Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Which means they likely wouldn't be posting large fonts when poked.

Scum probably wouldn't do anything that they think would bring attention to themselves, if they are smart, like posting in large fonts.

I've seen you post quite a bit down in the flame zone. When you're involved in something down there and the attack is not on you, which mostly it isn't, then you back and forth just fine without creating large fonts.

So, for you, the large font and "pick me" tends to have me think that it's more of a protestation than a request.

Paying attention to the little things is a good thing.
Thinking outside the box. I like it

How is this thinking outside the box?

Her reason was due to his high post count. I wasn't agreeing, I was complimenting the unique thinking. At this point most agree there are only guesses so why not that for a reason?

Especially since I have pegged Ropey as the Bodyguard. If we move away from Ropey, which we should, Avatar has the next highest vote count.

And I am seriously annoyed with the "for the children" crap. One does not snap necks in the Town Square and claim it is "for the children". He is carrying over scummy Mafia tactics from the last game.

Logical. Even if I am female. LOL

But we have time- that is why I am not voting yet, even though I am changing away from MeBelle.

Just don't know to whom, yet. I am sure who not to.

Shaitra is shady, no doubt, but the odds of her being Mafia two of two times are very low.

Grandma has crazy good skills. So much so that she can cover being Godmother, as others suggest? Perhaps.

Wolfsister is too durn earnest not to be a townie. How cute is she?!?

Lemme ponder some more.

Regards from Rosie
so scum can talk and they know each other.....

mani...belle..get on board the ropey lynch mob

you too got no reason not too and then ropey is gone

mani started the ropey lynch mob.

mani started with a soft poke

That's his way and so I only looked at it once. When he types in bold, I'll read it more than once. I get nothing from mani so far. You like to talk a lot and that's good because I like to read between the lines a lot.

How is this thinking outside the box?

Her reason was due to his high post count. I wasn't agreeing, I was complimenting the unique thinking. At this point most agree there are only guesses so why not that for a reason?

Especially since I have pegged Ropey as the Bodyguard. If we move away from Ropey, which we should, Avatar has the next highest vote count.

And I am seriously annoyed with the "for the children" crap. One does not snap necks in the Town Square and claim it is "for the children". He is carrying over scummy Mafia tactics from the last game.

Logical. Even if I am female. LOL

But we have time- that is why I am not voting yet, even though I am changing away from MeBelle.

Just don't know to whom, yet. I am sure who not to.

Shaitra is shady, no doubt, but the odds of her being Mafia two of two times are very low.

Grandma has crazy good skills. So much so that she can cover being Godmother, as others suggest? Perhaps.

Wolfsister is too durn earnest not to be a townie. How cute is she?!?

Lemme ponder some more.

Regards from Rosie

I am aware I am next I'm the chopping block. But I am not pushing for ropey despite that. Shouldn't that tell you something?

As for the children, I have to play the role I've been given. I can't be the only one. There is a theme to our roles after all.
I feel like I've talked too much and gotten nowhere. :blahblah:


Then start listening to yourself. I'm listening to you and have gotten more than before I listened to you.
look how accepting he is of it..willing to vote for himself...dont fall for it...i didnt see it in bold

I think if he were scum he'd be posting his cryptic little poems at his potential targets. Then again, he's not defending himself much.

I'm on the fence about Ropey.

Vote: Avatar4321
Grandma has crazy good skills. So much so that she can cover being Godmother, as others suggest? Perhaps.

Skills? No. I simply went through each of the posts and copied comments that stood out onto a Notepad. Then I went through the comments on the Notepad. It's much easier to sort things out when you get rid of all the extra, nonessential words in a post.
I really like the idea of firing off a warning post if a person intends to deliver the hammer, and giving it a decent amount of time afterward before actually delivering it. That way if a person who already voted is having doubts, they have the opportunity to unvote, and of course it also gives the person about to be lynched a last chance to defend themselves.

If you agree with this approach, please indicate by thanking this post.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to manifold For This Useful Post:
dblack (Today), Mertex (Today), R.D. (Today), Shaitra (Today), Wolfsister77 (Today)

Electing not to indicate agreement via thanks or post: Avatar, strollingbones

I'm not going to read too much into that at this point, but I think it's worth pointing out.

Mafia doesn't want people getting a chance to change their vote, especially if they know we are leaning toward lynching a townie....that's why they don't like temp votes....Wake can't run away with a lynch when it is only "temp" votes....think about it. Who are the ones that are arguing against it?
Why are you concentrating on me? mani has also suggested a consensus before we hammer someone and Shaitra agree'd with me when I made the post you don't like. I was talking about here in the thread of course. That seemed obvious to me.

Wolves don't work well in small packs. A pack of 3 is not much of a pack. A group of 10 or so, now they can do some serious hunting. ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure scum can only talk at night. The first night hasn't occurred yet. I'm not sure if they can talk before the game but I would hope not.

I haven't concentrated on you specifically up until the post where I mentioned you and brought up what I did.

When reading through the first game a few days ago, I noticed scum were allowed to talk to each other by reading this, in particular the Scum QT Thread. A few of ya'll kept bringing stuff up from that game, so I took time to do a little reading and research.

Trying to get others to see things the same way that a couple others do is dangerous. The wolf pack mentality comes into play when people jump on board for voting for a certain person just because others do and for no other reason. People need to think for themselves and not do something just because soandso does it.
When was that second link available for all to see? Wake is giving aid to scum, grrrrrrrr.
I'm starting to consider them as pokes rather than votes and I think they are also very useful. Perhaps bolding hard votes and underlining soft votes or some such method of differentiation?

Official votes are supposed to be in BOLD.

Yes, but I'm thinking of some way to show the soft vote is a soft vote. A way that will stand out on scanning.

Maybe Underline

It doesn't do us any good to have "temp" votes if Wake isn't going to count them, what's the point...if we have to go back and read all the posts to figure out who's voting for who and who's leaning for who, there is no longer any need for them.

My suggestion was that they would be shown separate, not along with the hard votes, like for example:

Temp Votes:
Player#1: Player #3, player#4
Player #4: Player #5, player#1

Player#1: Player #2, Player#3
Player #4: Player#5, Player#6

So, that's fine. Just vote whenever you are ready.
Why are you concentrating on me? mani has also suggested a consensus before we hammer someone and Shaitra agree'd with me when I made the post you don't like. I was talking about here in the thread of course. That seemed obvious to me.

Wolves don't work well in small packs. A pack of 3 is not much of a pack. A group of 10 or so, now they can do some serious hunting. ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure scum can only talk at night. The first night hasn't occurred yet. I'm not sure if they can talk before the game but I would hope not.

I haven't concentrated on you specifically up until the post where I mentioned you and brought up what I did.

When reading through the first game a few days ago, I noticed scum were allowed to talk to each other by reading this, in particular the Scum QT Thread. A few of ya'll kept bringing stuff up from that game, so I took time to do a little reading and research.

Trying to get others to see things the same way that a couple others do is dangerous. The wolf pack mentality comes into play when people jump on board for voting for a certain person just because others do and for no other reason. People need to think for themselves and not do something just because soandso does it.
When was that second link available for all to see? Wake is giving aid to scum, grrrrrrrr.

After the game we can all see it.

Yes, but I'm thinking of some way to show the soft vote is a soft vote. A way that will stand out on scanning.

Maybe Underline

It doesn't do us any good to have "temp" votes if Wake isn't going to count them, what's the point...if we have to go back and read all the posts to figure out who's voting for who and who's leaning for who, there is no longer any need for them.

My suggestion was that they would be shown separate, not along with the hard votes, like for example:

Temp Votes:
Player#1: Player #3, player#4
Player #4: Player #5, player#1

Player#1: Player #2, Player#3
Player #4: Player#5, Player#6

So, that's fine. Just vote whenever you are ready.

So, something like this is ok?

Temp Vote = Underline
Hard Vote = Bold

It's pretty easy to see.

I like the temp votes because they give out information early on.
You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.
You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

Who are 'you guys'?
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You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

Which is precisely why those focused on the temp voting are highly suspect. They are distracting people from the real goal, to catch the scum.
Oh, you guys.

Why are you concentrating on me? mani has also suggested a consensus before we hammer someone and Shaitra agree'd with me when I made the post you don't like. I was talking about here in the thread of course. That seemed obvious to me.

Wolves don't work well in small packs. A pack of 3 is not much of a pack. A group of 10 or so, now they can do some serious hunting. ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure scum can only talk at night. The first night hasn't occurred yet. I'm not sure if they can talk before the game but I would hope not.

I haven't concentrated on you specifically up until the post where I mentioned you and brought up what I did.

When reading through the first game a few days ago, I noticed scum were allowed to talk to each other by reading this, in particular the Scum QT Thread. A few of ya'll kept bringing stuff up from that game, so I took time to do a little reading and research.

Trying to get others to see things the same way that a couple others do is dangerous. The wolf pack mentality comes into play when people jump on board for voting for a certain person just because others do and for no other reason. People need to think for themselves and not do something just because soandso does it.
When was that second link available for all to see? Wake is giving aid to scum, grrrrrrrr.

Try clicking on the first link in my reply, read that post, and then click on the Scum QT Thread link that is posted there. Next, you should take notice of the url that comes up when you click it. Then, I want you to click the second link I posted. Guess what you are going to see? If you say it's the same web page, then you are correct. Not to confuse you any more than you already may be at this point, but if you look close to the top of that page, you'll see post numbers and a little double arrow icon next to it. Click on that to go through the posts. Now, thanks to this forum, dates and time stamps are provided on posts. Wake had posted that, according to the date and time stamp on the post, on 05-15-2014, 01:06 PM. So, how is he giving aid to scum, as you claim?

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