Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

Which is precisely why those focused on the temp voting are highly suspect. They are distracting people from the real goal, to catch the scum.

That's what the scum's goal is - to distract and confuse those of us that are townies. If someone isn't sure of who they are going to vote for and the deadline isn't near, what's the big deal? It sure as hell doesn't bother me that they don't throw a name out just to pacify a few. We still have several days before the deadline. For those wanting to rush a vote out, why are you in such a hurry? Do ya'll have something to hide?
The main reason I'm voting is to get a discussion going. That's why I tell people they are suspect and why and that's why I say who I think is town and why.

Without this discussion, how do we decide?

I'm in no hurry to hammer but voting brings about a debate.
I haven't concentrated on you specifically up until the post where I mentioned you and brought up what I did.

When reading through the first game a few days ago, I noticed scum were allowed to talk to each other by reading this, in particular the Scum QT Thread. A few of ya'll kept bringing stuff up from that game, so I took time to do a little reading and research.

Trying to get others to see things the same way that a couple others do is dangerous. The wolf pack mentality comes into play when people jump on board for voting for a certain person just because others do and for no other reason. People need to think for themselves and not do something just because soandso does it.
When was that second link available for all to see? Wake is giving aid to scum, grrrrrrrr.

Try clicking on the first link in my reply, read that post, and then click on the Scum QT Thread link that is posted there. Next, you should take notice of the url that comes up when you click it. Then, I want you to click the second link I posted. Guess what you are going to see? If you say it's the same web page, then you are correct. Not to confuse you any more than you already may be at this point, but if you look close to the top of that page, you'll see post numbers and a little double arrow icon next to it. Click on that to go through the posts. Now, thanks to this forum, dates and time stamps are provided on posts. Wake had posted that, according to the date and time stamp on the post, on 05-15-2014, 01:06 PM. So, how is he giving aid to scum, as you claim?

Um, huh?

Your point?
People still responded when potential lists were put up. I put one up and gave a reason for why I had those people on it. I can say that I've since reconsidered the ones I had on it based on what they responded with.

My biggest problem with putting a vote out before I'm actually ready to do so is this:

Let's say 5 people have voted for 'Tom'. I find valid reasons on my own to put a vote out for him, even though I'm not 100% that 'Tom' is going to be my final vote. I put my vote in for 'Tom', even though there's still 7 days to think about it. The count is now at 6. I go to bed, work, whatever to where I'm not at my computer. I later rethink my decision and decide to change the vote from 'Tom' to someone else, given I've had time to let things sink in. I get online, go to change my vote, only to find I was too late because 2 other people decided to vote for 'Tom' since so many others had. Vote count is 8 = too late to change my vote. Chances are, if I had held off on placing my vote, 'Tom' would not have been lynched. I would have had time to ask 'Tom' questions based on his posts. I may have found several reasons to believe that 'Tom' was a good guy and not the psycho freak that the others wanted me to lean toward.
When was that second link available for all to see? Wake is giving aid to scum, grrrrrrrr.

Try clicking on the first link in my reply, read that post, and then click on the Scum QT Thread link that is posted there. Next, you should take notice of the url that comes up when you click it. Then, I want you to click the second link I posted. Guess what you are going to see? If you say it's the same web page, then you are correct. Not to confuse you any more than you already may be at this point, but if you look close to the top of that page, you'll see post numbers and a little double arrow icon next to it. Click on that to go through the posts. Now, thanks to this forum, dates and time stamps are provided on posts. Wake had posted that, according to the date and time stamp on the post, on 05-15-2014, 01:06 PM. So, how is he giving aid to scum, as you claim?

Um, huh?

Your point?

You said:

When was that second link available for all to see? Wake is giving aid to scum, grrrrrrrr.

I answered on the first question, for when the link was available. Then, I asked you how he is giving aid to them.
I don't understand why Ropey isn't fighting. That doesn't sit right with me. I originally voted for him just to get things started. I thought his ignoring the fact he had votes made him seem innocent. But if he is town, why is he rolling over and playing dead?

It's an obvious attempt at reverse psychology. But that alone doesn't really indicate mafia or townie to me, since it's more of an attempt to simply not get lynched. The fact that he hasn't demonstrated any effort to figure anything out is why I'm sticking with my vote for now. He even said to pay attention to what people say and refer back to it if they're lynched, and then doesn't say diddly squat himself.

^^^Double reverse psychology....or is it?
You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

That's good advice, but there's no way of knowing if Scum has already cast a vote for a Townie, so even if we were at 5 votes for one Townie, if any of the Scum has cast a vote they could not seal the fate unless more Townies voted for the same one.

The first kill is very difficult to figure out. I'm thinking MeBelle is Scum, but I changed my vote to Avatar because he was arguing too vehemently against something that I think benefits Townies, and pushing for a fast lynch.
You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

That's good advice, but there's no way of knowing if Scum has already cast a vote for a Townie, so even if we were at 5 votes for one Townie, if any of the Scum has cast a vote they could not seal the fate unless more Townies voted for the same one.

The first kill is very difficult to figure out. I'm thinking MeBelle is Scum, but I changed my vote to Avatar because he was arguing too vehemently against something that I think benefits Townies, and pushing for a fast lynch.

And yet, i am still not pushing for a fast lynch despite you guys claiming I am. If you haven't noticed I am still the only one voting for R.D. Not even pushing hard for her at the moment. Just giving my reasoning.

And of course im opposing the psuedo voting. It complicates the game and complications only benefit the scum. Not only that but you guys are for some reason selecting only me to target for not joining in your pseudo voting despite half the group voting before i did.

So the question is are you just totally misunderstanding what I am doing or lying about me?
You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

Which is precisely why those focused on the temp voting are highly suspect. They are distracting people from the real goal, to catch the scum.

No, that's not true. I've been pointing out why I think you are Scum and why I thought MeBelle was scum. The only reason for the temp vote is to keep Wake from making an early lynching, which benefits scum. And since you are poohpoohing that idea, you are highly suspected as being Scum.
You guys are getting all preoccupied with the 'temp voting' stuff, and I'm not sure everyone realizes why it's so important. Really the only vote that matters, is the last one that puts us to 'critical mass'.

For example, right now there are three scum, and we need eight votes to lynch. So it's that fifth vote for a lynchee that is critical. That's the only one we really need to worry about. Because as soon as that fifth vote as cast - if it's a vote for a townie - the scum will have every incentive to hammer the vote and seal the fate of an innocent victim. If it's for one of them, on the other hand, there will be hemming and hawing as they try to steer us in another direction.

The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the vote count, before you actually commit. If temp votes help for that, then fine. But if they're just going to cause confusion, it's not worth the trouble.

Which is precisely why those focused on the temp voting are highly suspect. They are distracting people from the real goal, to catch the scum.

That's what the scum's goal is - to distract and confuse those of us that are townies. If someone isn't sure of who they are going to vote for and the deadline isn't near, what's the big deal? It sure as hell doesn't bother me that they don't throw a name out just to pacify a few. We still have several days before the deadline. For those wanting to rush a vote out, why are you in such a hurry? Do ya'll have something to hide?

I don't understand why you find the Temp Vote so was intended to help Townies come together on who they want to lynch instead of having everyone throwing out different names. By making them "temp" votes, Wake can't run with a lynch until they become hard votes, it was just a way of trying to get a consensus.

The last time, we were making hard votes and then if we had to be away from the Forum, others made hard votes that amounted to a majority and Wake was able to close the thread and do a lynch. I came back with the intention of switching my vote after thinking it over and reading over some of the posts made while I was gone, only to find out it was too late and Wake had already lynched another Townie.

Maybe as this game progresses you will see what I mean and understand that it isn't intended to confuse. The only ones pushing for a quick vote was Avatar, which made me suspicious of him. MeBelle also cast a hard vote right out of nowhere, which also smells of scum. I may be wrong, but we'll find out after the first lynching.

If Avatar and MeBelle make it through the first lynch and I'm killed that night, you'll see that I was right.
Which is precisely why those focused on the temp voting are highly suspect. They are distracting people from the real goal, to catch the scum.

That's what the scum's goal is - to distract and confuse those of us that are townies. If someone isn't sure of who they are going to vote for and the deadline isn't near, what's the big deal? It sure as hell doesn't bother me that they don't throw a name out just to pacify a few. We still have several days before the deadline. For those wanting to rush a vote out, why are you in such a hurry? Do ya'll have something to hide?

I don't understand why you find the Temp Vote so was intended to help Townies come together on who they want to lynch instead of having everyone throwing out different names. By making them "temp" votes, Wake can't run with a lynch until they become hard votes, it was just a way of trying to get a consensus.

The last time, we were making hard votes and then if we had to be away from the Forum, others made hard votes that amounted to a majority and Wake was able to close the thread and do a lynch. I came back with the intention of switching my vote after thinking it over and reading over some of the posts made while I was gone, only to find out it was too late and Wake had already lynched another Townie.

Maybe as this game progresses you will see what I mean and understand that it isn't intended to confuse. The only ones pushing for a quick vote was Avatar, which made me suspicious of him. MeBelle also cast a hard vote right out of nowhere, which also smells of scum. I may be wrong, but we'll find out after the first lynching.

If Avatar and MeBelle make it through the first lynch and I'm killed that night, you'll see that I was right.

Well, if you make it through the first lynch it sure won't be me killing you during the night because I'm not scum.

I haven't pushed for a quick vote. Why do you keep claiming that?
People still responded when potential lists were put up. I put one up and gave a reason for why I had those people on it. I can say that I've since reconsidered the ones I had on it based on what they responded with.

My biggest problem with putting a vote out before I'm actually ready to do so is this:

Let's say 5 people have voted for 'Tom'. I find valid reasons on my own to put a vote out for him, even though I'm not 100% that 'Tom' is going to be my final vote. I put my vote in for 'Tom', even though there's still 7 days to think about it. The count is now at 6. I go to bed, work, whatever to where I'm not at my computer. I later rethink my decision and decide to change the vote from 'Tom' to someone else, given I've had time to let things sink in. I get online, go to change my vote, only to find I was too late because 2 other people decided to vote for 'Tom' since so many others had. Vote count is 8 = too late to change my vote. Chances are, if I had held off on placing my vote, 'Tom' would not have been lynched. I would have had time to ask 'Tom' questions based on his posts. I may have found several reasons to believe that 'Tom' was a good guy and not the psycho freak that the others wanted me to lean toward.

I wish I had seen this post of yours before I responded to your previous vote. That is exactly why I was pushing for a Temp Vote. If the people had only made "temp" votes for Tom, and it had reached 8, Wake would still not be able to close the thread and do a lynch. He would have to wait until they became hard votes, and you would have had time to switch your vote after reconsidering, and Tom would not have been lynched. You've explained the very situation why I was pushing for a Temp Vote.

Scum wants a lynch as soon as possible when it's a Townie that is on the line. They can't seal the deal by casting their votes on a Townie if all we have done is cast Temp Votes.

But, I'm not going to argue in favor of it anymore. If some of you find it too confusing, then go ahead and withhold your vote until you are ready, and not giving the rest of us an idea of who you are leaning for, and we'll just have the same situation as before, where Scum comes in and closes the deal while we are away and we will be whittled away as before.
I figure Ill let everyone know what I am thinking of everyone else. I suggest doing similar. That way we have all laid our cards out on the table. I am suspicious of everyone to some degree. (Kind of the nature of this town). I also reserve the right to change my mind on someone with further analysis or with new information.

9) Mertex - She is one of my top three at this point. She started the psuedo vote idea creating complication and confusion. She has also suggested my idea about using the cop and the dr to track down the scum is a bad idea. Im suspicious of people who don't want the cop/dr to be used better. She has also been very quiet for a while. Taking attention away from herself? (Just hope she doesn't posts before i get this posted or Im going to look silly)

That's a lie. I never even commented on your post regarding the cop and dr. Please show the post where I did that. I believe it was Rosie that was arguing with you on that.

You are just making yourself more suspicious by lying and looking at me as Scum. You know I am Townie because you are Scum. Several of us are focusing on you, so you are trying very hard to turn the tables on me.
I figure Ill let everyone know what I am thinking of everyone else. I suggest doing similar. That way we have all laid our cards out on the table. I am suspicious of everyone to some degree. (Kind of the nature of this town). I also reserve the right to change my mind on someone with further analysis or with new information.

9) Mertex - She is one of my top three at this point. She started the psuedo vote idea creating complication and confusion. She has also suggested my idea about using the cop and the dr to track down the scum is a bad idea. Im suspicious of people who don't want the cop/dr to be used better. She has also been very quiet for a while. Taking attention away from herself? (Just hope she doesn't posts before i get this posted or Im going to look silly)

That's a lie. I never even commented on your post regarding the cop and dr. Please show the post where I did that. I believe it was Rosie that was arguing with you on that.

You are just making yourself more suspicious by lying and looking at me as Scum. You know I am Townie because you are Scum. Several of us are focusing on you, so you are trying very hard to turn the tables on me.

Except I havent been the one lying and claiming im looking for a quick lynch and I have no clue whether you are a townie or not. But you sure as heck have been acting scummy this game.

If I was looking to turn the tables on you, I'd have voted for you by now. My main vote is still for R.D. But the first place I'd look if I end up dead is at R.D. and you.

And I am aware several people are looking at me. It's quite natural considering how I played the last game. Some people are worried about me. Especially the scum since they know I am not one of them.

You do realize that when you succeed at lynching me today and wake reveals my innocence, you are going to be one of the prime suspects for tomorrow, right? If you are scum, that's a bad idea at this point. If you aren't, it's still a bad idea because they scum will be able to focus their attack on you.

I have considered changing my vote for you. It seems to me that if you aren't the scum you can be manipulated by them. Either way, you're a liability. The fact that you are focusing on me instead of working with me to catch the scums tells me that if you aren't the scum, they already have you distracted.

If you need to lynch me to find out I'm innocent. Go ahead. You just help the scum do their job, like last time.
btw mertex, you are right. It was Rosie and grandma as well as R.D later complaining about the cop/dr strategy. My bad.
We need to take out the role blocker asap. When we kill him then our cop can work out in the open and our doc can save him each night while he investigates.

R.D. Mertex and Rosie seem a bit suspicious to me right now.

I am also thinking maybe Wolfsister and grandma since they wouldn't normally be my first guess here.

I don't think mani or mebelle are scum. But I reserve the right to change my mind on that.

I'm going to go with my gut on this initial vote. I am well aware we may be changing where we are later.

Vote: R.D

Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?

An alternative to the temp vote could be we all vote but don't start consolidating behind anyone until we all vote for someone

The fact that you want to make this overly complicated seems pretty scummy to me. It seems to me that only the mafia benefit by having us jump through more hoops. If you want to temp vote, be my guest. But don't pretend as though the rest of us need to listen. And especially don't pretend as though I am somehow a problem for not following you when half the people in this town made a real vote before I did.

Well, if you make it through the first lynch it sure won't be me killing you during the night because I'm not scum.

I haven't pushed for a quick vote. Why do you keep claiming that?

Your claim in the above post that you wanted to take the Roleblocker out as soon as possible was just a guise to try and get us to vote for someone quickly.

You also argued against the Temp vote and claimed it was complicated when several others understood exactly how it would work, and ICSY even posted a scenario that a temp vote would have prevented, even though she was against the temp vote herself (?). The fact that it benefits the Townies in keeping Wake from making an premature lynch is probably why you were against it.

Also,the fact that you are protecting Mani and Mebelle, who seem extremely suspicious because Mani is voting for Ropey and you are now changing your vote to Ropey. Mebelle made a hard vote against Mani without any explanation. Could it be that Mebelle just threw the name out to throw suspicion away from the fact that you, Mani and Mebelle may be working together?

And you went so far as to lie about me arguing against your idea to use the cop and the doctor to find out who was scum....I never even responded to that post of yours.
I dare you to post it...and if you can't, let Townies be ware.

It seems that you see me making a very strong argument about you being scum, so now you are working extra hard to try and make me look like the guilty one.

If I get lynched, I hope the rest of the Townies are able to figure out that you played a big part in it, and my death won't be in vain.

If I'm wrong, and you are a Townie, the remaining Townies will probably take me out next, but then they will know that I was just going with my gut feeling, something that several of us have picked up on.
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I will reiterate; temp votes are a waste of time.

The rules clearly state votes can be changed any time.
By casting a vote players DO get a somewhat clear stance as to where everyone who voted stands.

Temp votes are an unnecessary step in the process.
Which is precisely why those focused on the temp voting are highly suspect. They are distracting people from the real goal, to catch the scum.

That's what the scum's goal is - to distract and confuse those of us that are townies. If someone isn't sure of who they are going to vote for and the deadline isn't near, what's the big deal? It sure as hell doesn't bother me that they don't throw a name out just to pacify a few. We still have several days before the deadline. For those wanting to rush a vote out, why are you in such a hurry? Do ya'll have something to hide?

I don't understand why you find the Temp Vote so was intended to help Townies come together on who they want to lynch instead of having everyone throwing out different names. By making them "temp" votes, Wake can't run with a lynch until they become hard votes, it was just a way of trying to get a consensus.

The last time, we were making hard votes and then if we had to be away from the Forum, others made hard votes that amounted to a majority and Wake was able to close the thread and do a lynch. I came back with the intention of switching my vote after thinking it over and reading over some of the posts made while I was gone, only to find out it was too late and Wake had already lynched another Townie.

Maybe as this game progresses you will see what I mean and understand that it isn't intended to confuse. The only ones pushing for a quick vote was Avatar, which made me suspicious of him.

MeBelle also cast a hard vote right out of nowhere, which also smells of scum. I may be wrong, but we'll find out after the first lynching.
I gave a reason for my vote.

If Avatar and MeBelle make it through the first lynch and I'm killed that night, you'll see that I was right.

That makes no sense.
If you're a Townie the Doc could put in a good word for you.

So what if we have to be away from the computer?
It's part of the game.

Why should a soft vote hold up the game?
It reminds me of BlackFlag, from Mafia #1, who didn't post after his first few posts. He held up the game while Wake prodded him.

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