Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

The Creature in the White House is a lewd, crude, boorish, lying, deceitful, hypocritical, amoral braggart... unfit for high office.

Small wonder that various elements of the Federal government grew sufficiently concerned that they set up an examining authority.

But an investigative process under law is hardly an attempted coup d'état - all right-wing protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

These guys have been drinking wwaaaaaaaayy too much Kool Aid served-up by Limpbaugh and Tucker and Hannity and the like.

LowEnergy.jpg attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA

Bullshit. This was a very legal and Constitutionally based investigation of wrong doing.

And it’s not over. Just because it’s been said that there will be no more indictments does t mean that Mueller didn’t uncover crimes committed by this President. The Justice Department has a policy of not indicting a sitting President.

The report could well say that if not for this policy Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice and Trump will be toast.
..."Collusion" is not a crime.

But would you trust someone who conspired with a hostile foreign power in order to gain high office?

If you do, you're a damned fool, or a Russian agent-provocateur.


Legal is NOT the same as "right" or "moral" or "putting America's interests over one's own political fortunes"...

Just because one CAN do a thing does not mean that one SHOULD do a thing, eh?


If Obumble did something wrong along those lines, he gets prosecuted as well.

But right now we're talking about Trump.

Stop deflecting.

You're enabling someone who is unfit for high office.

Trump,no collusion or any crime for that matter.
Barry,caught on video colluding.
Ya see the difference?
Yet the Democrats and 99% of the MEDIA cried Russia, Russia, Russia for two and a half year claiming Trump was illegally elected. Now it has been revealed as all a LIE. So who lied?
We KNOW Russia helped Trump We KNOW Trump believes Putin but not our investigating people Trump is a swine a vile thieving scum

Russia didn't do jack shit to help the Cheeto, dullard.

In fact he paid for two opposing protests on Inauguration Day
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump.

Russia used those methods to persuade enough people to vote a certain way or not vote at all.

Trump's tweets during this time will be most revealing. If Trump tweets a thank you to Mueller, then the report likely exonerates him. If no Trump tweets at all, then likely he's in trouble and accusations in report against him. More silence means more trouble for Trump.
The New Yorker....ROFLMFAO!

JonesDragons.jpg attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA

Funny, I bet you didn't say this about the Ken Starr investigation... You know, the one where we impeached a LEGITIMATELY elected President over a blow job.

There's ample evidence that Trump's people conspired with the Russians, and that Trump tried to cover it up.
the one where we impeached a LEGITIMATELY elected President over a blow job.
I thought he was impeached for lying about the blow job
and having relations with an inter inside the White House
6 Campaign advisers GUILTY and the guy that hired them is clean???? Please
You live in your own special little world, don't you?

If Trump is exonerated why isn’t HE celebrating? Where are the Tweets, the celebratory phone calls to FOX, the gloating news conferences. Instead there’s crickets from the President.
2+ years and you still don't get it. You really don't know much about President Trump at all, but you're about to learn.

You’re an idiot. Trump is the same asshole he’s been since the 1970’s. Older, fatter, and he now fakes being an illiterate, but he’s the same con man he’s always been.

^^^ :cuckoo:

6 Campaign advisers GUILTY and the guy that hired them is clean???? Please
You live in your own special little world, don't you?

If Trump is exonerated why isn’t HE celebrating? Where are the Tweets, the celebratory phone calls to FOX, the gloating news conferences. Instead there’s crickets from the President.
2+ years and you still don't get it. You really don't know much about President Trump at all, but you're about to learn.

You’re an idiot. Trump is the same asshole he’s been since the 1970’s. Older, fatter, and he now fakes being an illiterate, but he’s the same con man he’s always been.

^^^ :cuckoo:


Then why hasn’t it been released?
You're in denial. T-Rump is going to be facing a world of deep shit , collusion or not. In fact, collusion might be the least of his problems

As Mueller Report Lands, Prosecutorial Focus Moves to New York

Now, are YOU beginning to understand?

That you are a hopelessly partisan shill? I already knew that. Muller investigated every angle for 2 years. Nothing on Trump.
You got nothing on him and Russia so now you want to switch to the SDNY and his businesses. Do you have any idea how sick you are?
Sick? I'm feeling fine. partisan shill? You're accusing me of being that which you are. A typical Fascist tactic.

Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
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Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
Mueller just needs to release the facts

Let others indict or impeach attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA

Bullshit. This was a very legal and Constitutionally based investigation of wrong doing.

And it’s not over. Just because it’s been said that there will be no more indictments does t mean that Mueller didn’t uncover crimes committed by this President. The Justice Department has a policy of not indicting a sitting President.

The report could well say that if not for this policy Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice and Trump will be toast.

Bullshit indeed, the only reason Pres. Trump was and is still being investigated is because he beat Clinton. That's it, the only reason.
This whole Mueller thing wasn't an investigation. It was more about covering up for a totally corrupt Justice dept. and destroying Trump's chances for reelection

The was more about covering up for the Former "WhiteHouse ( ) Resident" He made promises to Russia that could only be realized if Hillary were Elected he needed to own her and the FBI,DOJ and Supreme Court. to fully institute Socialism ie; Communism in America . "The Goal of Socialism is Communism"! Nikolai Lenin. If Hillary were President RBG would have retired already. She won't survive Trump Presidency 2025 is along way off. attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA

Funny, I bet you didn't say this about the Ken Starr investigation... You know, the one where we impeached a LEGITIMATELY elected President over a blow job.

There's ample evidence that Trump's people conspired with the Russians, and that Trump tried to cover it up.

He was impeached for lying. How many Trump associates have been convicted of lying?

The Ken Star and Muller investigations are equally low points in our history.
I trust Mueller and expect him to give an honest assessment of the facts and data he has collected

If he says Trump is as clean as a virgins honeypot, I will believe him
If he says Trump was involved in unethical, inept or marginally illegal activities...I will believe that

Can USMB Conservatives say the same?

I just said I will accept his findings...
That’s what I want to hear Conservatives

Take the good with the bad
I don’t want to see celebrating the good stuff and calling the bad stuff fake

Hate to break it to conservatives doing a victory lap today. There will be bad stuff in the report
Hopefully the Democrats and the 'mainstream' media will keep "investigating" - that is, tossing out unsubstantiated accusations and the making up their own answers - from now until next November.
It will virtually guarantee Trump beats whatever lunatic the Dems run against him.
I trust Mueller and expect him to give an honest assessment of the facts and data he has collected

If he says Trump is as clean as a virgins honeypot, I will believe him
If he says Trump was involved in unethical, inept or marginally illegal activities...I will believe that

Can USMB Conservatives say the same?

Yes to a degree . the issue i have is this was about collusion with russia but was expanded far beyond that.

It was always more than that. Read Muellers mandate

Do you expect him to ignore possibly criminal acts?
Just trying to keep up with my score card.
I’m pretty happy with the way he has thrown all the prosecutions of the inner circle to pardon proof jurisdictions. If he indicted Ivanka he’d get fired immediately. But now SDNY can indict her, and so can the NY AG.

View attachment 251874

So I take it you are on my side wondering what the Hell is the IRS getting paid to do?

Yet the Democrats and 99% of the MEDIA cried Russia, Russia, Russia for two and a half year claiming Trump was illegally elected. Now it has been revealed as all a LIE. So who lied?
We KNOW Russia helped Trump We KNOW Trump believes Putin but not our investigating people Trump is a swine a vile thieving scum

Russia didn't do jack shit to help the Cheeto, dullard.

In fact he paid for two opposing protests on Inauguration Day
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump.

Russia used those methods to persuade enough people to vote a certain way or not vote at all.

Trump's tweets during this time will be most revealing. If Trump tweets a thank you to Mueller, then the report likely exonerates him. If no Trump tweets at all, then likely he's in trouble and accusations in report against him. More silence means more trouble for Trump.
The New Yorker....ROFLMFAO!

View attachment 251882
ok, dont like new yorker.
Howbout USA today: Senate reports find millions of social media posts by Russians aimed at helping Trump, GOP.

or the guardian: How Russia cyber attacks helped Trump to the US presidency

or How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
or Russia's 2016 Election Meddling More Comprehensive Than Realized

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