Official USMB Mafia Game #1

Now you guys have me rethinking her too. So who should we vote for?

Have blackflag or Mebelle said anything yet? I don't remember and im curious what their input on all this would be.
There are some people not saying much. Are you guys just not here yet. Are you laying low so no one suspects you? I can't figure out who is scum and who is not on my own. And if I don't have a better choice I am going to be voting for SB just to make sure she doesn't kill me tonight.

Catching up....not laying low...
There are some people not saying much. Are you guys just not here yet. Are you laying low so no one suspects you? I can't figure out who is scum and who is not on my own. And if I don't have a better choice I am going to be voting for SB just to make sure she doesn't kill me tonight.

Catching up....not laying low...

Like I said, I'd like to hear your take on things when you're caught up.
I went back and reviewed all the posts made and came to some conclusions.

Strolling Bones didn't vote the last go-round, and MeBelle was very non-commital in her posts and later on came after me. When the vote shifted to Moonglow, she changed her vote and voted for him. If these two are the Red Mafia, it would make sense that SB didn't vote because she might have been afraid that she might be eliminating a mafia from the blue team (which she didn't know who it was). Mebelle being non-committal and voting at the last minute for Moonglow (if she is red mafia, she wouldn't know that Moon was blue mafia) and therefore not afraid to kill him. But, I'm not positive on MeBelle....Blackflag, whom I had picked from the very beginning, also didn't post much, and only suggested voting for Shaitra out of revenge, and then made a comment about all of us being scum and maybe killing everyone, so he might be SB's partner.

Also there is Rosie and RD....they both voted for Strollingbones, and made a comment that they weren't killed at night (if SB was Red Mafia, surely she would have come after them) but since Syrene was the one that was killed, it might have been that SB went after Syrenn thinking she was the COP or DOC for us Townies and didn't bother with Rosie/Rd.

So, I'm sticking with my vote. Sorry SB, nothing personal....but you reek of red mafia...:)
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I went back and reviewed all the posts made and came to some conclusions.

Strolling Bones didn't vote the last go-round, and MeBelle was very non-commital in her posts and later on came after me. When the vote shifted to Moonglow, she changed her vote and voted for him. If these two are the Red Mafia, it would make sense that SB didn't vote because she might have been afraid that she might be eliminating a mafia from the blue team (which she didn't know who it was). Mebelle being non-committal and voting at the last minute for Moonglow (if she is red mafia, she wouldn't know that Moon was blue mafia) and therefore not afraid to kill him. But, I'm not positive on MeBelle....Blackflag, whom I had picked from the very beginning, also didn't post much, and only suggested voting for Shaitra out of revenge, and then made a comment about all of us being scum and maybe killing everyone, so he might be SB's partner.

Also there is Rosie and RD....they both voted for Strollingbones, and made a comment that they weren't killed at night (if SB was Red Mafia, surely she would have come after them) but since Syrene was the one that was killed, it might have been that SB went after Syrenn thinking she was the COP or DOC for us Townies and didn't bother with Rosie/Rd.

So, I'm sticking with my vote. Sorry SB, nothing personal....but you reek of red mafia...:)

I voted for you in the beginning because I thought you were trying to throw off the group by pretending to be a townie.

The way Avatar and Bonez have been bickering at each other from the get go...makes me think they may be red scum trying to throw the group off.

Which one has a gun?

Bonez didn't vote in the first round.

The mafia can chat at night.

Avatar's been posting like cray cray in the wee hours of the night.

i have explained why i was not here last night.....*smile*

i didnt vote in the first round cause i lost track and thought i had to the 8th to vote....

i am innocent....

i tellz ya


I went back and reviewed all the posts made and came to some conclusions.

Strolling Bones didn't vote the last go-round, and MeBelle was very non-commital in her posts and later on came after me. When the vote shifted to Moonglow, she changed her vote and voted for him. If these two are the Red Mafia, it would make sense that SB didn't vote because she might have been afraid that she might be eliminating a mafia from the blue team (which she didn't know who it was). Mebelle being non-committal and voting at the last minute for Moonglow (if she is red mafia, she wouldn't know that Moon was blue mafia) and therefore not afraid to kill him. But, I'm not positive on MeBelle....Blackflag, whom I had picked from the very beginning, also didn't post much, and only suggested voting for Shaitra out of revenge, and then made a comment about all of us being scum and maybe killing everyone, so he might be SB's partner.

Also there is Rosie and RD....they both voted for Strollingbones, and made a comment that they weren't killed at night (if SB was Red Mafia, surely she would have come after them) but since Syrene was the one that was killed, it might have been that SB went after Syrenn thinking she was the COP or DOC for us Townies and didn't bother with Rosie/Rd.

So, I'm sticking with my vote. Sorry SB, nothing personal....but you reek of red mafia...:)

SB didn't gain any traction last round, so if red scum went after Avatar it would have been a dead givaway, same with going after Rosie or me

She could be doubling down this time to avoid scrutiny
I went back and reviewed all the posts made and came to some conclusions.

Strolling Bones didn't vote the last go-round, and MeBelle was very non-commital in her posts and later on came after me. When the vote shifted to Moonglow, she changed her vote and voted for him. If these two are the Red Mafia, it would make sense that SB didn't vote because she might have been afraid that she might be eliminating a mafia from the blue team (which she didn't know who it was). Mebelle being non-committal and voting at the last minute for Moonglow (if she is red mafia, she wouldn't know that Moon was blue mafia) and therefore not afraid to kill him. But, I'm not positive on MeBelle....Blackflag, whom I had picked from the very beginning, also didn't post much, and only suggested voting for Shaitra out of revenge, and then made a comment about all of us being scum and maybe killing everyone, so he might be SB's partner.

Also there is Rosie and RD....they both voted for Strollingbones, and made a comment that they weren't killed at night (if SB was Red Mafia, surely she would have come after them) but since Syrene was the one that was killed, it might have been that SB went after Syrenn thinking she was the COP or DOC for us Townies and didn't bother with Rosie/Rd.

So, I'm sticking with my vote. Sorry SB, nothing personal....but you reek of red mafia...:)

SB didn't gain any traction last round, so if red scum went after Avatar it would have been a dead givaway, same with going after Rosie or me

She could be doubling down this time to avoid scrutiny

Very true she could. You could be doing the same.

That's the problem with the information we've got. We have little to go on. I don't believe you are the scum.

I do know SB is protesting her innocence and not really giving any of us reasons why it's not her.
I went back and reviewed all the posts made and came to some conclusions.

Strolling Bones didn't vote the last go-round, and MeBelle was very non-commital in her posts and later on came after me. When the vote shifted to Moonglow, she changed her vote and voted for him. If these two are the Red Mafia, it would make sense that SB didn't vote because she might have been afraid that she might be eliminating a mafia from the blue team (which she didn't know who it was). Mebelle being non-committal and voting at the last minute for Moonglow (if she is red mafia, she wouldn't know that Moon was blue mafia) and therefore not afraid to kill him. But, I'm not positive on MeBelle....Blackflag, whom I had picked from the very beginning, also didn't post much, and only suggested voting for Shaitra out of revenge, and then made a comment about all of us being scum and maybe killing everyone, so he might be SB's partner.

Also there is Rosie and RD....they both voted for Strollingbones, and made a comment that they weren't killed at night (if SB was Red Mafia, surely she would have come after them) but since Syrene was the one that was killed, it might have been that SB went after Syrenn thinking she was the COP or DOC for us Townies and didn't bother with Rosie/Rd.

So, I'm sticking with my vote. Sorry SB, nothing personal....but you reek of red mafia...:)

SB didn't gain any traction last round, so if red scum went after Avatar it would have been a dead givaway, same with going after Rosie or me

She could be doubling down this time to avoid scrutiny

Very true she could. You could be doing the same.

That's the problem with the information we've got. We have little to go on. I don't believe you are the scum.

I do know SB is protesting her innocence and not really giving any of us reasons why it's not her.

But I'm not voting anyone yet. I'm just trying to help and document what we know so far
The more I think this through, the more I think I am a dead man no matter what happens.

If SB survives today and is the scum, I am dead tonight.
If SB dies and turns out to be a townie I am suspect.
If neither SB or me is lynched today, then the reds can targets either me or her tonight and blame it on the other one going another day without attention.

But who else do we have as good candidates?

RD? Rosie? Manifold? Blackflag for the sole fact that he's been dead quiet today?

Our choices aren't good are they?
Your analysis makes sense Mertex.

Vote: Strollingbones

It does? :eusa_eh:

The only person that reeks of mafia to me right now is Mertex.

Vote: Mertex

Why mertex though? Maybe you've seen something I missed.

We didn't really learn much from the first day/night. I have to imagine that a mafia team getting knocked off the first night is pretty rare and nothing more than dumb luck. So all anyone really has at this point is hunches and speculation. And when I see somebody (in this case Mertex) post a steaming pile of gibberish and call it a reasoned argument leading to an obvious conclusion, it strikes me as a bit of a red flag. And now that I think about it a bit more, Shaitra saying it makes sense makes me think the two of them are as good a guess as any to be the red team.
hmmm, I'm changing my vote.

Vote: Shaitra

Like I said, Mertex and Shaitra being the red team is as good a guess as any, but I'd rather take the chance on lynching Shaitra, and here is why...

If they are the red team, it doesn't matter which one we lynch first. But if Mertex isn't really mafia, but just a bit wrapped around the axle for bones, Shaitra could still very well be mafia and promoting his bones argument. If bones is lynched and turns out to be a townie, suspicion would fall on Mertex first.
It does? :eusa_eh:

The only person that reeks of mafia to me right now is Mertex.

Vote: Mertex

Why mertex though? Maybe you've seen something I missed.

We didn't really learn much from the first day/night. I have to imagine that a mafia team getting knocked off the first night is pretty rare and nothing more than dumb luck. So all anyone really has at this point is hunches and speculation. And when I see somebody (in this case Mertex) post a steaming pile of gibberish and call it a reasoned argument leading to an obvious conclusion, it strikes me as a bit of a red flag. And now that I think about it a bit more, Shaitra saying it makes sense makes me think the two of them are as good a guess as any to be the red team.

Why is Mertex's analysis a steaming pile? You haven't provided us with an analysis of the situation, so what's your take on what we know, not what you are speculating.

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