the people not involved, then it has to be stopped. If someone stood up in the middle of a movie theater and screamed FIRE, put everyone in a panic, caused someone to get hurt by it, that person would probably be arrested. Free speech does not mean you have a right to infringe on others lives.


Well played

They need to quit making statements they aren't willing to follow through on.

No comparison.....

no taxation w/o representation

Uh huh. How dare those kids speak out i this nation. Positively un-American.

I hope no one plans on throwing a snowball. Then law enforcement will be justified in retaliating with brutal force - or so some people on here will argue.

In the meantime I have noticed on this thread:

"Glen Beck said....."
"Rush is talking about this now......."
"Hannity was hilarious............"

Free speech is all good and fine, but when they insist on doing it in the heart of our financial district, it makes the guys in suits very nervous and they pay their megaphones big money to fire up their gullible base so that, suddenly, regular Americans in the street are now the enemy.

You guys are just that fucking easy.

I tell ya what.... when Breitbart, Glen Beck, Rush and Hannity start threatening public safety I will speak out against them as well.

Why is it you guys continue to stand with these anarchists?

Yes, we all have the right to protest, but anarchy is a whole different animal.

Because they are one in the same. This isn't a secret.. this was all organized and funded by leftist groups.. this IS the face of liberalism today. Americans are getting a good look at it right before election year.. :) I couldn't be happier.. be happy people like Gauxtohell (nice name, hmm?) embrace the radical wing of their ideology. They have no where to point the finger of blame.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMr9G4_az70]Barack Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

No comparison.....

no taxation w/o representation

Uh huh. How dare those kids speak out i this nation. Positively un-American.

I hope no one plans on throwing a snowball. Then law enforcement will be justified in retaliating with brutal force - or so some people on here will argue.

In the meantime I have noticed on this thread:

"Glen Beck said....."
"Rush is talking about this now......."
"Hannity was hilarious............"

Free speech is all good and fine, but when they insist on doing it in the heart of our financial district, it makes the guys in suits very nervous and they pay their megaphones big money to fire up their gullible base so that, suddenly, regular Americans in the street are now the enemy.

You guys are just that fucking easy.

Regular Americans???? :eek:

I tell ya what.... when Breitbart, Glen Beck, Rush and Hannity start threatening public safety I will speak out against them as well.

Why is it you guys continue to stand with these anarchists?

Yes, we all have the right to protest, but anarchy is a whole different animal.

Because they are not anarchists and their fundamental right to make bankers fucking nervous by simply being in their space is what makes this country good.

Why don't you support them?

Don't shoot me full of shit either. From day one, conservatives have been screaming about how this was some sort of violent mob so no need to cling to the belief that everyone develops amnesia over the night.

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