Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

I don't understand why Ropey isn't fighting. That doesn't sit right with me. I originally voted for him just to get things started. I thought his ignoring the fact he had votes made him seem innocent. But if he is town, why is he rolling over and playing dead?

It's an obvious attempt at reverse psychology. But that alone doesn't really indicate mafia or townie to me, since it's more of an attempt to simply not get lynched. The fact that he hasn't demonstrated any effort to figure anything out is why I'm sticking with my vote for now. He even said to pay attention to what people say and refer back to it if they're lynched, and then doesn't say diddly squat himself.

Could be, but Im willing to let it play out so far. If he gives me more reason to suspect him I will.

[MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] Who are you suspecting at this point?


I've already said with a soft poke. Read back.

Then when I post, read it. :)
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sorry you want avatar's posts to wade thru..they are logically and all.....i am sticking with ropey

and isnt the vote tonight?
Vote Count 1.4​
“God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another.”

Not Voting (3): Ropey, CafeAuLait, AyeCantSeeYou

Ropey (4): Shaitra, manifold, strollingbones, Wolfsister77
Avatar4321 (3): Mertex, R.D., dblack
Manifold (1): Mebelle60
Mebelle60 (1): RosieS
R.D. (1): Avatar4321
No Lynch (1): Grandma

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 5/28/14, @ 10pm central time zone.
~ Generally, Scum are given a small window of time to talk privately before Day 1 begins. [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION]
~ Voting for yourself goes against your win condition. [MENTION=43888]AyeCantSeeYou[/MENTION]
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Why not hard vote someone and then use the finger of suspicion on someone else?

And yes, we need to let each other know that we want to hammer and make sure most are o.k. with it unless it it right up to deadline and we need a vote. A no lynch is worse IMO.

I'm sure Wake will do his part and keep us updated on the vote counts. It's our job to make sure we see his posts.

By suggesting what you did above makes me think you are 1 of the 3. We townies have no way of talking with each other other than in this thread. We also don't know who the scum are, but the scum DO know who we are. Scum are able to talk with each other about what they are going to do and also devise a 'plan', so to speak, before posting in this thread, meaning they can have 2 of 3 being ''ok" with their kill. Scum pretty much depend upon the 'wolf pack' mentality; townies don't.

Why are you concentrating on me? mani has also suggested a consensus before we hammer someone and Shaitra agree'd with me when I made the post you don't like. I was talking about here in the thread of course. That seemed obvious to me.

Wolves don't work well in small packs. A pack of 3 is not much of a pack. A group of 10 or so, now they can do some serious hunting. ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure scum can only talk at night. The first night hasn't occurred yet. I'm not sure if they can talk before the game but I would hope not.
Why not hard vote someone and then use the finger of suspicion on someone else?

And yes, we need to let each other know that we want to hammer and make sure most are o.k. with it unless it it right up to deadline and we need a vote. A no lynch is worse IMO.

I'm sure Wake will do his part and keep us updated on the vote counts. It's our job to make sure we see his posts.

By suggesting what you did above makes me think you are 1 of the 3. We townies have no way of talking with each other other than in this thread. We also don't know who the scum are, but the scum DO know who we are. Scum are able to talk with each other about what they are going to do and also devise a 'plan', so to speak, before posting in this thread, meaning they can have 2 of 3 being ''ok" with their kill. Scum pretty much depend upon the 'wolf pack' mentality; townies don't.

Why are you concentrating on me? mani has also suggested a consensus before we hammer someone and Shaitra agree'd with me when I made the post you don't like. I was talking about here in the thread of course. That seemed obvious to me.

Wolves don't work well in small packs. A pack of 3 is not much of a pack. A group of 10 or so, now they can do some serious hunting. ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure scum can only talk at night. The first night hasn't occurred yet. I'm not sure if they can talk before the game but I would hope not.

I also agree with a consensus. I mean, we are e-neighbors in this e-town. :)
grandma...someone is gonna get lynched....and it needs to be need to come away from the dark side
look how accepting he is of it..willing to vote for himself...dont fall for it...i didnt see it in bold
Vote Count 1.4​
“God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another.”

Not Voting (3): Ropey, CafeAuLait, AyeCantSeeYou

Ropey (4): Shaitra, manifold, strollingbones, Wolfsister77
Avatar4321 (3): Mertex, R.D., dblack
Manifold (1): Mebelle60
Mebelle60 (1): RosieS
R.D. (1): Avatar4321
No Lynch (1): Grandma

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 5/28/14, @ 10pm central time zone.
~ Generally, Scum are given a small window of time to talk privately before Day 1 begins. [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION]

Well, take a look at this folks. Scum can talk before the game. Take note of it.
so scum can talk and they know each other.....

mani...belle..get on board the ropey lynch mob

you too got no reason not too and then ropey is gone
I figure Ill let everyone know what I am thinking of everyone else. I suggest doing similar. That way we have all laid our cards out on the table. I am suspicious of everyone to some degree. (Kind of the nature of this town). I also reserve the right to change my mind on someone with further analysis or with new information.

1) R.D. - my prime suspect at the moment. It's been a gut feeling mostly. But the way she reacted when i voted reinforces how I am thinking at the moment. She accused me of being scum because I made a real vote and not a psuedo vote despite the fact. Accused me of agreeing to do psuedo votes when I never did. The fact that she jumped on the psuedo vote idea which only adds confusion and complication to an already complex system makes me think she is scummy.

2) dblack - Under my radar at the moment. He isn't going heavy any direction. I'd like to hear some more of what he is thinking because he is playing it very close to the vest at the moment. It makes me suspicious when people are posting but not sharing.

3) Grandma - Suspect her a bit just because no one expects a grandma to be mafia. Other than that she is coming across as townie to me. The fact that she spent some time thinking and shared her thinking with the group leads me that way.

4) manifold - has been going hard for Ropey. I respect the fact that he has previous experience being correct. But he has been fairly focused on only Ropey which I find odd. I feel a need to evaluate more.

5) Ropey - has been posted but until recently hasnt said much to help me evaluate. I could vote for him, but I don't think he is doing reverse psychology. I would like to hear more of what he thinks before I make any final decisions.

6) Shaitra - has been quiet, which has me a bit concerned considering I think i know her style. I think the probability that she is scum again is low. but it's possible. Waiting for more info.

7) Avatar4321 - Extremely handsome innocent who wants to teach the scum a lesson for the children:)

8) Mebelle60 - bit suspicious that she went after mani right off the bat and hasn't budged at all. she was the first vote. and last game the first vote was scum. Doesn't necessarily mean anything but it is curious. The target of mani is interesting too. He was a bit of a thorn to the side for the scum in the last game, could she be taking out a percieved threat? Possibly. I think it's probably more likely she is voting for him because he is a dick. But I could be wrong.

9) Mertex - She is one of my top three at this point. She started the psuedo vote idea creating complication and confusion. She has also suggested my idea about using the cop and the dr to track down the scum is a bad idea. Im suspicious of people who don't want the cop/dr to be used better. She has also been very quiet for a while. Taking attention away from herself? (Just hope she doesn't posts before i get this posted or Im going to look silly)

10) CafeAuLait - Just don't have enough info about him/her at this point to make a determination.

11) RosieS - I think she is probably an innocent. But I am suspect because she didn't like the using cop better idea either.

12) Wolfsister77 - Mostly suspicious because she is agreeing with R.D and Mertex on alot of things and I am suspicious of them.

13) strollingbones - I don't think she is scum as of right now. I did find the fact that she jumped into the game with guns blazing for Ropey interesting. It's a bit of a shift from last game where she had a more casual attitude and took a more wait to see attitude. I could see her being scum i just dont see it yet.

14) AyeCantSeeYou - I feel like I haven't gotten enough info here yet either. That's one of the reasons I am suspicious.

That's what I am thinking of everyone this second. Anyone else have some thoughts of everyone?
SB is really pushing for the lynch. Now that is starting to make me suspicious.
Why not hard vote someone and then use the finger of suspicion on someone else?

And yes, we need to let each other know that we want to hammer and make sure most are o.k. with it unless it it right up to deadline and we need a vote. A no lynch is worse IMO.

I'm sure Wake will do his part and keep us updated on the vote counts. It's our job to make sure we see his posts.

By suggesting what you did above makes me think you are 1 of the 3. We townies have no way of talking with each other other than in this thread. We also don't know who the scum are, but the scum DO know who we are. Scum are able to talk with each other about what they are going to do and also devise a 'plan', so to speak, before posting in this thread, meaning they can have 2 of 3 being ''ok" with their kill. Scum pretty much depend upon the 'wolf pack' mentality; townies don't.

As a newbie, you knew scum could talk before the game, when most of us didn't.

You are trying to shoot down the idea of looking at the previous game and also the idea of announcing a hammer before hammering a person.

You my dear have moved into scum territory for me.

I'll give my reads later when I have more time. I won't move my vote yet but I am suspicious of Aye.
I figure Ill let everyone know what I am thinking of everyone else. I suggest doing similar. That way we have all laid our cards out on the table. I am suspicious of everyone to some degree. (Kind of the nature of this town). I also reserve the right to change my mind on someone with further analysis or with new information.

1) R.D. - my prime suspect at the moment. It's been a gut feeling mostly. But the way she reacted when i voted reinforces how I am thinking at the moment. She accused me of being scum because I made a real vote and not a psuedo vote despite the fact. Accused me of agreeing to do psuedo votes when I never did. The fact that she jumped on the psuedo vote idea which only adds confusion and complication to an already complex system makes me think she is scummy.
No sir

Reasons I voted for you. True, the more you posted the stronger my suspicions became. Too many if your posts are contradictions and/or manipulations of what others have said

Using the pseudo vote discussion to your advantage reeks of desperation.
avatar you dont do the fz...mani and i go way back...hell i remember when he was nice to me...or do i? lol so i get here and it seems the pick is mani or i go with ropey
sorry you want avatar's posts to wade thru..they are logically and all.....i am sticking with ropey

and isnt the vote tonight?

A week from tonite is the lynchline, not tonite, Hon. We have until next Wednesday.

Regards from Rosie
I figure Ill let everyone know what I am thinking of everyone else. I suggest doing similar. That way we have all laid our cards out on the table. I am suspicious of everyone to some degree. (Kind of the nature of this town). I also reserve the right to change my mind on someone with further analysis or with new information.

1) R.D. - my prime suspect at the moment. It's been a gut feeling mostly. But the way she reacted when i voted reinforces how I am thinking at the moment. She accused me of being scum because I made a real vote and not a psuedo vote despite the fact. Accused me of agreeing to do psuedo votes when I never did. The fact that she jumped on the psuedo vote idea which only adds confusion and complication to an already complex system makes me think she is scummy.
No sir

Reasons I voted for you. True, the more you posted the stronger my suspicions became. Too many if your posts are contradictions and/or manipulations of what others have said

Using the pseudo vote discussion to your advantage reeks of desperation.

So you are voting for me because I suggested we take out the role blocker then have the cop reveal him or herself and use the doctor (who remains anonymous) to protect him as he or she investigates the rest of the town to determine who the other scum are? As long as the doctor stays alive the cop is safe. We have good information to make determinations for scum other than the godfather.

It's not a perfect plan, but you haven't exactly presented a better one and it will help us narrow down choices. I get no one has caught on to the vision and are totally afraid. but it's better than running around blind like a chicken with it's head cut off and lynching everyone who's post you completely misread.
Why not hard vote someone and then use the finger of suspicion on someone else?

And yes, we need to let each other know that we want to hammer and make sure most are o.k. with it unless it it right up to deadline and we need a vote. A no lynch is worse IMO.

I'm sure Wake will do his part and keep us updated on the vote counts. It's our job to make sure we see his posts.

By suggesting what you did above makes me think you are 1 of the 3. We townies have no way of talking with each other other than in this thread. We also don't know who the scum are, but the scum DO know who we are. Scum are able to talk with each other about what they are going to do and also devise a 'plan', so to speak, before posting in this thread, meaning they can have 2 of 3 being ''ok" with their kill. Scum pretty much depend upon the 'wolf pack' mentality; townies don't.

I believe W is just referring to mani's plan in which he asked that the person who is the kill vote should let us know in case someone wants to change their vote before the kill is in. Of course the communication would be in the thread. That you'd think otherwise with no other indication makes you suspicious.

Of course, I am pretty darn paranoid in this game.

If you suspect me, then lynch me. I'll even go so far as to vote for myself.

VOTE: AyeCantSeeYou


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