Official Mueller Report Thread

This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
View attachment 256481
I guess according to your logic, even daddies have daddies. Since Putin is trumps daddy.

From your posts for the last 3 years, it's obvious that Trump is your daddy

Trump own every Progressive nightmare and wet dreams, and they live in denial...
On pages 111 - 112 of Volume 2, there is another documented example of Trump attempting to obstruct justice when he tried to force Sessions to unrecuse himself, fire Mueller, and restrict the scope of the investigation.

I’m more curious about the pages where Mueller explains why that’s insufficient evidence for a conviction
Quite the contrary, Mueller is saying it is sufficient evidence of obstruction of justice.

Along with the several examples that Mueller says there is "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump, he also provides several examples where there is NOT enough evidence of obstruction by Trump.

For example, page 131:

a. Obstructive act. The President's actions towards witnesses in the Special Counsel's investigation would qualify as obstructive if they had the natural tendency to prevent particular witnesses from testifying truthfully, or otherwise would have the probable effect of influencing, delaying, or preventing their testimony to law enforcement.

Then, page 132:

c. Intent. Evidence concerning the President's intent related to Flynn as a potential witness is inconclusive.

Of course, there is a lot of material before, between, and after "a." and "c." in each of the examples I have provided which you should all read for yourselves. If you dare.

Your own post says it is not obstruction?
That particular example did not provide conclusive evidence of obstruction. However, I have already provided several examples which provided "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump which Congress can sink their teeth into if they wish.

All caught up now?

Nope as now you're opining and your agenda is against Trump. You have been bashing him on these boards nonstop and your avatar says it all. Why all the hatred? I am curious.
I have quoted directly from the Mueller report, dipshit. I can't help it if that chafes you cucks.
there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!

No collusion by ANY American.

I guess lib-dems are innocent, too.

That must piss you off.

Now you have to acknowledge that even the Dems did not collude with russia.
Yeah There was no meeting with scump jr at Trump towers with Russians I was just dreaming

Clinton people meet with the same Russians before and after meeting with Don Jr., so what's your point?

"Clinton people meet with the same Russians before and after meeting with Don Jr., so what's your point?"

we know ALL ABOUT those meetings.

WE know NOTHING about any of the meetings between team trump and the russians.

have you already forgotten that meeting PUT and HIS PEOPLE had with trump with NO OTHER American in the room?

pretty fkn suspicious if you ask a rational person.....

what DO the russians have on him?

peeing hookers?

did he actually kill someone?

does he sell babies out of pizza shops?

Too stupid to even consider reading any more you have to offer. Goodbye!
Barr no longer has any credibility....

Mueller wanted Congress to decide if trump obstructed justice. That is where this must go....end of statement....
Pretty much. Mueller has provided plenty of fodder for Congress to investigate Trump for obstruction of justice. They can keep this circus going all the way through November 2020 if they wish.
Barr no longer has any credibility....

Mueller wanted Congress to decide if trump obstructed justice. That is where this must go....end of statement....
What's stopping them? Don't they already have investigations of their own proceeding?
I’m more curious about the pages where Mueller explains why that’s insufficient evidence for a conviction
Quite the contrary, Mueller is saying it is sufficient evidence of obstruction of justice.

Along with the several examples that Mueller says there is "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump, he also provides several examples where there is NOT enough evidence of obstruction by Trump.

For example, page 131:

a. Obstructive act. The President's actions towards witnesses in the Special Counsel's investigation would qualify as obstructive if they had the natural tendency to prevent particular witnesses from testifying truthfully, or otherwise would have the probable effect of influencing, delaying, or preventing their testimony to law enforcement.

Then, page 132:

c. Intent. Evidence concerning the President's intent related to Flynn as a potential witness is inconclusive.

Of course, there is a lot of material before, between, and after "a." and "c." in each of the examples I have provided which you should all read for yourselves. If you dare.

Your own post says it is not obstruction?
That particular example did not provide conclusive evidence of obstruction. However, I have already provided several examples which provided "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump which Congress can sink their teeth into if they wish.

All caught up now?

Nope as now you're opining and your agenda is against Trump. You have been bashing him on these boards nonstop and your avatar says it all. Why all the hatred? I am curious.
I have quoted directly from the Mueller report, dipshit. I can't help it if that chafes you cucks.

Oh I see. Explains a lot. Explains a lot about you. And what you have posted in the past, you deserve all that and more. When you plant tomatoes, you grow tomatoes.
Mueller wanted Congress to decide if trump obstructed justice.

Mueller: Congress still has ability to find the President obstructed justice

Barr needed to allow Congress to make that decision. And they must do it now!


How could be obstruct justice if there was no crime committed??

You really are dumber than a box of rocks.

Obstruction IS a crime, dipshit.

Read my posts in this topic. Mueller has pointed to several incidents of obstruction by Trump for which there is "substantial evidence".

Oh and what was the crime he was obstructing oh wise one???
Page 118:

a. Obstructive act. The President's repeated efforts to get McGahn to create a record denying that the President had directed him to remove the Special Counsel would qualify as an obstructive act if it had the natural tendency to constrain McGahn from testifying truthfully or to undermine his credibility as a potential witness if he testified consistently with his memory, rather than with what the record said.

Page 120:

c. Intent. Substantial evidence indicates that in repeatedly urging McGahn to dispute that he was ordered to have the Special Counsel terminated, the President acted for the purpose of influencing McGahn's account in order to deflect or prevent further scrutiny of the President's conduct toward the investigation.
So what?? President can ask and probe responses
I’m more curious about the pages where Mueller explains why that’s insufficient evidence for a conviction
Quite the contrary, Mueller is saying it is sufficient evidence of obstruction of justice.

Along with the several examples that Mueller says there is "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump, he also provides several examples where there is NOT enough evidence of obstruction by Trump.

For example, page 131:

a. Obstructive act. The President's actions towards witnesses in the Special Counsel's investigation would qualify as obstructive if they had the natural tendency to prevent particular witnesses from testifying truthfully, or otherwise would have the probable effect of influencing, delaying, or preventing their testimony to law enforcement.

Then, page 132:

c. Intent. Evidence concerning the President's intent related to Flynn as a potential witness is inconclusive.

Of course, there is a lot of material before, between, and after "a." and "c." in each of the examples I have provided which you should all read for yourselves. If you dare.

Your own post says it is not obstruction?
That particular example did not provide conclusive evidence of obstruction. However, I have already provided several examples which provided "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump which Congress can sink their teeth into if they wish.

All caught up now?

Nope as now you're opining and your agenda is against Trump. You have been bashing him on these boards nonstop and your avatar says it all. Why all the hatred? I am curious.
I have quoted directly from the Mueller report, dipshit. I can't help it if that chafes you cucks.

Whose quote is this?

That particular example did not provide conclusive evidence of obstruction. However, I have already provided several examples which provided "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump which Congress can sink their teeth into if they wish.
Nancy Pelosi has expressed that she has no desire to impeach her friend Donald. Not unless there is a crime on the level of shooting someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. She will probably let the puppies in the various committees do their publicity stunt investigations into Trump's obstruction of justice, but I don't think she will let it rise to the level of impeaching her old friend.
By the way, the pdf that was released is not text searchable, but there is a way around that. If you don't know how, and want to know, PM me.
So, let’s see, this investigation was opened to see if the Russians tried to interfere with the elections. It then warped into, did Trump work with the Russians to undermine our country.
Since the first was proven, the second shows innocence, it now warps into the lefts claiming obstruction over something that was found to be false.
It also shows there was total cooperation, even going as far as not invoking executive privilege,from Trump to try to clear his name, over an erroneous charge that was used to try to question his legitimacy. Not enough to make anyone innocent angry, now is it...

But the left still wants to go down that road, when his innocence has been proven, to keep up a fake narrative going, so he is legitimacy remains in question by those not willing to research all the facts for themselves, and just listen to their pundits.

If I were a Dem, with the intelligence to see through the smoke, I would be pissed and embarrassed.
This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
He said the Trump campaign didn’t knowingly collude with the Russians.

But one thing they all agree on, is that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected president.

Everybody can agree on that, even Republicans.

Even Putin hates Clinton! That's a plus in my book!
By the way, the pdf that was released is not text searchable, but there is a way around that. If you don't know how, and want to know, PM me.
How can you obstruct a non crime? There was no collusion.. why wouldn’t he want to stop wasting tax payers money.. he took a oath

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