Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

I'm sure Wake will do his part and keep us updated on the vote counts. It's our job to make sure we see his posts.

By suggesting what you did above makes me think you are 1 of the 3. We townies have no way of talking with each other other than in this thread. We also don't know who the scum are, but the scum DO know who we are. Scum are able to talk with each other about what they are going to do and also devise a 'plan', so to speak, before posting in this thread, meaning they can have 2 of 3 being ''ok" with their kill. Scum pretty much depend upon the 'wolf pack' mentality; townies don't.

I believe W is just referring to mani's plan in which he asked that the person who is the kill vote should let us know in case someone wants to change their vote before the kill is in. Of course the communication would be in the thread. That you'd think otherwise with no other indication makes you suspicious.

Of course, I am pretty darn paranoid in this game.

If you suspect me, then lynch me. I'll even go so far as to vote for myself.

VOTE: AyeCantSeeYou


Relax. I suspect everyone. Except myself.
So let's pile on Avatar and have a whole lots less posts to wade thru! Ropey has posted so little, and then reveals himself all at once, bravely.

Bad lynch candidate...I'd lay money on it..

Regards from Rosie

Thinking outside the box. I like it

How is this thinking outside the box?

Apparently, they should kill me because then they would have to read less.

Quite frankly I think R.D. is just looking for any reason to lynch me. It's why she brought up the fact that I wasn't psuedo voting despite the fact that i never agreed to it and despite the fact that countless people made real votes before I did.

I suspect she will go after you next. I think it's purely revenge. The reasoning just doesn't measure up.
is it really paranoia though? Is it paranoia when everyone really is out to get you?
I'm starting to reconsider my Ropey vote and here is the lead in as to why...

The odds of any mafia member participating in a vote that lynches one of their own on day one has got to be extremely low. I'm fairly new at this, but it just seems to me like that would be an overly risky play. And if that's the case, then in order to lynch a mafia member on day 1 we'd need to get 8 out of 11 townies to agree, and we'd have to do that without the benefit of any post-mortem information to evaluate. So what I'm getting at here is that I'm resigning myself to the fact that whoever gets lynched today(Day 1) will probably be a townie, but here is the good part: Most likely at least 2 of the 8 votes cast will have been mafia, and quite possibly 3. That, along with seeing who gets targeted on the first night should help us whittle down the field quite a bit on day two.

So why does this make me reconsider my Ropey vote? Simple, he's not a dummy. If he's mafia, we're probably not going to get the votes to lynch him anyway, and if he's town, we're better off keeping him in the game going forward and lynching a dummy instead.

I have a couple of dummies in mind, but I'm really trying not be a dick here. So anybody else want to help me out? :D
Why are you concentrating on me? mani has also suggested a consensus before we hammer someone and Shaitra agree'd with me when I made the post you don't like. I was talking about here in the thread of course. That seemed obvious to me.

Wolves don't work well in small packs. A pack of 3 is not much of a pack. A group of 10 or so, now they can do some serious hunting. ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure scum can only talk at night. The first night hasn't occurred yet. I'm not sure if they can talk before the game but I would hope not.

I haven't concentrated on you specifically up until the post where I mentioned you and brought up what I did.

When reading through the first game a few days ago, I noticed scum were allowed to talk to each other by reading this, in particular the Scum QT Thread. A few of ya'll kept bringing stuff up from that game, so I took time to do a little reading and research.

Trying to get others to see things the same way that a couple others do is dangerous. The wolf pack mentality comes into play when people jump on board for voting for a certain person just because others do and for no other reason. People need to think for themselves and not do something just because soandso does it.
I'm starting to reconsider my Ropey vote and here is the lead in as to why...

The odds of any mafia member participating in a vote that lynches one of their own on day one has got to be extremely low. I'm fairly new at this, but it just seems to me like that would be an overly risky play. And if that's the case, then in order to lynch a mafia member on day 1 we'd need to get 8 out of 11 townies to agree, and we'd have to do that without the benefit of any post-mortem information to evaluate. So what I'm getting at here is that I'm resigning myself to the fact that whoever gets lynched today(Day 1) will probably be a townie, but here is the good part: Most likely at least 2 of the 8 votes cast will have been mafia, and quite possibly 3. That, along with seeing who gets targeted on the first night should help us whittle down the field quite a bit on day two.

So why does this make me reconsider my Ropey vote? Simple, he's not a dummy. If he's mafia, we're probably not going to get the votes to lynch him anyway, and if he's town, we're better off keeping him in the game going forward and lynching a dummy instead.

I have a couple of dummies in mind, but I'm really trying not be a dick here. So anybody else want to help me out? :D

I'd rather look at the possibility of lynching a scum.
She's either scum or has no clue how to be as paranoid as the rest of us. :lol:

It's really easy. I had myself paranoid last game and I knew who the bad guys were lol

Anyone that is scum has reason to be paranoid - they are the ones with everything to lose and everything to hide. Townies, on the other hand, have no reason to be paranoid. :D

Which means they likely wouldn't be posting large fonts when poked.
I'm starting to reconsider my Ropey vote and here is the lead in as to why...

The odds of any mafia member participating in a vote that lynches one of their own on day one has got to be extremely low. I'm fairly new at this, but it just seems to me like that would be an overly risky play. And if that's the case, then in order to lynch a mafia member on day 1 we'd need to get 8 out of 11 townies to agree, and we'd have to do that without the benefit of any post-mortem information to evaluate. So what I'm getting at here is that I'm resigning myself to the fact that whoever gets lynched today(Day 1) will probably be a townie, but here is the good part: Most likely at least 2 of the 8 votes cast will have been mafia, and quite possibly 3. That, along with seeing who gets targeted on the first night should help us whittle down the field quite a bit on day two.

So why does this make me reconsider my Ropey vote? Simple, he's not a dummy. If he's mafia, we're probably not going to get the votes to lynch him anyway, and if he's town, we're better off keeping him in the game going forward and lynching a dummy instead.

I have a couple of dummies in mind, but I'm really trying not be a dick here. So anybody else want to help me out? :D

I'd rather look at the possibility of lynching a scum.

I'm not throwing in the towel on that possibility by any stretch, just acknowledging that the probability is quite low. So with little else to go on, I'd rather take that chance on whoever has the least to offer in the way of sleuthing horsepower.
It's really easy. I had myself paranoid last game and I knew who the bad guys were lol

Anyone that is scum has reason to be paranoid - they are the ones with everything to lose and everything to hide. Townies, on the other hand, have no reason to be paranoid. :D

Which means they likely wouldn't be posting large fonts when poked.

Scum probably wouldn't do anything that they think would bring attention to themselves, if they are smart, like posting in large fonts.
So let's pile on Avatar and have a whole lots less posts to wade thru! Ropey has posted so little, and then reveals himself all at once, bravely.

Bad lynch candidate...I'd lay money on it..

Regards from Rosie

Thinking outside the box. I like it

How is this thinking outside the box?

Her reason was due to his high post count. I wasn't agreeing, I was complimenting the unique thinking. At this point most agree there are only guesses so why not that for a reason?
Anyone that is scum has reason to be paranoid - they are the ones with everything to lose and everything to hide. Townies, on the other hand, have no reason to be paranoid. :D

Which means they likely wouldn't be posting large fonts when poked.

Scum probably wouldn't do anything that they think would bring attention to themselves, if they are smart, like posting in large fonts.

I've seen you post quite a bit down in the flame zone. When you're involved in something down there and the attack is not on you, which mostly it isn't, then you back and forth just fine without creating large fonts.

So, for you, the large font and "pick me" tends to have me think that it's more of a protestation than a request.

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