Oh My...This IS Awkward - The Buffet Rule - The Prequel.

Never let these Leftist idiots tell you that the Rich paid LESS following the Bush tax cuts.

'After dipping in the early part of the Bush administration, by 2007 the top quintile of earners - the 20 percent who made the most - paid nearly 70 percent of all the taxes that the federal government collected, according to Congressional Budget Office figures. That includes a staggering 86 percent of the income tax being paid by just the top quintile of earners.

By contrast, the bottom 40 percent on average not only pay no income tax, but they siphon money back from the federal government in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit, a 35-year-old program designed to offset some of what low-income workers pay in Social Security taxes.

The numbers aren't a surprise to those who study the country's financial situation, but the trend raises deep social policy questions: Can a society where the top earners win a far disproportionate amount of the income be stable, and can a democracy survive when those on the lower end get benefits without ever having to pay into the system for them?

"A rule is, 'You should have everybody who is receiving benefits have a stake in paying for those benefits,' so you don't get an unstable democracy, where people vote themselves benefits at somebody else's expense," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former CBO director who is now president of the conservative-leaning American Action Forum.


Rich got richer, paid more taxes under Bush - Washington Times

One of the biggest problems we have in the country is the IMBALANCE of half the country paying NO FEDERAL TAX at all, and having no skin in the game.

That is how we get an Obamanation of a POTUS.
The hypocrisy of the state of NJ allowing farm lands to be exempt from most property taxes?

The hypocrisy that rich people own farms? Should only poor people be allowed to own farms in NJ?

Ohhhhh Lord!!!

Nothing is more trying on one's patience than trying to explain the obvious to a libtard.

Go ahead, please explain how rich people claiming a perfectly legal tax exemption is wrong.

Should only poor people claim the farm exemption in NJ?

This is hilarious. Now that I've made it clear that the left takes advantage of tax deductions you want to be allowed to flip sides and defend them.

You're cracking me up here.

It just shows that you don't know your facts, only talking-points.

How can you support Obama and the rich with a straight face?

Are you really this stupid?
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As per Racist Rabbi reasoning "and some of 'em are negros!"

Seriously. You got your ass kicked, so you figured you would just play the race card?


Eh, no - that's not the race card. Rabbi's not a racist because we apparently disagree on who should claim the NJ farm exemption. He's a racist because he believes black people are incapable of leading.

Has Rabbi actually said that?

I believe Obama is lacking in leadership skills. But I also believe that Sharpton is a great leader for civil rights. I believe there are great black leaders in the business world.

Do you have an example of where Rabbi said it was a "race" issue?
Ohhhhh Lord!!!

Nothing is more trying on one's patience than trying to explain the obvious to a libtard.

Go ahead, please explain how rich people claiming a perfectly legal tax exemption is wrong.

Should only poor people claim the farm exemption in NJ?

This is hilarious. Now that I've made it clear that the left takes advantage of deductions you want flip sides and defend them.

You're cracking me up here.

It just shows that you don't know your facts, only talking-points.

How can you support Obama and the rich with a straight face?

Are you really this stupid?

there is nothing wrong with being against something yet capitalizing on it while it is in effect.

I think SS needs to be reforemed.....but I will be dammed if I dont collect every penny I am supposed to. Same with Medicare.

Buffet would be deemed a fool by everyone if he did not capitalize on ewvery legal write off and 15% cap gains tax.

There is only one thing I dont capitalize on and it drives my accountantg nuts.

I refuse to write off donations...a personal thing my wife and I agreed on. I told my accountant to do the math for me...either dont write it off or tell me where the break even point is and I will give that much more....he opts to simply leave it off the return each year.

But again, that is a personal thing.
Can you people live in the Here and Now?

I've never seen people cheer for having OTHERS taxes raised...

what a sick country we have become

Why shouldn't we cheer?
Some of the burden is taken off of the middle class.

In 1964 the top tax rate was 91%
Today it's at 35% and you have the GALL to WHINE like a little girl about raising them?

What happened to all the JOBS those tax cuts were supposed to deliver?
What happened to the economic gains that were supposed to TRICKLE DOWN?

From 1949 to 1980, EVERYONE did better.
From 1980 to now, the rich have seen their incomes grow by over 200%...the middle class? 8%.

If the rich are going to keep all the money, then they can bloodly fucking well pay all the fucking taxes.

I don't know what you're talking about. Just about everyone was hurting during the Carter years.
As per Racist Rabbi reasoning "and some of 'em are negros!"

Seriously. You got your ass kicked, so you figured you would just play the race card?


Eh, no - that's not the race card. Rabbi's not a racist because we apparently disagree on who should claim the NJ farm exemption. He's a racist because he believes black people are incapable of leading.

I'd ask for proof but you get your ass kicked every time we have this discussion, which is really just a deflection from your posts. Which are just deflections from the main topic here.
Are you on Ritalin? You need to be.
From 1949 to 1980, EVERYONE did better.

If you think we are going to return to that brief, unique post-WW2 boom when the rest of the industrialized world lay in ruin, you are sadly mistaken.

I remember the 1970s as an era of enormous double digit inflation and very high interest rates. I bought my first house in 1990 and the rate was still over 10% on a variable. And that was a very good A+ mortgage. Earlier it had been even higher.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

That figure would be a drop in the bucket of the over $7 trillion in federal budget deficits projected during that period. It is also miniscule compared to the many hundreds of billions it would cost to repeal the alternative minimum tax, which Obama’s budget last month said he would replace with the Buffett rule tax.


For math-challenged LIbtards, that amounts to three days of government spending over 11 years.

Yes, this thread is spam.

So billions is not worth fooling with?

Ths conservative thought process I suppose. Just one answer for the overspending?
Can you people live in the Here and Now?

I've never seen people cheer for having OTHERS taxes raised...

what a sick country we have become

No? You've never heard all the conservatives around here that want taxes on the poor/low income Americans raised?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

That figure would be a drop in the bucket of the over $7 trillion in federal budget deficits projected during that period. It is also miniscule compared to the many hundreds of billions it would cost to repeal the alternative minimum tax, which Obama’s budget last month said he would replace with the Buffett rule tax.


For math-challenged LIbtards, that amounts to three days of government spending over 11 years.

Yes, this thread is spam.

So billions is not worth fooling with?

Ths conservative thought process I suppose. Just one answer for the overspending?

if you think that is just a conservative way of thinking, I believe you are dead wrong.

The left sees a "billion dollars" in medicare fraud as "nothing"....welfare fraud..."nothing" and unemployment fraud as "nothing".

UIt is a conditioning thing. We hear a billion dollars in goivernment and it means squat to us.

I wonder how many winter coats for poor children can be bought for 1 billion dollars.
Can you people live in the Here and Now?

I've never seen people cheer for having OTHERS taxes raised...

what a sick country we have become

No? You've never heard all the conservatives around here that want taxes on the poor/low income Americans raised?

It's you libby moonbat sheep who want to go back to the good old days of the 90% tax bracket even though it means that someone making 40K a year would then be in the 50% bracket.
Can you people live in the Here and Now?

I've never seen people cheer for having OTHERS taxes raised...

what a sick country we have become

No? You've never heard all the conservatives around here that want taxes on the poor/low income Americans raised?


I hear them say "how is it that the wealthier are not paying their fair share when 47% of the people pay no ioncome tax at all"

And I hear them say "dont increase taxes on the wealthy. Just cut spending."

But I dont hear them say "make the poor even poorer....raise their taxes"

I sometimes here them talk about a flat tax for ALL americans.....with the floor being at a point where the poorest still do not have to pay taxes.

But no...I dont see anyone championing raising the taxes on the poor.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

This is why we have 15 trillion in debt and a trillion dollar deficit. Every special interest defends itself by pointing out how 'small' an amount is involved.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

That figure would be a drop in the bucket of the over $7 trillion in federal budget deficits projected during that period. It is also miniscule compared to the many hundreds of billions it would cost to repeal the alternative minimum tax, which Obama’s budget last month said he would replace with the Buffett rule tax.


For math-challenged LIbtards, that amounts to three days of government spending over 11 years.

Yes, this thread is spam.

So billions is not worth fooling with?

Ths conservative thought process I suppose. Just one answer for the overspending?

These billions are immaterial to the an additional $7 trillion in deficits promised by the Obama regime during the same timeframe. You would of course like to play class warfare and ignore the bigger picture. You should be ashamed of yourself.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

This is why we have 15 trillion in debt and a trillion dollar deficit. Every special interest defends itself by pointing out how 'small' an amount is involved.

Deficits are caused by spending more than you take in, not by not taxing enough.

Hope that helps.
Can you people live in the Here and Now?

I've never seen people cheer for having OTHERS taxes raised...

what a sick country we have become

No? You've never heard all the conservatives around here that want taxes on the poor/low income Americans raised?


I hear them say "how is it that the wealthier are not paying their fair share when 47% of the people pay no ioncome tax at all"

And I hear them say "dont increase taxes on the wealthy. Just cut spending."

But I dont hear them say "make the poor even poorer....raise their taxes"

I sometimes here them talk about a flat tax for ALL americans.....with the floor being at a point where the poorest still do not have to pay taxes.

But no...I dont see anyone championing raising the taxes on the poor.

So you've never heard anyone here complain about the 47% who pay no federal income taxes.
You've never heard anyone here who supports a flat tax that would raise taxes on low income Americans.
You've never heard anyone here say that everyone should have some 'skin in the game' when it comes to taxes.

Never, ever, ever?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

This is why we have 15 trillion in debt and a trillion dollar deficit. Every special interest defends itself by pointing out how 'small' an amount is involved.

Deficits are caused by spending more than you take in, not by not taxing enough.

Hope that helps.

No, it's caused by not taking in enough to pay for what you spend. Which can be remedied by either raising taxes or cutting spending, or a combination of both.

If I hadn't been here this long, I'd be shocked that you have to have that explained to you.
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No? You've never heard all the conservatives around here that want taxes on the poor/low income Americans raised?


I hear them say "how is it that the wealthier are not paying their fair share when 47% of the people pay no ioncome tax at all"

And I hear them say "dont increase taxes on the wealthy. Just cut spending."

But I dont hear them say "make the poor even poorer....raise their taxes"

I sometimes here them talk about a flat tax for ALL americans.....with the floor being at a point where the poorest still do not have to pay taxes.

But no...I dont see anyone championing raising the taxes on the poor.

So you've never heard anyone here complain about the 47% who pay no federal income taxes.
You've never heard anyone here who supports a flat tax that would raise taxes on low income Americans.
You've never heard anyone here say that everyone should have some 'skin in the game' when it comes to taxes.

Never, ever, ever?

Funny thing...you quoted my post....but you obviously didnt read it.

Sure, there are one or two right wing lunatics on this site that want the poor to be poorer and pay more in taxes.

But most say exactly what I said in the post you quoted.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill designed to enact President Barack Obama’s plan for a “Buffett rule” tax on the wealthy would rake in just $31 billion over the next 11 years, according to an estimate by Congress’ official tax analysts obtained by The Associated Press.

That figure would be a drop in the bucket of the over $7 trillion in federal budget deficits projected during that period. It is also miniscule compared to the many hundreds of billions it would cost to repeal the alternative minimum tax, which Obama’s budget last month said he would replace with the Buffett rule tax.


For math-challenged LIbtards, that amounts to three days of government spending over 11 years.

Yes, this thread is spam.

So billions is not worth fooling with?

Ths conservative thought process I suppose. Just one answer for the overspending?

if you think that is just a conservative way of thinking, I believe you are dead wrong.

The left sees a "billion dollars" in medicare fraud as "nothing"....welfare fraud..."nothing" and unemployment fraud as "nothing".

UIt is a conditioning thing. We hear a billion dollars in goivernment and it means squat to us.

I wonder how many winter coats for poor children can be bought for 1 billion dollars.

Why are you lying about my beliefs? I'm on the left, I have no such opinion about medicare fraud.

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