OK be honest: have you or a person you know had CV19?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
Not ONE person I know. Granted, there are some relatives of mine I never talk to. But I have a feeling if someone in my family DID have the virus or has succumbed to it, I probably would've heard about it. But absolutely NONE of my friends have it or had it at one time. Of course there's always the possibility I'VE had it and recovered from it, even though I never KNEW I DID have it.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

No one in my family had it but I know old timers who got it back up north
No one in our extended circle, that of family or friends or their friends or families or co-workers has been diagnosed with"it".
I was informed about a month ago that one person who works in my office got diagnosed with COVID-19. Other than that I don’t know anybody
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

Nope. Nobody.
Not a single person that I know personally...and I come in contact with hundreds of people every day through my job.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
I'm pretty sure I did...I was sick the last 3 weeks in Jan

Fever, chills, headaches, bad cough, absolutely no energy, I knew something wasn't right
but I didn't put 2+2 together until February
keepitreal, that could have been any variation of the flu though. To top it off testing results in many false positives.

Tommy Tainant, I guess it is simply a random sample of what people actual know vs. the false narrative of the politicians, etc. A very interesting stat is that folks who got flu shots (which are generally totally ineffective and dangerous) are more likely to test positive for the Kung Flu and if elderly with other conditions die with it.
keepitreal, that could have been any variation of the flu though. To top it off testing results in many false positives.

Tommy Tainant, I guess it is simply a random sample of what people actual know vs. the false narrative of the politicians, etc. A very interesting stat is that folks who got flu shots (which are generally totally ineffective and dangerous) are more likely to test positive for the Kung Flu and if elderly with other conditions die with it.
Is that from the authoritative "Science I pulled out of my arse" paper ?
I know of one person who had it. A father-in-law of one of my wife’s college roommates. He was 90, died of a heart attack shortly after being diagnosed with Wuhan. Likely counted as a Wuhan death but likely not a casualty of Wuhan.
I did personally know one friend who died of flu in the past year.
Both cases very sad.
An aunt and an uncle tested positive. Uncle has since passed. Three coworkers family members tested positive. One (male 57) has since passed.
Friend's hubby was on that liner in Japan and had it; no symptoms and his wife didn't catch it. I tested negative a couple of weeks ago. Bastard of a test quite frankly.


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